The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4509 Sha Yao panicked

He waved his hand casually, and dozens of treasures appeared around him. They were sparkling with crystal light and filled with treasure energy. He said proudly: "Look, these magic weapons are all made by me by combining various materials..."

Duan Shengong glanced around and observed with his spiritual consciousness, and said: "Senior, these magic weapons are made using a variety of materials. Each material plays a big role in it. Some of them are close to what I said. synthetic materials, but if you distinguish them carefully, you can still distinguish their true colors. For example, this crown uses one hundred and eight kinds of materials, this sword uses forty-six kinds of materials, and this wind and fire gourd uses Twenty-six kinds of materials…”

Sha Yao nodded frequently at first, but the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Duan Shengong actually explained all the ingredients in each magic weapon in this short period of time, and there was nothing wrong at all!



He unconsciously opened his mouth so wide that he could hardly close it...

When the people in the main hall of Xiu Alliance saw this scene, they all looked at each other with shock on their faces!

But I heard Duan Shengong continue: "However, the refining method of senior is still fundamentally different from the synthetic materials I just mentioned!"

"Oh? What's the difference?!" Sha Yao came back to his senses and asked urgently.

"Senior's refining method is actually a mixture of materials, not a true synthesis!"

“So what does synthesis really look like?”

"Mixing and refining two or more materials, using the fusion and reaction between their characteristic molecules, to finally generate a new material. Note that what is mentioned here is a new material, because it is completely new Material, so when it is used to refine magic weapons, others cannot tell what original materials it is made of, unless they also use this synthesis method to synthesize this new material. Only then can they recognize it..." Duan Shengong explained.

"It turns out to be a brand new material? Will their original characteristics be lost?" Sha Yao asked in surprise.

"This needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. The properties of some original materials will not change, but will be strengthened or weakened, while others will undergo transformations, even completely opposite transformations. In short, after synthesis, we need to New materials are retested to determine their properties and uses..." Duan Shengong said.

"This..." Sha Yao was confused when he heard this, but subconsciously he felt that this matter was extremely important, perhaps important enough to drive him crazy. When he thought of this, his body was so excited that he could not help but tremble...

Duan Shengong smiled to himself when he saw Sha Yao like this. I'm afraid this is the first time that this great emperor in the world of weapon refining has come into contact with synthetic materials, right?

No wonder he is so excited, but if this situation were placed in the astrological world, even a three-year-old child might know about it...

Like the fusion situations that Sha Yao encountered when refining weapons before, there are actually cases of synthesis, but the weapon refining community in Dayan Realm is not aware of this. They just think that this is a natural phenomenon. Some weapon refining The teacher even treated this situation as a personal secret and hid it from others.

However, precisely because they did not study this phenomenon in depth, the synthesis of materials only occurred at a superficial level, and they did not thoroughly synthesize various materials into brand-new materials for use. Various original materials still retain their original characteristics. original characteristics, so this fusion is at best just a mixed use of materials.

Duan Shengong had already discovered this after traveling through many sects in the Tianye Star Territory during this period. Simply put, the level of weapon refining here is still in its infancy compared with the Xingyun World. Although there are some High-level weapon refiners, but they often rely on personal experience to refine weapons, rather than delving into the more subtle and magical aspects of the weapon refining process!

With the current level of forging in the Xingyun world, any item you take out will be a magical existence here. Even a great master of weapon refining like Sha Yao cannot understand...

Duan Shengong took out a piece of material with a thick metallic luster, handed it to Sha Yao and said, "Senior, let's take a look at this piece of material..."

Sha Yao took it and took a look,

As soon as he weighed it, his eyes suddenly lit up. He could immediately conclude that this material was definitely top-notch material, but what kind of material was it? Is it innate in nature, or is it created by manpower?

After looking over and over several times, Sha Yao didn't dare to make a conclusion and asked helplessly: "Little friend, this piece of material is..."

"This is called titanium alloy. It is made from titanium ore raw materials and various other materials using a certain refining method. It has a very special property, that is, no matter how you toss it, it will have It has infinite ductility, and if it is not intentionally knotted or fixed, it can return to its original shape after bending and deformation!" said Duan Shengong.

"Titanium alloy? It can actually recover its shape on its own?! Are you sure there is no weapon spirit inside?" Sha Yao asked in surprise.

"Of course not! This ability to restore its shape on its own is one of its characteristics, just like ice making it cold and fire making it hot..."

