The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1417: 1 gasification 3 clear, send back to chill


Yu Duxiu thought about it, but didn't find a good place. It was like someone who was busy all day suddenly came down and didn't know what to do.

"Forget it, let's see what happened to the monkey first" Yu Duxiu touched his head.

Hangu Pass, the green cow was too up and down, a pair of eyes looked at the endless void, and suddenly my heart felt: "Suddenly I have an enlightenment for my teacher and create a great magical power."

After speaking, the Taishang smiled slightly: "One Qi transforms three Qings."

As the words of the Supreme Dharma body fell, I saw a wave of fluctuations in the void, and three mysterious auras were automatically derived from the void, and then they were swallowed in one bite.

These three breaths are the supreme breath between heaven and earth, one said: the breath of Yuqing. The second said: Taiqing Qi. The third said: the air of super cleanness.

"These three gases originated from the beginning of the opening of the heavens and the earth, and the three highest energies derived from the heavens and the earth represent the power of the three talents. There are the reincarnation sequence of yin and yang and two qi. The mystery is endless, and the endless avenues are all included. Can be my Taoist supreme **** of creation".

Yu Duxiu, who was about to leave for the East China Sea, suddenly stunned, and three mysterious auras gushed out of the void, followed Yu Duxiu’s nose, nose and ears into his soul, and was instantly melted by the innate soul. .

These three clean airs are the three highest powers between heaven and earth, before the heaven and earth are opened.

"One Qi transforms three Qings" Yu Duxiu looked at the supernatural powers that the Supreme Dharma body had comprehended, and suddenly became uncomfortable, and instantly activated the supernatural powers, continuously condensing these three profound auras, and then the revolving nature of good fortune was running at this time, constantly deducing this The supernatural powers of one gas into three clear.

"One qi transforms three clears, not just one qi transforms three clears, but one qi transforms three abilities, three lives, one qi transforms all things, and even the avenue of the universe that transforms the world with one qi, and even the three dharmakayas of the third body in this seat. Through this condensing, the three Dharmakayas stand in the past time and space, the present time and space, and the future time and space, forming a three-talent array. Since then, there has been no victory or defeat, and the world is invincible." Yu Duxiu's eyes shined, and he planned to go to Huaguoshan to see it. Sun Wukong, after comprehending the transformation of one qi into the three cleansings, immediately lost his interest, and began to continue to deduced the art of one qi turning into the three cleansings, thinking about how to turn his one qi into the three cleansing bodies into the past body, the present body, and the future body. Immediately, outsiders couldn't crack their three law bodies at all, and couldn't break the big formation, and they would be invincible.

"Teacher, I don't know what is the mystery of this Qihua Sanqing?" Sun Chi said respectfully.

"One yuan begins to regenerate, transforms into yin and yang to emerge and die, yin and yang stand among the three talents, and all things begin to emerge. This Qi-transformed Sanqing seems to have suddenly added a kind of magical power, but in fact it is a kind of understanding of the great way. It is a pity. Even if this magical power is realized, it is of no use to being a teacher. My way is not here." There was a melancholy in Taishang's eyes: "Be willing to give up, Buddha is Tao, Buddha is Tao."

After speaking, the Supreme Dharma Body sat in the void without speaking, not knowing what he was comprehending.

Lingtai Fangcunshan.

"Good mystical one Qi transforms three Qings" in the past, looking at this Qi transforming three Qings, his eyes showed light: "I just want the Dharma body to turn into three talents. The difficulty is not ordinary, and it needs to be carefully deduced."

"By the way, it's not easy to pay the debt of favor, this chilling should be paid back soon, that Bingqin is a seedling of cultivating Taoism, and it needs to be calculated." Yu Duxiu touched her chin, her figure disappeared in the void, and turned Instantly came to Bingzhou where Taiping Road is located.

The overwhelming and overwhelming heavenly demons are the eyeliner of Yu Duxiu.

Sensing the monks Xuan Zao Zong lurking in all directions who refused to leave, Yu Duxiu shook her head. These people were guarding Xuan Zao Zong hoping to catch turtles in the urn after Xuan Zao Zong hoped that they came back, but it was a pity that they made a mistake.

But seeing Yu Duxiu rubbing his hands together, an air of rebellious chaos escaped silently, turning the yin and yang, blinding everyone's senses, and then Yu Duxiu carefully turned into a bird and flew into the Xuanzao Sect. .

