The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1569: The difficulty of Buddhism, a teammate like a pig

The Buddhist school produced a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. If you think Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is really that simple, you are stupid.

All Buddhist believers, as long as they bury themselves in the land for burial after death, they can follow the lead of the Buddhist cause and effect and enter the legal domain opened by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, be blessed by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and reincarnated. , Inevitably wealthy people.

Lingshan Pure Land, Amitabha sits in the Pure Land world. The ten worlds behind his head are all turned into nothingness. There are countless virtual worlds that continue to revolve, following a mysterious law, constantly refining the believers of all beings. Power of mind.

"The Ksitigarbha is under the elbow of the Yinsi ghost master in the Yinsi, and we still need to find a way to break the game." Amitabha looked at the Yinsi with a pair of Dharma eyes, but saw that the enlistment in the Yinsi immediately started, and the countless Yinsi army shook the mountains and rivers. Under the command of the supreme powerhouse, he rushed towards the sea of ​​blood and the place where the Ksitigarbha King was.

The Yin Division is the most peculiar part of the heavens and all realms. The Yin Division is located in infinite time and space, but it also exists in every time and space. It has infinite power and is elusive. If it does not reach the realm of the quasi-superior, the power of the law will be gathered. It is simply difficult to comprehend the avenue between heaven and earth and find the yin and yang barrier in endless time and space.

Even, someone once said that in the ancient times, the Yin Division was the biggest culprit in the turbulence between heaven and earth, and all the calamities were secretly controlled by the Yin Division.

"Give the Ksitigarbha an illusory world. As long as the Ksitigarbha gathers his own world, there can be a place for Buddhist believers to rest and rest. That world can also be regarded as a transit station. If there are many people, it can also be transferred. Go to Lingshan Pure Land or reincarnate in the Lingshan realm and enjoy the rare peace."

Thinking of this, Amitabh stretched out his palm, but saw a small illusory world in the endless void being held in his hand, and then came to the gate of the shadowy test in the pure land, pushed his palm, but saw the illusory world smoothly Along the two-world channel, it instantly fell into the eighteen relics of the Ksitigarbha, and then the relics changed for a while, embedded in the small world, the small world was instantly absorbed and refined by the Ksitigarbha, countless Buddhist believers entered the small world to pray Reading the scriptures began to build a small world of Buddhism.

"With this small thousand world, the Buddhist believers can move with me at any time, wandering in the long river of time, as long as the ghost master does not personally take action, what can the old ghosts in these few underworlds do to me? "Ji Zang's immature little face is full of smiles, looking at the countless ghost soldiers, a sneer appears at the corner of his mouth: "Now my Buddhist family should help the blood sea and counterattack the Yinsi."

After speaking, the Sanskrit sound sang and saw countless Buddha sounds spilling from the nine days, floating towards the countless ghosts in an instant.

Ghosts are the most restrained of fearing the Buddha's light. If the fierce Buddha's light is just a face, it can disperse countless ghosts. If the Buddha's light is reduced, the ghosts will not even have the power to resist.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was hidden in the boundless time and space. When the ghost master did not take action, everyone could not help this little monk. The pressure of the blood sea was greatly reduced in a short time, and the two parties joined forces to resist the pressure of the underworld. Under the pressure of the Yin Division, he is still at a disadvantage, but he has gained a firm foothold.

"Unexpectedly, the Buddha's house was united with the notorious generation of Gorefiend." The ghost master's eyes were full of anger in the Yinsi Hall.

The prince Yinshan smiled coldly: "Father God, this Buddhist school is doing his own death."

"Huh?" The ghost master gave the prince a puzzled look.

"Father, the blood demon is notorious. I don’t know how many evil things he has done in the world of Yang. As long as the Father secretly manipulates it, he will ensure that the development of Buddhism in the world of the Yang will be hit hard and become notorious. They uprooted all the power of Buddhism except for the spiritual mountain realm. Presumably, the supreme powers will not let go of this opportunity to contain the development of Buddhism."

Yu Duxiu calculated everything, but she never expected that Yin Si would have this trick.

This trick has caused great trouble to the Buddhists. Since ancient times, people have believed in justice and hated evil. Under the impetus of the Yin Division, the nine supreme ancestors of the Yang world secretly pushed their hands, the Central Territory and the Human Race Kyushu. Buddhism believers were uprooted and slaughtered.

