The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1587: Invincible style, defeat powerful enemies

"Huh, I'm just a dead person, dare to speak wild words?" The monk who was too ecliptic used his supernatural powers, and the sky was filled with yellow sand in an instant. The yellow sand at Yu Duxiu's feet actually appeared yellow water, and he wanted to make Yu Duxiu. Show corroded.

Looking at the yellow water, Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "It's just a small road, before I take it back, you have already taken the wrong path, there is no hope in this life."

After speaking, he saw Yu Duxiu's rebellious atmosphere flickering: "Invert Yin and Yang."

After the words fell, the laws of the heaven and the earth underfoot changed for a while, and in the next moment, I saw that countless yellow sand turned into clear water in an instant. Yu Duxiu suspended above the clear water, and the endless clear water spread, sweeping toward the monk who was too ecstatic. Go, swallow and melt this endless yellow sand instantly.

At this moment, the Xuanhuang Qi smelted into one body in Yu Duxiu is constantly agitated, and a mysterious will spread from Yu Duxiu's body. Where this will passes, the law of heaven and earth is followed by the cloud. Change instantly.

"Unbearable" *no *wrong*.

That Tai Huang Daoxian was instantly shattered by Yu Duxiu’s palm, and all the surrounding visions disappeared without a trace. Only Yu Duxiu stood proudly on the top of the mountain, holding the Three Treasure Ruyi in his hand, and gently stroking Jasper’s Three Treasure Ruyi , With emotion on his face, he didn't seem to put the sky full of heroes in his eyes: "If you want to seize the three treasures of this seat, do you deserve it?".

"Miaoxiu, don't be crazy, I will meet you."

A gust of wind blew through the void, blowing Yu Duxiu's clothes, but a familiar figure came out in the wind.

"It turns out you are a humble bastard" Yu Duxiu looked disdainful when he looked at the incoming person.

"Who do you say is a bastard?" After hearing Yu Duxiu's words, the people on the other side suddenly began to rage.

"Naturally speaking, it is you. If you think of it according to your bloodline, all the people present are your father or relatives. Your mother is a congenital big wind beast, the most inferior. It uses the essence of a male creature to cultivate. As long as the world is an older generation of monks in the realm of good fortune, the one who has not been attacked by your mother and almost gets sucked is even the nine supreme ancestors of the human race, the dragons of the four seas, and the demon gods in the wild. It's you cheap Laozi," Yu Duxiu joked.

"you wanna die".

At this time, the western gale was about to split his eyes, and a gust of wind was instantly rolled up, but it was an innate westerly wind that swept towards Yu Duxiu.

Looking at the innate westerly wind, Yu Duxiu's face was disdainful: "My Ding Fengzhu can hold all the gods in the world. Back then, when I fought against you, this seat has already been guarded and deliberately stole a wisp of innate west wind. Essence, integrated into this fixed wind pearl, since you jumped out to find death by yourself today, then this seat doesn’t mind sending you to reincarnation."

Speaking of this, Yu Duxiu pressed it out with a light palm: "It's hard to escape."


The innate west wind was pierced by Yu Duxiu’s palm, and the passage between Yin and Yang was opened up in this palm. The air of the six reincarnations turned, and the ghost master’s expression changed: "How is it possible, how could Miao Xiu borrow the six reincarnations? the power of".

The ghost master formed an alliance with Sihailongjun, so naturally he couldn't watch the four seas fall into the Yinsi. The six reincarnation passages flowed in his hands, unexpectedly picking up the west gale that was about to fall into the six reincarnations.

Looking at the ghost master and the West Gale outside the Tongtian Road, Yu Duxiu showed a weird color: "Interesting, interesting, I forgot, the ghost master is also one of the ancient powers, speaking of this ghost master is also your cheap laozi. ".

"Asshole, this kid's mouth is too poisonous".

Yu Duxiu's words suddenly made the ghost master's nose crooked, but he didn't make sense. It seemed that when he was in ancient times, he really fell into the hands of the ancient Gale Beast.

"Ghost Lord, your yin Si Difu secretly calculated me in my reincarnation. Today we should also settle accounts." Yu Duxiu traumatized the two quasi immortals between his gestures, but shocked the audience. Everyone did not dare to move. .

"Why, do you want to do it with me?" The ghost master looked down at Yu Duxiu on the road to the sky outside the road to the sky.

"This is the road to heaven. If the ghost master has the ability, just come in and fight me." Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back, calm and composed.

