The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1568: Gorefiend's little belly chicken intestine

Seeing Wukong turning into a streamer and rushing out of the Great Leiyin Temple, Sun Chi suddenly became stunned: "Oh, you are a monkey, you are not a son of man, and you can't come back quickly."


With a stick, Wukong smashed the universe in Sun Chi's palm. Now Wukong understands the law of power and has taken the heart ape. Although he has not refined the heart ape, his strength has already undergone earth-shaking changes. The palm does not bless the six-character mantra, which is not enough for Wukong to see with a stick.

Wukong smashed the universe in Sun Chi's palm, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. Only Sun Chi yelled, "This hoot actually wants to repay the debt. This golden hoop is in the elixir of immortality. The most precious treasure can capture all the monsters in the world. After wearing it, it can steal the vitality of the heavens and the earth and use it to extend life. Although it is a restraint, it is also a great benefit. This servant now includes the heart ape, the golden hoop It's useless, and it's really an improper son of man to want to go wrong."

Bingqin on one side said: "Buddha don't be anxious, wait for my seat to take a look and ask for the golden hoop."

Bingqin drove the cloud head and chased Da Leiyin Temple, and Wukong stopped in front of him. "The Bodhisattva came just right. My old grandson and the monk became nasty, and I asked the Bodhisattva to intercede for me and explain everything clearly. The cause and effect of the matter was not that my old grandson beat the old monk. Since I have been in the sutra-study team, how can I give up halfway? This path of sutra-study is so mysterious. Maybe my grandson can take advantage of this."

"Humph, since you know the benefits of the path of learning, you don't have to quickly return the golden hoop." Bing Qin glared at Wukong.

Wukong touched the golden hoop on his head, with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "This golden hoop is a good treasure, a rare treasure. My grandson can't bear it. I didn't know the kindness of the Bodhisattva before, and thought that the Bodhisattva used it to fix me. Lao Sun, in his anger, set fire to the Guanyin Temple and asked the Bodhisattva not to blame."

This Wukong interrupted in every possible way, but didn't mention returning the golden hoop.

Bingqin smiled when he heard the words: "Don't go around, you honoose, now I just ask you, do you not hand over the golden hoop."

Wukong sneered: "Hand in, hand in, hand in, this golden hoop belongs to Da Leiyin Temple, my old grandson will naturally return to the original owner, but this thing is a good thing, waiting for me to **** the monk to Xitian, It's not too late to return the golden hoop."

Bing Qin said helplessly after hearing this: "Well, in that case, I will send you to meet the Buddhist monk."

Wukong returned to the team without making any waves. Watching Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva go away, Wukong rubbed his head, touched the golden hoop, and grinned silly.

The ancestor Zhu Ba on one side hummed and said, "Brother Monkey is not stupid, there is something so happy about Golden Hoop, why don't you just laugh stupidly".

Now Wu Kong has taken the heart ape, and all the violence in his heart is returned to the heart ape, but instead of fighting with the pig eight ancestors, he smiles and secretly runs the Taishang Laojun Kaitian scripture to refine the body Heart ape.

This time the contest ended in a failure of the Yin Division. The Buddhists won a round. Not to mention the blood demon proving the Tao, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva nailed a thorn in the Yin Division and deeply pierced the ghost. In the heart of the Lord.

The four masters and apprentices continued on the road. Before they had walked a few miles, they saw a man covered in blood and standing on a blue stone with his hands on his back, blocking the way of learning.

Looking at the evil-looking man, Wukong's hairs stood up, and the stick in his hand was suddenly held in his hand: "Where is the monster, dare to stop me waiting for the way."

"You monkey, what are you making a fuss about? This seat is the old man of this monk. Today I just came to thank you. I have already set up a manor in front of me. Thank you very much. Come with me." The man in the red robes waved his hand and turned the universe upside down. This westward journey has already taken most of the way to an elegant Taoist temple. Among the Taoist temples, there are more than a dozen beautiful and charming women in Lianbu styles. Serve fragrant tea back and forth.

Seeing this, Yu Duxiu's expression remained unchanged, but with the rosary in his hand, the blood demon pointed to a few stools and said, "Sit down, everyone."

