The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1571: Reduce life

There is a good saying, tigers don’t show off their might, do you treat me as a sick cat? .

The quasi-monster saw that the Lingyu boy was only a cultivation base of good fortune, and thought it was a bully, a soft persimmon, so he quickly jumped out and squeezed it, but never thought that the persimmon was not only not soft, but rather hard.

In just a moment of fighting, the life span of 2,100 years was cut off. This is the real life span, not the kind of life that can be restored.

The quasi-monster jumped out of the battle circle and looked at the Lingyu boy from a distance. Suspiciousness suddenly appeared on his face. A pair of eyes looked at the seven-star sword greedily: "Boy, although the power of this sword is tyrannical, it does not belong to you after all. Yes, you quickly hand over this long sword, and I will spare your life, or I will bury you here today."

"Hmph, I want to grab my treasure, and I'll say it after my seven-star sword." While speaking, I saw the divine light flowing on the seven-star sword, the true writings of the amnesty book flowed, and the surrounding mountains and rivers seemed to be currents, and they merged instantly. Together, it turned into a Taotao mudslide, and swept toward the quasi-monster with a roar.

"Stick to me".

The quasi-monster god's supreme real body was revealed, it was actually a huge white snake, and the white snake spit out frost from his mouth, trying to freeze the mudslides of the waves.

"Zhen Feng".

The seven stars on the Seven-Star Sword in Lingyu Boy’s hand were shining with starlight, and countless mudslides instantly solidified and turned into a big mountain. All the mountains and rivers in a radius of tens of thousands of miles turned into one ♂ long ♂ wind ♂ text ♂ school, w▽ seat , Instantly suppressed towards that quasi-monster.


Thinking about the law of proof of power, the explosive ape would be overwhelmed by the mountains and rivers, not to mention the quasi-demon **** in this tract, instantly distorted by the supreme real body, and being suppressed by the mountain can not struggle.

"Naughty animal, dare to block the way of the king, see that I will not kill your life today, drive you into reincarnation, you will never be transcended" Lingyu boy began to urge the power of the Big Dipper again, and the power of the Big Dipper turned into a spoon , Constantly rotating, life span of 300 years in a circle.

"Don't turn anymore, don't turn anymore, this Seven-Star Sword is no longer in this constellation, no more" The snake spirit felt the constant deprivation of lifespan, and suddenly became anxious. Are you falling into reincarnation? .

In today's world of great controversy, there are countless opportunities. Who doesn't want to live well and seize more opportunities to prepare for the preaching of the Dao, how could such a useless reincarnation reincarnation.

The power of this seven-star sword immediately caused countless strong men in the heavens to breathe quickly. This seven-star sword can actually reduce the life span of monks. Even the supremely strong can't avoid it. It is really incredible to be controlled by this seven-star sword.

Looking at the Seven Star Sword, another quasi-superior powerhouse jumped out without saying hello. He immediately pierced through the back of Lingyu Boy's head, apparently trying to put Lingyu Boy to death.

At the critical moment, I saw the spirit jade boy surrounded by golden light, and a rope flew out in an instant. The quasi-superior existence could not break free, and was instantly trapped by the rope into a bug, but he saw the spirit jade boy’s eyes with a cruel color. "Well, you bastard, you dare to sneak attack on the young master. You are still a quasi-superior, and you are still acting like this. If it weren't for the young master, I have the ability to kill demons and demons. I really want you today. Tao".

Speaking of this, the Lingyu boy flicked his palm, the rope flicked, the mountains and rivers turned into running water, and another quasi-demon **** was buried in the rocks, unable to move.

Lingyu boy retracted the sleepy fairy rope, his eyes looked at the surrounding void, but he was stunned by countless monks in the sky, showing hesitation on his face, but he did not dare to do it. The magic weapon in this boy is extremely powerful, and I don’t know if there is any. A few magic weapons, once they are surrendered by others, they are not good.

"You scumbag, you dare to attack the young master, then you can die with this snake spirit" Lingyu boy urged the Seven Star Sword, but saw the two quasi-monsters look panicked, begging grandpa to tell grandma, crying Stop, while constantly shaking the mountain, trying to break through the mountains and fly out, but the mountains and rivers are as heavy as the ancient stars, and it is impossible to shake them.

