The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 927 Questioning Xiong Bing

Li Yun muttered: "Other tasks can also be rewarded with the opportunity to sleep in bed. This should be able to attract them to do it."

"Then please let Mr. Yunyi speak quickly to appease them!"


Yun Yi quickly re-explained the rewards according to Li Yun's wishes, pointing out that the reward for the opportunity to sleep was only recently introduced, and the mission of Xing Yun II was also adapted to this reward, so it was added.

Moreover, most of these rewards will be available in the future tasks of Universiade Palace, so there is no need to worry.

These words calmed down the restless heart of the little slave who was watching the excitement and gradually dissipated.

However, more than a thousand shipbuilding slaves in the shipbuilding space refused to leave, and they all asked when the construction of Xingyun No. 3 would begin.

"Don't worry, everyone. It will take some time to condense and build Xingyun No. 2, and its operation requires new souls to be in place. Therefore, the start of Xingyun No. 3 must be based on the operation of Xingyun No. 2. Improvement and construction, therefore, the time has not yet been determined!" Yunyi said.

"That's it!" All the slaves felt a little regretful in their hearts.

There are such generous rewards for building a giant ship, which makes them realize that this is a fat vacancy. If they cannot start work now, they will not be able to get the rewards as soon as possible.

"Haha, don't worry, you will still be used in the construction of Xingyun No. 3! Now, everyone goes back to adjust their training and do other tasks, and come back when the construction of the giant ship starts!" Yun Yi said with a smile.

"Yes! Sir!"

Upon hearing this, all the slaves responded excitedly and returned to their respective spaces to adjust.

At Shiding Mountain in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Xiong Bing was blocked in his small palace by Liang Ze, Wang Yi, Ma Hao, Shen Youxi, Qinghong, Shi Rui, Qi Shi and others, and could not escape at all.

Fairy Andai and Fairy Xiangyun were shy and did not dare to go in, but they also stayed outside the palace. Once they asked about the result, they would definitely find out the matter.

Wang Yi hugged Xiong Bing, groped up and down, and said suspiciously: "Brother Bing, how did the female body appear? I don't feel any difference in you?"

"Stop! You pervert!" Xiong Bing struggled and shouted.

Liang Ze smiled and said, "Brother Bing,

Take off your robe quickly and let us see clearly! "

"Not bad, not bad! Take it off quickly!"

"That's right, you don't want to leave here until you figure this out!"

"Hmph, if you don't take it off, we'll strip it!"

Everyone agreed, their expressions were extremely excited.

They did not expect that they would encounter such a strange thing today. Humans can achieve transformation during the stage of becoming gods. This completely overturned the long-standing understanding of the cultivation world. Therefore, Xiong Bing is simply the best proof. If they do not investigate him, It is impossible to know everything!

"Haha, Brother B, you have to take off your clothes today, or you have to take them off! You'd better take them off obediently!" Ma Hao laughed.

"How unreasonable?! What if I don't take off my clothes?!" Xiong Bing shouted, his face turning red.

"Don't take off? It's not impossible. As long as you can provide evidence that proves that you have transformed, then we will reluctantly believe it." Ma Hao teased.


Xiong Bing was startled and immediately thought of the bottle of first blood on his body. However, this bottle of first blood was a symbol of his female body's chastity, and he would not show it to them under any circumstances.

There is also that picture, but this picture was drawn by Li Yun based on his female body on the bed. It is a picture of a beautiful woman naked, and it is even more impossible to show it!

The only thing left to prove is the six pairs of red dots on his chest.

Xiong Bing weighed it, gritted his teeth and said, "Huh, stop it! I, Old Xiong, will open your eyes today. Only when you transform will you know what's going on with you!"

With a thought in his mind, the fairy robe on his body was half hidden, revealing his masculine body. The six pairs of red dots on his chest were as tender as pink, as red as jade!

This image immediately shocked everyone!


"You're so good..."


"Oh my god! I really... transformed!!!"

When everyone saw Xiong Bing's body, they were all dumbfounded and screamed in shock.

Everyone knows that there are six pairs of catkins on the body of the woman who transformed into a god. The occurrence of this strange phenomenon on Xiong Bing's body is enough to prove that Xiong Bing has indeed transformed, and the female factor in her body has been stimulated. Only then can she leave such obvious female characteristics.

"Haha! Hahaha! Now you know that I am not lying, right? If you have any envy or jealousy, just come to me, haha, haha!" Xiong Bing laughed.

"Brother Bing! How did my lord make you transform?" Wang Yi asked anxiously.

"Of course we can't talk about this! You'll know when you go to bed!" Xiong Bing replied.

"Okay! I'll go find the adults now!" Wang Yi said immediately.



"My lord is very busy, how can I have time to care about you?" Xiong Bing snorted.

"What? He has time to take care of you, how come he doesn't have time to take care of me? You know, your status is a little lower than mine!" Wang Yi said in confusion.

