The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1579: Flame Mountain Blocking the Road

The little monk’s hand is simply invincible. Changing the fixed number and reversing the cause and effect is truly unmatched. It travels through the past and the present time and space, unless you encounter those special old monsters, such as Taiyi teaches the ancestors of the fate. , The six reincarnations of the ghost master include all the heavens, or the charm of fox gods, the rest are already invincible.

To be undefeated is to win.

After the magical powers of the Buddhist school are truly revealed in the world, whether it is the iconic Buddha kingdom in the palm of the Buddhist power, or the magical powers of the little monk traveling through time and space, they are all against the sky.

There is another advantage of Buddhism. As long as you read Buddhist scriptures diligently and enlighten the Dharma, you can randomly enlighten the magical powers of the Buddha in the endless Dharma. There is even the only magical effect of the enlightened magical powers. You know for yourself.

It is undeniable that Amitabha’s words are very deceptive at this time. As long as you understand the destiny and magical powers of the Buddha school, you can condense the great magical powers that travel through time and space. For those monks who have no way of seeking ways, they are naturally a magical power. The key to the road.

The centipede ancestor grabbed his own heir and ran away. This old thing was wrong in the first place, and now such a thing has happened, it was all caused by the centipede ancestor, or the centipede ancestor sent his heirs to steal the pearl on the golden orchid robe , How could this happen.

Fortunately now, the Chicken God who was originally helping has been compensated, and his own heirs have completely entered the Human Race's list of gods. Just looking at the gloomy Amitabha, the Chicken God is at a loss after all and cannot do it.

All the heavens and all realms were watching the excitement, and Amitabh took a deep breath and said: "Fortunately, the big mistake has not been made, and everything has room for recovery. As for the Maori chicken who has entered the list of the gods, that Miaoxiu and I Buddhism has cause and effect. After the reincarnation awakens, you can think of a way to release the Maori chicken. Others may be helpless with the enshrined **** list, but Miaoxiu is otherwise, I believe that he must have a way."

When it came to this point, what else could the chicken **** say, he could only accept it alive, and bowed his gratitude, turned and left, let alone the sulking in his heart.

Fox God looked at Amitabha with a pair of eyes: "This incident is an accident."

"I know, otherwise this matter will not be the case now. Thank you Fox God for your help. In the future, I can come to my Lingshan Pure Land to talk about mystery." Amituo turned and walked towards Lingshan Pure Land.

Fox God shook his head: "I have reached an extremely important pass now in my cultivation base. I still need to stabilize my realm and understand the basic laws of the world. It is not suitable to go out."

After speaking, the Fox God disappeared into the void, a pair of eyes took a meaningful look at the little monk in the depths of time and space, then turned and left.

At the end of the song, a big show ended, and the audience was full of passion and thrilling.

The ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao sat on the highest peak of Tai Yi Dao, with a little light in his eyes: "It's a pity."

"Yes, I missed this little monk. Who would have thought that this person could reverse the power of time in a small area and subvert the movement of the universe. It is indeed a part of Amitab's tearing, and the strength should not be underestimated" Taiping Jiazuo appeared in Taiping. Easy way.

"Let's wait and see the changes. This time, Amitabha seems to have noticed that this guy is so strange and weird. Let's put it on hold for now." Tai Yi Jiaozu closed his eyes.

"Ye Hao" Taiping Jiao Zu sat in front of Tai Yi Jiao Zu.

On the road to the sky, Yu Duxiu sat there with a look of uncertainty, and Wukong grinned: "Longer knowledge, longer knowledge".

"Wukong, what happened before? The teacher only felt dizzy, but he didn't know what happened. Where did the Taoist chief go?" Yu Duxiu said in a panic.

"Master, don't worry, the monster has been taken away by the Buddha, let's continue on the road," Wukong said.

"Okay, okay, okay, continue on the road, after all, there is one less demon that harms people, and the Buddha has immense merit." Yu Duxiu muttered, and the five masters and apprentices rode on horses and continued to rush forward.

