The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 925 Xiong Bing’s Changes

The oceanic realm is relatively lacking in information. Because its ocean surface is so large, it is almost ten times the size of all the land in this lower realm. Therefore, although the submarine optical network is advancing extremely fast, it still only covers a small part of it...

In addition, it will take time to cover all landmasses and islands in the ocean world.

However, with the current strength of Universiade Palace, it has long been possible to easily control this lower realm, let alone the ocean realm. It can be said that the land, islands and ocean surfaces of the ocean realm are basically in the hands of Li Yun, and they are built locally. The purpose of the ground network and optical network is of course to capture all the products, resources and waste in this world...

While Li Yun was paying attention to this information, he was concentrating on practicing on Lingxian Peak. At the same time, the Universiade Palace, which was his personal power, slowly formed a small world and began to operate.

There are not many palace rules in the Universiade Palace, but they are enough.

Sometimes, too many rules can be bad, because too much is not enough. There is almost no difference between too many and too few. Even from a certain perspective, too many is worse than too few, because too many rules will greatly constrain vitality.

As Li Yun from the previous universe, he felt this very deeply. Therefore, after setting some of the most basic rules, he no longer made random rules. Instead, he insisted on implementing them and would only revise them unless there were major changes. one time.

In this way, the operation of the Universiade Palace gradually got on the right track. The slaves were doing tasks under the guidance of the palace rules, earning points, practicing exercises, and realizing Taoist power... They were very busy!

But it was said that Xiong Bing received a huge reward in the Universiade Palace last time, and got the opportunity to sleep with him. After achieving his first transformation, he left the Universiade Palace with great excitement and returned to the Shiding Mountain of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Along the way, he took out the bottle of first blood as red as jade and looked at it, smelled it, and let out a few giggles...

He didn't expect that his female body would be handed over to an adult for the first time. It really made him feel like he was still in a dream.

Only when he faintly felt the pain of tearing somewhere in his body, did he confirm the matter. Thinking of the scene of sleeping with an adult, his dark face was so red that he could wrung out blood, and his whole body was shaking slightly...

"By the way, I'm going to start using the 'Algae Herb' given by you. Try to change your skin color into a wheat color like yours. Next time, I won't be criticized by big brother!"

Xiong Bing murmured to himself, and with a flick of his hand, he created a mirror effect. He concealed his fairy robe, took out the algae grass, ground it into powder, and rubbed it all over his body...

"Why is my beard and body hair messy again? It seems that I need to pay more attention to trimming it in the future..."

He noticed this again,

Start pruning quickly...

"My elder brother also said that my teeth are not straight and white, which affects my appearance. This is indeed a problem! How come I didn't notice it before?! Fortunately, my elder brother reminded me, but of course I, old bear, have a way. I can fix the uneven teeth. Condensate more body essence into the teeth, and they will slowly grow in full! As for keeping them white, of course you need to wash them more and use more medicine to take care of them!"

Xiong Bing immediately rummaged around and found that there was really no medicine on his body that could whiten his teeth, so he had to wait until he returned to Dazhou.

"According to what the eldest brother said, my body is strong and majestic, butt is curvy enough, but not round enough?! What can I do? The eldest brother has even discovered this, which means that you must like it." My round and perky seems that I need to pay more attention to the exercise and maintenance of this area..."

He kept posing in front of the mirror, trying to find any shortcomings in himself so that he could improve them and increase his charm!

Flying all the way, trimming and bleaching all the way, quite busy...

Xiong Bing didn't realize that since his transformation, he had become more focused on his own image, hoping to become more beautiful, charming, and charming!

This is probably the most direct impact on him after his transformation.

Moreover, he did not notice that after he achieved the transformation, his qualifications had been greatly improved, and his whole temperament had undergone a major change. Even his skin seemed to have been moisturized by something, becoming moist and moist. It feels very elastic to the touch.

After nearly half a month, he finally returned to Great Zhou Shiding Mountain.

Liang Ze, Wang Yi, Ma Hao, Shen Youxi, Fairy An Dai, Fairy Xiangyun, Qinghong, Shi Rui, Qi Shi and others were discussing something in the hall. Suddenly they felt something and they all looked up and looked outside the hall.

"That bear is back!" Fairy Andai said.

"Haha, you are right, my old bear is back!"

The figure flashed, and a man in green robe appeared in the hall, it was Xiong Bing.

"Why did it take so long?! Huh?!" Wang Yi said, suddenly startled.

His little eyes were wide open and he stared at Xiong Bing with a look of surprise on his face.

"Old Bear?!"

Liang Ze and others also noticed something strange, and they all let out a soft cry and looked at Xiong Bing in surprise.

Xiong Bing was shocked by what they saw and said, "What are you looking at? Don't you know me, old Xiong?"

"Xiao Bing...why have you changed so much?! It's so smooth, tender and fragrant..."

Wang Yi ducked over, patted and touched Xiong Bing, kissed him, and praised him.

