The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1485: Please invite Tathagata Buddha

"Fox God, this matter can't be delayed anymore" Tiger God stared at Fox God with a pair of eyes, "If the Explosive Ape is refined into the elixir of immortality, it will be too late."

At this moment, the demon gods looked at the fox gods eagerly, emotionally, if on weekdays, the demon gods would be eager for the ape to die, but at this critical moment, the war between the two races of men and monsters is about to begin. One more strength.

"Have you ever seen this seat miscalculate? This seat has never fought unsure battles" Fox God's red lips lightly hesitated: "I will continue to practice. You don't need to intervene in this matter. You have already reached an alliance with Western Amitabha. This matter will naturally be dealt with by Western religions, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

"Amitabha also shot?".

Hearing Fox God's words, the monster gods were suddenly startled, and their stagnant minds gradually relaxed.

The fox chuckled softly: "As it is, everyone just wait for a good show."

Untie the rope of the monkey-playing and throw it into the pill furnace."

"Lao Jun, this stubborn monkey is fierce, if you go to the rope, I am afraid that it will not be bound." The water fire fighter on one side was embarrassed.

"It's okay, my gossip furnace can naturally suppress him and make him unable to escape. Besides, this demon monkey has fallen into my diamond sleeve and is temporarily unconscious. Just do what I said," the old gentleman said.

When the water and fire fighters heard the words, look at me and I will look at you. They didn't dare to violate the order of the old man, so they untied the rope, put the pipa bone tool, and pushed it into the gossip furnace.

The old man smiled lightly when he saw this, and ordered the Taoist watching the furnace and the boy holding the fire to fan the fire for exercise. It turns out that the furnace is Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui gossip.

The fire was raging, the strands of innate divine fire mixed with the acquired three-flavored real fire, slowly burning in the gossip stove, Wukong woke up from the pain, only to feel the pill stove burning, the whole seems to be burning, in that pill stove Stumbled in the middle, was smoked by the smoke, and wanted to use supernatural powers to break the pill furnace and rush out, but it was wishful thinking. This pill furnace is forged by the unique jade and three treasures of Ruyi, composed of three thousand quasi magic treasures, plus innate The burning of the sacred fire makes it difficult to go out.

After tossing for a while, Wukong is about to dive under the position of Sunda Palace.

Sunda is also windy, and if there is wind, there is no fire, but the wind stirs up the smoke, making a pair of eyes red and turning them into old sick eyes, so they are called "fire eyes and golden eyes."

Looking at the gossip furnace, the great sage who is constantly tossing in it, Lao Jun puts his hands on his back and smiles lightly: "You Hohen, it is a great fortune. Although you have acquired the inheritance of the Explosive Ape, you have the innate rhyme of the Explosive Ape, But it's just a proof to the realm of immortality. Today I will help you completely force out all the remaining innate Taoist rhyme of the explosive ape in your physical body, and help you to practice the supreme real body. There is only a line of distance from the immortal way. Then you only need to accompany the book After completing the journey to the sky and sensing the heaven and the earth, this seat has an extra power called by the supreme power."

After speaking, ignoring the toss of the explosive ape, the old man urged the flames on his own, and the boy on one side kept fanning the flames.

At this moment, all the monks of the Kings and Ten Thousand Realms looked at the 33rd Heaven. The old man said that he wanted to refine the elixir of immortality, which naturally attracted the attention of the people among the heavens, even in the world. The ancestors of the Shangjiao all woke up in retreat, and their thoughts hovered firmly outside the palace of Touzi, and the quasi-superior powers opened their eyes, ready to move, and hovered outside the Nantian Gate.

The time was very fast, and I realized that on the 7th, 7th and forty-nine days, the old man's heat was ready.

On this day, the old man received his magical powers and said: "A good day is a good day, and it is time to open the furnace and get the pill."

While speaking, the pill furnace was opened, and the heavens were silent for an instant. Countless monks held their breath and looked at the palace, but they heard a bang. They saw the pill furnace flew up, and the great sage's hands were enlightened, and he was rubbing the flow. He could only hear the sound of the stove head, and suddenly saw the light, he couldn't help but straighten his body, jumped out of the pill stove, screamed, kicked down the gossip stove, and walked outside.

Wukong suddenly escaped from the gossip stove and pushed it to the gossip stove, but he was so panicked that the fire watch stove and the Ding Jia crew came to pull them, and they were all brought down by Wukong, like an epileptic white-fronted tiger, Feng Kuang Unicorn.

The undead medicine did not see it, but the more powerful Explosive Ape saw it. The ancestors closed their eyes and ignored them. All the quasi-superior sighed together. It turned out that it was a big oolong and returned to the lair.

Seeing the explosion of ape, the old man shouted: "Not good."

