The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1573: Fox God Alchemy


The ancestors bowed their heads, and an inexplicable mood rose in their hearts.

"Don't worry about the road to the sky, it's important to find Miaoxiu. Miaoxiu is not a safe master. Maybe when you are not paying attention, he will cause a lot of trouble for you. This matter needs attention." Tai Yi Jiaozu opened his eyes.

"But that's the case, you can't relax a little bit about Miaoxiu," Taiyuan Jiaozu's eyes flickered coldly.

In the wild, in the aura light beam of the centipede ancestor, the fox **** continuously absorbs the aura between the heavens and the earth. After the transformation and compression of the nine palaces and eight trigrams, the five elements have actually begun to circulate and derive in the illusory formation space. It is endless, and the illusory world has a tendency to transform to reality.

"What Miaoxiu said to me at the beginning is really correct. I really want to dig out Miaoxiu's head and see what's inside Miaoxiu's head. The calculations are so far-reaching, even if I am waiting for the supreme power. It’s far less than that of "Fox Shenhu Mei’s big eyes, "Miaoxiu wants to walk the road to the sky by himself. It must not be that simple. I have to go and play with that Miaoxiu. The benefits can't all be monopolized by this kid, and I will have to share a piece of the soup. "The Fox God began to grind his teeth, and the illusory world began to evolve toward the real world, madly plundering the five elements of vitality between heaven and earth.

The centipede ancestor standing beside the fox **** secretly complained, the heaven and earth aura in the aura light beam was absorbed by the fox god, and he became a bystander, and could only drink some soup.

"Fox God, you leave me a little bit of the spiritual energy of this world," the centipede ancestor muttered and complained.

"Don't worry, you old thing, what's the urgency, now the four elephant formations formed by Terran Taiyi and the Four Seas Dragon Lords are all detached from the existence of the supreme power. If we have no one to break through, just Fearing that he would be completely suppressed by the Human Race, Manghuang fought against the Human Race, how could he be the opponent of the Human Race" Fox God glared at the centipede ancestor.

The centipede ancestor scratched his head when he heard the words: "You have taken my spiritual energy from heaven and earth, it is not impossible, but you have to help me with one thing."

"What's the matter?" Fox God said.

"Back then, I didn't know how to provoke Amitabha, but I never thought that my eyes would be completely dug down by Amitabha, and the supreme golden body would not be consummated. I asked the fox **** to help me capture those eyes" Centipede ancestor said.

After hearing the words, the Fox God hesitated for a moment, then pinched his fingers and calculated, and after a while he said: "This matter is difficult and difficult to say, easy and easy to say."

"What's the explanation for this?" Centipede ancestor was taken aback.

"For your eyes, Na Amitab bestowed Sun Chi as the Pearl of the Night. Amitabha has great strength and boundless mana, but those who are waiting for a while can do nothing. Even if I am making a breakthrough, I will at best be equal to Amitabha and want to defeat Amitabha. "But it's impossible" Fox God said: "But, your eyes are good things. Back then, Amitabha refined the golden orchid robes and refined one of your eyes into the golden orchid robes. You and I only need to be in the sky Lu sets down the number of calamities, restrains the explosive ape, then snatches the Jinlan robes, steals your eyes, and your strength can be restored by one point."

The centipede ancestor was happy when he heard the words: "If this is the case, let's take my eyes back first, and the rest is not in a hurry."

Fox God heard this and shook his head: "No, this road to the sky is very involved. If you want to steal the Jinlan robes, you need to think about it, otherwise you have to have a big cause and effect. It will be really troublesome in the future."

When I think of Yu Duxiu, the fox **** suddenly feels heart palpitations. This servant is really weird. In just five hundred years, ten reincarnations, only this last time, he can transcend reincarnation and become the supreme human. , To avoid the suffering of reincarnation.

Moreover, when Miaoxiu acted, Fox God kept thinking about deduction in his heart, always feeling the smell of conspiracy permeating it.

"Don't worry about this matter. After this seat breaks through, I personally go to the road to the sky to explore the reality and reality" Fox God pursed his red lips, and then closed his eyes.

After three days, the Fox God stretched out his palm, but saw a verdant gourd in his hand.

The centipede ancestor looked at the gourd and his eyes were hot.