"Such a demeanor, it really deserves to be the outstanding jade duxiu that dominated the world back then." Boo Yuan looked at the jade duxiu in that scene, exclaiming.

Regarding the strong in the heavens and the world as nothing, this kind of boldness is the only one in the heaven and the world.

"Huh, I'm just a dead person, dare to be so rampant, please take my palm." The ghost master avoided answering, and directly opened his palm and five fingers, and the five skulls instantly appeared from their fingertips. Coming out, accompanied by wailing, rushed towards Yu Duxiu frantically.

Looking at the ghost, Yu Duxiu smiled disdainfully: "It's just a poor plan."


The innate **** thunder slid across the void and instantly hit the five ghosts, only to see the five ghosts with a scream and retracted to the fingertips of the ghost master again.

At this time Yu Duxiu stretched out his right hand, and Sanbao Ruyi slapped it head-on.


The power of the immeasurable Chaos flowed, and the ghost master was instantly smashed by a blow, and then swallowed by the three treasures.

"How could the dead restrain my five ghosts for soul-changing" The ghost master's eyes were full of disbelief.

When the ghost master was dumbfounded, Yu Du looked at the field of the road to the sky, and looked at the hands and magical powers of the supreme powers who were floating with immeasurable light, but smiled coldly. : "Is the road to heaven a place where you can be presumptuous".

With that, Yu Duxiu looked at Ao Le and patted Ao Le's chest with a palm.


Ao Lelong's claws were filled with chaos, and he grabbed Yu Duxiu without showing any weakness.


Yu Duxiu's crystal clear palm instantly blasted Ao Le away, and he slapped Ao Le into the sky with one palm: "You don't have complete control of the essence and blood of Ancestral Dragon at all, and you dare to come out to be embarrassed. You really don't know how high the earth is."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's palms were instantly gathered and turned into crystal clear fists, and he smashed towards the original heavenly king: "I haven't seen you for five thousand years, you haven't broken through the realm of quasi immortality, and you are in vain. It's just a waste of wood."

"You dead person, what right do you have to comment on me?" The Great Destruction Mill at the feet of the Primordial Heavenly King was instantly reduced, and when he held it in his hand, the Great Destruction Mill continued to rotate, obliterating all things, and crushing towards Yu Duxiu. Come.

"It's just a local chicken and dog" Yu Duxiu smiled disdainfully, only punched, but saw that the world extinction mill flew out in an instant: "The extinction mill? It's just a treasure of the defeated general of Zulong. Do you dare to call the word "destroy the world"?


The aftermath of this fist didn't wait for the original heavenly king to react, and instantly fell on the original heavenly king, and the original heavenly king's figure flew out of the road to the sky, breaking into pieces in an instant, and **** rain flying across the sky.

"My son".

Looking at the broken primitive heavenly king, Taishijiaozu suddenly let out a stern roar, pierced the road to the sky with a palm, and came towards Yu Duxiu's suppression.

After the supreme strong man's shot fell on the road to the sky, he was instantly suppressed, and turned into the power of only the quasi-superior strong man, to suppress Yu Duxiu.

"I don’t know how to live or die, he’s just a little bit better than your trash son. If I reach the supreme state one day, you won’t be worthy to lift shoes for me." Yu Duxiu’s sharp teeth are sharp, and she is holding the Three Treasures in an instant, towards the wife. The first teacher suppressed it with a".

The attack of the Taishijiaozu was dismantled by Yu Duxiu, and the Sanbao Ruyi actually hit the road to heaven and suppressed the Taishijiazuo's body.

"Look at it, something has happened in the field" the ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly shouted.

After hearing the words, everyone subconsciously followed the gaze of the pig eight ancestors, but saw that the countless flesh and blood of the primitive heavenly king at this time was actually absorbed by the world extinction mill, and the world extinction mill exudes strange waves at this time. The black light, the air of extinction, is strange and abnormal.

"What happened?" The long spear in the hands of the Taishi taught the ancestors to provoke Yu Duxiu's Three Treasure Ruyi. Regardless of Yu Duxiu's provocation, he instantly came not far from the Great Moment of the World, with a pair of eyes looking at the World An agitated world extinction mill, an anxious color flashed in his eyes: "What happened? What happened?".

"Little beast, I blame you, you are a dead man who died honestly, why did you come out to toss?" The great spear pointed at Yu Duxiu on the road to the sky. (To be continued.)

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-seven chapters are invincible, defeating a powerful enemy:

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