The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4028 A battle of wits

Yu Wenyan froze and slowly looked towards the light curtain, his whole body was stunned!

All I saw were dots on the light screen, all of which were Agu's ships, and the launch ports seemed to have appeared and locked onto our own ships. The momentum was so powerful that it was chilling...

"What should we do...what should we do now?!" Yu Yu was so frightened that he lost consciousness for a moment and murmured...

If the other party fires thousands of cannons, my small fleet will probably suffer heavy losses. Whether or not I can escape with my life is no longer up to me...

The ship spirit said from the side: "Young Master, now the opponent is behind us and on both sides. The only way out is probably the smoke area in front..."

"Smoke area? It's full of bullets. How can we get there?" Yu Yu screamed.

"Although there are ball bombs, we have already exploded a lot just now. If we follow the route we just shot through, we should still have a way to survive!" the ship spirit said urgently.

"This..." Yu Yu was a little undecided. If he had known this, he would not have launched any counterattack. Although his military exploits were good, they were not something he wanted. If not, he might even end up with his own life. In this situation, It means cutting off one's own escape route...

"Young Master, A Gu wants to talk!" Ship Spirit said.

"Humph, who is talking to him? This old fox!" Yu Yu said angrily.

"Young Master, look!" the ship spirit said suddenly.

"What are you looking at?"

"Light curtain! Light curtain!! Light curtain!!!" the ship spirit said excitedly.

You Yu turned around and saw a line of information printed on the light screen, saying: "You have another way, which is to talk to A Gu and tell him that the Doro Technique is in your fleet, so that he will not dare to confront him. If you carry out the attack and find a way to delay it, the mission fleet will arrive soon!"

"Wow! We are saved!!! Who sent this message?!" Yu Yu asked loudly, ecstatically.

"This... I'm not sure. This information seems to have come in from outside. I don't know who sent it..." Ship Spirit was also confused.

"It doesn't matter so much! The method mentioned in this message is really good. Let's talk to A Gu immediately!" Yu Yu shouted.

"Yes! Young Master, be careful what you say..."

"It's okay, I know what to do now..."

Soon, A Gu appeared on the light screen again. He smiled and said, "Xiao You, why did you turn around and leave without saying a word? You even sent smoke balls to stop me. Could it be that you have some misunderstanding about me?"

You Yu smiled and said: "How can I misunderstand you? It's just that when I was about to go there, I suddenly received a message from my great-grandfather saying that they were behind and asked me to go over and meet him..."

"Oh? Then why did you send smoke balls to stop me?" A Gu asked.

"Then why are you chasing me?" You Yu asked.

"I'm chasing you, so naturally I want to ask you what's going on?"

"Oh? What about now? You exposed the muzzle of the cannon and locked my ship. What on earth is going on?"

"Haha, this is a response to you releasing the smoke ball. Don't you even realize this?" A Gu laughed.

"This... okay, I apologize for the mistake just now. Can you remove all the muzzles now?" Yu Yu softened his tone.

"Xiao Yu, if you want me to remove the muzzle, you must explain why you released smoke balls at me? At least before that, I didn't do anything to you, right? Why are you so hostile to me? What? If there is no reasonable reason, I can only start a war according to interstellar convention!" A Gu snorted.

Yu Wenyan's heart trembled secretly. It seemed that A Gu was already a little impatient. After all, what he had just revealed to him had already made him feel a sense of urgency. He must also know that if he waited until Grandpa's fleet arrived, he himself There is definitely no good fruit to eat...

He must try his best to delay time, and the trump card in his hand is naturally the Doro Technique!

But naturally he would not reveal his trump card so quickly. Now it can be delayed for a while... So he said: "Start a war? I think General Agu also misunderstood me!"

"Oh? How could I misunderstand you again?!" A Gu was slightly startled.

"When I turned around and flew back, I found that your fleet was chasing after you. The ships in front even had their gun muzzles exposed. How could I not be afraid? Of course, I would have to release smoke and ball bombs to block it, so In the final analysis, this matter is caused by misunderstandings and misunderstandings, which led to the current situation, right?" You Yu said.

"Yu Yu, stop making excuses! Don't think that I can't see that you are guilty. What are you feeling guilty about?!" A Gu increased his tone, showing his impatience...


"Huh, let me count to five. If you don't explain, then I'm sorry, I have to fire! One...two...three..."

"Wait! I said it!" Yu Yu shouted loudly.

"Okay, what is it?!"

"Dora Technique!!!"


"Yes, I suspect that the Xiaoduo you mentioned may actually be among the scraps we caught on the road, and it is currently being investigated!" You Yu gritted his teeth.