Lao Jun caught up and grabbed a handful, was thrown by Wukong, threw a head onion, and walked away. Then I squeezed a wishful stick in my ears, facing the wind, and the bowl was thick and thin, still holding it in my hand, regardless of good or bad, but it was messing up the palace, hitting the Jiuyao star behind closed doors, and the four heavenly kings were invisible.

This monkey spirit sensed that the Nine Heavens in the 33rd Heaven had a powerful aura, so he didn't dare to provoke him, so he descended directly and broke into the High Heaven Palace, bluffing all the gods into chaos.

"The Hunyuan body is innate, and it is only natural. The insignificance is nothing but the chaotic Taiyi, such as the beginning of the unmoving number. The non-lead mercury is refined in the furnace for a long time, and the immortal is the immortal. Infinite changes are also changes, three The five precepts will not speak." In the void, Yu Duxiu secretly praised.

This time, the Monkey King does not distinguish between up and down, left, right, north, south, east, and west, making the iron rod fight against the west, and there is no **** to stop it. It is really the gods blocking and killing the gods, and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha. A group of immortal losers cannot form a battle. , Only the beaten back to its roots.

The Monkey King only hit the Tongming Hall and outside the Lingxiao Hall. Fortunately, Wang Lingguan, the assistant envoy of Yousheng Zhenjun, held the temple. He looked at the great sage, holding the golden whip to stop him and said: "Where is the monkey! There is me here, don't be rampant!" The great sage said involuntarily, raising the stick and hitting, the spiritual official whip to welcome. The two huddled together in front of the Lingxiao Hall.

In the High Heaven Hall, the group of spirits panicked and hid everywhere, only Qian Tian sat on the High Heaven Throne with no expression.


There was a sound of cracking colored glaze, Qian Tian frowned and turned around to look, only to see that the last time he saw his secret, Tian Jiang accidentally broke a colored glaze cup.

Perceiving Qiantian's gaze, he shuddered that day, and suddenly fell to his knees with a thump: "Your Majesty is forgiving, the little one is loyal to your Majesty, and has no two hearts."

On this day, I noticed something bad at this time, and I kowtow desperately, kowtow like garlic.

"Don't panic, brother virtuous, I'll help you." During the fight, I saw a yin and yang qi in the lower realm running through the void, inverting the yin and yang, and instantly rushed into the Nantian Gate. At this time, the Nantian Gate lined up neatly and saw the golden wings. Dapeng opened his mouth and swallowed one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers in an instant, rushed into the palace of Lingxiao and led Wukong.

"Thank you, brother." Looking at Demon King Peng, Wukong's restless heart became clearer.

"Fight carefully, let's fight out together," Peng Demon King said.

After being trained by the gossip furnace, the Explosive Ape has reached a peak state under the immortal Dao. The Peng Demon King is not bad, the innate imperial emissary of Yin and Yang rules, and the gods who fought against them are retreating. Wukong turned around and pulled out, carrying his stick towards him. Fight for dry days.


At this time, heaven soldiers rushed over to block Wukong, and Qiantian's expression changed, and his voice changed a little: "Go to Da Leiyin Temple and invite the Buddha to descend the demon."

When a heavenly official got the will, he immediately traveled to the Lingshan victorious realm. Before the Leiyin treasure temple, he gave the four vajra and eight bodhisattvas and conveyed the trouble.

The gods follow to Baolian to enlighten their knowledge Tathagata summons. The two sacraments of the Buddha and the three zhas stand under the stage.

Sun Chi asked, "Why does the Emperor of Heaven bother the Second Saint coming?".

The second sage enlightened: "Xiang Shi Huaguo Mountain produces a monkey, where he uses magical powers, and gathers monkeys to disturb the world. The emperor sent an order and was named Bi Ma Wen, and he thought that the official would go back. When Li Tianwang, what The prince Zha was not captured, so he was recruited again, and he was appointed as the great saint of heaven. First there were officials but no decency. With him in charge of Pan Taoyuan, he stole peaches; he went to Yaochi to steal food and wine, disturbing the meeting; Liquor secretly enters the Palace of Dousie, stealing the old emperor’s elixir, and then leaving the palace. The emperor sends hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers, but he can’t conquer. The old emperor throws gold and steel to fight hard, and Erlang has to hold it. Chop it. Knife, axe, fire, thunder and fire, all can’t hurt, the old man can take it away, and exercise with fire. On the forty-ninth, he opened the tripod, but he jumped out of the gossip furnace, repelled the Tianding, and entered the Tongming Hall Inside, outside the Lingxiao Hall; the hard work was blocked by the assistant envoy Wang Lingguan of True Monarch Yousheng, and thirty-six thunder commanders were transferred to trap him in Gaixin, and he couldn't get close. The matter is urgent, so the emperor specially invited the Tathagata to help." .

No matter how the gods are dissatisfied with Gantian, Gantian cannot die now, at least not before the race war.

At present, it is difficult to correct the wrong chapters in rural areas. I will notify you if the corrections are made. I'm sorry. (To be continued.)

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