The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1596: Conspiracy

"This beast, he doesn't know how to be grateful, so he wanted to run as soon as he loosened the tie." The black shadow saw the Kunlun veins instead of suppressing Jinlin, but instead wanted to escape. In an instant, countless chains tightened, and the veins were severely restrained: " If you are not obedient, I will refine you, turn you into the nourishment of my celestial demon world, and make the billions of celestial demons devour you." ☆Tomato Novel Network---``--`---

After hearing Sombra's words, the Dimai whimpered, his face was aggrieved, and instantly a palm moved toward Jinlin's suppression.


Kunlun Mountain is turbulent, and the world is shaking.

"What happened?" Han Fang was clever and left the bedroom in an instant, following the place where the fluctuation originated, looking towards Kunlun Mountain.

In the Kunlun Mountains, countless birds and beasts flew in an instant, and a figure fled from the Kunlun Mountains in an embarrassing manner. In a flash, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

"Who is that person?" Han Yan frowned as he looked at the distant figure.

In the Kunlun Mountains, the black shadow is solid, and its feet are stepping on the ground veins of Kunlun Mountains. Seeing its face, it is not Yu Duxiu or that.

"Jinlin" Yu Duxiu muttered to herself.

"Who is it, who is it, who can find that dragon vein and suppress it, who is it?" In the void, Jinlin's eyes were full of shock and unwillingness: "Hmph, you wait, I won't give up, this Let's not finish the matter". □▽○Tomato☆Small○Shuowang`---``---

After speaking, I saw that Jinlin disappeared into the void in an instant, only a little bit of chaos escaping in the void.

Donghai Dragon Palace, looking at the other Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, Jinlin's complexion was solemn, and it seemed that he stood up and said inadvertently: "Several brothers, little brothers suddenly got something. If you want to understand the Great Way, please forgive me." .

"The virtuous brother is going to be on his own. When the road of cultivation reaches the state of waiting for me, it is a good thing that the virtuous brother can understand, it is a good thing, a good thing, and it is "Donghai Longjun" Said with a smile.

Jinlin walked out of the Crystal Palace, and instantly saw a cloud of chaos in the void submerged in his eyebrows. After a while, Jinlin frowned and said: "This time it is really troublesome. Who is the person in Kunlun Mountain? Suppressing the dragon veins? No, I have to capture the dragon veins. Only by capturing the dragon veins in Kunlun Mountains can I transform in one fell swoop, surpass the Dragon King of the Four Seas, become the strongest in the Four Seas, and complete my great cause." ☆Tomato○△ Novel Network-

On the road to heaven, in the water mansion that inspired the prince, Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with a strange color: "Jinlin, it is really Jinlin. Back then, Jinlin fish jumped into the dragon gate and got a drop of Ancestral Dragon blood. I resolved the cause and effect with him, and we still need to keep an eye on Jinlin in the future."

In the water mansion, the Prince of Inspiration fled from the outside world, came to Yu Duxiu, waved back to the surrounding shrimp soldiers and crabs, Yu Duxiu said: "About the dragon family, as the father of the dragon family, I also know something. , Your status in the dragon clan is not low, and after you come to the dragon clan in the future, you may be able to respond to this seat."

The prince of inspiration was silent, and Yu Duxiu gently shook his head: "You can't help this matter."

"You have the ability to kill me. I have a chance in the future. I will definitely leak this news and call you a mouse on the street. The heavens and the world will never be superborn." The Prince of Inspiration gritted his teeth, but had to give in.

Yu Duxiu gently shook her head: "After you finish this road to the sky, this seat will be able to make things right. Even if you have the opportunity to convey the news, it is useless. When the war between the heavens and the world is ignited, no one can take care of it. I am". ○--`-``-`--


Inspired by the prince.

In the sky, Wukong and others looked at the golden pagoda, and there were countless authentic texts flowing on the pagoda, which was mysterious and abnormal.

But I saw Wukong said: "I don't know that it is the expert from the Buddhist school who has come?".

"You splash monkey, what are you shouting? This Jinlan cassock is a treasure of the Buddha, how can it be used to collect demons at will" Bing Qin landed on the Buddha's light from a distance, and when he saw Wukong, he shouted.

Then Wukong laughed: "The Bodhisattva joked. The West Gale is the most cunning and difficult. If it can't be suppressed in time, it will be troublesome. My grandson can only fight but cannot suppress it. If the West Gale does not suppress , Will inevitably get off, will it be in vain when that happens."

