The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1595: Jinlin is facing Kunlun, the battle begins

"boom". □Tomato◇ Novel Network ``---`-`--``

The table on the case table was instantly lifted out by Jinlin Longjun. You said that you have not yet surrendered to the Buddhist monk, and you actually started to fight inwardly. You are not a son of man, and you are not a big weapon.

"This bastard" Donghai Longjun's eyes rose with anger: "Ao Le".

"Father" Ao Le walked out.

"You go to rescue that inspiration and **** him back. For the father to interrogate this evil animal himself, he dared to rebel in the nest. I am really capable. I didn't take the words of this seat to my heart." Donghai Longjun was angry. Up.

Hearing Donghai Longjun's words, Ao Le lowered his head and rolled his eyes: "The current consequences are not caused by you. If it weren't for the bloodline theory you advocated and established the bloodline system, it would have the results today." .

Although the words are righteous, they can't be said like this. Ao Le respectfully saluted Donghai Longjun: "Father, take a rest for the time being, and let your anger go, and the boy will surrender the **** for the father."

"Quickly go back, I think the Buddhist school has begun to make arrangements, don't ask the Buddhist school to capture the inspirational prince in the past." Donghai Longjundao. □Tomato novel □net ``-


Na Ao Le instantly turned into streamer, disappeared in the water and disappeared.

Seeing that Ao Le went away, the Dragon King of East China Sea sighed with emotion: "The Ancestral Dragon's bloodline is indeed unusual. I really don't know what the scene will be if Le Er's blood is completely returned to the ancestors. Then, the grandeur of the Ancestral Dragon will reappear and dominate the heavens. , Enjoy the luck of heaven and earth alone, and our dragon race will dominate the heavens and all realms since then."

"Big brother is right. What are we calculating like this for? It's not to remove the human race, and then my dragon race will replace the human race and become the first race of the heavens and the world." The dragon king of the South Sea showed a cautious look: " It’s just that it’s a bit uncomfortable now that the wild demon gods actually have a tendency to really unite together. If this continues, it will be very unfavorable for us, even if it is to defeat the human race, if it is the wild group of beasts. Together, we are not going to follow in the footsteps of the human race."

"This matter needs a long-term discussion" Beihai Longjun tugged his beard.

Kunlun Mountain, the unchanging Kunlun Mountain today has a mysterious guest.

But I saw this person wearing a black robe, with a weird aura flowing around his body, a pair of eyes scanned Kunlun Mountain, and a strange color appeared in his eyes: "That's right, the remnant of the year fell here. I didn't expect the vicissitudes of life, a whole body. It was turned into Kunlun Mountain by the law of heaven and earth, and used the power of the ancestor dragon to support the mighty power between the heaven and the earth, and to comprehend the law of the ancestor dragon." □Tomato novel □net ``-

"If I can absorb the remnant of the year, I will definitely be able to ascend to the sky in one step, refining the branches of the innate hibiscus tree, resurrecting the innate hibiscus tree, and who else is my opponent in the heavens and the world" The figure wandered in the Kunlun Mountains, not long. He had already walked into the abdomen of Kunlun Mountain Fei, looking at the languid dragon veins, he was taken aback.

"Already derives spiritual wisdom? If this guy gets rid of it, he will definitely inherit the luck of the ancestor dragon and detach himself in the great world" The black robe man was taken aback.

After seeing the man in the Kunlun Mountains, he roared and was about to rise into the air, roaring and flying towards the man, but just got up, but heard the sound of the iron chain rattling, countless black chains Engraved with mysterious runes, it instantly appeared from the virtual iron chain, binding the earth veins tightly. □▽○Tomato☆Small○Shuowang`---``---

Yu Duxiu suppressed this Kunlun Mountain vein with the power of the Celestial Demon Realm. There are countless celestial demons in the Celestial Demon Realm. Even though this vein has the power to reach the sky, it is difficult to escape the suppression of the Earth vein.

"This is?" Looking at the countless dark chains, people were shocked. They were about to step forward, but heard a cold voice in the void: "If I were you, I would stop here. Will take a step forward."