"You mean, it has infinite ductility? What does this extension...mean?"

"Senior, please look!"

Duan Shengong threw the material in the air and used the power of his spiritual consciousness to pull the material in all directions. As a result, countless threads were pulled out of the material and continued to extend far away. It is still extending until the whole piece of material slowly becomes smaller. What is shocking is that such a small piece of material can actually pull out a huge umbrella, filling the sky of the entire smelting site!

During this process, everyone can see the magic of this titanium alloy material. Not only can it be extended infinitely, it can also be stretched endlessly!

This alone makes people covet it. If his magic weapon also has such characteristics, wouldn't it mean that he becomes an invincible little strongman?

Also, if you use this material to create a large net, I'm afraid nothing can escape from it, because the net will not disconnect or break at all...

Sha Yao, Yu Tian and others looked at the metal mesh that suddenly appeared in the sky. They felt that the surroundings were a little unreal. They all used their spiritual senses to try to pull it, and found that this mesh was really there!

Everyone is confused...

"Senior, just wait and see..." Duan Shengong reminded.

Everyone stared closely, and gradually realized something. After Duan Shengong relaxed his consciousness, the huge silk screen gradually shrank by itself, and continued to converge towards Duan Shengong's hand. Finally, the big net disappeared. , restored to the shape of the original piece of material!

Wo wo wo wo…

Everyone was in an uproar. Looking at the piece of titanium alloy, their mouths were almost watering...

Sure enough, as Duan Shengong said, this piece of titanium alloy has the miraculous ability to self-recover. This ability is really enviable, but we don’t know how it was refined...

Sha Yao was so excited that he trembled all over, wishing to snatch this piece of material from Duan Shengong's hand. Unfortunately, so many people were watching, and the people who cultivated the alliance were also watching. If he, a great emperor, wanted to snatch a junior The materials on hand would be a shame!

"Little friend, how was this piece of titanium alloy made? Can you reveal the specific making method? Don't worry, I will definitely give you adequate reward!" Sha Yao said anxiously.

Duan Shengong smiled and said: "With the level of weapon refining you have here, this kind of alloy cannot be refined even if I tell you how to make it. Moreover, now is not the time to use it. What we need is a relatively low-level one." Materials to be used in the refining of this new helmet."

"What?! You mean it's too high-end? You can't even use a new helmet?!" Sha Yao said in astonishment.

"It's not to say how advanced it is, but the new helmet really doesn't use it yet. As for advanced materials, there are many more advanced materials than this titanium alloy, but those materials are far beyond the scope of your understanding. For a while, I can't explain it clearly to you at this time..." Duan Shengong smiled.

Sha Yao's face immediately turned red when he heard this. He didn't expect that he, a star emperor and a master of weapon refining, would be degraded to such an extent by a human child. He actually said that he couldn't even understand the materials. This was really unacceptable. Got it!

"Little friend, tell me what other advanced materials there are, and see if I can't even understand them as you said?" Sha Yao said unconvinced.

"Senior...are you sure you want to see this?"

"Watch it!" Sha Yao said fiercely.

Duan Shengong thought for a while, then took out a self-defense pistol. Note that this gun was not a laser gun, but a more ordinary bullet pistol. Then he poured out a bullet from the magazine and handed it to Sha Yao: "Senior, tell me what this is?"

Sha Yao was stunned when he took the bullet. He found that the object in his hand was completely integrated and seamless. From the outside, it looked like a small cone, but what exactly was it, what was it used for, and how was it made? He was confused about everything and couldn't figure it out at all!

At this time, he began to panic. He was still unconvinced before and wanted to prove his eyesight, but when he saw the gun and the cone protruding from the gun handle, he had no idea what they were. What a treasure, let alone what materials these two things are made of and what their characteristics are...

Duan Shengong reminded from the side: "Senior, you can try it..."

"Yes..." Sha Yao suddenly understood, and quickly held the bullet with his spiritual consciousness and moved it in the air. He also tried to penetrate into it, but what shocked him was that even though he now possessed the imperial power, his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate at all. Among the bullets, what shocked him even more was that his consciousness could not see anything on the appearance of the object. No matter how hard he tried, what he saw in his consciousness was the same, without any flaws. There are no scratches or any traces of craftsmanship, as if it was conceived by nature, but Sha Yao knows that such a perfect item is impossible to appear in nature...

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