"Yes! Your Excellency was so generous to them before!" Lei Xiang sighed.

"Forget it, if soldiers come to block it and water comes, the soil will flood us. There are always more solutions than difficulties! In the worst case, we will hide. No one can find me in this space." Li Yun said.


"Of course! Look, with the power of this super teleportation array, it has no impact on this space at all, and it can't be sensed by the outside world at all. Doesn't this prove it?"

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! With such power, without the protection of this space, a large area of ​​the outside world would have been shattered!" Lei Xiang agreed.

"Exactly. So don't worry. As long as they don't go to Qingyuanmen to cause trouble and just come to me, there is no need to worry."

The two flashed back to Lei Cha Corner, where Lei Xiang pestered Li Yun and asked about Lei Dong's performance just now.

"Haha, of course I won't tell you..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir, just tell me this, my eldest brother is such a conservative person, but he can be so fascinated by you that he changes his body. Even I am infinitely curious..." Lei Xiang said with saliva on his face.

"What's so surprising about this? Feng Zun has already fallen, let alone him?" Li Yun said proudly.

"Haha, sir, let me show him like that..."

"No! Think about it, if I showed him your appearance, would you be happy?"

"Of course... I'm not happy about that..." Lei Xiang said with a smile, his face turning red.

"That's right, don't make such a request in the future. But can you let me take a good look at it now?"

"What do you want to see, sir?" Lei Xiang's dark face turned red.

"You still ask? Take it off now!"

"This... adults can watch it if they want, but I have to let the slave transform again..."

"You?! OK... OK!" Li Yun gritted his teeth.

With this test, he knew that Lei Xiang had no idea that he had previously checked his transformation status with his spiritual consciousness, which showed that the master-slave relationship mentioned by Xiaoxing was indeed a one-way detection, and the master could check the slave at will. , and the slave not only cannot check his master back, but he doesn't even know that he has been checked by his master.

After finally getting rid of the thunder, he returned to Lingxian Peak. After thinking about it carefully, he found that the hidden danger of Yanlong was still quite serious.

After these people take the special elixir, they will definitely be able to free themselves like Huo Mantian, and they will have the possibility to come here at any time in the future.

"In the final analysis, it's all the fault of calligraphy..." Li Yun sighed.

Instead of practicing calligraphy, just take out a Yaoqin and play it casually...

At the border between Daxia and Dayue, the atmosphere was extremely tense at this time. Even the chirping of insects and frogs seemed to be inaudible, and there seemed to be a bleak sound in the wind.

The Daxia coalition forces were ready to go, and Dayue's side was also frequently mobilized.

Dayue Cultivation Zone is close to some immortal sects in Daxia. At this time, the leaders are gathered in the "Yuyong Hall" of Yuyongmen. The leader is Xu Yue's senior brother Xu Yin, a genius at the eighth level of Nascent Soul!

I saw him wearing a blue robe, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, a broad forehead and square face, a smooth complexion, a short mustache and a curly beard. He has a strong body, wide shoulders and narrow waist, and is extremely fit.


It seemed that his beard and hair were a little messy, presumably because no one had taken care of him for a while. He looked slightly worried and sat in the main seat without saying a word.

A fat monk in yellow robes in the hall stood up and said: "Senior Xu, the missing great masters of each faction have not returned. Their strength has been greatly reduced, and the coalition forces of Daxia have already attacked us. What should we do?!"

This person is Ji Yan, the head of the Kuangfeng Sect, and his cultivation has reached the ninth level of the Golden Core. The ancestors of the Kuangfeng Sect also disappeared forever in the last incident, resulting in the current strength of the sect being drastically reduced, which made Ji Yan feel so stressed that he couldn't help but speak first.

"Yes, what Brother Ji said makes sense! Come up with a solution!"

"Senior Xu, it's all up to you now!"

"Senior, please keep our peace no matter what..."

"That's right..."

The rest of the people joined in agreement, and for a moment, the mood was raging.

Xu Yin slowly raised his head, scanned his consciousness, and found that the cultivation of the people below were basically in the Golden Core. He was the only one left with Nascent Soul, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart!

How can such strength withstand the Great Xia coalition forces? !

With the combat power shown by the Great Xia Allied Forces, even if they could suppress the situation, they would be outnumbered and unable to defeat the four-handed force with just two fists. It might be possible to protect the Yuyong Sect, but it would be impossible to protect the safety of all the sects.

At this time, I couldn't help but think of my junior brother Xu Yue, who had the cultivation level of the fifth level of Nascent Soul, but he was also missing. This sounded unbelievable!

Moreover, Xu Yue can be said to be the person closest to him, and the depth of his feelings is beyond words. At this time, his heart is really painful.

If I had known better, I would not have messed with this little Daxia. I thought it was a flower that was easily available, but unexpectedly it turned out to be thorny. Now it has turned into a tiger and is coming to plunder it!

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed a lot of talismans flying in from outside, but they were looking for various sects in the palace.

"No! Our Kuangfeng Sect was attacked by the Great Xia Allied Forces!" Ji Yan exclaimed.

"My drizzle door was also attacked!!"

"And my giant stone door!!!"

"Broken wooden door!!!"


Exclamations came and went, and figures rushed out. Soon the hall was half empty, and the rest were not calm anymore, and they all said goodbye to Xu Yin and left.


