The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1572: Triumphant, God's Will guillotine

The Lingyu boy was trapped by the immortal rope, but he couldn't speak. Taishang Laojun smiled and said, "This sword is a treasure conceived in my alchemy furnace. It is used to lower demons. Fu Mo, the most convenient. This trapped fairy rope is my belt. I never thought that this boy would sneak into the lower realm, but it caused trouble to the Great Sage. He also asked the Great Sage to give him a lot and spare this boy once. ".

Wukong sneered when he heard the words: "The old man is going to go, and he is going to go. Naturally, my old grandson will give you a face."

"Thank you, Great Sage." The old gentleman dragged the boy, and flew away, toward the 33rd heaven.

"Lao Jun, walk slowly, walk slowly, how about letting me out from the bottom of this mountain?" The two quasi-monster gods who were suppressed in the mountain saw Lao Jun going away, and they were suddenly anxious. They suppressed like this and wanted to rely on Escape with his own strength, in which life can he see the sun.

However, the old gentleman did not turn around, only the old gentleman's voice came slowly: "This matter is handed over to the Great Sage, and the Great Sage is naturally familiar with the matter of moving mountains and filling the sea."

When Wukong heard these words, his face turned green. This is a face slap. He has been suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years. For Wukong, although he suppressed the heart ape, his face was not honorable.

"Master, let's go" Wukong stepped forward to support Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu nodded, and said to Wukong: "This westward road, a group of demons dances wildly, there are two demons in this stone, why not kill them with one stick, so that these demons will not come out to harm people."

"What the master said is that I will end the lives of these two beasts." Wukong chuckled and licked his stick.

"Grandpa Dasheng, don't fight, don't fight, even though I am a monster, I have never harmed the holy monk. I also asked the holy monk to show mercy and spare my life."

"Holy monk, don't kill indiscriminately. My brother has never done anything evil," the other monster cried out sadly.

Although Wukong used to have the power of the sky, it may not be able to harm the two quasi-monster gods, but now it is different. This Wukong understands the laws of power, and the fundamentals of all laws are difficult to predict, and inevitably things will happen.

"Master, just tell you this monster to suppress it in the cracks of the stone, let's continue on the road" Wukong didn't want to be troublesome.

"It's okay, okay, let's get on the road" Yu Duxiu nodded.

Soon after the four masters and apprentices left, they saw the monster with the bull's head coming here, and the snake demon said, "Which monster are you, quickly break the rocks for me and unlock the seal in this mountain" .

The bull demon shook his head: "This stone has blessed the power of the Big Dipper. It is the most difficult to deal with. Let alone me, it will be difficult to break open even if a quasi-superior is here, unless it is the supreme strong. The person who did it himself".

After speaking, the bull demon looked at the two quasi-monster gods pityingly, and instantly steered the cloud head away.

"Damn it, really **** it".

The two quasi-monsters were constantly hammering the ground, but they didn't see the mountains shaking at all.

Following the four masters and apprentices in the distance, the Niu Jing saw the consummation of the five-man group on the westward road. Monk Sha enlisted in the army and his eyes rolled slowly: "Trouble, trouble, Tang monk did not take away, but gave the spirit jade I don’t know how the old gentleman will concoct the spirit jade, whether the spirit jade is in danger."

At this time, the bull demon touched the horns and said, "I heard people say that the old monarch is the essence of the lord back then mixed with the 33rd heaven origin, and it can be regarded as part of the lord. , But I don’t know the authenticity of this matter."

Speaking of this, Niu Jing said: "It should be no problem, but I don't know if I should act according to the original plan."

In the past through the matter of Lingyu, this cow thought carefully about it. There are countless strong heavens. There are too many people staring at the westward road. He is a congenital genus. If he is discovered by others, wouldn’t he want to swallow him up? It's a trivial matter.

"For the sake of the savior, but there is no choice." The cow thought carefully and turned his eyes, and grabbed the gourd at his waist: "First take the monkey demon to capture, and then force the shot directly to the Lord. Snatch away".

I was thinking, but saw the void twisted in front of him, Yu Duxiu's figure appeared in front of Niu Jing, a black lotus faintly spinning.

"The Lord".

