The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4029 Opportunity to save life

"Dance of the Earth?" A Gu was startled.

"The Dance of the Earth is a dance that our soldiers often perform. It is sometimes performed at large gatherings. It makes people's blood boil when watching it. It is a very good dance to regulate the mood..." Yu Yu introduced seductively.

"Oh? Then let them come and have a look..." A Gu said casually.

Yu Yu quickly brought out a new light curtain and turned it to the maximum, creating a strong visual impact on Aguma!

Aguma didn't care about the Dance of the Earth at first, but at first glance, he was really attracted. The reason is that the dancers are all very eye-catching, good-looking and strong, and their dancing is also professional. The so-called The professional level, of course, refers to the fact that they are all dancers, have good dance skills, and can express the essence of the dance of the earth vividly...

Following his liking, Aguma watched as his interest gradually deepened, and he even clapped a few times and cheered from time to time...

Speaking of this dance of the earth, it is actually a dance that the Tiangang Black Hole tribe must dance when offering sacrifices. This dance has been passed down from ancient times to the present. Not only has it not disappeared, but it has become more and more valued. This is because of the properties of the Tiangang Black Hole. It is soil, and the earth is of great significance to this cave. Since ancient times, people have cultivated, planted, hunted, lived, developed, etc. on various pieces of land in the cave. The earth not only gave birth to all kinds of life, but also provided them with With the abundant nutrients and energy, the development of all the tribes in the cave went smoothly, and the number of terrible disasters was only a handful. Therefore, people admired the so-called earth god extremely, and this earth god was naturally the cave spirit of the Tiangang Black Hole. However, people have not seen the cave spirit in recent years. The reason is attributed to the fact that the cave spirit may be practicing in seclusion or sleeping without anything else...

The dance of the earth is a primitive dance that emphasizes primitiveness, inheritance, struggle and blood. It embodies the precious spirit of life, not fearing hardships, moving forward bravely, opening up new territories, climbing hard, etc. Therefore, when danced, the scene is magnificent. The majestic wind blows in the face and the high momentum makes the blood rush and the heartbeat speed up. For people like A Gu who have just seen this kind of dance, it is undoubtedly more fresh and attractive...

A Gu was quickly brought into the atmosphere of the Tiangang Black Cave Clan's sacrifice by this dance. He was so excited that he almost forgot about looking for the Doro Technique!

Until the ship spirit shouted in his ear: "General, it's bad! Yu Yu's fleet suddenly rushed into the smoke area!"

"What?!" A Gu screamed!

"Yu Yu and the others ran away again! They rushed into the smoke area in front!!!" Ship Spirit shouted emphatically.

"Smoke area?! How is that possible? Isn't it full of spherical bullets?" A Gu said in shock.

"I don't know why, but after they rushed in, there was no explosion in the smoke area..." Jian Ling said curiously.

“Isn’t that reasonable?!!!”

A Gu looked at the pictures of the soldiers who were still dancing. As Yu Yu's fleet moved away, these pictures gradually became more and more blurred, until they finally disappeared...

He stood up suddenly, his face became extremely ugly!

I never expected that this little Yuyu would be so cunning and deceive me again and again. As an old fox-like figure in the universe, I was actually deceived by him twice in a row. If I tell this, my face can be said to be good. It’s all lost!

For A Gu, the issue of face is still a small matter. The most important question now is, is Doro Shu in Yu Yu's fleet?

If not, it doesn't matter. You can let him go and look for Dora Technique elsewhere. But if there is, then you must chase into the smoke area, but staying out of the clouds is a rule of interstellar navigation that must be strictly observed. Moreover, you must What we do know is that the smoke was cast by Yu and the others. They would be fine if they ran in, but that doesn't mean they would be fine if they ran in...

Just when he was in an extremely troubled mood, he suddenly heard the ship spirit saying urgently: "General, it's bad, we seem to have been targeted by someone!!!"

"What?! Being targeted?!" A Gu was shocked!

He quickly checked and found that it was indeed the case.

But the power to lock your own ship comes from your own rear!

"Could it be..." Ah Gu's mind raced, and he quickly thought of a possibility, that is, the mission fleet of the Tiangang Black Hole that Yu Yu mentioned before...

"It should be the Tiangang Clan's mission fleet!" Ship Spirit said with certainty.

At this time, the image of the opponent was already lit up on the multiple light screens in the cabin. Those ships looked exactly like the spaceships of the Tiangang Black Hole Clan, and it could be judged from their appearance that their level was higher than that of Yu Yu. The fleet is much more advanced, and each ship exudes astonishing power...

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." A Gu couldn't help but tremble all over when looking at such a scene, and his face turned pale. He knew that if the opponent fired, his fleet would definitely be finished. After all, the level of the two sides was quite different...

"General, the other party wants to talk!" Ship Spirit said.

