The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1589: Variables of the Great Mill

"Want to defeat me? You deserve it? Although what I have now is only a brand, it is not something you can defeat." Looking at the madly spinning mill, Yu Duxiu's mouth appeared. With a sardonic smile, with the Three Treasures in his hand, he took a step forward, ignoring the aura of destruction, wrapped in countless calamities brought about by the aura of destruction, and headed towards the original town of Heavenly Kings.


The primordial heavenly king instantly turned into powder, and the extinction mill flashed a stream of light, and the primordial heavenly king was resurrected again. His eyes looked at Yu Duxiu, and his eyes were full of disbelief: "Why? Why are you not afraid of annihilation? Power?".

why? .

Of course Yu Duxiu wouldn't tell him why, but seeing the three treasures in Yu Duxiu's hands flowed in boundless divine light, gently hitting the Great Mould of the World, and the Great Moment of the World instantly flew out of the way to the sky.

"This seat is not comparable to you. You should thank me for helping you completely control the great mill of annihilation. Otherwise, when you become a puppet of others, you don’t know if you are taken away. Now although you have lost your freedom, at least The supreme power also suppresses you." Yu Duxiu looked at the Primordial King with a pair of eyes and shook his head gently.

The primitive king was taken aback when he heard the words, and stood silent for a long time on the great mill.

"Reverse the time and fight for victory, defeat the lords and the heroes with both palms, push the present and the ancient for five thousand years, and stand alone in the crowd. I only sigh that the sky is not in me, and I hate the sky for a million years. I am the best hero in the world" Yu Du During Xiu Nian chanting, I saw the Three Treasures Ruyi sweeping, whether it was a quasi-immortal, or the Supreme Power’s magical power attack, they were all swept out by the Three Treasure Ruyi in an instant, the road to heaven was restored and the incarnation stood in the void, Turned around and looked at the Saint Infant, Wen Yingji and his group in the distance, but smiled slightly, his body collapsed instantly, and the Three Treasure Ruyi instantly disappeared into the void.

"Huh?" Wangchen stiffened, and instantly recovered as before. He just felt that there was a cold and soft thing on his sleeve suddenly. Isn't it the three treasures of Ruyi before? There is still the warmth of Yu Duxiu faintly above.

"It won't be long before Miaoxiu will be reincarnated and returned, and this great world will once again roll up endless waves." Chaotian sighed at this moment, watching the fighting people in the void, engulfing her party and leaving the battlefield. .

In the crowd, Jinlin was squatting his eyes and clenched his fists: "Miaoxiu".

The voice gritted his teeth, wishing to choose someone to eat: "What a jerk."

"This is the end of the matter. Please don't stir up troubles on the road to the heavens of my Buddhist school. Otherwise, I will blame my Buddhists for the merciless face." Amitabh slowly walked out of the void to clear the field at this time, with the Buddha light in his hands. In an instant, the quasi-superior powers were pushed thousands of miles away on the road to the sky without any resistance. The supreme powers looked at Amitabha who came out of the void with extremely serious expressions.

In any case, Amitabha, as the first monk who broke through another realm in the world, should not be underestimated.


The ancestor of Taiyi sighed slightly, and he turned and left without hesitation. When the ancestors of the human race saw this, they also gave up. The original heavenly king was driving the extinction damo and left with the ancestor of the Taishi.

The demon gods in the wild also glanced at the explosive apes in the distance, and left one after another. The Four Seas Dragon Lord had no expression on his face, but the Jinlin eyes were gloomy, and everything was empty before he thought about it.

"Father, the great mill that destroys the world must be robbed" Ao Le suddenly said when he walked halfway.

"Why?" Donghai Longjun was taken aback.

"A message suddenly circulated in the blood of Ancestral Dragon, saying that the Great Mill of Destroying the World was created by the Ancestral Dragon. The Destroying Dragon Ball among the two dragon balls, condensing the fruit of destruction, was the Ancestral Dragon's special purpose for destroying the world. And the Dao of Enlightenment, if a child can hold it in his hand, the bloodline can instantly transform into the supreme real dragon, if the pearl of good fortune can be found, it can be transformed into the real ancestral dragon bloodline, not to mention the great mill that destroys the world. It is the aggregation of the Dao fruit of the Dao of Destruction, which can be wiped out even in the world. It can be seen that its aggressiveness is the first spiritual treasure of the heavens and the world. It is a pity that it falls in the hands of Taishi Dao." Ao Ledao.

