The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1586: Return against the sky

"Bastard stuff". &Chinese&Fiction

As a supreme powerhouse, he was actually squatted down by an ant at the pinnacle of good fortune, and he must be extremely annoyed.

On the road to the sky, a veil of twinkling stars fluttered with the wind, and instantly covered it, and went towards the suppression of the primitive king: "Eliminate? It depends on how much you can obliterate, whether you can obliterate this star field."

After Tai Dou Jiaozu's palm was jumped by the Primordial Uranus, he was immediately very angry, his eyes were full of shame and anger, and a star field directed towards the Primordial Uranus to suppress.

"Aura of World Destruction."

When the world-destroying mill revolves, everything in the world will be wiped out instantly, and all beings in the heavens will be turned into powder, whether you are a star or starlight, you will be instantly absorbed by the world-destroying mill.

"Primitive Uranus, don't be rampant, I'll deal with you" But seeing Ao Le's quaint and chaotic scales twinkling, he instantly crossed the sky, tearing the starry sky, and fought toward the original Uranus.

Ao Le restrained the great mill of the primordial heavenly king, or the ancestral dragon’s essence and blood restrained the great mill of the primordial heavenly king. This matter is known to everyone in all heavens and all realms. How can this not be counted? .

"Stop it for me." A spear in the void seemed to be a prey, toward the seven-inch nail of Ao Le.

"Stop it for me" at the critical moment, seeing Sihai Dragon Lord unable to stop, Jinlin's dragon ball instantly spit out, knocked the long spear away, and flew past Ao Le, that Ao Le instantly sank into the starry sky, and the original The king of heaven is fighting for a while.

The Primordial Heavenly King’s Great Moment of Destruction is indeed controlled by Ao Le, but Primordial Heaven is not a fool. Facing Ao Le, he will not give the other party the opportunity to contact the Great Moment of Destruction. Obliterate Ao Le's supernatural powers.

However, with Ao Le's restraint, the original heavenly king's combat power was abolished, and Taishi's plan to teach the ancestor fell through.

Looking at the opposite Ao Le, the Primordial Heavenly King suddenly felt like He Shengliang, Yu Shengliang, even though the Primitive Heavenly King did not know the names of Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang.

Without the power of the primordial king to destroy the world, the battle in the field has become more and more popular. The supreme powerhouses have fired real fire. In addition, there are constantly quasi-powerful people who have taken the opportunity to sneak into the road to the sky and continue to fish in the muddy waters. The situation is more complicated.

Despite the supernatural powers in the field, the light of the law flickered continuously, and the three treasures of Ruyi still steadily suspended in the void, without the slightest storm approaching.

"It's not right." Tai Yi Jiaozu closed his hands off the court, looking at Lingshan and Dafengzhou with a pair of eyes, and a strange color appeared in his eyes: "I'm afraid that something will happen later."

Tai Yi teaches that the ancestor is the most sensitive in controlling the power of destiny. At this time, there is an induction in his heart, and he immediately stops watching.

"Tai Yi is an old fox" In the cave, Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed coldly: "Well, I will try my best today. You **** are afraid that you have forgotten the methods used by this seat."

"Good Horror" has already withdrawn from the road to the sky, Wukong, Pig Eight Old Ancestor, Monk Sha, Shengying, Wangchen and others, all shuddered as they watched the confrontation in the field.

Chaotian was standing in the field at this time, and the holy infant Gonggong was in front of him, looking at the battlefield derived from the chaotic atmosphere in the field with a pair of eyes, but he was shocked: "I underestimated the world's masters before."

"Caotian fairy, why not take the three treasures at this time, Miaoxiu real person's treasures can't fall into the hands of this group of bastards" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba leaned forward, his face full of flattering smiles.

Chaotian was expressionless, and Wangchen chuckled slightly: "No need, these people don't know. In fact, the Three Treasure Ruyi is a clone of Miao Xiu's real person. Back then, Senior Brother Miao Xiu refined the Three Treasure Ruyi with Ice Soul. The Three Treasure Ruyi has been completely refined. Look at this matter, there must be a turning point."