As I was talking, I saw the sound of cursing spreading in that Baotong, but saw that Baotong swelled and became smaller, and the swelling became smaller. It was just a few breaths that had been locked and turned into one. The baby was the size of an arm and was held by Bingqin.

Looking at the treasure, Wukong stretched out his hand and touched Bao Tong, showing envy: "Good baby, good baby". Fan○Ji☆Fiction Network△▽△-`-`-`--```-

"If you study and comprehend my Buddhist school carefully, this kind of magic weapon is not difficult to sacrifice." Bing Qin knocked off Wukong's hand and carefully put away the pagoda.

"Since the Bodhisattva is here, why not collect the inspiration prince as well?" Wukong leaned over.

Bingqin nodded: "Well, it shouldn't be too late. If we wait for Donghai to react and come to intercede, we will not do it."

As he was talking, he saw the void distorted in the distance, and Ao Le, dressed in red makeup, walked out.

"I have seen Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, I have seen Wukong Walker" Ao Le Yili.

"I have seen the princess."

Looking at Na Ao Le, Prince Long San had complicated eyes in his eyes, and he lowered his head and said.

"Now that you have a chance, you have to do your best to practice. After you have refined your body in the Buddha's Dragon Pond, your bloodline will return to your ancestors and you will surely become the elite pillar of my dragon clan. The future of my dragon clan needs you. "This class of talented commander" Ao Le glanced at Prince Long San, and said, neither salty nor indifferent.

"I don't know what happened to the princess?" Bingqin asked, hiding the pagoda without a trace.

Ao Le said: "This Prince of Inspiration actually dared to come to learn the scriptures and behave in a strange way. He wanted to devour the holy monk. After hearing this, my father was furious and sent me to capture the Prince of Inspiration and go back to suffer."

Wukong and Bingqin on the other side looked at each other. Wukong sighed secretly. It seemed that this inspirational king could not be received. Now that the Dragon Clan has come, naturally he can't help but save face. After all, there are five supreme powerhouses in the East China Sea.

"If this is the case, please ask Princess Ao Le to take action, but this journey of learning is not to be delayed" Wukong interrupted.

Looking at the explosive ape, Ao Le nodded, and instantly dropped his foot, but saw that the tens of thousands of miles of rivers were rolling in waves, and the entire water mansion was turbulent.

"Who shook my water house?" The prince of inspiration came from the water and asked.

"Inspiration, you behave nonsense, Lord Long is furious, so he didn't rush to follow me to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to plead guilty?" Ao Le scolded angrily.

"Ao Le?" After listening to Ao Le's words, the Great King of Inspiration rolled his eyes, broke the waves in an instant, and flew out of the water: "I have seen the dragon girl."

"Inspiration, you behave nonsense, and quickly follow me to the Dragon Palace to accept Longjun's accountability" Ao Le said with a serious face.

"Yes." When Prince Longsan saw Ao Le personally here, he thought a little and stopped resisting.

Na Ao Le walked over and came to the prince inspiration: "You have done anything wrong this time, the father is angry, and sent me specially,,,,,,".


The Prince of Inspiration didn't wait to react, it exploded in an instant, and the blood mist was flying all over the sky.

But when he saw that Ao Le's figure turned, he turned into a bear spirit in a robe.

"Don't be stunned, I quickly suppressed the Prince of Inspiration, or the Bodhisattva is smart, if we don't use any strategy, I'm afraid it will be difficult to suppress the Prince of Inspiration" but he saw that Xiong Jing laughed wildly.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on one side took out a bamboo basket in his hand: "That's tricks, how can I easily collect this fairy".

"Hold on, and ask the Bodhisattva to show mercy."

Seeing that Bingqin was about to throw out the flower basket, and wanted to receive the inspiration prince, but saw a white light and shadow across the void in the distance, Ao Le had already arrived on the spot.

"The Lord is here, this time I really can't take it, it's a step late" Bing Qin sighed regretfully.

"The Bodhisattva is polite." Ao Le landed from the void and bowed.

"I have seen the princess" everyone did, the Dragon Third Prince was stunned, but was stunned by the scene before him, not knowing what happened.

Na Ao Le didn’t care about Prince Long, but hurriedly said to Bingqin: “After my father knew what the Prince Inspired had done, he was immediately furious and sent me to **** this **** back to the Crystal Palace to wait for the death, and ask the Bodhisattva to give it to me. Crystal Palace has an opportunity to hand this inspirational prince to my Crystal Palace for disposal."

"In this case, the princess has already come in person, but it is not good for this seat to refuse" Bing Qin sighed. (To be continued.)

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