The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1570: 7 star sword out, Beidou frightens the demon god

Because of the blood demons, Yin Si began to block the power of the Buddhist school. The supreme powerhouses in the wild did not say a word, neither stopped nor contributed to the flames, but just watched the changes.

As a result, it is natural to know that, except for the Spirit Mountain and Earth Realms, the Buddhism forces are basically annihilated, greatly shrinking, I don't know how much.

East China Sea, where Yugu is located.

A gourd kept flying around a golden crow full of fiery red. At this time, the true Boss Ape Supreme True Body sat meditating in the endless void in the gourd.

"The law of power is actually the most fundamental and the most powerful law of power." Bao Yuan's eyes were weird: "If my flesh proves again, we are brothers from the same origin, we are all in the same body. He was conceived and he was able to prove the law of strength, and my understanding of the law also has many benefits."

Speaking of this, Booming Ape looked at the endless void and meditated silently: "Miaoxiu has been reincarnated in reincarnation for five hundred years, tossing and tossing, but it is a pity, it is a pity, such a short period of time, it is impossible to escape from this innate spirit. Bao Hulu's method".

Explosive Ape smiled bitterly, he was Tao transformed into this innate Lingbao gourd, which means that this innate Lingbao gourd is the world, and he has become Taoized and has become a part of this world. The two sides are connected as one and it is difficult to part.

"But with regard to the evolution of the world, I also touched some doorways. As long as the world can evolve, I can reincarnate in this evolving world and get out of this congenital spirit gourd. Then I will be able to resurrect the world. , I was just afraid that Miaoxiu would notice the movement and ran over to make trouble.” At this time, the explosive ape hesitated, reincarnation, and opening up the world could not be completed in a short time, so he did not hesitate.

He said the road to the sky, but saw a boy holding a seven-star sword in his hand, a gourd straddling his waist, and a green bull by his hand.

This green bull is the innate Yimu green bull, this boy is naturally a Lingyu boy.

"The Lord once told me that if you want to go to the sky, the pig eight is the reincarnation of the canopy, and Wukong is shaking the sky. Only the monk is the reincarnation of the Lord. The Lord has been bullied by the Buddha many times. Today, I will rescue the Lord." Lingyu Boy is now 13 or 4 years old, carrying a long sword as tall as himself, which feels quite funny.

The Xiantian Yimu Qingniu said: "The great master was reincarnated, and was repeatedly extradited by the Buddhist school, but it has deceived people too much. Now that the heavens and the world are working together to suppress the Buddhist school, it is time for us to rescue the great master and bring it back to the cave. It is good to teach, and it is also good to be a god."

Hearing this, the boy changed his body and instantly turned into a monster king with a weird face, holding a seven-star sword in his hand: "This seven-star sword was made by the old master from the pill furnace of the immortal medicine. The power of the star fights, controls life and death, and has infinite power. This rope is a belt that the great master extracted from the dragon king of the four seas and refined it. It can trap people and take people, and its power is against the sky. As for this gourd."

When the boy said this, he closed his mouth and didn't continue to speak: "In short, this time I want to grab the old man back."

"Who will play first?" Xian Tian Yimu Qingniu said.

"I'll come first" The boy smiled and instantly stuffed up all the treasures, then his body twisted and turned into a child, and the trapped fairy rope instantly turned into a rope and hung it from the tree.

"I'll wait for you at the back" The green bull turned into a human form, holding a bull's head, turned and left.

"Help, help."

A burst of children's cries came, echoing in the mountains and forests.

Yu Duxiu was riding on the horse, listening to this sound, her eyebrows moved, and said to the two men walking in front: "Wukong, Bajie, have you ever heard what sound?".

"Master, where is there a sound in this barren mountain, Master heard it wrong, I heard it wrong" At this point, Wukong looked at Old Master Zhu Ba: "Fool, have you ever heard someone shouting?".

The old ancestor Zhuba nodded when he heard the words, ignored Wukong's face, and said, "I heard it, I will go to the front for alms, brother, please go and see with the master."

