The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1593: Nest back

There is no doubt that Yu Duxiu's hatred for Donghai has never been weakened.

At this time, taking advantage of the quasi-long-jun ingesting himself into the depths of the river, the turbid water flow rolled up, and the anti-chaotic air rose, blocking all the prying eyes of the heavens and the world, and Yu Duxiu took the opportunity to take the quasi-long-jun in In the palm of the universe, it is a long story, but it is just two or three breaths, nothing more.

After that, Yu Duxiu ran his supernatural powers and transformed the monk into Taoism. There was a twist in the field. The quasi-monster reappeared in the field, grabbed Yu Duxiu, and flew towards the water mansion.

At this time, Yu Duxiu had time to look at the quasi-long-jun. Although the quasi-long-jun was holding a fish head, the blood in his body was extremely pure, and it should be the direct line of the East Sea Dragon.

"Come on, lock up this monk for me, and after I have sent the three monsters out there, I will concoct this monk again." The quasi-longjun easily pushed Yu Duxiu to the side of the shrimp soldier and crab general, and walked back to the main hall. .

At this time, Jun Longjun was sitting there with a gloomy face, in a terrible mood. Although he had memories of his own, he had been Taoized by Yu Duxiu, and everything was involuntary.

"You still need to find a way to tell Lord Long about this matter, and ask him to save me." This quasi-long Lord rubbed his head, only feeling abnormally irritable in his heart.


There was a loud noise, the water mansion shook the mountains, and there was a loud yelling in "The sound came: "That fairy, open the door quickly, your grandpa pig is here, don't hurry up and open the door for you grandpa pig and hand over my master. Old ancestor Zhu Ba shouted angrily.

"Okay, it's a good time to capture you all together, just to ask the secret of the road to the sky" The quasi-long lord instantly turned into an innate immortal aura that penetrated the void and appeared outside the water mansion: "There is a way in the heavens, you don't go, There is no way to hell. You cast yourself in. Now that you are here today, then you can't come or go."

"Fairy, I don't have to report the name quickly, I raked down the old pig and won't kill the unknown," said Old Ancestor Zhu Ba angrily.

"Prince Inspiration, you are too long-winded, you can't go on like this, or you will catch the pig demon for you in the end, let's go into the cave and take the pig demon to drink, how about drinking and talking?" The water wave shook, but there was a burst of innateness. The west wind blew in the sea, and the pig eight ancestor suddenly lost his mind. The sand monk on one side saw the opportunity quickly and instantly drove the streamer to escape from the water house. When the innate west wind dissipated, the figure of the west gale appeared in the field. Shixi Dafeng was holding the pig eight ancestor in his hands.

"What are you doing here?" The Prince of Inspiration looked at Xi Dafeng with a look on his face.

"Long Jun is afraid that the prince will have an accident, so he sent his subordinates to help." While talking, the Xi Gale said to the shrimp soldiers and crabs not far away: "Bring me this fat, big eared pig demon. We must talk about wine with the prince."

"Hmph, I can handle this by myself, why do you need to intervene? This pig can't be eaten, and the news of the road to the sky has not been asked. If you eat pig, what is wrong? If you can't finish it, you will ask him. Please sin," the prince of inspiration turned around and walked in toward the water house.

Xi Dafeng was dressed in white, and his face was indeed handsome. He didn't care about the attitude of the prince inspired: "The prince must not worry about it. I belong here to help the prince and take refuge in the prince, not to grab merit with the prince."

"Really?" The Prince of Inspiration paused and turned to look at Xi Dafeng: "What's the proof?"

"Sihai Dragon King has been dissatisfied with the Sihai Dragon King for a long time. He wants to replace the Sihai Dragon King, but the old dragons are known for their virtuous names. They act cautiously. The Dragon King cannot grasp the handle of the old dragon king, and the inspirational prince is wise. Shenwu is one of my best masters in the East China Sea. The future of the dragon king is not the prince. The subordinates just came to take refuge early. In fact, the four seas dragon king’s ownership of the prince has already been determined. What is lacking at the moment is nothing more than an opportunity. This important matter is entrusted to the prince. If the prince is completed, he will live up to the Longlord test. At the same time, he can accumulate a huge reputation in the dragon clan and replace the four-sea dragon king "Xi Dafeng". Smiling and tepid.

