The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 616: Flame Dragon Catastrophe

"I...I...transformed for you, of course it is my duty! What's so surprising to you? However, you must swear an oath of secrecy before you can get out of here." Lei Xiang gritted his teeth and said, his face as if he had a fever.

"Of course... don't worry, I will keep it a secret!" Huo Meier said immediately.

Such a thing is also a shocking event for the Dragon Clan. Huo Meier naturally understood this and immediately swore a solemn oath not to leak the secret.

However, the shock that Lei Xiang's transformation caused to her was truly unparalleled. Her heart was pounding and could not calm down for a long time.

As Ling Yunxuan said, transformation is not an easy thing. If the love is not extremely intense, it would not be possible. Many people from the Dragon or Phoenix clan may never transform in their lives.

Once it happens, it will bring great benefits to the transformed person. It can promote the balance of male and female factors in the body, stabilize the environment in the body, and greatly improve the cultivation qualifications.

It can be seen that transformation is precious and rare. But now, listening to Lei Xiang's words, it is obvious that he has changed. Huo Meier suddenly felt a surge of incomparable envy in her heart.

Many people want to improve their cultivation qualifications through transformation, but they are unable to find a suitable partner, because although the dragon and phoenix tribes are hermaphrodites, each individual has its own outstanding side. Generally speaking, opposite sexes The objects of admiration are those of the opposite sex.

For example, Huo Meier fell in love with Lei Xiang and pursued her from the dragon world to the human world. Unfortunately, the goddess had feelings for him but King Xiang didn't. Lei Xiang fell in love with Li Yun for some unknown reason.

This situation can only make Huo Meier shed tears, bite her silver teeth, cry out for help, and almost hate Li Yun.

However, Huo Meier knew that if she caught up with Lei Xiang, she would be doomed to be unable to transform and experience the magical effect of dragon transformation, a higher bloodline.

"Little luck...little your charm so powerful that it can make a genius like Lei Xiang be fascinated by you and willingly transform for you?!"

There are thousands of knots in her heart. Huo Meier is tangled. What makes her even more frightened is that her ancestor Huo Mantian has no immunity to Li Yun. Now the shadow and poems of Li Yun are in her mind all day long. , and the great elder Huo Shaotian also knew about Li Yun somehow, and the result was of course disappointing. Just like Huo Mantian last time, he was almost in a state of madness.

Of course, there are also her father Huo Qingjue and uncle Huo Qingpo...

Thinking of this, Huo Mei'er sighed quietly and said: "Brother Xiang, congratulations! After your transformation, your cultivation qualifications will definitely be greatly improved! However, you don't know that now not only the great elder Huo Shaotian, but also my father My uncle and I were also obsessed with good luck, and the dragon ketone disaster occurred, and the situation was quite critical."

"What?! You mean Huo Qingjue and Huo Qingpo? How could they know about you, sir?!" Lei Xiang was shocked when he heard this.

"Alas, I only found out after my ancestor and I urgently returned to the Yanlong Realm from the Thunder Dragon Realm. Uncle Qingpo became obsessed with the little luck after seeing the information he collected about the little luck while the ancestor was ill. Fortunately, his cultivation level is still low, so the problem of dragon ketone is not a big problem. But my ancestor almost went crazy last time, and my father..."

"What's wrong with Huo Qingjue?!"

"He...he..." Huo Meier muttered, unable to speak for a moment.

At that time, after Huo Qingjue was raped by Huo Mantianlun, he asked everyone in the palace to swear an oath to keep it secret, but Huo Meier did not take the oath.

It's just a verbal agreement, it doesn't count.

But how can I say this?

"I know!" Lei Xiang said proudly.

"Oh? What do you know?" Huo Meier asked curiously.

"He must have discovered the adult information collected by Huo Mantian, and ended up being tricked too!"

"I didn't expect that a nigger like you can be smart sometimes. Yes, that's how he became obsessed with luck. As a result, the power of dragon ketone has exploded, and even the Nine-turn Evil-Repelling Pill can hardly suppress it! If he really goes crazy..."

"Hmph, if he really goes crazy, he will have to be destroyed by your ancestors, right?!"


When Huo Meier heard this, she couldn't control the panic in her heart and burst into tears.

"Okay, okay! Why are you crying? This kind of thing is a big disaster for you Yanlong clan, but it is a piece of cake for adults. You can go back after taking the medicine! However, these people are called Don't come looking for this guy in the future, otherwise you'll be responsible for the consequences!" Lei Xiang snorted.

He threw a storage bag over, which contained more than a dozen bottles of special elixirs.

Huo Mei'er took it and after a moment of sensing, she realized that it was the pill she had brought back last time. She was so happy that she burst into tears and said, "Thank you for your luck! Thank you for your brother Xiang! Thank you for that..."

"Thank you for what?! Why don't you leave quickly?! It's important to save people!!!" Lei Xiang shouted.

"This... thank you Brother Xiang! I brought these spiritual crystals here, so I will put them all here. If they are not enough, I will bring more next time..."

As Huo Meier spoke, she took out a spiritual ring, which contained a hundred low-grade spiritual crystals.