As he spoke, the ancestor Zhu Ba turned around and left. Wukong grinned in anger: "Master, this barren mountains and wild mountains, without seeing people, must be the demons and ghosts who have taken the opportunity to murder him. Please don't take care of your business. Let's go quickly. Right".

"Go? My monks are compassionate, so how can they ignore human life?" After speaking, Yu Duxiu got up and got off his horse and walked towards the jungle.

Wukong followed closely, but he had no choice but to open the way. After walking for a while, his eyes lit up, but he heard Wukong say: "Master, there is a white and fat little doll hanging here. This little doll is walking strangely. Please also ask the master to leave. Go, I'll deal with it."

Looking at the little doll, Yu Duxiu smiled: "Wukong, this is a white and tender little doll, how is it a monster? Don't talk nonsense, quickly untie this little doll."

Wukong was helpless when he heard the words, so he could only go forward and untie the baby, grinning and frightening him: "Don't be scheming, or grandpa tells you that you can't eat."

As soon as he said this, the little baby was frightened by Wukong's fierce face and cried, obviously scared.

Yu Duxiu reprimanded Wukong, and then said: "You guys, let me hold the baby."

"Master, don't worry, it's just a little baby. My apprentice can bear it, and I can bear it." After saying that, I saw Wukong pinch the baby up and put it on his back: "Little baby, don't pee your uncle grandson Back".

Before he finished his words, Wukong suddenly changed his complexion, and there was a bluestone on his body. This bluestone does not look big, but it is extremely heavy. Even if Wukong is the supreme power, he has mastered the threshold of the great power. It is still difficult to move.

The little doll in the distance appeared and turned into a monster, holding a seven-star sword in his hand: "Oh, you hunk, you dare to say that your little master wets the bed. It is really unreasonable. You master, I will take it away. It’s a good experience here."

After speaking, the demon king swept away Yu Duxiu and disappeared.

"Good baby".

There are too many monks paying attention to the road to the sky. At this time, when I saw the Seven Star Sword, from the ancestor to the most ordinary monks of good fortune, all of them suddenly brightened their eyes and brilliant.

"This treasure reveals the immortal energy machine of good fortune, the wonderful energy of immortality, which was fired when Miaoxiu refined the elixir of immortality. It has infinite magical effects and is infinitely mysterious. It is indeed a good treasure." The voice of Taiyuan Jiaozu spread throughout the world without covering up.

"The little fairy, stop your steps for now." There was an innate immortal aura flashing in the void, and some monster cultivators could not bear it and could not help but start to do it.

The Lingyu boy took Jade Duxiu, with the Seven-Star Sword on his back, and looked at the innate immortal light that descended, and his pupils suddenly shrank: "Who are you, why do I go?"

"I see that your seven-star sword is good, it is a rare treasure, but it is not something that your little great sage can bear. You give this sword to me quickly, and I will let you go, otherwise it will be here. The place where you are buried" The quasi-superior demon **** sneered again and again and said proudly.

Lingyu boy put Yu Duxiu down and grabbed the Seven Star Sword, and the long sword came out of its sheath: "You are here to die, and let you see how powerful the Seven Star Sword is."

After speaking, I saw the seven-star sword in the hand of the Lingyu boy flashed, and he saw the seven sword lights echoing the Big Dipper stars above the nine heavens, and the countless starlight fell down, instantly carrying a mysterious law towards the opposite. Quasi-Monster repressed and left.

Nan Dou is born and Beidou is dead.


Nandou Beidou stars are the three hundred and sixty-five most primitive and eternal stars in ancient times. They are immortal and have infinite mighty power. Even the supremely powerful will not dare to provoke a little bit. The sword light turns into a Nandou formation, constantly Rotating, instantly trapped the quasi-demon **** in it, and kept spinning.

With a life span of 300 years in one circle, this boy's mana is also limited. If you change Yu Duxiu, you can take the half-life of this quasi-demon **** in one circle, and send the opponent to reincarnation in two circles.

Without waiting for the quasi demon **** to react, the Big Dipper star had already turned seven times, cutting off its life span of two thousand and one hundred years, and suddenly bluffing the quasi demon god's soul to disperse, and suddenly jumped out of the circle of battle. (To be continued.)

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