The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1590: The fox **** personally set up disaster

Yu Duxiu couldn't help her little eyes, and silently bowed her head and bowed: "Thank you female Bodhisattva."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu turned around and turned on his horse, and the master and apprentice group continued on.

In the wild, in the territory of the fox clan, he saw the fox **** leaning on the railing, quietly combing his own three thousand green silks.

"Miaoxiu, the causal entanglement between me and Miaoxiu is getting more and more unclear. She kept arranging it and it was still messy. Back then, Miaoxiu played mystery and reincarnates nine times. I am wondering whether the monk who is now going to the west to learn the scriptures is Miaoxiu. "The reincarnated body of "Fox God" put down the comb, and gently drew the three thousand green silks with his fingers: "It is strange, strange, this matter has to be investigated personally, don't ask Miaoxiu and the Buddhist school to do something Yaozi, this matter needs to be tested."

For Yu Duxiu, the fox **** is always worried, this guy is already a blockbuster if he doesn't call, and every time he appears, he always makes earth-shattering events. If his nerves are weak, he definitely can't bear it.

The fox **** gritted his teeth, and instantly turned into a stream of light and rose into the sky: "It's a big deal, my old lady, I have suffered a bit, sacrificed this hue."

On the road to the sky, the four Wukong masters and apprentices passed the Flame Mountain and were walking forward. Suddenly Yu Duxiu's eyebrows moved, and only felt itching at the center of the eyebrows. The Eye of Time opened instantly, and then Yu Duxiu suddenly changed. Changed the color: "What is this Hu Meizi doing?".

Yu Duxiu was uncertain in her heart, thought a little, and then said: "Wukong, I'm thirsty for my teacher, let's take a rest and drink some water."

The master came down to drink water." Wukong helped Yu Duxiu down and was about to find water, but he never thought that the water pouch had been drunk completely.

"Master is here later, I'll go find some water." After Wukong finished speaking, he went away instantly.

Quietly, the flow of anti-turbulence turned, and the void turned the fantasy glass upside down.

Yu Duxiu sat on the bluestone, looking at the beam of light rising into the sky in the distance, and seeing that beam of light disappear, frowned: "The Fox God is actually willing to personally descend on the road to the sky to check the authenticity. This time I have a big plan. If you mess up your hands and feet, it's better to seal all my consciousness in the origin of the power of the tribulation, tamper with the memory of my own physical body, and wait until the tribulation is completed, and then unlock it."

Just do what you say, but you see Yu Duxiu's hand seal. On one side, the ancestor Zhu Ba and Monk Sha, under the cover of rebellious chaos, only see Yu Duxiu meditating silently.

When the last magic formula fell, Yu Duxiu's soul instantly disappeared. Only the memory from the monk's birth to the path to the flame mountain flowed down, and the memories of past and present were temporarily sealed in the source of the power of the catastrophe.

At this time, in an endless dimension deep in Yu Duxiu’s mind, she saw a black lotus floating. Most of Yu Duxiu’s primordial spirits were sitting in the lotus, completely sealed and isolated from the flesh. Only the fundamental memory of this reincarnation is left.

"Master, the water is coming" Wukong walked over.

Yu Duxiu took the water and took a sip. After a short break, the five masters and apprentices continued on the road.

From afar, I heard a crisp and soft folk song coming from a distance, but I saw a charming peasant girl picking fruits in the mountain.

Looking at the woman, even though there was nothing unusual in her whole body, Wukong felt uncomfortable for a while, but while this was uncomfortable, it revealed a familiar feeling.

The golden eyes opened, but the woman saw the woman chuckling, blinking at Wukong gently, a trace of supreme energy flowed, just when Wukong saw it, Wukong suddenly trembled, and looked back: "It's actually that fox I don’t know what this vixen wants to do.”

Facing a quasi-demon god, Wukong was not afraid, and when things got into trouble, Lingshan ended up naturally.

"Hmph, this female Bodhisattva, I'm very polite." Old ancestor Zhuba looked at the woman, his saliva was going to flow out, and he leaned forward like a pig brother, his face full of joy. A gift.

"This elder, I don't know where he came from?" The woman's voice was soft and charming, and she was indescribably charming. The ancestor Zhuba instantly blushed, and she didn't dare to speak, but she was like a mosquito and flies. I can not hear you.