As he was talking, the confrontation in the field suddenly stagnated, a dead silence, silent, I don't know when, beside Sanbao Ruyi, there was an illusory figure standing beside Sanbao Ruyi, watching the confrontation in the field, silently. Without saying a word, when all the energy and magical powers passed the figure's three feet, the wind was calm and the waves were no longer able to roll up the slightest.


A scream pierced the audience, and everyone looked at the figure with their pupils tightening.

"Huh, it's just a projection, why should we be afraid of him?" A quasi immortal in the field was full of contempt and kept cheering himself up.

The figure slowly stretched out his palm, holding the Three Treasure Ruyi, and then saw the spiritual energy between heaven and earth madly converging towards the phantom.

"No, Miaoxiu actually wants to rebirth against the sky. Isn't this servant dead? How can I still come out to toss things? Then Miaoxiu's reincarnation reappeared in the world, is it true Miaoxiu's soul" Taiyuan The teacher exclaimed.

"Stop him".

The ancestor Tai Dou roared, and the countless stars in his hand were instantly suppressed towards the illusory figure.

Facing the suppression of the countless stars, the figure remained silent and did not move the slightest movement, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth. The moment the countless stars approached the phantom, they were instantly absorbed by the figure and turned into nourishment. Seeing that the figure was actually solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, the instant rebirth had been completed.



"Return Against the Sky."

"No, this is really going to happen."

At this time, the heavens and myriad worlds exclaimed.

"How is it possible, why are you reborn since you've lost your soul?" Tai Dou Jiaozu puzzled.

"Is he a dead person?" The figure of the ghost master didn't know where it came from.


Everyone was shocked: "What do you mean?"

The ghost master shook his head and said nothing, but looked at the scene quietly, his eyes were complicated, as if he had encountered some difficult puzzle, and he did not say a word.

"Let me just say, Miaoxiu has lost her soul and cannot be reborn" Taiyuan Jiaozu let out a long sigh of relief.


"Father" in the distance, the Holy Infant looked at the man who was weak in the field, as if he was an ordinary person, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yu Duxiu held the Three Treasure Ruyi in her hand, and a look of sigh appeared in her eyes: "Old friend, the separation of more than five thousand years has been too long. It won't be long before I will truly come back against the sky. We will meet each other." .

Having said this, a strange look flashed in the eyes of the resurrected Yu Duxiu when he heard an exclamation from a distance.

"Miaoxiu, don't pretend to be a ghost, since you are already a dead person, hurry up and die, why bother like this." A quasi-immortal is a quasi-immortal newly born in the past thousand years, but I heard that the elders in the door talked about Yudu I have never seen the name before the show, but I always thought that the elders in my family had exaggerated suspicions. How the monks in the realm of good fortune have the power to suppress the immortals and defeat the ancestors, this is simply incredible.

"Where’s the kid, haven’t your parents taught you how to behave? The quasi immortals who are new to the path dare to be presumptuous in front of me. If it is five thousand years, I can call you ancestors like you. You will never be overborn." Yu Duxiu looked at the This person was surrounded by immortal machines, and it seemed to be a monk who was too ecstatic among the nine supreme sects, covered in orange-yellow soil. Dao Qi Ji is extremely pure, but its whole body Qi Ji is old, there is a trace of ancient Qi Qi. It is obviously an old monster that did not know where to hide in the ancient times, and did not know his power. It has been proved in the past thousand years. But I don't know how high the sky is.

"Hmph, pretend to be a fool, I will meet you and see your power."

The quasi immortal didn't believe in evil, but he was not convinced by Yu Duxiu's legend. In an instant, a divine light soared into the sky, turning into an endless desert, wrapped in endless winds, and came towards Yu Duxiu's suppression.

Facing the suppression of this quasi-immortal ancestor, Yu Duxiu smiled without saying a word, but stood there quietly, still relying on the quasi-immortal ancestor’s magical powers to turn into a desert, wrapping herself up, but seeing that she was already under her feet. Turned into a desert, the world is dead silent at this time.

"Is this your magical power? Huangsha Avenue, not bad, but it is difficult to escape from the frame of the old fellow Taihuang, but it is also part of the Dao of Earth. There will be a chance of immortality in the future. No wonder you dare to do this. So rampant" Yu Duxiu looked at the yellow sand under her feet and commented. (To be continued.)

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