Seeing Yu Duxiu, Niu Jing was immediately excited.

At this time, Yu Duxiu wore a black robe and carried her hands on her back. His eyes seemed to be a valley, unfathomable.

"The variables of the Journey to the West are beyond control. You are now being watched by the supreme powerhouses. This seat will send you to the 33rd Heaven to take refuge in the Supreme Lord, lest you be divided and devoured. As he spoke, Yu Duxiu looked at the void with a pair of eyes, and his head was enveloped in the black one-piece black robe. With a flick of his fingers, the void was twisted, a portal appeared, and the rich innate aura fell.

Looking at the aura of heaven and earth that landed, Qing Niu looked at Yu Duxiu, eager to talk.

"Don't worry about me, I am about to complete my big plan now, and I will be able to reappear in the world soon. Keep your useful body and listen to my arrangements in the future."


Before I finished speaking, I saw the universe burst open, and my palms were grabbed from the nine days, covering the sky and the sun, and the void was solidified in an instant.

Yu Duxiu in the black robe smiled coldly: "Although I have not refined the forty-nine profound and yellow qi, but it is not the soft persimmon as before, let's try it with you today."

While speaking, he saw Yu Duxiu sticking out a delicate finger in the black robe. In this finger, the innate divine thunder flickered. It looked like an ordinary innate divine thunder, but it landed in those palms. , But it was shocked that the heavens and ten thousand realms rolled up a burst of surprise.

"God's Will? Is this God's Punishment?".

All the supreme powerhouses exclaimed.

"Hurry up," Yu Duxiu looked at the blue bull.

Qing Niu jumped into the door without hesitation. Yu Duxiu smiled lightly, her body was enveloped in the black robe, looking at the palms that were suppressed again, one as white as jade. If the delicate palm of the hand of good fortune stretched out from the sleeve.

Although this palm is delicate and perfect, it is not terrible. It is just that the golden object in the palm makes the movements of the supreme powers stagnate.

"Punishment guillotine."

There was an exclamation from the heavens and ten thousand realms. The supreme powerhouses wanted to take back their palms, but unfortunately it was too late. Since Yu Duxiu has decided to try his hand, naturally he can't give up halfway, leaving behind secretly.




The golden blood splattered, and Ze was absorbed by all beings, but when the blood fell to the ground, it was absorbed instantly, and countless grasses and trees opened up their wisdom, and they appeared in an instant.


There was a roar that shook the world, and the powerful people wanted to make another move, but the man in the black robe turned into a black lotus, which instantly disappeared into the void and disappeared.

"Damn" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at his flesh and blood, and his palm was missing a layer of skin. His heart was so angry that the fox didn't catch it, but made a show.

In the wild, the wolf **** looked at his bare hands, all hair was shaved off by the guillotine, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes: "Why can this person mobilize a part of the power of the punishment guillotine? Xiao Baodian, this seat regards this person as a dry heaven, and deliberately embarrassed me."

In the East China Sea, Dragon King of the East China Sea appeared contemplative After a while, he said: "This is not a real penalty guillotine. If it is a real penalty guillotine, how can I wait for the palm of my hand to be spared? Only a layer of skin is missing. Although it has a part of the power of the penalty guillotine, compared with the real penalty guillotine, the power is far different."

Too Yi Dao, Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes flickered with golden light, his expression hesitant: "Miaoxiu?"

Seeing this person's abilities, the word Miaoxiu immediately poured into Tai Yi Jiaozu's heart.

"It is indeed Miaoxiu, and only Miaoxiu can master such weird supernatural powers. Fortunately, I used to think that the road to heaven was Miaoxiu, but I never thought that I was wrong. After nine reincarnations, Miaoxiu got rid of the calculations of the Buddhist school and has begun to restore her memory. Has she returned?" The voice of the Taiping ancestor came from the void: "Even if it is reincarnation, it is also Miaoxiu's energy, the origin of a person, even There are thousands of reincarnations, and there will still be no changes."

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Well, make an advertisement "Eternal Hero", "Cultivation of Gods", "Super Junior Grandmaster", "Chaos Immortal Body", Shuhuang students can go and take a look. (To be continued.) u

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