The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1486: Thrilling suppression, layout completed

However, he said that Sun Chi followed the two venerables to the High Peak Palace, left Lei Yin, and went to the gate of Lingxiao. □Tomato Novel □Net"-Suddenly I heard the shouts, and the thirty-six members of Lei Jiang besieged the Great Sage.

Seeing this, Sun Chi smiled slightly: "Please also bother the two heavenly officials, please get out of the way and let the explosive ape out."

That day the official heard the words and shouted in his throat: "The Buddha passed the decree: teach Lei will stop fighting, let go of the camp, and call the great sage out, and I will ask him what mana power is."

Hearing this, the soldiers retreated, and the Great Sage also took the real body, and the Demon King Peng on one side stopped and revealed his original body.

Looking at Sun Chi, Wukong said: "You are the Fangshi, dare to stop the swordsman and ask me?".

Sun Chi smiled and said: "I am the Venerable Tathagata from the Great Leiyin Temple. I heard that you are rampant in the village and you have repeatedly turned against the Tiangong. I don't know where you grew up and how old you were. Why are you so violent?".

Wukong pointed at Sun Equator: I am--

The heaven and the earth generate the spirit mixed fairy, an old ape in the Huaguo Mountain. The water curtain cave is a family business, worshiping friends and seeking teachers to understand Taixuan.

As long as you practice the Law of Longevity, you will learn to change boundlessly. Because the earth is too narrow in the mortal world, I decided to live in Yaotian.

The Lingxiao Palace is not for a long time, and it has been passed down by the kings of the past. -Let me respect the strong, and the heroes dare to fight for the first place."

This monkey is so ambitious that he actually wants to dry the sky under the buttocks, and the dry sky not far away suddenly looks gloomy.

Sun Chi listened, hehe sneered and said: "You are a monkey who has become a spirit. How dare to deceive your heart to seize the honor of God? He is appointed by the nine supreme ancestors, blessed by the demon gods, and praised by the dragons of the four seas. , To create the Great Way of Emperors from ancient times to the present, the first dynasty, practice since childhood, is a god-given emperor's fate, straighten out the universe before you can enjoy this infinite way, how do you, a beast who was a man in the first life, say this! , I’m not a son of man! You’ve broken your birthday! Take refuge as soon as possible and don’t talk nonsense! But for fear of being murdered, your life will die instantly, but what a shame you are!".

After listening to Sun Chi’s words, Qiantian’s eyes on one side suddenly brightened. He looked at Sun Chi with joy. Sun Chi’s words were full of admiration. Now he took the initiative to lower the demon. This fellow was full of kindness to himself. In the future, Lingshan Pure Land is promising. Amitabha is the number one power in the world. If he can get his support, no one can shake his position as an emperor. ☆``----`-`-`-`

When Qiantian was thinking about everything, one side of the Great Sage said: "Although he is slender in years and has a noble life, he should not be occupied for a long time. As the saying goes, the emperor will take turns and come to my house next year. Only teach him to move out. Give the Tiangong to me, that's it; if you still don't give it, you will definitely confuse it, and it will never be peaceful!".

Sun Chi heard the words and said: "In addition to the law of longevity, what else can you do to dare to occupy the heaven?".

Wukong raised his head and said: "My methods are so many miles! I have seventy-two changes, and I will live forever. I can drive somersaults with golden light, and I am boundless. How can I not sit in the sky?".

Sun Chi heard the words and said with his eyes lowered: "I bet with you: If you have the ability, a somersault strikes me in the palm of my right hand, and if you win, you don't have to fight hard with swords and soldiers, and invite the Emperor of Heaven to live in the West and let the Heavenly Palace for you. ; If you can’t slap your palms, you will still be a demon in the lower realm.

Sun Chi's words are very promising. He just said that you turned out and gave you the Palace of the High Heavens, but didn't say that he would give you the position of the Emperor of Heaven. Once you lose, if you really invite the Emperor of Heaven to Lingshan, you are kidnapped. The gods of the heavenly court will do a lot in the future. If they win, they will naturally suppress the husky as planned. △△○Tomato△Novel▽Net--```--``--`

The great sage heard the words and said with a secret smile: "This Tathagata is very dull! My old grandson went to boundless places with a somersault. His palm is not full of a foot, why can't he jump out?".

Anxiously said: "If you say so, what can you do?"

To be honest, although Sun Chi practiced the Buddha Kingdom in his palm and saved a lot of ghosts during the last war, the Buddha said that he could surrender the universe with the six-character mantra in his palm, but he really started his hand. Come, but there is no bottom in my heart, so I was deceived.

Sun Equator: "Do it, do it!".

While talking, stretched out his left hand, but it looked the size of a lotus leaf.