The fox **** chuckled: "The sacrifice of the demon banner is very slow. Before this, the spirit flashed in my mind, and suddenly thought of a way to speed up the sacrifice of the demon banner. As long as the sacrifice of the demon banner is successful, I will be reckless. The demons are immortal. Facing the Heavenly Court of the Human Race, they are about to take advantage again. They can conscript immediately, conquer the Human Race in one fell swoop, and drive the Human Race out of the Central Territory."

"Now there are too many variables in the heavens and worlds. The attitudes of these three people are unclear. They want to defeat the human race, but it is difficult and difficult. The only thing that makes me feel at ease is the nine supreme sects of the human race. The goalkeeper uprooted the Buddhism power. If you hate the Buddhism, you will have to have a big battle in the future. If the two clans fight against the Buddhism, if the two clans fight, they will definitely not help the human race. What's more, the Yinsi is eyeing the Buddha, Buddha How dare the family divide their troops and help each other?" The centipede ancestor turned into a man with the bones of a fairy style, standing next to the Fox God, silently condensing the Supreme True Body, and all auras were given priority to the Fox God.

The fox **** threw the innate spirit treasure gourd into the nine palace gossip array: "Back then, this seat worshipped this demon flag, and took a wrong step. You should not lead the wolf into the room and extract the true spirit of that wonderful show into this trick demon. In the banner, the true spirit of Miaoxiu suddenly disappeared in the beckoning banner. This seat has been in a state of anxiety, but now it is a way to take the opportunity to solve the hidden danger, and maybe he can restrain Miaoxiu secretly, so that Miaoxiu will steal the chicken and stop eclipsing. Put the rice".

On the road to the sky, Yu Duxiu rides on a white horse, Wukong leads the way, the old ancestor Zhuba leads the white horse, behind the white horse, there is an extra figure, dressed as a monk, carrying a burden, and silent .

"Why is there a heart palpitation for no reason, countless tribulations, but it is difficult to trace the roots" Yu Duxiu took a deep breath, and looked at the continual gathering of tribulations in the void, a look of unconcealable sadness flashed in her eyes.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba was holding the white horse in front, cursing and saying: "Junior Brother Sha, it is your blessing that you can join the team for learning. Didn't you just smash a glass lamp? What's the big deal? It's too petty to do trivial things. I think that old pig was Tianhe's 100,000 water army marshal and was loyal to Gantian. Didn't he just molested a Lefang teacher in the palace? He actually beat me. Falling into the mortal world, it hurts my immortal way. If it weren’t enlightened by the Buddhist monks, I don’t know what to do now. Now that I am out of the heaven, I’m all relaxed. I went to the Western Heaven and practiced my mortal womb in the pool of eight treasures. , The blood is returned to the ancestors, my old pig will inevitably break through the quasi-superior realm in one fell swoop, and let the **** know how powerful my old pig is."

Speaking of this, the ancestor Zhuba clicked his lips and murmured: "It's a pity, it's a pity."

It’s a pity that Old Ancestor Zhu Ba was swallowing the innate divine water in the Four Seas Cold Dragon Palace. Before he could digest it, transform it into strength, and completely turn into a quasi immortal, this thing It's so heartwarming.

If the old ancestor Zhu Ba had listened to Yu Duxiu's words, he would practice hard to truly stabilize the quasi-xian realm, and he would not cast a pig fetus.

Regarding the journey of learning, apart from Yu Duxiu, only Old Ancestor Zhu Ba vaguely knew that there was a black hand behind all this, so what if he knew it? Not to pretend to be ignorant, you give Old Ancestor Zhu Ba a hundred courage, he dare not say it, and can only accept it silently.

The Wukong in front heard the words and said cheerfully: "I don't think that Qiantian is easy to follow. The Buddhist way of learning from the Buddhist scriptures is not that simple."

"Does the brother know what the inside story?" Old ancestor Zhu Ba loosened the rope and leaned over.

"Go go, you guys are too careful and know nothing to tell you." Wukong is now subdued and in a good mood. He used to feel a little condescending and condescending. I am sorry to learn from his own identity, and I also find it quite interesting. For the two juniors, they looked a lot pleasing to the eye.

"Bajie Wukong, the first commandment of my Buddhist school is not to talk nonsense, you two should stop talking nonsense" Yu Duxiu retracted his mind and reprimanded the two of them. (To be continued.)

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