A hero of the times, although the West Gale's mother was improper and caused him to have countless cheap Laozi, it must be said that the West Gale, which broke through the shackles of blood, has begun to emerge.

In a certain sense, whether this dragon of the East Sea or the Dragon of the West Sea is good, even the Dragon of the North Sea and the Dragon of the South Sea are their own Laozi, cheap Laozi, Xi Dafeng's blood is flowing with the dragons of the four seas.

"If what you said makes sense, then tell me how we can find out the whereabouts of the road to the sky" Inspiration King said.

Xi Dafeng smiled softly when he heard the words: "This matter is simple. Let's arrest all the four masters and apprentices, as well as the traitor of the East China Sea, the third Prince Long, who actually dared to debase himself as a mount, and humiliated me. This traitor must not be merciless".

Hearing the words of the West Gale, the Great King of Inspiration shook his head: "It's not difficult to catch Monk Sand, the ancestor of the eighth pig, the Monk Tang, but the third crown prince of Dragon and the explosive monkey are somewhat unrealistic."

Xi Dafeng said nothing, with a contemplative expression on his face: "Then ask the monk Sanzang first, and when the interrogation is over, we will directly turn that monk into the elixir of immortality and immortality."

Inspiration was surprised when he heard the words: "No way, no way, that monk Sanzang can't eat it. If you say that you have eaten the eighth ancestor of the pig, monk Sha is no problem, but the monk Sanzang is the Buddha of the nine reincarnations of the Buddha, only this life Then the merits and virtues can be completed and transformed into the ultimate human being, and will live forever. If we eat it, the Buddhist family will be immortal with us."

After hearing the inspiration, Naxi Dafeng's complexion changed, and then he said without a trace: "That's true, then let's dismiss that Bi Mawen and Sha Wujing first."

"Junior Brother Sha, why are you alone? Where is Ba Jie? Have you ever inquired about the news?" Wukong was shocked when he saw Monk Sha climb onto the shore alone.

Monk Nasha smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Senior brother, you don’t know. I was arguing with the second brother, but I didn’t expect a strong wind to blow. Then the strong wind came to disrupt the situation and caught the second brother. He wanted to have a red barbecue. ".

"West Dafeng?" Wukong was taken aback when he heard the words, and then touched his head: "West Dafeng, this servant was thwarted by the brand of Miaoxiu's death a few days ago. Now he is coming to Tongtian Road to make trouble for us. Why? ".

"Does Junior Brother know the heels of Xi Dafeng?" Wukong looked at Monk Sha.

Monk Sha shook his head when he heard the words: "Although I am by Gantian's side, my vision has never been broad."

"Big brother, I know the origin of this western gale." Bai Longma transformed into Longsan Prince, standing on the shore.

"Little Bailong, do you know the origin of the West Gale?" Wukong was overjoyed.

"This time we are afraid it will be in trouble. The dragon clan's revenge is coming. Xi Dafeng has taken refuge in the Sihai dragon clan a few years ago. Today, I am afraid that I will be guided by the Dragon Lord and the person who came is not good." Xiao Bailong's face appeared. Worry: "I'm afraid that the west wind is directed at me."

"You still need to say hello to Lingshan on this matter." Wukong scratched his head.

As he was talking, but suddenly saw the waves rolling, Wukong lifted the stick and said: "Where is the evildoer, dare to peep at my grandson?".

"The Great Great Sage is not to fight, please also the Great Sage to silence", but seeing the waves rolling, a shrimp soldier appeared, and respectfully saluted the Longsan: "I have seen the Longsan" .

"Who in the water mansion robbed the holy monk?" Prince Longsan asked the shrimp soldier.

"At the moment, the prince of inspiration is resting in the water mansion, sending the little one to discuss something with the great sage and the third prince," Xia Bing said.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it" Wukong turned his eyes and turned.

"The prince of inspiration said that we will have a dispute later, and we need to work together to eliminate the suppression of Naxi Gale, and after the Naxi Gale is put to death, you and I will decide the victory by means" Xi Bing said.

Prince Longsan and Wukong glanced at each other, both of them were stunned: "Then the inspiration and the western gale are dirty?".

"Hmph, Xi Dafeng's bloodline is humble, he is a black sheep, the prince can't wait to get rid of it and hurry up" the shrimp soldier gritted his teeth.

"Okay, my grandson should do this." Wukong was overjoyed. (To be continued.)

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