"Tai Yi, your hand is a bit cruel, right?" Taiping Jiao Zu looked at Tai Yi Jiao Zu's hand, and his complexion suddenly became difficult to look.

"Ruthless? All these causes and effects are the blood demon. If it weren't for this man who deliberately contaminated the countless creatures who had changed my way with a sea of ​​blood, how could these countless creatures turn into a sea of ​​blood monsters and slaughter innocent beings on a large scale? Pushing hands in secret, leading countless blood sea monsters to the Buddhist monastery." Tai Yi Jiaozu looked compassionate: "If you want to weaken the power of the Buddha, don't be afraid of pain."

Among the human races, with the exception of the Dachen Dynasty, all Buddhist temples were slaughtered by the blood sea monster. Where did this blood sea monster come from? It was the last time that Taiyi taught ancestors to suppress the palm of the Gorefiend. The blood demons deliberately contaminated countless creatures of Taiyi Dao, including the disciples of Taiyi. Ordinary mortals did not expect the opportunity to come in the blink of an eye. Tai Yi Jiaozu simply urged countless gorefiend powers directly, instantly demonizing the countless disciples of the disciples, and began to lash out at Buddhist temples.

At the same time, in some countries in the Yang world, the powerful among the Yin Division began to continue to preach that Buddhism is a heresy. Under the threat of life and death, you can’t help but change your beliefs. In the face of life and death, countless believers have abandoned the Dharma and returned to the nine. The Great Sect.

At the same time, countless disciples of the nine supreme sects came out in large numbers, and the war to seal demons began. In the Yang world, there were countless legends about the sects and myths of immortality. The belief in the world changed instantly. .

At Da Leiyin Temple, Amitabha looked pale, watching the roots of Buddhism except Dachen all being pulled out, but the anger in his eyes rose, and the Buddha was also angry.

"It's too much, it's too much."

"My Buddha, not only the human race, but also the monsters and gods of Manghuang, all the demon gods have also begun to do it. Let the black and white impermanence ghost tribe monks do it, and use methods on my Buddhist school. Manghuang is watching the changes quietly. "The meaning of fighting" Sun Chi lowered his head and said.

The forty-eight Da Hongyuan in Amitabha's hands was speechless for a long time. After a while, he said: "Now I should be prosperous in Buddhism. I didn't expect that my Buddhism was so powerful. On the contrary, I became a target. The Buddhism settles down and develops silently. Going on like this, after completing the road to heaven, Taoism should also be born. There is no fight between Buddhism and Taoism. How to plunder the aura belonging to the nine supreme sects, the wild monster race and the Sihailong race ".

"Variables, magical powers are not against the heavens." On the road to heaven, Yu Duxiu rode a tall horse and slowly twisted the relics: "This is a variable. These supreme powers are not vegetarians. I can see the weakness of the Buddhist school. The general action is equivalent to pushing the ancestral grave of the Buddhist school from the foundation. If I hadn't waited for some means, I'm afraid that it would be difficult to move in the future, without the faith and worship of immeasurable beings, how will the Buddhist Hengsha world take shape?".

Yu Duxiu lowered her head: "The road to the sky ~ After I finish the road to the sky, I am trying to get rid of the chaos, have fun with you bastards, and carry forward my Taoist orthodoxy. Respect".

"Master, why do you look like this, the **** before, actually kicked the master, are you still hurting now?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba came over.

Yu Duxiu's face suddenly turned black when he heard the words, hitting people without slapping their faces, cursing people without revealing shortcomings, this is good, really don't know, or intentionally embarrassing herself? .

"It's okay for the teacher, you go to the front to find out if there is any food. If you are hungry for the teacher, let's make your fast as soon as possible" Yu Duxiu said.

Seeing the calamity rising into the sky in the distance, Yu Duxiu's mouth sneered: "Teach you this **** to expose my shortcomings. Today, you must know how good I am."

On one side, Wukong Pidian took out the bowl from his own burden: "Senior brother, go, now it's not early, so I asked for a meal to come back to relieve the master's fatigue."

The old ancestor Zhu Ba heard the words and took the bowl, leaning over and said: "Brother Monkey, you have great magical powers and fly extremely fast, otherwise you go look for it?". (To be continued.) u

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