The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4508 Synthetic Materials

Zhuge Shang quickly glanced at these three locations, pondered for a moment, and said: "There may be problems with the starry sky tree and the starry sky clamshell, so we should choose the meteorite area!"

"Meteorite area? Master, are you sure?" the ship spirit asked suspiciously.

"Without a doubt!"


The boat quickly flew towards a meteorite area in the starry sky...

If anyone else knew about this choice, Zhuge Shang would probably be fooled by Zhuge Shang. Why would he go to a meteorite area instead of mooring the big trees and clam shells?

First question, is there a place to park in the meteorite area?

Don’t tell me, there really is!

I saw the small boat moving flexibly among the rocks in the starry sky. The scene looked quite thrilling from a distance, but in fact it was not like that, because in the vast starry sky, the distance scale is very different from what we usually see. Maybe when we observe on the ground, we will find that the meteorites in the starry sky are extremely dense, and collisions are possible at almost any time. But when we actually come to the meteorite area, we will find that the distance between meteorites is actually very large, and the probability of collision is Yes, but it is not as big as imagined. Moreover, the movement of these meteorites has certain rules. Most of them will move along a specific trajectory, and the speed will not differ much. In this case, collision will not occur. .

Of course, if a change occurs, collisions will naturally occur, but this can be avoided in advance through monitoring.

After a flight, the boat locked onto the largest meteorite and slowly landed on it...

If this meteorite were placed on the planet, it would be almost equivalent to a large small land mass. Even if such a meteorite collides in this area, it will only crush others, and there is no possibility of being crushed by others. It will also absorb the small meteorites around it and make it its own, constantly strengthening itself...

Hiding in this place, Zhuge Shang felt very safe. This was also his unique spiritual sense as a senior diviner. As for the starry sky tree and clam shell mentioned by the ship spirit before, he did not want to believe that they would behave obediently. Allow yourself to park without causing trouble…

When he clicked on the system, he saw many messages sent to him by Dugu Chen. Almost all of them were sent by Xiu Alliance, mainly about the situation of Wanyu Star Xuan Zhong and the current progress of the Sky Vault Space World.

Zhuge Shang quickly digested this information. With his current brain power, it is impossible to imagine Li Yun and Xiaoxing grabbing all the information of a planet in an instant, but the speed is also unimaginable for ordinary people, including Now that these powerful people in the astral realm are included, their brain operation speed cannot catch up with his current speed even if they chase him.

Soon, Zhuge Shang had a more detailed understanding of the interior of the sky world. At the same time, he also received a reply from Huang Jiuxiao, which mentioned to him the location of Zhong Xuanxin he discovered last time!

This information was extremely important. As if he had found a treasure, Zhuge Shang quickly locked the location and observed it carefully. Finally, he determined that this was where Zhong Xuanxin, the fairy, usually stationed most often!

In other words, Zhuge Shang has now locked the core of the sky space world!

At this time, the main figures in the alliance were waiting for Zhuge Shang to give orders, and all of them had serious expressions on their faces...

At the same time, they are also waiting for information from Sha Yao and Munro. One is about the new helmet, and the other is about the poison of the Poison Tribe. Both of these things are crucial to this operation and are indispensable. So there is absolutely no chance of an accident happening.

Since Zhong Xuanxin's subtle body of spiritual consciousness has long since receded, and Tian Suozi can monitor the isolation formation at any time, now everyone dares to discuss it out loud again.

Looking at the light and shadow from the Yaoqi Sect, everyone's mood has climbed from the previous low state to an excited state. This is all brought about by Duan Shengong's performance!

Everyone was shocked when they saw the cobalt material created by Duan Shengong with the Tianyao Meteor Hammer!

Even Tiansuozi's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he saw...

As a master of formations, he has a deeper understanding of materials than anyone else.

The cobalt spirits in front of him were exactly the materials he had dreamed of obtaining countless times. Unfortunately, they were still unobtainable after searching for them. However, such cobalt spirits were actually born from Duan Shengong's hammer!

"Xiao Chen, can you place an order with Duan Shengong? We want as much of this cobalt essence as he has!

! Tian Suozi said excitedly.

"Master, are you sure how much you can ask for?" Dugu Chen asked.

"This..." Tian Suozi was startled, speechless and speechless...

If you think about it carefully, even if Duan Shengong is willing to sell, I'm afraid he really can't afford it!

Because such cobalt essence is absolutely priceless. It is impossible to find natural cobalt essence in the Dayan world that can reach this level of refining, but rely on manpower?

Tiansuozi is absolutely certain that currently, except for Duan Shengong, no one else can do this, not even Sha Yao's promotion to the Star Emperor realm.

In fact, everyone present could see that Duan Shengong's ability to refine cobalt essence to this extent was probably related to his hammer in addition to his own weapon-refining skills.