The black-robed man stopped when he heard the words and looked at the void, trying to find the source of the words, but he could not find the source: "Where are you?"

"It doesn't matter where I am from, but this Kunlun Mountain is not the one that your Excellency can come. This Kunlun Mountain vein has been locked by me. Please turn back quickly." A chain in the void emerged, and the chain was instantly Pile up, turned into a figure, standing on the forehead of the dragon.

"Ooo~~~" The Earth Dragon already had a sense of wisdom. Seeing the man standing on his forehead, he whimpered suddenly, but he didn't dare to resist and could only accept it abruptly.

"You know me", the black-robed figure suddenly turned pale, and took a step back subconsciously. Even the supreme powerhouses of Kunlun Mountain could hardly find a trace, even if they had special induction, it was enough. It took more than five thousand years to come here today. Fan ☆Ji novel network`

"Jinlin Dragon, please come back, this earth dragon belongs to me." The black shadow swayed with the wind: "If Jinlin Long doesn't believe in this seat, just do it, please let him correct me. means".

While speaking, he saw a long roar from the figure, and the next moment a weird sound wave rang from Jinlin's ear. In this sound wave, countless illusions were unstoppable.

"Swallow, swallow, swallow. I want to swallow you, I want to swallow you, you all belong to me, all belong to me, I want to swallow you, I want to swallow you, it's not right" That Jinlin instantly awakened from the illusion, a cold sweat rose, and his heart was pure and yang, and he was stunned at that moment, which was truly amazing.

"You guy, you guy,,,,, what a weird magical power, it is somewhat similar to the magical power of the Fox God, but it is wishful thinking to just use this method to make me retreat." After speaking, But I saw a dragon claw stretched out from the sleeves of the brocade scales, and the chaotic air above the dragon claws was lingering. This grasp seemed to be all in the creation and death, and it was constantly deduced. There are infinite divine powers in it. , The universe determines the data, the data are all in one palm.

"What a great palm." After seeing Jinlin's claw, the black shadow suddenly lit up: "Is this birth and death?"

While talking, he saw the black shadow holding the ball in his palm, and the void was twisted, but he saw countless shadowy shadows flying out of the void, instantly turning into a chain and heading towards the golden scale.

"The devil, the heavens are unobstructed."

The chain actually penetrated the life and death creation in Jinlin's hands in an instant, and bound directly to Jinlin's Yuanshen Dragon Ball.

"Since you don't want to leave, it's no wonder that I am. You can stay and be a company with this vein." The shadow laughed strangely, creating scenes of illusions.

"This seat is consummated, you and other methods are nothing more than trails to me" Jin Lin smiled contemptuously, ignoring the countless illusions in front of her.


A weird long knife instantly smashed through Jinlin's body, and the long knife was jet-black, constantly devouring Jinlin's blood.


Jinlin grabbed and smashed the owner of the long knife, his eyes filled with consternation: "How is this possible? Isn't this fake?".

" Mysticism of Heavenly Demon Avenue is beyond your imagination. If you think he is fake, then he is real, if you think he is real, then he is False, true and false birth and death tools are all in one thought, nothing more, but you still understand the great path of good fortune and destruction, you can't even think of such a simple truth." The black shadow sneered.

Jinlin looked ugly, and withdrew his hands into his robe: "Hmph, I can think thoroughly, but I really want to do it. I am afraid that no one in the heavens and the world can reach this state."

"You were wrong, I have reached this state now." The shadow smiled weirdly, and countless chains flew out of the void in an instant, winding towards the scales: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way, you Self-investment, today I suppressed you, completely smelted you and the earth veins, turned them into the power of heaven and earth, and completely eliminated the thoughts of Ancestral Dragon." The black shadow sneered.

"Don't think" the chaos in Jinlin's hands began to escape instantly, and there seemed to be a small chaos in one palm: "Wan Hua Gui Yuan".

"This trick is interesting, but it looks a little bit like" the black shadow said with a tut: "Earth Dragon, go get him, if you take him, I will give you a thousand years of freedom."

"Oooh" for an instant, countless black chains were loosened and stretched instantly, but the dragon suddenly jumped out. (To be continued.)

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