Xiong Bing quickly dodged and snorted: "What are you doing? How can you move your hands and feet like this?"

"Wow! When were you afraid of being touched?" Wang Yi asked curiously.

"Stop doing this!" Xiong Bing shouted loudly and pushed him away.

Fairy Andai quickly moved over, grabbed Xiong Bing's hand and stroked it, and said with a sweet smile: "Oh, I didn't expect that Brother Bing's skin could become like this. The sun really comes out from the west!"

"Not bad! Old Xiong went out for a trip, it really looks much better!!!" Liang Ze praised.

"Yes, he has completely changed. His skin color is no longer as dark as before. How come his appearance has become better?" Fairy Xiangyun said with a sweet smile.

Everyone in the hall surrounded Xiong Bing, and they were all amazed. Xiong Bing's face turned red and he was taken advantage of by everyone.

"Xiao Bing, tell me honestly, what happened when we went out this time?!" Wang Yi asked loudly.

Such a big change in Xiong Bing, given his familiarity with Xiong Bing, would have been absolutely impossible if something special hadn't happened.

"Old Xiong, you went out for a trip and came back turned into a tender and tender little bear. Something must have happened. Tell us quickly!!!" Ma Hao shouted.

"Not bad! Come on! I found that you even trimmed your hair and beard. Maybe you even trimmed your body hair. Huh? It seems that your teeth have become prettier too? Oh my God... your butt looks so much prettier too?!" Shen Youxi shouted and touched it with saliva on his face.

Xiong Bing couldn't bear it anymore, so he escaped in a flash, his face burning red, and loudly said: "You... are so shameless!"

"Haha, Xiao Bing, you were not like this before!" Wang Yi laughed.

"Oh? How was I before?"

"In the past, if someone really praised you for becoming more beautiful, I'm afraid you would get carried away and brag, but now..."

"What's wrong with me now?"

"Didn't you realize it yourself?!" Wang Yi asked curiously.

"What did you find?" Xiong Bing asked a little guilty.

"Haha, you are actually shy now! A shy bear is really surprising! Haha!"

Wang Yi laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears.

Liang Ze, Ma Hao, Fairy Andai and others were laughing so hard that they couldn't stop.

Xiong Bing's face changed, and his whole body was trembling slightly. Suddenly, he felt that he had undergone a huge change as Wang Yi said!

And all of this is, of course, related to achieving transformation.

On the way back, I kept paying attention to my own image. This was completely different from before, and I was actually even shy!

If in the past, if these people came to make fun of me, maybe I would make fun of them in turn!

However, the situation is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. I know my own personality well, and the change is not big. Naturally, I am shy now because I feel uncomfortable talking about my transformation.

Seeing Xiong Bing's shy and trembling look, everyone became even more excited and started making fun of him, making him really anxious!

"That's enough!!!" Xiong Bing roared, his eyes wide open and his momentum was extremely high.


Everyone exclaimed, stopped quickly, and looked at Xiong Bing in astonishment.

Xiong Bing puffed up his chest and said loudly: "Hmph, there is a reason why I, old Xiong, have changed. I'm afraid it will scare your jaws if I tell you!"

"Brother Bing, we are human beings after all, so we are not to be frightened! Don't think that you can scare us if you have any adventures!" Shi Rui said coldly from the side.

"Not bad! You must have had some good luck, or swallowed some heavenly material and earthly treasure, so that you were nourished by spiritual things!" Fairy Xiangyun said enviously.

"That's right, from what I see, maybe I was seduced by some banshee. Yes, for example, Xiao Yingying from the Xianghu tribe, she sucked the penis. No wonder she still looks like a little girl bear..." Qi Shi Bibi laughed.

"Hey, it really makes sense! If Old Xiong didn't come from the palace, he must have been absorbed by the banshee, otherwise he wouldn't be like this!!!" Shen Youxi suddenly realized.

"That's right!"

Everyone agreed, almost convinced of this point, and expressed great sympathy for Xiong Bing's experience.

"You..." Xiong Bing was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and his teeth were chattering.

"Okay, okay! Xiao Bing can't commit suicide. I touched his balls just now, but they are still there, but being sucked by the demon fox is miserable enough. Let's stop talking about it and let him adjust himself. !”

Wang Yi stood up to smooth things over, and said: "Xiao Bing, although you have been sucked out of Yang and lost some of your Yang energy, you are now a blessing in disguise. You have become quite charming, and your image has improved a lot than before. , even I am almost attracted to you! In front of adults, I will definitely say good things for you! Haha!"

"Shut up!!!" Xiong Bing yelled.

"You?! I praise you with good intentions..." Wang Yi said curiously.

"Hmph, go suck the yang of the banshee and see if you can become what I am now?!" Xiong Bing said coldly.

"This..." Wang Yi was startled.

He looked at Xiong Bing suspiciously, feeling a little uneasy!

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