The great saint received the wishful stick, shook his mighty power, and stood in the palm of the Buddha's hand, but said, "I will go out too!"

Look at him all the way, invisible and invisible. Sun Chihui looked at it and saw that the monkey king windmill was generally similar to each other, so he just moved forward. At the same time, a mysterious change occurred in Sun Chi's palm. The void seemed to stretch indefinitely at this time. Seeing the monkey king, he was about to fly out of his palm. Sun Chi suddenly became anxious: "Well, I'm going to break my promise, this The supernatural powers of the squad are so powerful, and the demon monkey is suppressed by saying that he must not violate the agreement." ☆◇▽☆☆Tomato Novel Network-``---`

Just as Sun Chi was wandering around and wondering whether he should do it or not, it was also the number of days. During the Great Sunnah, he suddenly saw five pillars of red flesh supporting a blue aura. He said: "This is the end of the road. This time I go back, Tathagata to testify, I will sit in the Lingxiao Palace."

Then he thought about it and said, "Let's stay! When I leave some marks, it will be good and like to talk."

Seeing Wukong's actions, Sun Chi secretly took a breath: "It's dangerous, it's dangerous. I was almost flying out by this monkey. If it wasn't for this monkey's short-sightedness, he mistakenly regarded my five fingers as a pillar of heaven. Back to shame, asked the emperor to let out the High Heaven Palace."

Thinking like this, his face didn't show the slightest, still calm and composed, watching the monkey king pluck out a vellus hair, blowing his fairy breath, and shouting: "Change!"

Turn it into a tube of thick ink and double strokes, and write a line of big words on the middle pillar: "The Monkey King is here for a visit."

After writing, I received the vellus hair. Not solemn, but sprinkled a bubble of monkey urine under the root of the first pillar. Turn the somersault cloud, go back to the place, stand in the palm of the Tathagata and say: "I have gone, now come. You teach the emperor to let the heaven and me".

Sun Chi cursed: "I took you, a urinary monkey! You happened to never leave my palm! You didn't fly out."

The Great Sage thought that Sun Chi was going to be shameless, and said loudly: "You don't know. I went to the end of the sky and saw five fleshy red pillars supporting a blue aura. I will leave a note there. You dare to go with me. Look!".

Sun Equator: "If it doesn't disappear, you just look down at yourself."

The great sage opened his round eyes and golden eyes. When he looked down, it turned out that the Buddha's right hand said that "the great sage is here for a tour". There was some monkey urine in his big finger. The great sage was startled and said: "There is this Wait, there is such a thing! I wrote this word on the pillar of the sky, but how can it be on his finger? Could it be that there is a spell of an unknown prophet. I will never believe it, I will not believe it! Wait for me to come again!".

What a great sage, he hurriedly jumped and jumped out. The Buddha turned his palm and pushed the monkey king out of the West Tianmen. He turned his five fingers into five linked mountains, called "Five Elements Mountain", He suppressed.

The heavens and the gods all praised: "Good, good."

"Liar, you liar" Just when everyone was determined, they suddenly heard a roar from the lower realm, shaking the ground, and seeing that Wukong's divine light soared, and Wuzhishan was about to be stretched.

This is not an ordinary five-finger mountain, but a formation created by Sun Chi's enlightenment of Amitabha's magical technique, but it cannot be overwhelming.

Seeing the power of the explosive ape, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and the gods are frightened, Sun Chi put his hands together and said: "It's okay, the monk has a post here, as long as the town is sealed and Wuzhishan is on, it will be difficult for the hunger to ride the storm~www While talking, I saw that Tathagata took out a post in his hand and said to the attendants around him: "With this post, the town can be sealed on the Five Elements Mountain."

The attendant took the order, and the post in his hand flew out from outside the Nantian Gate, and instantly landed on the Wuxing Mountain. I saw that the Explosive Ape was just a head out, and the entire Wuxing Mountain was solidified again, letting the Explosive Ape’s magical powers be boundless, No matter how hard it is to roll up the storm.

Seeing that the monkey was really suppressed, all the nine supreme sect monks changed their expressions. Thinking of the identity of the Tathagata, they turned their heads and walked one by one without giving any face.

Sun Chi smiled slightly, and Qian Tian leaned over and said: "Please stay with the Venerable. The flat peach event cannot be held, but you can hold an Antin Conference to celebrate the demon's suppression."

"Fox God, is this your plan?" In the wild, the zombie god's eyes were cold: "Your plan is to suppress the explosive ape?"

The demon gods watched that the explosive ape was suppressed, and the whole body's energy floated and went straight to the sky, causing all the heavens to be in turmoil.

Well, the contents of the previous repeated chapters have been changed, just download it again. (To be continued.)

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