"Dialogue?! Okay...Okay, quickly!" Aguma didn't expect that the other party didn't choose to fire at the first time, but wanted to talk. This undoubtedly gave him a chance to survive, and he must seize this opportunity no matter what...

The signal was quickly connected, and the other party was a middle-aged man with a rather elegant appearance. A Gu knew at a glance that he was Zhiyong, because the information on the elders of the Tiangang Black Hole Clan had already been collected. Key figures like Zhiyong were naturally Everyone knows it.

"It turns out to be Brother Zhi! I've admired you for a long time! I'm A Gu!" A Gu said with a smile.

Zhiyong hummed: "Brother A Gu has a very tight-looking face. I wonder where he is from? What's the purpose of coming here?"

"This... I belong to an interstellar business force. They usually make a living elsewhere. This time I came to this starry sky to find a missing member of my force!" A Gu said.

"Oh? Since we were looking for missing persons, why did we lock the fleet of Master Hondong and almost open fire?" Zhiyong asked.

"Ah?! It turns out that the fleet before was Master Guidong's fleet?! Oh my God, if I had known this, how could I have been rude to it?"

A Gu shouted with an exaggerated expression, and then said: "Brother Zhi doesn't know something. The reason why we intercepted Young Master Guidong's fleet is because the blood reaction of our missing person appeared in his fleet. , we are looking for people, so we stopped them for questioning..."

"Oh? Is there a blood reaction of the missing person?" Zhiyong was slightly startled!

"That's true! Even now, our bloodline sensor still shows a response. If you don't believe me, please take a look with your own eyes, Brother Zhi!" A Gu said, and asked the ship spirit to place the image of the bloodline sensor on the screen of the conversation between the two. …

Zhiyong took a closer look and found that this was indeed the case. The bloodline sensor was designed quite delicately, and the reaction of the bloodline could be clearly seen. There were also many pointers. At this time, almost all the pointers were pointing to the smoke area, in that direction. It is where Yu Yu's small fleet is located. As Yu Yu's fleet gradually approaches the mission, the pointer is still changing subtly...

"So that's it. Is there a misunderstanding?" Zhiyong said "suddenly".

"Exactly! It's just a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! Brother Zhi can ask the young master later. I heard him say that he collected some scraps on the road, and maybe some life was mixed in them, so he is sending people to help search in the cabin. , I saw that he was helping us find people, so I immediately canceled the cannon and stopped targeting them!" A Gu said repeatedly.

Zhiyong nodded and said: "Okay, he will arrive soon. After we confront each other, if nothing happens, we can cancel the lock on you, but..."

"But what?!" A Gu asked quickly.

"As an interstellar business force, you should say hello to us when you come to our starry sky. Why don't you even understand this rule?" Zhiyong said with a straight face.

"This...Brother Zhi, please forgive me. It's all my fault for being eager to seek people's hearts. I barged in without saying hello to you, and almost had a conflict with you young masters. Damn it! Damn it!!!" A Gu said with a heartbroken expression...

Zhiyong waved his hand and said: "Since it was an unintentional mistake, it is not offensive. I wonder what the name of your business force is? Where does it come from? Where is the starry sky where it usually operates?"

"This...we are Rong Baoxing, from Jianyang Black Cave. We usually move around the large areas of Jianyang Black Cave and Sishui Black Cave. As for this time, it's because the grandson of the owner of our bank escaped for some unknown reason. We came here to play, and we have lost contact for a long time. The owner was anxious and sent me to lead people here to search. In fact, we have just arrived here not long ago, and we don’t even know where the starry sky is here, let alone Say hello to the owner of this starry sky..." A Gu Kankan said.

"Oh? Brother A Gu is a little bit off, right?" Zhiyong snorted.

A Gu was startled and said suspiciously: "I wonder what I said is wrong?"

"You said that you have just arrived in this starry sky, and you don't even know who the owner is here. Then why can you say my name? We have never met before, right?"

"Ah, this... Brother Zhi doesn't know. Before we came here, we met people from the Thai Black Hole, and they pointed us here to look for it! And of course I know that to come to this starry sky, we need to be with this starry sky. The master said hello, so he asked them by the way and got some information, which naturally included Brother Zhi! With Brother Zhi’s famous name, who wouldn’t know about it?” A Gu complimented.

"Haha, hahahahaha...Brother A Gu said that I seem to be known to everyone in the world. How is this possible? Well, I wonder what products and services your Rongbaoxing Company provides? You might as well tell me..."

"Okay, Brother Zhi, please wait a moment. I'll have someone bring some of our products right away for Brother Zhi to appreciate..."

A Gu smiled with tears on his face, but his heart kept shaking, because the other party never canceled the cannon, and he had just woken up. He told You Yu that he was a Thai black hole man, and now he told Zhi Yong that he was an interstellar business force. It was really I'm so anxious that my mind is almost confused...

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