The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1578: Reverse time, the heavens shake

"Asshole, dare to kill my heirs, this seat is not over with you, chicken god, you have to give this seat an explanation, otherwise don't say anything about the reckless alliance to attack the human race, our two races will die for the time being." Centipede The ancestor roared into the endless void, tearing the void instantly, and descending into the territory of the chicken god. 『

"Centipede ancestor, the big plan my family is preparing now is in front of me, but there can be no delay. You arbitrarily enmity Lingshan, and it will be against my big plan in the future. Although your son is dead, you are here. You can wave the demon banner to resurrect it. What's so irritating?" The Fox God clapped his hands and interrupted the centipede ancestor.

But the words of the three people hadn't fallen yet, and the incident that led to the path to heaven stunned everyone present. The fox **** and centipede ancestor looked at the chicken **** with their eyes.

"The chicken **** saw his heir directly stuffing the Sanzang monk into the pill furnace for whom, he was suddenly shocked that he didn't know what to say.

"Hurry up and save people, the Sanzang monk is just a mortal womb, and the flames are raging in the pill furnace. It won't last long." After the Fox God finished speaking, he rushed out immediately.

Not only the fox **** and centipede ancestors were shocked, but Amitabha in the pure land of Lingshan was also dumbfounded at this time, not knowing what to do, the heavens and the world were silent for a moment.

"The routines are all routines." Yu Duxiu was stunned at this time, watching the burning flames in the pill furnace, constantly running the calamity to absorb the calamity that the flame formed on him, this pill furnace flame is not ordinary fire, if It's not that I have the body of the tribulation, I am afraid it is now reduced to ashes.

"Naughty animal, put down my master" Wukong was taken aback, turned around and raised the stick, and smashed his head at the Maori chicken.

Not only Yu Duxiu was shocked, but Amitabha of Lingshan Pure Land and the Fox God who was talking and laughing with Chicken God in the wild were also shocked at this time. The Chicken God and Fox God passed through the void one after another. Arriving outside the road to the sky, looking at the road to the sky, his face was hesitant.

The road to the sky, suppress all monks, the higher the strength, the more powerful they will be suppressed. The supreme powers enter it, and it is very likely that they will be counterattacked by the quasi-superior, and look at the sky. On the way, the chicken **** and fox **** hesitated.

The centipede ancestor stared at this moment, blinked silently, watching the excitement, all the anger disappeared instantly.

"Fox god, chicken god, you have to give me an explanation for this matter" Amitabha descended, watching Wukong who was smashing the road to the sky with a stick, and Maori Ji who fled with his head, his eyes suddenly gloomy. .

"At this moment, even if the fox **** is eloquent and defensive, it is difficult for him to give a reason: "This, this.

"It's a big deal." The cold sweats of the Fox God and the Chicken God shed anxiously. In such a short time, I am afraid that Tang Monk's bones have been burned.

"You calm down first, this is not what you think" Fox God stammered.

"Hahaha, Explosive Ape, you can smash it, you can't smash me, wait until I refind this elixir of immortality, who wants to take that Jiazi Pill, what a bunch of idiots, hahaha, take this pill, Ben The seat can live forever.” The Maori chicken raised his head and laughed wildly, fluttering his wings constantly, avoiding the bombardment of the explosive ape’s sticks, and the mountains were constantly being bombed.


Just when the Maori Chicken wanted to continue flying, he suddenly saw the void twisted ahead. A eleven, twenty-three-year-old monk in white clothes appeared in the void with red lips and white teeth, and a palm stretched out instantly covering the sky. .

"Want to catch me? No way, the elixir of immortality has been refined and shaped. When I take this elixir of immortality, see what you can do with me" Uriji laughed wildly and escaped the arrest of the Ksitigarbha.

The Ksitigarbha King did not see the movements of the Uori Chicken, went against the coordinates, instantly turned back to time and space, and patted it out with a palm.


The heavens bound the grid, and time was chaotic for an instant. Everyone returned to the thousand-eyed Taoist temple in the mountain. The moment Maoriji was about to grasp Yu Duxiu, a palm was stretched out in the void, unexpectedly directly Mao Riji flew out.