The supreme powers of the heavens can be seen by those standing outside the starry sky. The Big Dipper and the Southern Dipper on the earth are actually fused together, and then the immense power falls in an instant, and the seven stars transform into a will, suppressing and fusing there. Among the mountains and rivers, it is equivalent that the mountains and rivers are part of the Primordial Seven Stars. Even the supreme powers cannot shake this Primordial Star, not to mention the two quasi-superior powers.

Seeing that Lingyu boy acted mercilessly, continuously reducing the lives of the two quasi-monster gods, and the skill of speaking has been reduced for ten thousand years, and all the quasi-monster gods in the wild twitched.

"Which **** is this, I don't even have any affection." The snake **** looked at the white snake that was suppressed on the bottom of the mountain, and he couldn't sit still. This is the quasi-monster **** of the snake clan. Precious resources, in this age when the supreme powerhouses are restraining each other, the quasi-demon **** is the greatest combat power.

"Huh, you are not enough to take advantage of the magic weapon. Today I will show you the magic weapon. After all, the magic weapon is a foreign object. It is not something you can control by a monk in the realm of good fortune." Void actually jumped out of the five innate immortality. Aura, innate immortal body.

The human race, the monster race, the dragon race, the five quasi-superior powers, turned into the light of law, and came to kill the spirit jade boy.

Seeing the five quasi-superior powers do their work, Lingyu Boy cried secretly: "It's really people who die for money and birds for food, these **** are for two treasures, don't die?".

I only have two treasures, how to deal with the five supreme powerhouses? .

When the Lingyu boy was thinking about countermeasures, he suddenly heard a roar from a distance: "Bold evildoer, dare to take away my grandson's master, and eat my grandson a stick."

The words have not yet fallen, but the air has turned into liquid and is extremely stagnant. I saw that the long stick was like a thunderbolt, instantly piercing the void, breaking the liquid air, as if it were an atomic explosion, and the five quasi-monsters and gods instantly turned into dust. The innate immortal aura was shattered by a stick of the explosive ape while breathing.

"What a fierce monkey, I'm afraid that this person is also the intention of getting money." The faces of the supreme ancestors of the heavens twitched. Look at me and I see you. At this time, I don't know whether to intervene.

If you intervene, it doesn’t seem to be easy to provoke the Explosive Ape now. Although it has not recovered the strength of its heyday, it has taken the Heart Ape, and the Yima has not surrendered. Once the Yima is surrendered, the power can reach the sky and the earth. Unparalleled power, directly mastering the law of power, abandoning the previous law of the stick.

To be honest, the powerhouses in the heavens are already a bit veiled. They have never heard anyone say that after they have proven a law, they can abandon it and re-understand other laws.

It's like a rabbit. One is eating vegetarian food. One day it suddenly eats meat. Do you think that the world will be turned upside down and the worldview will be overturned? .

After Wukong instantly exploded the five quasi-superior powers, he stopped his action and looked at the Lingyu boy: "The fairy, return my master quickly, my old grandson will spare you, otherwise today It's your death date".

"Hmph, monkey, if you dare to take a step forward, I'll just gnaw your master directly." The Lingyu boy grabbed the Seven Star The sleepy fairy rope pulled Yu Duxiu and pulled it in front of him. , Open your mouth and you have to lay your mouth.

"Stop" Wukong saw this helpless, the master is in the hands of others, he has the ability to reach the sky, and there is no way people: "What do you want?"

The Lingyu boy looked at the jade Duxiu in his hand, showing a hesitant color, was thinking, but saw a stream of light falling in the 33rd heaven, instantly revealing in the field.

"Master?" The boy looked at the falling man, suddenly startled.

After shouting, the boy replied calmly: "No, no, although you are similar to my Patriarch, you are not my Patriarch."

"Why bother?"

Taishang Laojun sighed softly and stretched out his palm, but saw that the Seven Star Sword instantly flew out and fell into his hand. The trapped fairy rope also untied automatically and fell into Laojun's waist, binding the boy with one end. Live, but saw that the boy instantly returned to his original shape.

"I have seen Laojun" Wukong saw Laojun, but he scratched his face in embarrassment, with a trace of fiery red on his face. He stole the pill from someone else and was found. (To be continued.)

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