The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1574: The fox **** is detached, the heavens are fighting

The five masters and apprentices swayed along the way, and with this monk Sha, the group of learning from the scriptures became a little more popular.

On the fourth day, suddenly the heavens and ten thousand realms vibrated, and a brilliant aurora rose up into the sky, across the void, and the whole world was shaking.

"not good".

While Yu Duxiu was thinking about it, he saw a ray of true spirit fled from the illusory universe of the fox god, and was instantly absorbed by the black lotus and submerged in the black lotus.

"Well, this time it's bad, I actually underestimated this vixen" Yu Duxiu frowned, this time it was really troublesome.

However, he said that the fox **** directly put the innate Lingbao gourd into the void world condensed by his own nine tails, let the innate Lingbao gourd receive the refinement of the nine palaces and gossip array, release part of the power of the demon banner, and bless it. In the Nine Palaces Bagua Formation, this time I stabbed a big basket. I saw that the Fox God’s Nine Palaces Bagua Formation was just a few breaths, and the nine tails began to merge and refine into the void. No + wrong + novel + 3. + + com as a whole, the world's fetal membranes are derived, with the help of the innate spirit treasure gourd, the abundant aura of heaven and earth in the endless starry sky seems to be like a galaxy inverted, and instantly fell into one's own home. In the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Array, the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Array was smelted in an instant, turned into the cornerstone of the world, and derived into the fetal membrane of the small world.

The formation of the small world represents the construction of the framework of the law. The Five Elements Rule has been perfected and started to circulate. The Congenital Lingbao Gourd in the center echoes with the small world at this time. It is blessed by the small world, and the melting speed is super fast. I can hardly imagine that the original jade-only true spirit was hidden in the beckoning banners. I planned to take the opportunity to give the monsters a ruthless one, enslaving all the monsters and launching a war to destroy the world, but I never thought about it by mistake. Actually forced to recruit demon banners by the power of that small world. At this time, the Five Elements Principle of the small world is turbulent. The true spirit of Yu Duxiu is the innate true spirit. If you don’t pay attention, you will be Taoized by the world of Fox God and be enslaved by the world. , Became a slave to the Fox God, and immediately bluffed Yu Duxiu to withdraw his true spirit.

The moment the fox god's will was formed in the world's fetal membranes, he was already immersed in the world's revolution and evolution, immersed in the interweaving and derivation of laws.

For Yu Duxiu’s true spirit’s departure, the Fox God has the heart to block, but he has no extra power. Part of the Fox God’s power must maintain the stability of the world, and part of the power must understand and understand the nature of the world, and continue to understand the world. The law, if you miss this opportunity, you can only reopen the world and start again.

Looking at the Xinghe Waterfall that was flowing back in those nine days, Yu Duxiu's expression changed: "It's too fast, this time I miscalculated. I didn't expect this fox Meizi to be so smart, and actually find another way. I really look down on the world's strong, no I know if this vixen will ruin my plan."

In the wild, the demon gods saw this scene and roared to the sky, shaking the galaxy, but saw that the demon gods rose up in the sky to maintain the beam of light to prevent the ancestors, the strong men of the Yin Si, and the dragon king of the sea from secretly messing up. , I missed the chance of the Fox God's mission.

"It's not just the fox **** who is promoted. The fox's demon banners have changed again. It is really powerful and extremely powerful. Now the demon banners of the demon clan are no less than the ranking of my human race. I am waiting to face the recklessness. We are at a disadvantage again." Tai Yi Jiaozu lowered his eyebrows.

"To interrupt her enlightenment, we can't let her break through so smoothly, otherwise my human race will live in peace in the future." The countless talisman in the hands of the Taiping ancestor turned into the Taotao River, instantly hitting the countless galaxy waterfalls, and wanted to penetrate it. Waterfall, blocking water flow.

"Stop it for me".

The tiger **** roared, and instantly roared, the supreme real body manifested, a white tiger covering the sky and covering the sun, and greeted the long river of Fu seal with one grasp.



The sound of the intersection of fine iron and iron sounded, and the white tiger's claws were instantly carbonized, but in a flash, the flesh and blood were reborn again. This blow was actually the intention of the Taiping ancestor.

"Human race is looking for death" The zombie opened his mouth and swiftly swallowed towards Binzhou.

"Huangtu Seal".