Xuanzao Zong Bingqin Cave Mansion, but saw that Bingqin was holding a wooden thorn in the left center and a scarecrow in the right center, piercing fiercely: "Asshole, bastard, give me chills, give me chills, I stab To kill you, I will pierce you to death, poke your eyes, pierce your mouth, pierce your dantian, you **** bastard".

"Master, I am back."

There was a familiar sound of footsteps outside the hall. Accompanied by the shouts, Bingqin put the scarecrow behind him in a hurry and looked at the figure who walked into the hall, with a cold expression: "Why are you back? I am impatient, right? So many people outside are staring, do you want to die and get bored of life".

"Master, this disciple is coming back this time..." Yu Duxiu was about to speak, but she watched that Bingqin's palms curled behind her, looking at herself with a strange expression, and suddenly called Yu Duxiu in a daze. What ugly things are not your own master doing? .

"Hmph, you just came back. The teacher is cursing the despicable and shameless Miaoxiu child. Come and help the teacher pierce the bastard." Perceiving Yu Duxiu's gaze, Bingqin simply stopped covering up and directly A straw villain was brought in front of him. At this time, the straw villain had been smashed, and the prototype could not be seen.

"Master, is this useful?" Yu Duxiu looked at Bingqin, and was speechless. This little girl had neither her own birth date, nor her own vitality, blood, or hair. She simply made a villain to write. A name, you think you are the ancestor.

"Hmph, why are you talking so much nonsense? Can you relieve your anger for the teacher? Come over and help the teacher get a bite." Bing Qin handed over the scarecrow in his hand.

Looking at the scrawny scarecrow in her hand, Yu Duxiu couldn't help laughing and crying: "Master, this disciple is here this time, I am looking for you for something important."

"Oh, what's the matter when you come back? It's actually worth your life risk" Bing Qin said with a serious face when he heard the words.

Yu Duxiu looked at Bingqin, and slowly took out a jade box from his sleeve: "It is strange to say that the disciple seems to have a relationship with that Miaoxiu, and unexpectedly broke into a treasure again, unexpectedly. Miaoxiu left, the disciple found a cub of an innate sacred beast in the treasure. He wanted to come to the sect without any guardian sacred beasts, so he wanted to put this innate sacred beast,,,,,,".

Yu Duxiu didn't finish her words and couldn't continue. Na Bingqin stepped forward and snatched the jade box in Yu Duxiu's hand, then opened the jade box, and the overwhelming cold air escaped within three feet. The white and tender insects were constantly twisting in the jade box.

"Han Chan" looked at the insects in the jade box, Bingqin suddenly felt embarrassed, exclaimed, her eyes flushed.

Because of the loss of this chilling cicada, how much pain he suffered, and how many eyes he suffered, I didn't expect to find it back like this.


Bingqin closed the box instantly, and then looked at Yu Duxiu with shining eyes, and then at the scarecrow in Yu Duxiu's hands. Han Bing's face was rarely red, and he took the scarecrow in one step, and then lowered. Said: "I'm going to see your Patriarch, you come with me."

"The disciple still has things to do. You can't delay in the sect. There are so many people staring outside. Once someone finds the disciple's trail, it will be troublesome." Yu Duxiu rejected Bingqin's words.

"Then you go quickly and be't be found by anyone." Bingqin's eyes showed a worried look: "The sect is incompetent, only your ancestor is the supreme strong, but facing the outside There are so many strong players who are hard to beat with two fists. You should be safer outside."

"That disciple bid farewell" Yu Duxiu bowed to Bingqin and disappeared into the void in an instant.

"Hey hey, don't go, I haven't finished talking, this **** thing,,,,," Seeing Yu Duxiu and leaving, Bingqin was ticklish with hatred. Since knowing this kid is Yudu Behind Xiu’s reincarnation, Bingqin still had a lot of torture methods that he didn’t use on this kid, but he couldn’t easily spare this kid, but this kid sent Cicada back, which is really touching, but Gong If the past cannot be offset, the torture still has to be tortured, otherwise the pains I have suffered before will not be for nothing.

"Oh, it's really bad luck, this is cause and effect." Looking at the wooden cone in his hand, Yu Duxiu showed a bitter smile, and said helplessly: "I hope this chill will be sent back, so the cause and effect can be completely resolved." (To be continued.)


. The high-speed first release of the latest chapter of Shen Gongbao’s inheritance, this chapter is the 1417th chapter, one gasification and three cleansing, to send back to Hanchan, the address is, if you think this chapter is not bad, please don’t forget to tell your QQ group and Weibo Recommended by friends here!

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