The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1592: Reappearing Taoism

The Fox God went away, and Amitab disappeared. Only Yu Duxiu stood there and smiled bitterly: "This is troublesome, this is really a disaster. I blame me for not doing shameful things, hiding and doing something. It's better now, it really did shameful things."

Yu Duxiu subconsciously grabbed the grasping hand, feeling the softness between her fingers, remembering the peculiar fox fragrance, crying and laughing again, then turned and walked away: "Hurry up and leave here. Right".

The Fox God left, and the three little fox spirits were also gone. Only the ancestor Zhu Ba and Monk Sha were hung on a big tree. At this time, Wukong jumped out and looked at Yu Duxiu with a smile: "Master Why is there a strange fragrance, which is somewhat similar to that Hu Yi."

"Don't talk nonsense." Yu Duxiu glared at Wukong, looked at the sleepy Monk Sand and Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, sighed helplessly, turned and rode on the white horse: "Wake them up."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu had gone away, leaving only Wukong with a smile on his face and walked over. Then he held the white horse and smiled softly: "Two brothers, wake up, wake up."

"Brother Monkey, let me down quickly, let me down quickly".

"You two fools, why are you hanging from a tree and can't get up and down?"

Yu Duxiu went away, and the three brothers could be heard faintly laughing and crying, but Yu Duxiu cried and laughed again and again: "Who recruited this Scripture team?"

"The road to heaven must have a big secret."

Donghai Crystal Palace, Donghai Longjun's eyes are brilliant, his eyes are full of all kinds of weird colors, and a series of vague and unidentified moods are circulating.

"Big brother means" Beihai Longjun Road.

"This matter cannot rely solely on the aquatic people below, we have to take the initiative to attack" Donghai Longjun Road.

"It just happens to take the opportunity to cut off the wings of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and let him know who the real master of the Four Seas belongs to" Donghai Longjun's voice was stern.

"Brother, I'm afraid it won't work. This kind of thing is relatively safe for my own person. The road to the sky is of great importance. All the secrets are in the Buddhist monks. If the person who dispatched discovers the secret of the road to the sky, I am afraid that it will be hidden. If you don't report it, it will delay major events," Jin Lin retorted.

"It's also the reason." Donghai Longjun twisted his beard: "If this is the case, then let Saburo go for it."

"Master, look at the big river in front of you" Wukong stood on the top of the mountain, shouting at Yu Duxiu from a distance.

Riding a white horse, Yu Duxiu's group climbed to the top of the peak and looked towards the river, but saw the mighty waves in the distance and the magnificent life.

"I don't know what river this is," Yu Duxiu said.

"Master, don't worry, wait for me to catch a little demon to find out." Wukong turned into a golden light and left, patrolling the mountains and forests, and soon caught a little demon: "Grandpa Grandpa, please forgive me."

Looking at the little demon who kept begging for mercy, Wukong said, "Let me ask you, what is the name of this river?".

The little demon trembled and said: "Grandpa, this river has no name."

"No name?" Wukong was taken aback: "How come there is no name?"

The little demon raised his head cautiously and said: "Grandpa Dasheng didn't know. This river was three months ago. Suddenly, I saw dark clouds gathering between the sky and the earth, and the rain was torrential. The rain was as if it were pouring, but it was all night. Then there is a big river tens of thousands of miles wide, and I don’t know how long it is. That big river was a valley before, with no bottom. Now it is irrigated by river water, but I don’t know how deep the river is, it’s so deep. Test it."

"Three months ago, this big river suddenly rose overnight." Wukong grabbed his ears, turned and left: "It's not right, why do you always feel that this river is directed at the four of my master and apprentice."

"Big brother is here, don't know what the reputation of this river is?" Old Ancestor Zhu came over.

Wukong shook his head and met Yu Duxiu's gaze and said, "Master, this river is not good for those who come, it is for us."

The old ancestor Zhu Ba said hey when he heard the words: "You monkey is too suspicious, the world is so strange, and even the ancestor of the teachings can't be explained clearly, isn't it just a small river? Compared with the Tianhe of my old pig. , But it's too far."

"Oh, you idiot, talking to you, but just looking for anger for yourself" Wukong turned his head and ignored Wukong.

