The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1588: Brocade scales change color, original resurrection

As the Du Miao Miao of the Taishijiao ancestor, the Primordial Heavenly King saw himself being smashed by Yu Duxiu's palm. He immediately provoked the Taishijiazuo's anger. His eyes rose to the sky and wanted to fight Yu Duxiu. Xiantian Lingbao broke out in an instant, directly pierced the road to the sky, and killed Yu Duxiu.

"Alas, killers, people always kill." Yu Duxiu sighed softly, but the next moment she saw Yu Duxiu's Three Treasure Ruyi stretch out instantly, chaos and hazy, the power of the spear was suppressed by the road to the sky, and approached the Three Treasures. At the time of Ruyi, he could no longer fly, and was instantly frozen by the Three Treasure Ruyi.

"It's a pity that I can kill your son, but you can't kill me to avenge your son." Seeing the extinction of the world, Yu Duxiu smiled: "This is the extinction of the world. Grind, the Primordial Heavenly King holds the world-destroying mill and it is so powerful, if the quasi-superior is holding this world-destroying mill, immortality, I am afraid it can compete with the ancestors."

Yu Duxiu’s words fell, and the atmosphere in the field was immediately stagnant. The Taishijiao ancestor immediately grabbed the Great Moment with a clever palm: "This Great Moment is my Taishidao, and that dare to die. Fight for it?".

Yu Duxiu smiled without saying a word, the Chaotian stretched out his palm on one side, and walked towards the suppression of the world-destroying great mill: "He who is destined to get the treasures of heaven and earth, now the original heavenly king dies, proves that this innate spirit treasure is the beginning of your life. Dao fate is exhausted, please don't stop me from fellow Daoists. I have taken this world-destroying mill. I believe that the world-destroying mill will play a greater role in my hands than the original heavenly king.”

"Overturned, you dare to **** my Taishi Taoist treasure, you can't die?" Taishijiaozu roared.

"If you can kill me, then I am looking for death."

Facing the palm of the sky, Taishijiaozu wanted to extract his own innate spirit treasure from the road to the sky, but at this time the three thousand chaos of the three treasures were constantly rotating, and an unmatched might fell, which had already suppressed it. Congenital Lingbao.

The Taishijiaozu was instantly turned into a corpse with a palm to the sky, and then a palm overturned the universe, and went toward the suppression of the extinction mill.

"Going to the sky, Fengshui turns, this world-destroying great mill has finished its relationship with your human race, and it should belong to me." At this time, the tiger **** among the wilds made a move, and a group of innate evil spirits in his hand turned into light. In the world of strange colored glaze, the aura of killing and slashing rose to the sky, and countless sentient beings were constantly killing in that world. After the upturned aura submerged into the world of strange colored glaze in the palm, they were killed in an instant, really a checkmate. The Qi of Cutting was refined to the extreme.


The palm of the Tiger God was knocked into the sky, and now he is proving the Dao, and the Taoism cannot be calculated. After five thousand years, the cultivation base is even more unfathomable. Even when the Tiger God is facing the sky, he has eaten a lot. deficit.

Chaotian and the blood demons were suppressed for millions of years, and it was a blessing in disguise. When the supreme powers were constantly fighting and calculating, Chaotian and the blood demons were in a race against life and death, constantly comprehending the great truth, just to save their lives.

When the supreme powerhouses are planning to fight for luck, Chaotian and the Gorefiend are enlightening. When the ancestor demon gods are fighting endlessly for fame and fortune, Chaotian and the Gorefiend are still enlightening and racing against life and death.

It is conceivable that after millions of years of retreat, Chaotian and the blood demon's background will be so deep, and now they are just accumulated and started to grow rapidly.

"Chaotian, this world-destroying mill should belong to my monster clan, this treasure is accepted by my monster clan" Xiong Jing stretched out his hands, his bones and muscles constantly intertwined, covering the sky, as if the mountains and ravines, instantly touching the palms of the sky. Bump together.


Void shook, the palm of the sky was actually resisted by the brute force of God Bear.

"Father, this world-destroying mill is made by an ancestor dragon's dragon ball. Don't miss it." Ao Le sprayed blood in his mouth, looking at the world-destroying mill with longing in his eyes.


Hearing what Ao Le said, Donghai Longjun couldn't sit still, he joined the battlefield without hesitation, and instantly fought for the great mill of extinction.

Stopped in the sky, watching the scuffle in the field, not taking a shot.