"Oh my god, you actually caught Xiaoduo as a waste!, you, you..." A Gu was so excited that he couldn't speak...

You Yu was secretly happy in his heart, but he pretended to be frightened and said, "If I knew that he was the person you were looking for, it would be impossible to catch him, but he might be mixed with a bunch of interstellar waste. We He was captured together with the formation, and you also know that it is impossible to distinguish him clearly. Fortunately, we have not thrown him into the crushing area yet. After we find him, we will return him to you!"

After hearing this, A Gu said slowly: "How long will you be looking for?"

"The amount of interstellar waste we captured this time is relatively large. It is really difficult to find one person among them. Please be patient, we will do it as soon as possible!" You Yu said.

"Hmph, my patience is limited. If you can't find him within an hour and return him to us intact, then I can only impose a slight punishment!" A Gu said with a gloomy face.

"Okay, okay! Isn't your Xiaoduo too weak? If he can't save his life in the scrap heap, don't blame me!" Yu Yu countered.

"Impossible! He has a lot of treasures on him. As long as he is not thrown into the crushing zone, nothing will happen to him!" A Gu yelled.

"Okay, since you are so confident, what are you worried about? You can just wait for a while. By the way, who is this Doro Shu? Is he related to the Kanu leader of Tai Lao Black Hole?" Yu Yu said deliberately.

"Hmph, you don't need to know this!" A Gu said coldly.

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me! However, we know you very well. It seems that we have never heard of Doro Shu. Could it be that he is a newcomer who has appeared recently?"

"There are so many people in the cave. No matter how well you know each other, how can you possibly know everyone? Don't waste your time and find Xiaoduo quickly. Then we can restore our previous relationship!" A Gu said.

"Oh? Will you still take me to visit the fun places in the cave?"

"Of course! After I find Xiaoduo, I have completed the mission and have an explanation of the cave. Then of course I can take you to play..."

"Haha, I'm so looking forward to it! But can those cannons of yours be unlocked first? What if they accidentally fire and hit one of our ships, and Xiaoduo happens to be on that ship? Among them, wouldn’t that be a big deal?!” You Yu said with a smile.

"This..." A Gu was stunned. Although this kind of thing sounds a bit unbelievable, sometimes things are so evil, and impossible things happen. So, he pondered for a moment, waved his hand, and ordered to cancel the lock. The muzzles were retracted, but the encircling formation remained unchanged...

"Thank you, General Agum! You really scared me into a serious illness!" Yu Yu said with a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, if you want to avoid getting sick, then do your best and print out the scene of you searching for Xiaoduo so I can take a look!" A Gu said.

"Screen? General, please wait, right now..." Yu Yu communicated with the ship spirit quickly, and quickly produced multiple light screens. The light screens showed the internal spaces of multiple ships. There were indeed many people there at this time. Searching everywhere, holding treasures looking for signs of life in their hands, they were detecting everywhere, and every space was printed with light and shadow images of Doro Technique, so that they could be compared after finding the person...

When A Gu saw this scene, he believed it in his heart. After all, this group of people seemed to have been looking for a while, so he observed carefully and stopped urging...

"Young Master, luckily I followed the instructions in the message and made the arrangements first, otherwise I would have been in trouble!" Ship Spirit said happily.

Yu Yu also felt the same way. In fact, this picture of finding someone was exactly what was prompted in the previous message. He just followed it, but he didn't expect the effect to be achieved. How could the person who sent the message guess? What do you want to see when you go to Agu?

Also, I just asked A Gu to remove the muzzle lock, and I did as he was told, and it worked wonders!

It’s so awesome!

It was only now that Yu Yu realized that he was still too young. Compared with A Gu and the person who sent the message, both his vision and experience were far behind...

"Look, young master, there is information displayed on that light screen again!" the ship spirit reminded.

Yu Yu quickly scanned his consciousness and found the message above and said: "The ball bombs in the smoke area in front have been cleared. If you wait for my order, you can rush over. The mission's fleet is already behind them!"

"Oh!!!" Youyu was ecstatic when he saw it, and he simply didn't know what to say!

As soon as this person takes action, all problems are solved. This method is simply unpredictable...

"A Gu likes to watch young males dance. Find some strong soldiers to dance the clan's earth dance to show him and let him have a good time too!" the message continued.

Yuyi couldn't help but perked up when he saw it, and quickly asked the ship spirit to make arrangements, while he said to Agu: "General Agu, I am idle at this time. I wonder if you have watched my clan's Dance of the Earth? "

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