"Master, otherwise let's take a detour, this river always has an end," Monk Sha said on the side.

Wukong grabbed the words: "My old grandson looked at it. The river is thousands of miles wide, and the river is hundreds of thousands of miles long. If it goes around, even if it has a white dragon horse to do its footwork, it will never go around for three or five years. Even if you go around, if the spirit here is embarrassed and comes to us, you can set up a big river in front to wait. If this goes on, you will never want to go to Lingshan for tens of thousands of years."

"Wukong is right. When I practice Buddhism, I will not be afraid of hardships and obstacles. I should rise to the difficulties and reduce demons and demons. In order to restore Lang Langyang's life, my Buddhist school can become more and more diligent." Yu Duxiu said: "Bajie Drifting, go quickly to build a ship, Wukong, go to alms, we will cross the river after dinner, the calamity is coming, we can't just avoid it, we must know how to face the difficulties."

"The master is right, the two brothers went to build the ship quickly, and my old grandson is going to alms." Wukong disappeared in an instant after speaking.

Shipbuilding is the simplest thing. This is a vast and endless wasteland. There are countless big trees for thousands of years, and there are many big trees that are several meters wide and tens of meters long.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba took the rake, spit out, and instantly saw a big tree collapsed, and then saw Monk Sand's palm flapping, but only a few moments when the big tree was hollowed out , A big ship has been formed.

"Majesty, the monk from Middle-earth has come here" A crab general knelt on the ground and said to the man on the seat.

The great king heard the words with excitement in his eyes: "Hahaha, after waiting for three months, these monks finally came. Except for the great sage, the rest are not my enemies of one unity. I want to It's settled. Since Long Jun told me to find the secret of the way to the sky, this seat will definitely live up to Long Jun's request to complete this matter."

"My lord, I heard people say that it won't be long before Xi Dafeng will come to help" Xie Jiang said.

Hearing the words Xi Dafeng, the man's face suddenly became gloomy: "Hmph, this cheap species has the chance to break through the quasi immortal, and actually started to smelt the blood in the body, the magical power is increasing day by day, and he is very arrogant. What is he doing?"

After the four masters and apprentices finished their fast food, Yu Duxiu straddled the boat, and Wukong and the three of them helped to fuel the flames, driving the head of the cloud, and walking to the center of the water, but saw a whirlpool instantly curled up, the waves were overwhelming, and Wukong screamed Drinking, lifting the stick and hitting it, but just a few breaths, the surface of the water is already quiet, the boat is broken, and Yu Duxiu is no longer visible.

"Master, Master was taken away by the monster."

"Don't shout, I see, I'm afraid I've encountered a hard idea." Wukong's face was gloomy and ugly.

"Brother, what should I do now?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba came over.

"Furthermore, of course, the two juniors went to this water mansion to inquire about the situation" Wukong yelled.

"Unexpectedly, it is actually the spirit of the East China Sea Dragon Palace." Yu Duxiu looked at the countless water monsters, shrimp soldiers and crabs along the way. As the son-in-law of the East China Sea, Yu Duxiu naturally knew the clothes of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Looking at the Quasi-Demon God who grabbed herself and continuously dived into the water, Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, and gently pressed her left hand on the Quasi-Demon God's back.

In the next moment, he saw the quasi-monster with a look of fear: "Why did you seize my Innate Indestructible Dragon Ball?".

"Hmph, take a strand of your indestructible dragon ball? No, no, no, not only will I take all of your virtual dragon balls, but I will also Taoize you" Yu Duxiu opened the universe in his palm, and instantly pulled it with an unparalleled force. The quasi-long-jun fell toward the universe in his palm.

"You are Miaoxiu" said Zhun Longjun in horror.

"Huh, do you know that you hate the East Sea monk the most in this seat. You want to die, but you can't blame me." Yu Duxiu sneered at the corner of her mouth. Under the attack of the quasi-superior powers in the universe in the palm of the hand, it was only three or two breaths, and he had already explained it.

Ahem, I wanted to add more precision, but the internet speed was slow and I didn’t know who blocked it. Many posts were deleted. Can I trumpet the previous post, meow, and untie it for you? .

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