Xu Yin murmured, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The Daxia coalition forces adopted a surprise attack strategy, but attacking so many Dayue sects at the same time was simply too much contempt for their opponents!

It is definitely not a wise move to lay out such a long front.

He immediately summoned his disciples and came to the formation to observe carefully. He found that although the Daxia Allied Forces surrounded Yuyong Gate, they were obviously concerned about him, the eighth level of Nascent Soul, and did not take a surprise attack. Instead, they took the perimeter first. Then focus on the strategy of attacking Yuyongmen.

Now the Daxia Allied Forces must divide their forces to attack in multiple directions. It would be strange if the main camp is not empty!

As long as its main camp is defeated, the Daxia coalition forces will definitely panic, and the momentum of both sides will be reversed.

As soon as Xu Yin thought of this, he discussed it with the core of the sect, and immediately unanimously agreed, mobilized the team, and took advantage of the night to attack the main camp of Daxia.

The strength of the Yuyong Sect is extremely strong. If not for the loss of a group of elites last time, I am afraid that one sect alone can stop the Great Xia Allied Forces. At this time, the main force of the sect is fully mobilized, and the momentum is extremely strong. The war boat is in front, and the Feijian team Behind them, there was a mighty force, like a whirlwind shining with spiritual light, which penetrated directly into the main camp of Daxia.


Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom!

The war boat arrived first, and immediately divided into several teams and flew everywhere. Pieces of huge stone charms, giant wood charms, sharp thorn charms, and fireball charms fell from the sky, setting off bursts of smoke and fire, and roaring sounds everywhere...

Soon, the Feijian team arrived, rushing into the camp like a whirlwind, invincible to those who stood in their way!


Everyone was a little shocked!

"not good!"

"Fell into a trap!"

"Go quickly!!!"

After these monks entered the main camp, they immediately noticed something was wrong, because the people who were killed were all low-level puppets with almost no combat power. They were obviously just suspicious soldiers.

When Xu Yin saw this scene, he was heartbroken and immediately ordered to retreat.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Terrifying laughter came from everywhere, scaring the people in Yuyongmen until their faces turned blue.

A whistling sound came from a distance, and a silver-winged black bird boat came quickly. With a "swish" sound, a black light spit out from the bird's mouth, and "boom-", it exploded violently on the ground, and a group of monks were suddenly shaken. Gotta spread it everywhere…

"Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——"

One after another, the silver-winged blackbird boats radiated black light, sparking bursts of explosive energy circles and completely blowing up the Feijian team!

When Xu Yin saw it, his heart was bleeding, but this silver-winged black bird boat came and went like the wind, and flew away with one blow. It was impossible to lock the attack. To deal with this kind of war boat tactics, the best way is to use a war boat to meet the enemy. It is difficult for a monk to bear it with his physical body alone. Only those with extremely high cultivation can fully control it.

With a thought in his mind, he immediately ordered his war boat to meet the enemy, and the two sides soon started fighting fiercely in the air.

The Allied Forces of Great Xia have completely taken the lead with this Shenzhenzi attack. At this moment, in addition to the Silver-winged Blackbird Boat of the Divine Artifact Pavilion, there are also the Wing Boats of the Xia Yang Sect, the Dao Boats of the Tiandao Sect, and the Talisman Boats of the Five Talisman Sect. Move out and attack Yuyongmen's war boat like crazy!

"Woo——" "Woo——" "Woo——"

As soon as many war boats took over, they screamed and fell down, smashing into the circle of their own monks, and their bodies were shattered into pieces. The situation was tragic!

"Quickly retreat!"

Xu Yin dodged in the air, trying his best to protect the Feijian team below so that they could retreat as quickly as possible.

However, at this time, countless monk teams suddenly appeared on the periphery, attacking the Yuyongmen Flying Sword Team with overwhelming force!

Groups of Yuyongmen monks fell down one after another in panic, either killed or restrained and trapped.

"not good!"

Xu Yin screamed, and immediately rushed from the air to the ground. With the sword in his hand, he killed many coalition troops and led his own monks to kill in the direction of Yuyong Gate. With his superb cultivation, he was able to forcefully defeat the coalition offensive. He cut a bloody path, successfully rendezvoused with the supporting team from behind, and quickly returned to the Yuyong Gate.

At this time, our own war ships also returned one after another, but at most only one-tenth of those who had been killed were returned, and the losses were extremely heavy.

"Ancestor, the team's losses...are extremely heavy. Almost 40% of them were wiped out..." Cheng Lun, the head Jindan disciple, said sadly.

"It's all my fault... for falling into their trick!" Xu Yin's face was so gloomy that it could almost bleed as he gritted his teeth.

Now that I think about it, the so-called raids by the Daxia coalition forces were simply fake. They were designed to confuse him and make him think that the coalition forces were scattered and the camp was empty, so as to lure him to attack the main camp and then concentrate the main force for a battle of annihilation.

This was originally a trap, but I didn't expect that I would jump in like this, causing heavy losses to the disciples in the sect. Coupled with the loss of the war boat, now, the Yuyong Sect is almost unable to fight anymore, and it is no longer sure whether it can hold on.

"Ancestor, what should we do now?" Cheng Lun asked urgently.

"Don't hold on! Immediately ask for help from other sects in Dayue!"

"Yes!" Cheng Lun responded loudly and hurried away.

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