Everything is like a dream, like a dream, and everything is in vain.

"how is this possible".

All the powerhouses in the heavens and ten thousand realms were shocked, even the ancestors were shocked at this time. This blow involved the power of time, so mysterious. One could see that this blow was mysterious. The world is no more than ten fingers.

"Naughty animal, you die for me".

Wukong came back to his senses in an instant, and he didn't even ask why the time flowed back and tampered with him. He held the stick and instantly locked the badly damaged Maori Chicken.

"The Great Sage is merciful," the chicken **** exclaimed. Maori chicken has not yet condensed the quasi-superior real body. Once the body is broken, although the **** among the human race, the road to practice is broken.

"Amitabha Buddha, the chicken **** must not intervene in this matter, everything is cause and effect, everything has cause and effect" Amitabha stretched out his palm, encompassing the heavens, and instantly blocked the chicken god's movements.


With blood splashing and a cry of sorrow, this was the first fairy who was beaten to death on the road to the sky with a strong background behind him.

Although Yu Duxiu has a body guard, a weird feeling arose in her heart: "Fortunately, I have cultivated the Slash III body and controlled a part of the power of the past, otherwise I don't know how to end it today."

That Wukong killed the Maori Chicken, but saw the divine light in the human heaven instantly soaring into the sky, the stars of the Twenty-eight Constellations that belonged to the Maori Chicken bloomed, and the Maori Chicken returned to his place in an instant, no longer belonged to Mang Huang, but completely became a monk of the human race.

"Booming monkey, you bastard, is it my reckless person or a human being?" Looking at the Maori chicken that merged with the gods, the chicken's face was blue.

The centipede ancestor stretched out his hand at this time, instantly took the centipede essence into his hand, turned and left without saying a word.

The heavens and all realms were silent, and the Fox God faced Amitabun speechlessly. After a while, he said: "Today's matter is a variable."

Amituo looked in the direction of Too Yi Dao: "Too Yi, it's not that you, an old thing, is playing tricks, changing the fate of Tang Sanzang and this Maori chicken."

Too Yi taught the ancestors to sneer: "Amitab, don't be suspicious of ghosts, you guys, how can this seat be so boring, to change the fate of the two ants, but it is unpredictable, but this seat is curiosity, you can swim with the dharmakaya that you cut out. It’s really incredible to walk the long river of time and change part of the power of time. I don’t know what your supernatural powers have."

At this moment, countless powerhouses in the heavens and worlds all looked at Amitabha. Although the power of the fate of Taiyi taught ancestors is terrifying, no one has ever seen this guy make a move. Even if this guy makes a move, you can't check it. To any trajectory, it feels reassuring, but your partner actually changes the strength of the relationship and rewrites the long river of time, but it is creepy. Isn't this ability more shocking than the destiny of Taiyi All beings in the heavens, whoever practice my Buddhism, cultivate the nine senses, and cultivate the five supernatural powers of the Buddhism, it is possible to understand the destiny power, the supernatural foot power, and the heavenly vision power. Combine these magical powers to comprehend a greater magical power, called the power of destiny, and then you can master this great magical power, interfering in the operation of the river of light in a short time." Amitabha faced the gaze of the heavens and the world. He did not hesitate to start to use the fascination power of the Buddhism, and continue to promote the various magical uses of the Buddhism, but it made countless monks quite excited, and Buddhism has a second rising trend.

In the Yin Division, the ghost master touched his chin, and his eyes flashed in contemplation: "This time it is difficult to do. At the beginning, the golden body of Amitabha should not be torn apart. The magical powers of the Buddha school are too weird, this time it is true. It is the way of Buddhism that a few people can overcome an attack that spans time and space."

"What we need to do now is to eradicate the Ksitigarbha King. It must be not only my Yin Division who thinks this way. All the powerful people in the heavens and the world, there is no one who is not afraid of the supernatural powers of that little monk." Tao.

"The only ones who can restrain that little monk are you who are strong who are out of realm."

"Ahem, there is no way, I like to add more, double eleven everyone quickly chop your hands." (To be continued.) 8

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