The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 926 Star Luck No. 2

I saw that Xiong Bing now had long hair, and his beard was trimmed to be quite stylish.

The skin is smooth and tender, and the complexion is much lighter than before. It looks smooth and smooth. Even the uneven and white teeth seem to have changed greatly. The overall appearance of the person has really improved.

Coupled with this cyan fairy robe from the Universiade Palace, it not only fits perfectly, but it can also be seen that Xiong Bing's figure is a little curvier than before. It should be straightened out and tucked away. It turns out that the big belly has become much smaller. , the most important thing is that the butt position is round and upturned, which makes the overall feeling much more coordinated.

As a result, Xiong Bing's overall temperament has undergone amazing changes, and even his Taoism seems to have deepened because of this.

After everyone thought about it carefully, they felt that even if they were sucked by Xianghu, the result would probably be extremely tragic, but it would definitely not have the amazing effect that Xiong Bing had now. They couldn't help but look at Xiong Bing suspiciously, with their thoughts racing.

"Brother Bing, if you weren't sucked by a banshee, what could have made you like this?! It should be a pill like Beauty Pill or Beauty Pill, right?" Liang Ze asked suspiciously.

Based on his knowledge as the number one alchemist in the Great Zhou Dynasty, such a guess is extremely close to the facts.

"Haha! Brother Liang, can't you also refine the beauty pill? I wonder if it has such an effect?" Xiong Bing laughed.

" beauty pill is of a slightly lower level, so it can't possibly cause such a big change in people!" Liang Ze said with a slight blush on his face.

"Then what kind of elixir is needed to achieve such an effect?" Xiong Bing teased.

"Well, to be honest, it's really difficult to use the elixir alone. I can see that your hair and beard are trimmed. People like Brother Bing used to be unkempt, but now they can actually trim themselves. His beard is so neatly trimmed, and this alone is not the result of the elixir!" Liang Ze sighed.

Everyone thought well, the pill can at most change a person's physique and appearance, but it can never change a person's character. It can make a big boss pay attention to his own image. This is indeed impossible that one or two pills can achieve. Effect.

As soon as they thought of this, everyone became more curious and asked questions one after another.

"Haha, my old bear no longer hides his secrets today. This change is of course related to adults!" Xiong Bing said proudly.

"Sir? What's going on?!" Wang Yi asked loudly, his little eyes widening.

"I, Old Bear, escorted one million immortal attendants back this time. I have made a great contribution and received a reward from you!"

"Reward?! What reward?!" Wang Yi asked urgently.

"This... I'll talk to you later!"

When Xiong Bing came to the end, he retreated a little and did not dare to say it in front of so many people.

"Brother Bing, tell me quickly!" Liang Ze urged.

"Yes, what did your master reward you for? Tell us and we will be happy for you too!" Shen Youxi agreed.

"Brother B, we are all brothers, and you don't even mention a mere reward. What kind of brothers are you?!" Ma Hao snorted.

"Brother Bing, just say it! I've never seen you so unhappy before!" Fairy Xiangyun said sweetly.

Others also urged him one after another, and some even used provoking techniques, which made Xiong Bing's face turn red and white, and his body trembled violently.

"Huh, since you want to know, let me tell you. Don't be so envious!" Xiong Bing curled his lips and said.

"Don't worry, if you tell me, no one will be able to bear it!" Qinghong said.


"mock up!"

"You?! Okay...Okay! My old old bear..." Xiong Bing mumbled, his eyes flickering, and his face turned extremely red.

"What's wrong with you? Tell me more frankly!" Fairy Andai snorted.

When the others saw Xiong Bing hesitate to speak, they all felt itchy in their hearts, eagerly waiting for him to speak out quickly.

"My old bear...has transformed!!!"

Xiong Bing yelled, let out a sigh of relief, and felt physically and mentally refreshed!


Everyone was stunned for a moment, screamed in surprise, stood up in Huo Di, and looked at each other.

"Brother!" Wang Yi said suspiciously.

Now that Xiong Bing had spoken, he no longer had any scruples and said proudly: "Of course, I, the old bear, slept with you, and ended up transforming into my female body, which is still in perfect condition!"


Everyone screamed and felt bad all over!

Suddenly my legs felt a little weak, and they collapsed to the ground one after another...

When Xiong Bing saw this, he laughed and said, "How about it? You still said you won't be scared?"

"You...really...have a female body?!" Wang Yi asked stammering.

"Female body?!!!"

Liang Ze, Ma Hao, Shen Youxi, Qinghong, Shi Rui and Qi Shi were all frightened, and their expressions changed drastically!

Fairy Andai and Fairy Xiangyun were also dumbfounded. They covered their mouths with their delicate hands and looked at Xiong Bing in disbelief. They imagined that Xiong Bing turned into a woman in front of them. They felt that something was not right about the world today...