Of course, as Duan Shengong's magic weapon, that hammer can only exert such a powerful effect with his weapon refining skills, directly smashing a pile of semi-finished mineral materials into refined cobalt essence!

Dugu Chen continued: "According to Duan Shengong's calculation just now, Yaoqi Sect currently does not have much high-grade cobalt ore, and the current reserves are not enough to support the needs of this new helmet. Therefore, the Xiu Alliance must now help him Look for cobalt ore and other high-grade ores, otherwise this mission may not be completed!"

"Is that so?!" Erqiuzi, Tiansuozi and others were stunned upon hearing this!

They were all excited just now, but now they suddenly turned into bitter faces. Unexpectedly, the difficulties came one after another. As soon as they solved one, another one came immediately...

Fortunately, the Xiu Alliance has been preparing for the war with the Demon Realm over the years, so when it comes to those high-grade ores, Erqiuzi still knows a lot about it. He immediately asked Dakan to take charge of the matter personally and let him deliver it. ore!

Dakan is also a Star Emperor now, and it is impossible for him to do such dirty work under normal circumstances, but now this matter is extremely important. If something unexpected happens along the way, the loss will be great, so he can understand it and leave immediately. I went to place an order for delivery...

At this time, everyone saw Sha Yao coming out of the cave where he had meditated on the new formation...

"Duan Xiaoyou, this new formation is too powerful, I'm afraid it will be difficult for our helmets to integrate into it..." Sha Yao said.


! "

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly saw the pile of shiny cobalt materials, and he quickly moved over to check. Soon he became excited and said, "Who made this?! With such materials, it is necessary to fuse this new There will be no problem with the formation!”

Upon hearing this, Heishi, Yutian, Sha Chongyuan and others all turned their attention to Duan Shengong...

Sha Yao understood immediately and said in surprise: "Duan Xiaoyou, did you refine this?"

"Yes! These refined materials can be used as the main structure of the helmet..." Duan Shengong said.

Sha Yao nodded, but still said with some hesitation: "According to our sect's high-grade ore reserves, it is far from being able to meet the demand of the Xiu Alliance this time. This is a bit troublesome..."

"Senior, I have informed the Xiu Alliance about this matter, and the Xiu Alliance has sent Emperor Dakan to transport the ore!" Duan Shengong said calmly.


! "Everyone screamed and were stunned!

What kind of magical speed is this? Duan Shengong didn't see any action just now, but he actually passed the information to the Xiu Alliance, and the Xiu Alliance responded so quickly that they actually asked Emperor Dakan to deliver the goods?

The magic and weirdness of things make it difficult for these people to understand and accept...

Sha Yao was also stunned for a while and said: "Duan Xiaoyou, how did you notify the Xiu Alliance? This place is far away from the Xiu Alliance. Even if you use the fastest letter talisman, it will take at least a month to go back and forth!"

"Senior, there is no need to doubt that I do have a way to notify the Xiu Alliance in time. Moreover, they are all watching the situation in our smelting field. Every move here is happening under the eyes of the Xiu Alliance. Therefore, seniors, please pay attention. Just build it, because whether the new helmet can be successfully built is related to the life and death of the entire alliance, we must speed up!" Duan Shengong said.

"This... are you sure they are all watching?!" Sha Yao asked emphatically.

"Incredibly sure!"

"Okay! Don't be distracted anymore, let's start work immediately!

! Sha Yao shouted loudly.


! "Everyone responded in unison and started working without any distractions...

Duan Shengong and Sha Yao are also communicating quickly here. The most important problem now is the lack of materials. Even after Duan Shengong learned about the amount of materials that Xiu Alliance can deliver, he felt that the gap was still a bit big!

"Senior, the quantity is far from enough. With the current amount of ore, we can make up to 10,000 new helmets, but the demand is at least 100,000!

! "Duan Shengong said.

"This... I will let the people in the sect go to other sects to search for it! But it is estimated that we can make up to 10,000 more. After all, the strength of other sects is limited, and it is not easy to find so many..." Sha Yao said.

Duan Shengong nodded and said, "There is a way that may allow us to complete the mission!"

"What method?!" Sha Yao asked urgently.

"Senior, have you ever heard of synthetic materials?" Duan Shengong asked.

"Synthetic material? What kind of material is that?" Sha Yao was startled.

"For example, some materials have different properties, but when several materials are fused together, we finally get another new material. This new material is called a synthetic material!" Duan Shengong explained.

"That's it..." Sha Yao said suddenly, his eyes lit up. Speaking of synthetic materials, he was actually not unfamiliar with it. It was just that there was no such name before. In practical applications, he had already used it in the previous weapon refining process. , he often mixes several materials together for refining, and finally refines a good magic weapon. In the final analysis, it has the effect of complementary attributes and bonuses...

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