"Master, how come the front is getting hotter and hotter?" The ancestor Zhu Ba took off his hat at this time, and kept fanning his body, but saw that the sweat had wetted his clothes, even the cultivator’s ancestor Zhu Ba had arrived. In this situation, let alone the Yu Duxiu of'Mortal', she was already sweating like rain at this time.

Going further, I suddenly saw a rolling desert in the distance, without the slightest view.

Wukong stepped on the ground, chanted a spell, but saw the land here popping out, and bowed to Wukong: "I have seen Grandpa Dasheng".

Wukong grinned his teeth and said: "Land, this place is the boundary of Hefang, why is there such a poor mountain and bad water?".

The land was as thin as wood, and he smiled bitterly at the Great Sage: "The Great Sage doesn't know that this place is called the Flame Mountain. It was five hundred years ago, when the 33rd Heavenly Layer suddenly saw a big mountain falling, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, all living beings were burned, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was transformed, and the veins of the earth were cut off in an instant. This place has become a barren land with few people and no one to support the Maotou mountain gods. It ended up like this".

As he said, the land was wiped like tears: "It used to be a difficult life, but I also wrote my name in the eternal life book. I am immortal, but I can live. Who knows hundreds of years ago, this flame The mountain came to a great king of the holy infant, one hand control the fire is extremely powerful, the flames of this flame mountain can not help him, but also driven by him, I have also become the king of the infant, and also ask the grandpa to be the master , Surrendered this evil barrier".

The ancestor Zhu Ba on one side hummed: "Since there are monsters here, why don't you go to the heavens to play the emperor, and drop the demon to slay the monsters?".

Hearing the words, the land looked around, and he wanted to stop talking, the old ancestor Zhu Ba grinned and said: "You old man, if you tell you, you are saying, what's the scruples."

The land hesitated when he heard the words: "But it's hard to say. If you say it, it will be a disaster."

"My old grandson will do this again, that dare to make you a catastrophe, is this fairy's background even bigger than my old grandson?" Wukong rolled up his sleeves and dragged the land.

The land smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The background of the great sage is amazing, but the background of the monster is not weak. If you dare to leak half a word, you will inevitably suffer retribution."

"Go, go, you old man is so incompetent." Wukong kicked the land away, but saw the land turned into a handful of yellow smoke and plunged into the earth. Then Wukong turned his head to look at Yu Duxiu and was about to speak. , But saw Yu Duxiu standing on the ground, looking at the Flame Mountain from afar, speechless for a long time, dumbfounded.

"Master, Master" Wukong leaned over.

"Huh? Did you find out clearly?" Yu Duxiu said.

"Why is the master stupefied here? The land had been talking for a long time before, but he was timid and didn't dare to confide in half a word. The disciple had to investigate this matter," Wukong said, his eyes looked far away. The Flame Mountain at the place, but seeing the mountains in the distance surrounded by flames, the flames turned into liquid, which is really amazing.

Then Wukong twitched his ears: "How does this flame look like in the gossip furnace back Lao Jun calcined my old grandson's Liu Ding Liu Jia Divine Fire".

As he was talking, the earth came out again, holding a porcelain bowl and said: "Please also ask the holy monk to drink water."

"Thank you for the benefactor" Yu Duxiu took the porcelain bowl and drank it. The ancestor Zhu Ba on one side said: "You old fellow can sell Guanzi. The background of the Huoyan Mountain is so big, it is impossible to be bigger than this monkey. ?".

Hearing the words, the land laughed but didn't say a word, just got into the earth again.

Wukong said: "This Flaming Mountain stretches for thousands of miles. If you want to take a detour, you don't know how long it will take, ranging from more than ten years to more than a hundred years. Among them, there are countless powerful demons who set up ambushes halfway, waiting Master has taken the bait, we are the plan for the present. Only by solving this flame mountain can we embark on the road to the sky again. Master and junior brothers are here to stay calm. My grandson goes to the heaven and asks that Gantian how to manage Daqian. The world, why there are such monsters in this place, it depends on the background of this monster, which makes the land silent."

Wukong looked at Flaming Mountain, and the more he looked at it, the more weird he felt. He only felt that the flames in the Flaming Mountain looked very familiar. Even the Flaming Mountain looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it. (To be continued.) u

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