"Where are the elders?" Fox God looked at the others.

Wukong said: "I came from Dachen of the Middle-earth, and went to the west to worship Buddha and ask for sutras."

"It turned out to be a guest from afar, and the little woman's house is in front of me. If a few distinguished guests are not disgusted, please go to the house to sit and rest for a night?" The woman chuckled and straddled a bamboo basket.

"It couldn't be better, it couldn't be better" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba greedily turned around on the woman, and said in confusion.

"The working girl Bodhisattva is leading the way." The Sanzang also had a reddish face, and did not dare to look up. This woman was really beautiful, her words were so sultry, a flame rose in her heart, and her ten-year-old Dharma seemed to have already No effect.

The Sanzo at this time is Sanzo, not Yu Duxiu.

Tripitaka is Jade Duxiu, but Yu Duxiu is not Tripitaka. Yu Duxiu hides in the deepest part of Sanzang's mind, and seals herself in the endless dimension.

The woman's eyes flowed, she looked at Monk Sanzang with infinite charm, turned around and twisted her waist slightly to lead the way.

"Idiot, what do you look at" Wukong blasted angrily when he couldn't see the lost soul of Old Ancestor Pig.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba reluctantly retracted his gaze from the woman, and muttered: "Brother Monkey, since my birth, Old Pig has never seen such a charming woman. It is really unstoppable. You are asking me to take a look. Have a look".

"Don't watch."

"Just a look."

"Not even half an eye."

The two were noisy and noisy, and the five of them saw a huge manor from a distance. The flowers and plants in front of the manor were neatly arranged. In the manor, the sound of various women's laughter came from afar, which made people unable to help but float. Silk ripples.

"Elder, this is my house." The woman opened the door, shouted at several people, and walked into Zhuangzi: "Sisters, there are guests here."

When the words fell, I saw three young girls with beautiful faces, trotting out gracefully, either tender and charming, or youthful and holy, which made people shine.

After the three girls saw the Buddhist monks, they laughed and made a fuss. They entered the hall and sat down. The woman said to Sanzang, "The little girl is called Hu Yi. These three are my sisters. Hu Hua, Hu Yue, Hu Feng".

"It turns out that my grandson is a relative." Wukong put his mouth in one side, facing the charming Hu Yi, even Wukong couldn't help revealing his existence. After speaking, he felt wrong and turned immediately. Too much silence.

"Little monk Sanzang, if you want to go to the West Tianling Mountain to worship the Buddha and ask for sutras, thank the female bodhisattva for accepting the hospitality." Sanzang bowed, his face was crimson, it seemed to be red to the root of his ears.

Hu Yi covered his mouth and chuckled: "The elder went west to worship some Buddha or pray for some sutras. Life was short. As a little girl, both of my parents died when I was young. I finally managed to pull up a few younger sisters and buy some family business, but There is no man in the house. The wolf, insect, tiger and leopard in the mountain often walk around the door, which is very scary."

That Hu Yi was very pitiful at this time, but he made the old ancestor Zhuba but didn't know what to say, what to say, but couldn't open his mouth.

"I see that the elders and these apprentices are all strange-looking people, and they must have real skills. How about staying in my village? My three sisters are all young and young, and matching the three elders, too More than enough" Hu Yi looked at the four masters and apprentices of Sanzang tenderly.

The four of them looked at each other, and Yu Duxiu refused: "I and the other four of them received the golden decree of the Buddha and went to the west to worship the Buddha and ask for sutras, but they did not dare to delay and asked the female donor to forgive us."

"Hmph, you monk really don't know how to promote, even if you don't want to, you still have to ask your apprentice if you want it" Hu Yi scolded Sanzang and looked at the three Wukong Bajies.

At this moment, the shadows outside the door were beautiful, but three young girls with different styles were peeping inside the door.

Looking at the three girls, Wukong shook his head: "I was enlightened by the Bodhisattva, but I followed the master to the west. I didn't dare to stay for a long time, but I couldn't bear it."

Nasha Wujing and Zhu Ba’s ancestor were hesitant on their faces. Wukong chuckled, "Two brothers, this is a paradise on earth, a gentle country, why not stay here, and avoid the wind and sun on the road. ". (To be continued.)

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