"Who said my status is lower than yours? It's all the same. Besides, it's not that you can sleep with me as soon as you go. It's impossible if you don't have the chance!" Xiong Bing said loudly.

"This... tell me quickly, what should we do?" Wang Yi asked quickly.

"This is our business, we can't let these guys know about it! Get out of here!" Xiong Bing snorted.

Liang Ze and others were listening on the sidelines. When they heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Brother Bing, just tell us, we promise not to spread it out!" Liang Ze said.

"How can that be done? How can I reveal my secret to you? Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"You also join the master and become his little slaves. I will naturally guide you, haha!" Xiong Bing laughed.

Liang Ze and others were stunned upon hearing this, their expressions changed, and their thoughts began to spin.

Wang Yi reacted and echoed: "Brother B is right! You guys get out quickly! I want to have a good chat with Brother B."


"Haha, this is our secret. Talking about it will violate the palace rules. You won't be able to save us by then, so I have to ask you to get out as soon as possible!" Wang Yi laughed.

Together with Xiong Bing, they drove Liang Ze and six other meddlesome people out of the palace, locked the door and had a secret conversation...

Liang Ze and the others were pushed out, their expressions were really helpless. Unexpectedly, they were kicked out just when they heard the key point, which made them even more itchy.

"Brother Liang, how is the situation? Has that bear really transformed?" Fairy Xiangyun asked urgently.

Liang Ze nodded and said: "This... has really transformed!"

"Really?! Is there any evidence?!"

"Of course... yes!"

"What evidence?!" Fairy Andai interrupted, with a look of extreme excitement on her face.

"The on him..."

"How is he doing?!"

"This..." Liang Ze muttered, unable to continue.

Fairy Xiangyun said softly: "Brother Liang, tell me! Why are you so coquettish, like a woman?"

"I..." Liang Ze was startled and his face turned red.

"Brother Ma, please speak quickly!" Fairy Xiangyun turned to Ma Hao and said urgently.

"This... on him..."


"Anyway... almost the same as you!" Ma Hao gritted his teeth.

"What?! How is this possible?!" The two women were stunned.

Judging from Xiong Bing's figure, it is absolutely impossible for her to be a woman, so how could she be similar to the two women? No wonder they find it strange.

"This... you will understand later! The question now is, how did Mr. Yun Zun transform him? This bear is so smart now that he won't tell us the key points at all!" Ma Hao sighed.

"What should we do?" Fairy Andai asked urgently.

"Unless we all join Mr. Yun Zun's disciples, it's impossible to know the details!"


Everyone was speechless for a while. Even if they wanted to join Master Yun Zun, he might not accept it.

In fact, last time each of them asked Xiong Bing and Wang Yi to ask, but nothing came out.

"Brother Liang, actually we have a chance now. Didn't Master Yun Zun send the two of them to Dazhou to recruit immortal attendants this time? We cooperated vigorously! Even if there is no credit, there is still hard work!" Shen Youxi said.

"That's...yes. Brother Bing did say that after he sent those immortal attendants there and performed great merits, he had the opportunity to serve Master Yun Zun and finally achieve his goal of transformation. Those immortal attendants are all from our Great Zhou Dynasty. Where is the Immortal Attendant!" Liang Ze's eyes lit up and he said loudly.

"Exactly! Without us, how could this little guy be so lucky?!" Ma Hao said harshly.

"That's right!"

Everyone agreed.

Liang Ze pondered and said: "Well, now that the human world has been decided, there's nothing big going on. We must follow the next batch of Immortal Servers to see what happens, otherwise, just waiting is not an option!"

"Brother Liang's words make sense!" Shen Youxi agreed.

"Okay, that's it!"

"We can't let this bear be the only one beautiful!"

"If Mr. Yun Zun doesn't accept us, this Immortal Attendant... we can just take it easy and accept him."

"Haha, not bad, not bad!"

These guys made up their minds and returned to the Dingmeng Hall.

Here, Wang Yi pestered Xiong Bing and asked him about his sleeping experience. He felt bad all over!

"Bedtime examination? Bedroom etiquette? Dance? First blood? The picture that the Lord gave you?"

Wang Yi was startled when he heard this, his face turned extremely red and his whole body was shaking violently.

"Haha, our eldest brother is a pervert, but don't worry, he is just addicted to sex and doesn't dare to incest you. Besides..."

"What else?" Wang Yi asked anxiously.

"You have to prepare a shiny treasure to give him, and it will be easier to pass the test." Xiong Bing said proudly.

"Baby? What did you give him?"

"A supreme luminous pearl."

"Wow!" Wang Yi exclaimed, his expression changing.

"Haha, compared to the transformation and the nourishment of your lord's will, this bead is nothing! Moreover, your painting is a priceless treasure, and it even gave me a clone!"

"Let me see this picture quickly!" Wang Yi said quickly.

Xiong Bing took out the picture of a group of bears dancing, and stood proudly in the air. With a thought, he called down the clones and performed a wild dance of bears, leaving Wang Yi dumbfounded...

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