Everyone sat down one by one, Wukong said: "Who are you? Seeing your body is full of blood, but there is no smell of evil, obviously it is the cathode that generates yang, is it the one from the sea of ​​blood?".

There was such a big disturbance in the Yinsi Difu before. Although Wukong was busy with the heart ape, he was not deaf, so he could hear and see it.

"You monkey can be considered smart." The blood demon praised, then pointed to the blood red fruit on the finger table and said: "This is a blood bodhi, but it is a specialty of my blood sea, eating one capsule can prolong life for thousands of years, although It's not as good as the flat peach, but it is also a magical effect. It can wash the hair and cut the marrow and change the satin bone."

Wukong and Zhu Ba’s ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu, then at the blood demon, facing the real supreme powerhouse, who would provoke casually, eating blood Bodhi silently, secretly guessing Yu Duxiu and Gorefiend's relationship.

"This road to the sky can last a hundred years, or a short period of ten years. You can reincarnate and come back. Then you and I will definitely be able to reincarnate." The blood demon looked at the jade Duxiu dressed in a monk's clothes and exclaimed: What are you calculating in your previous life, it's really weird to think of becoming a monk or a monk."

Seeing this, Yu Duxiu chuckled: "What is the donor saying? What past and present lives?".

"Oh, you are a mortal fetus. It is useless to talk to you so much. I don't know if you are not yourself after awakening the memory." After the blood demon finished speaking, he stood up and looked at the distant scenery and said: "I Now that I have just finished my busy schedule, I have time to come and see you. You are doing pretty well now, no matter how old you are in the future, you have lost your memory now, and it is useless to say anything to you."

With that said, the blood demon turned around and quickly kicked Yu Duxiu: "You **** did not bully me in your previous life, but I have to take the opportunity to return now."

After speaking, looking at Yu Duxiu who was kicked and staggered and full of anger, he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and his figure was lost.

"This servant is the supreme powerhouse of the blood sea? It's too bad, what is the difference between such a behavior and the villain?" The ancestor Zhu Ba grabbed a handful of blood bodhi and stuffed it into his mouth.

Wu Kong hurriedly stepped forward to support Yu Duxiu, looking at Yu Duxiu's sullen expression, a thoughtful color flashed in his eyes.

This master of his own is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In his previous life, he didn't even know what he had done, and he actually asked a supremely powerful man to come and kick his feet as revenge.

"I don't be the Son of Man, I'm not the Son of Man" Yu Duxiu scolded, his face flushed.

"Master, don't want to get angry, don't want to get angry, just look for a chance to kick back in the future, and that is the case, this supreme powerhouse of blood is too small, because of the past life, he came to kick the master specially. I don’t know what the master has done that is angry and complaining," said Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, flattering.

These words made Yu Duxiu's face black but didn't say much, turned around and turned on the white dragon horse, turned and beat the horse away.

In the mountains and peaks, the Blood Demon sighed faintly as the four masters and disciples left, and his eyes were full of emotion: "As soon as you enter the cycle of reincarnation, it is as deep as the ocean. Even if you awaken your memory, you don’t know if you are still in your previous life. , I want to talk to you again, but it’s difficult.”

Of course, at this time, the blood demon would never think that Yu Duxiu had not lost his memory. If the blood demon knew that Yu Duxiu had not lost his memory, he would have to be scared to death.

In the Immeasurable Pure Land World of Lingshan, Amitab's face twitched, and his eyes were full of helplessness: "Forget it, wait for the deity to finish the road to the sky and find the blood demon to settle the accounts. This fellow is indeed a notorious fellow from the ancients. It’s like a small belly chicken intestine, no wonder it has become a street mouse, everyone shouts and beats, I am a reincarnated mortal, this fellow is ashamed to run over and kick a few feet, really has no conscience."

"Tongtian road, road to heaven, walking to the sky on foot." Yu Duxiu refines the mysterious and yellow energy in his body, and a hint of contemplation flashes in his eyes: "The road to the sky is the real way to the sky. It is my detachment. In the future, it will become the foundation of the first person in the heavens. I have long expected this road to the sky to have many calamities, and even set up a calamity, but I never thought that God’s will be unpredictable. Fortunately, I have a back hand. Keep going, otherwise this time it will really fall." (To be continued.) u

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