"What? It's actually an ancestral dragon's relic? Why didn't you say it earlier" Donghai Longjun was suddenly anxious, and the other dragons also changed color suddenly.

"Baby just got a part of the memory inheritance under the stimulus of the great mill of destroying the world. This Ancestral Dragon bloodline is really difficult to refine, and until now, Haier has not been able to completely refine all the Ancestral Dragon blood. Before Miaoxiu Although the punch of "won me severely, it also broke a part of the will in Zulong's blood, so I got the inheritance information," Ao Le explained.

After listening to Ao Le's words, Sihailongjun stood there, and you, your eyes were full of irritability.

Jinlin on one side took a deep breath and said: "Why should the older brothers worry? That reckless refining has made a demon banner. In my opinion, the battle between the human race and the reckless land is just around the corner. In the millennium, a war between the two races will inevitably break out, and we will naturally have our chance at that time."

"What about Hangang? Hangang will definitely not sit back and watch me move around the world, and will obstruct in every possible way" Xihailong Jundao.

"Then I have to go to Ao Le to persuade myself. This matter is related to Le'er's future development and proving. How can a mother disregard the future of her children" Donghai Longjun looked at Ao Le: "Where are you going to stay with your mother? Time to go".

The road to the sky, the end of the song and the dispersal, the four masters and apprentices meet again.

"Master, your old man deserves to be the Lord covered by the Buddha. With the big movement before, this cave didn't collapse and didn't smash you to death. It's really incredible. The lucky star is shining." Duxiu, his face was full of surprise at this time.

After hearing the words of the ancestor Zhuba, Yu Duxiu's expression suddenly stagnated, and Wukong grabbed the ears of the ancestor Zhuba: "You idiot, what are you talking nonsense, the master is carrying the luck of the Buddha, so naturally you will not be so. Easily die from natural disasters, unless the Buddha dies and the Buddhist school is destroyed, otherwise the master must be in a desperate situation to survive, and life should not be extinct."

"Oh, Brother Monkey, let go, let go, you monkey, why do you like to pull people's ears all the time, and you don't be the son of man," the old ancestor Zhu Ba hummed.

Listening to the quarrel between the two, Yu Duxiu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "Bajie Wukong, don't quarrel, now that the Holy Infant King has been surrendered, what should I do with the Flame Mountain in front?".

Then Wukong smacked his lips when he heard the words, scratched his ears and said, "Weird, weird."

"Why is it weird?" The three of them looked at Wukong strangely.

"I was thinking, that Miaoxiu has been sitting for five thousand years, and now her child is only four or five years old. Isn't it strange that Miaoxiu's wife brought him a green hat" Wukong shook his head.

After hearing Wukong’s words, Yu Duxiu’s entire face suddenly turned green. The pig eight ancestor knew Yu Duxiu’s identity, so he definitely wouldn’t miss the opportunity to flatter Wukong, and immediately shouted at Wukong, “What nonsense, you monkey? What a character Miao Xiu really is, the one who dared to give him a cuckold, the Holy Baby was poisoned by the years, I only heard that Miao Xiu gave people a cuckold, but I never heard that someone put a hat on Miao Xiu."

This sentence makes Yu Duxiu’s face as black as the bottom of a pot: "You two should stop arguing about other people’s right and wrong behind your back. This is not what my Buddhism did, but you have violated the precepts. Now I still think about how to deal with it. Cross this Flaming Mountain."

Hearing this The masters and apprentices were all frowning. When they were helpless, suddenly I heard a scent of fragrance coming from a distance, but I saw Wangchen approaching gracefully: "The holy monk is polite." .

"I have seen a female bodhisattva" Yu Duxiu respectfully saluted the woman.

Wukong smiled and said, "I don't know why Wang Chen came here?".

"I heard that you are trapped in the Flame Mountain. Sister Wen Yingji specially lent her baby to extinguish the flames of the Flame Mountain." Wangchen chuckled, and a rice-sized fan appeared in his hand, chanting the spell, and the fan instantly became bigger. A wind and cloud surging, the second flame instantly compressed, the third flame extinguished, wind and rain gathered, and in a flash, the hot flame mountain cooled down with heavy rain.

"The holy monk should take advantage of the rain and pass the Huoyan Mountain early." Miao Yu looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, like a bend of autumn water.

I really can’t move. The plot ends tonight. I hope you can forgive me a lot. Because I am giving new preparation time, please forgive me. (To be continued.)

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