The holy infant on the other side looked at the jade Duxiu with fluttering clothes in the field, and then looked at the quasi-superior powers who were constantly fighting each other and knives and knives, and countless little stars flashed in his eyes.

"I used to look down on the people of the world" Sheng Ying sighed in his eyes

Turning his head to the sky, he looked at the Holy Infant and smiled softly: "You little fellow is also of your own fortune. You don't need to envy them. Maybe after a few years, these people will envy you. Your father originally wanted to help you cohesive. It became the eye of time, but I never thought that the six Ding Liujia sacred fire, stimulated by the poison of time, actually produced a congenital mood. The poison of time was merged with the six Ding Liujia sacred fire and turned into the fire of time. This flame is extremely overbearing, Your father never expected that the way forward will depend on you."

"Did my father arrange everything for me?". The Holy Child lifted his head and looked towards the sky.

He sighed to the sky: "Theoretically, this is the case. Your father has condensed the eyes of time and can see through the corner of the future. Your father planned for you before he died, but now it seems that you have undergone a change, your father's plan. , May not be reached".

"Father" Saint Infant lowered his head and said nothing.

"How" Yu Duxiu looked at the Taishijiazuo ancestor with provocation in her eyes.

"I'm going to kill you" Taishi taught the blood and flesh of the ancestors to regroup, and the air of the Taishi on the innate Lingbao shocked Yu Duxiu's suppression. The cold light of the gun flickered, and it engulfed the monstrous trend towards Yu Duxiu's suppression. Come.


At this time, the field was in chaos again, and a monk was slaying towards Yu Duxiu, piercing the road to the sky, and wanted to seize the Three Treasure Ruyi.

Some monks saw that the world-destroying mill was good, ignoring the aura of world-destroying, directly shattered their bodies, and wanted to refine the world-destroying mill with the innate immortal aura. The supreme powerhouses are lions. Then the quasi-superpowers are desperate wild dogs, as long as they find an opportunity, they will swarm up and take a few bites.

The battle lasted for about a quarter of an hour. Suddenly, the world-destroying great mill divine light changed, and the world-destroying aura suddenly changed, with a peculiar imprint. All the quasi-superior and the strong flew out instantly. The immeasurable power that came from the suppression of the warrior was wiped out by the great destruction of the world, and jumped off the battlefield.

"What's going on?" Everyone was shocked, and paused their movements. They looked at the Great Mill, but saw that the aura of the Great Mill continued to condense, and a vague black shadow stood on the Great Mill. , Ups and downs in countless world-destroying air.

"Primitive King? Why is this servant alive again?".

Seeing the resurrected Primordial Heavenly King, everyone was stunned. The Jinlin's complexion on one side changed drastically at this time, and his eyelids jumped wildly: "No, everyone quickly took action and suppressed the Primitive Heavenly King, otherwise the primitive Heavenly King desires. We don’t have any chance to control the Great Moment of World Destruction again.”

While talking, Jinlin pinched the magic formula in his hand, and instantly squeezed toward the Primordial Heavenly King and the Destroyer Damo.

"Hahaha, no one can suppress me in the, as long as I stand on the mill of extinction, I will be an immortal existence, no different from a quasi-immortal." The original heavenly king laughed wildly. Facing the attack of the crowd, he ignored him.

But at the next moment, the Primordial King suddenly changed his color and said, "No, who is influencing the Great Mill? The Great Mill is mine. No one can control the Great Mill except me."

The primitive king's complexion changed wildly, constantly using his supernatural powers to control the world-destroying great mill, then jumped and flew around, instantly penetrated the road to the sky, and killed Yu Duxiu: "Miaoxiu, I am the number one arrogant of the heavens. It is the first arrogant one."

"Really? I'm already a dead person now. I don't compare with you, but in terms of talents, there are countless people who are stronger than you in the heavens and the world. Not to mention that the first person in the world is Miaoyu, it is Ao Le who won the ancestral dragon spirit. Blood, the cultivation base is no weaker than you, and it can restrain your world-destroying mills. How are you the opponent of Ao Le?".

"Ao Le? I am the number one arrogant. I completely wiped out your mark in the heavens and all realms. I killed Ao Le and captured the blood of the ancestor dragon. At that time, I will be the resurrection of the ancestor dragon. It’s the number one arrogant, I’m the number one arrogant." The original heavenly king roared and killed him instantly towards Yuduxiu Town. (To be continued.)

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-eight chapters of brocade scales change color, the original resurrection:

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