"Hmph, how can this little spiritual crystal be enough to pay for the medicine? Huo Mantian is still an ancestor, so he is so stingy in taking action?" Lei Xiang teased.

"What?! I saw in the Thunder Dragon Realm that one bottle of these pills is less than one low-grade spiritual crystal? Some of them are just a few top-grade spiritual stones."

Huo Meier was shocked when she heard this. She didn't expect that the elixir on hand was so expensive. She originally thought that getting one hundred low-grade spiritual crystals this time was a lot, and it could also supplement the cost of the teleportation array.

"The ones you see are ordinary new elixirs. The price is naturally not too high, and ordinary people can afford it. But this elixir for you is a special elixir for treating great powers. If Huo Shaotian and Huo Qingjue don't have How can there be any hope of healing with such an elixir? How much do you think this elixir is worth?"

"This...I understand, thank you...little luck! Brother Xiang!" Huo Meier's face turned red and she muttered.

"Don't call me Mr. Luck from now on. It's best to call him Mr. Yun Zun!" Lei Xiang said loudly.

"Lord Yun Zun?!" Huo Meier was startled.

"Of course! With your ability, how can you not be a respected person? Besides, if you call him Xiao Yun, then who am I? Xiao Xiao Xiang?"

"Okay... okay! Thank you, Mr. Yun Zun! Thank you, Brother Xiang! I will definitely bring more spiritual crystals next time I come." Huo Meier said helplessly.

"Next time?! Immediately destroy all the information they have about you, otherwise, more and more people will be tricked! Your medicine can't always be given away for free like this." Lei Xiang snorted.

"Yes...yes! When I came, it was already destroyed, but the things in these people's minds cannot be destroyed..."

"Haha, let them ask for their own blessings!" Lei Xiang laughed.

Driving Huo Meier into the super teleportation array, the array quickly calculated the coordinates of the Yanlong Realm, and teleported her out with a flash of white light.

"This woman is so annoying... Huo Mantian, Huo Shaotian, Huo Qingjue, Huo Qingpo... It's so miserable, there are really more and more..." Lei Xiang's face changed slightly and he murmured.

The figures flashed, but Li Yun and Lei Dong appeared.

"Sir!" Lei Xiang shouted in shock.

"Haha, Xiaoxiangxiang, why are there more and more?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"This... haha, big brother, how did it feel just now? Come on, let me see, don't be embarrassed..."

When Lei Xiang saw Lei Dong, he realized what he was doing and immediately went over to take off his robe.

"Don't! Don't!" Lei Dong shouted urgently, his face turning red.

"What? I've already shown it to you, but you still won't show it to me? Isn't this an obvious way to make me suffer?"

Lei Xiang rushed forward and pulled off Lei Dong's robe. As expected, six pairs of small red dots appeared on his chest, as red as blood.

"Haha, not bad, very good, so beautiful!" Lei Xiang praised repeatedly, his mouth almost watering down.


Lei Dong screamed and quickly snatched it back, his face extremely panicked and his heart beating wildly.

"Sir, isn't eldest brother beautiful after his transformation?" Lei Xiang asked with saliva on his face.

"Of course...beautiful! So beautiful! I feel pity for you..."

"Haha, are you as beautiful as me?"

"This... you are all beautiful, it is simply a disaster to the country and the people..."

"Really?!" they both asked.

"More real than pearls!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"Okay, let's send Xiao Dongdong back first. You must be careful and don't let down your guard just because you have been back and forth many times..."

"I understand, little slave! Don't worry, sir!" Lei Dong saluted quickly.

"Haha, Huo Mei'er also brought these spiritual crystals for you. If you need anything, just go and spend them!"

Li Yun transferred the spiritual ring left by Huo Meier to Lei Dong.

"How can this be done? Such a generous gift, little slave..." Lei Dong quickly declined.

A hundred spiritual crystals were nothing to Li Yun, but to Lei Dong it was a huge sum of money. At this time, his heart was pounding, how could he dare to accept it?

"Xiao Dongdong, don't I pamper you, sir? Don't you even want the gifts?"

"Small slave...accept it! Thank you, sir!" Lei Dong said excitedly.

"That's right! Okay, let's go back!"

"Yes! Sir!"

A flash of white light flashed, and Lei Dong was teleported back to the Thunder Dragon Realm.

"Sir, the Yanlong clan is really troublesome. Those four guys are all thinking about you, sir. What should we do?" Lei Xiang asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'm hiding now. Even if they come, they can't find me."

"No, Huo Mantian and Huo Shaotian are dragon masters, Huo Qingjue is the dragon king, and Huo Qingpo is the dragon commander. They have extremely high cultivation levels, so they are all likely to find themselves here."

"They can't come in their own form. At most they can send a clone. With this clone, we have more ways to deal with them."

"That's not necessarily true, Xiang Ling Yunxuan is here in his true form!" Lei Xiang said suspiciously.

"He came in his true form because Xiaoxuan's clone reported the situation here to him. It's impossible for these powerful beings to just send out their true bodies. But..."

"But what?!"

"It was important to save people before, but I didn't consider this. The medicine I gave them was just enough to allow them to control the power of dragon ketone and release their true bodies. In this case, we can't rule out the possibility of their true bodies coming over..." Li Yun thought.



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