Xiong Bing laughed wildly, held his head high, and disappeared!

Everyone stared blankly at Xiong Bing's leaving figure. Their hearts were in turmoil and they could no longer calm down!

"Eh?! Don't leave!"

"Where to put it?!"

"Hurry up!!!"


These people suddenly reacted, jumped up, and chased outside...

The shipbuilding space of the Universiade Palace has been particularly lively these days, because Xingyun No. 2 is nearing completion. In addition to the more than a thousand slaves who participated in the construction, other slaves here have also gathered to watch. The number of people is close to two. More than a thousand people.

Yun Yi was in charge of this project. Seeing that the project was coming to an end, his heart finally calmed down, and his consciousness directed the slaves to complete the installation of the last few components.

Each of the Xuandongmu quintuplets is responsible for on-site inspection of a large area to confirm that all construction is perfect.

Finally, all the slaves completed the tasks at hand and withdrew, and the Xuandongmu quintuplets also withdrew after inspecting all the internal spaces and confirming that they were correct.

In this way, the hull construction of Xingyun 2 is finally completed!


With a thought, Yun Yi drew a purple fire from the sky. It slowly sank. The purple flame spread, tightly wrapping the Xing Yun 2's hull, flickering silently in the space, covering everyone's eyes. My face was dyed purple...


Everyone exclaimed, looking at this eighth-level strange fire with extremely solemn and solemn expressions!

Everyone knows that a strange fire of this level must be intelligent, but it is incredible that the Universiade Palace can possess such a strange fire!

The slaves looked at Master Yun Da who controlled this purple fire, with expressions of admiration and admiration on their faces...

Yun Yi was very happy, with a smile on his face. With a wave of his hand, a huge light screen appeared in the space, and the names of all the people who participated in the creation of Xing Yun II were flashing on it, as well as the corresponding rewards they received.

And these rewards are slowly integrated into the Universiade Cards in the brains of the corresponding slaves along with the light spots that flicker from time to time in the space. The slaves can see this information with a brief sense!


The people who participated in the creation couldn't help but cheered when they saw it. They felt that the hard work during this period was really not in vain, and the rewards were extremely generous!

The successful construction of Xingyun No. 2 is a major event in the Universiade Palace. According to the task regulations previously issued by the Task Hall, all participants not only received a large number of material rewards, but also got three opportunities to sleep with them. This made the slaves Everyone was smiling, and they cherished these three opportunities very much.

The Xuandongmu quintuplets each got five opportunities to sleep with each other because of their great contribution, which was also very meaningful to them.

Because, although they are favored slaves and can get Li Yun's favor at any time, this is different from the opportunity to sleep with them as rewarded by the Universiade Palace.

The opportunity to favor a slave is a bit random and uncertain, but the opportunity to sleep with him is a sure thing. As long as you have such an opportunity, you can submit your wish to sleep with the master to Lei Xiang, schedule it, and when the time comes, it will naturally happen. You can take your turn.

"Oh my god! I actually have three opportunities to sleep with you?! If I had known, I would also participate in the creation of Xingyun No. 2!"

"Hey, who told us that we didn't take a closer look at this mission when it was released?"

"No! I didn't say this at all at that time!"


"Absolutely true!"

Other slaves watching the excitement talked a lot and put forward different opinions.

Yun Yi was startled for a moment and realized that he was so happy just now that he didn't think much about it.

Rewards like the opportunity to sleep with you were recently introduced based on Lei Xiang's request. They were mainly set for some key projects in the Universiade Palace, and Xingyun No. 2 was naturally included among them.

However, when the Xingyun 2 mission was originally announced, this reward was not set.

Now that the words have been spoken, it would be inappropriate to take them back, and this would be unfair to others.

"Xiaoxing, what should we do now?" Li Yun was a little confused when he saw this scene.

At this time, seeing that those who participated in the creation of Xingyun No. 2 received such attractive rewards, others became uneasy and asked to participate in the creation of Xingyun No. 3. This situation alleviated the intensification of conflicts, but it also made Xiaoxing was in trouble.

Because, if everyone is building Xingyun No. 3, there will be fewer people doing other things, which will of course be detrimental to the development of the Universiade Palace.

"Sir, it is best to use the original group of people to build Xingyun No. 3 because they have experience. However, if that group of people are allowed to continue, others will definitely think that they have taken all the benefits, which is unfair! And If everyone here is asked to do it, there will be a lack of manpower for other things, such as laying ground networks and submarine optical networks, collecting resources and waste, etc.," Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun sighed: "Yunyi was so happy just now that he issued the reward without thinking carefully. It seems that I want to fuse him first and then separate him to prevent the difference in thinking between the clone and the original body from increasing. The reward must be fair. We must avoid such mistakes in the future!”

"My lord is right! But what should we do now?" Xiaoxing asked.

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