But I saw a pair of blueprints slowly unfolding in Bingzhou, the country was picturesque, and the light was so bright that it blocked the big mouth of the snake god, and the big mouth like a black hole could not swallow anything.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" Tai Dou Jiaozu began to display his supernatural powers, but saw Wuliang Xinghe spill out of Tai Dou Jiaozu's hands, and instantly covered the sky and rushed towards the Galaxy Waterfall.

"It's shameless." The supreme body of the bull **** rose into the sky, an iron rod in his hand danced across the void, countless stars hit the bull god's body, splashing countless sparks.

"Hmph, throw yourself into the net" Tai Dou Jiaozu sneered, and in an instant countless galaxies filled the sky. In a flash, the Bull God disappeared into the starry sky, and Tai Dou Jiaozu fell into the endless galaxy.

"We must stop the conspiracy of the human race." The wolf **** Sky Wolf Xiaoyue, the real body turned, seemed to be the lunar descending, and instantly killed the ancestors.

"Chaotian, Fuyao, Taisu, you still don't do it? If the Fox God breaks through and condenses the beckoning flag, my Human Race's status in the Middle Territory will definitely not be preserved." Constantly interfere with the circulation of the five elements between heaven and earth, and want to use the big five elements between heaven and earth to destroy the small five elements of the fox god.

Chaotian, Fuyao, and Taisu are on the side, the old gods are no longer there, and they don't mean to do anything.

"The overall situation has been determined" Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly: "This time it is troublesome. I still need to sell the fox **** a favor, so that I can successfully complete the road to the sky. The road to the sky must not have any drawbacks." Yu Duxiu Sigh helplessly.

"Traitors, you are traitors to the human race" Tai Huang Jiaozu roared.

Racial justice, in the face of the survival of the race, everyone should let go of their prejudices and confront the enemy together, but the action of the three people in the sky is to tear up the tacit agreement of the human race, and the human race will really be over in the future.

"It's time to end." Taiyi taught Zuzuo to sit high for nine days, with a pair of eyes looking down at all things, as if he was the master of fate, the chaotic color turtle shell in his hand instantly turned into a chaotic color river, submerged in his right hand, but Seeing Taiyi Jiaozu's right hand slowly pressed out.

This palm covers the fate of all beings in the heavens. This is the verdict of fate and cannot be resisted.

This palm is illusory, not in time and space, and not affected by cause and effect with the voices of the heavens, even if it wants to stop it, it can't stop it.

Lingshan, Immeasurable Pure Land, Amitabha smiled: "I want to sweep everything, but I am the only one? Do you really think you are the law of fate?".

After speaking, I saw Amitabha appear in the void, and the Immeasurable Pure Land instantly turned into a relic and merged into the Buddha kingdom in his palm. I saw that Amitabha's palm arrived first, and instantly came to the front of Taiyijiaozu's palm.

"If you talk about opening up the world, I am the well-deserved first person in the world in the world, and who can match me" Yu Duxiu on the white horse sneered repeatedly.


The palm of Taiyi Jiaozu and Amitabha stuck in the void.

"Amitabha, why do you care about my human affairs?" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at the blocked palm, his face expressionless, his voice indifferent, as if it had turned into the supreme avenue of destiny.

"Amitabha, die."

Before Amitabah could answer, he saw that the Dragon King of the Four Seas had risen into the sky and turned into the power of the Four Elephants, all coming towards Amitabha's I wanted to take the opportunity to hit Amitabah.


An extremely cold force burst out instantly, and everything in the world froze in an instant. Although it could not reach the absolute zero and freezing time in the legend, it was definitely not weak. The movements of the Four Seas Dragon Lord were instantaneously slow and staggered.

"Han Yan, Amitabha is the greatest enemy of my sea clan, why are you blocking me?" Donghai Longjun gritted his teeth, the power of the four elephants converged, and instantly shattered the void and the ice melted.

"Hmph, the enemy of the whole world is my friend" Han Yan's figure appeared in the void, and an extremely cold world appeared behind Han Yan's head.

Han Yan had already peeped to the threshold of the next realm that year, and even had condensed the dimension, otherwise he would not escape from the cooperation of Sihailongjun.

"Amitabha, die." At this moment, the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling sounded, and the void was distorted, and a shadowy black hole in the palm of the Yinsi was wrapped in a palm, and it was suppressed by Amitabha. (To be continued.)

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-four chapters of the fox **** detachment, the great melee of the heavens:

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