The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1598: The key to the future catastrophe

The old ancestor Zhuba and Wukong walked in front, feeling that Yu Duxiu looked like a knife behind him, the ancestor Zhuba was like a man on his back, but Wukong clamped himself and forced himself to get out of it, so he could only laugh. Embarrassed. ▽○--`-`---`-`-

"Bang" Bai Longma dragged Yu Duxiu, a few steps forward and rushed over. Wukong and Ba Jie were wondering why this little white dragon suddenly moved like this, and was patrolling around for something wrong, the next moment I only felt a pain in my chest, and he was kicked off by the two big hooves of the little white dragon.

"Drink, good fellow, little white dragon, why are you,,,,,," Wukong was kicked off, furious, and was about to say something, but was caught by Ba Jie and said in a low voice: "My mother. , Actually forgot this terrible thing, that Xiao Bailong and Ao Le’s childhood sweethearts were picked peaches by Miao Xiu. This time it was miserable and offended."

When Wukong heard the words, he was taken aback: "There is such a thing."

After speaking, he simply released the eight precepts, jumped in front of the little white dragon, held the reins, and looked at the little white dragon curiously.


An inscription of Xiao Bailong kicked towards Wukong, Wukong quickly avoided: "Don't become angry into anger, this is what Bajie said, but it has nothing to do with me". ☆Tomato○△ Novel Network-

"Bajie, you are talking about short-term parents, but you have violated my Buddhist precepts. Tonight, I can't copy the Buddhist scriptures three thousand times. You are not allowed to eat or sleep."

"Oh, hey, master for your life, this is not what I want to talk about, it is Brother Monkey who insists on forcing me to say it, there is really no reason to go." Ba Jie began to hit the sky.

On one side, Sha Wujing carried the burden alone, and didn't seem to hear what the senior brother was saying. He ignored it, his eyes were full of weird colors, and he lowered his head and laughed.

"Wukong, where is the boundary in front of me, don't hurry up to find out, lest you go the wrong way" Yu Duxiu twisted her rosary, and angrily rebuked Wukong.

"Yes, yes, master, don't worry, my old grandson will go to investigate" Wukong snickered, and left with the cloud.

Not long after, Wukong turned around and landed on Yuntou and said, "Master, it is also good fortune. There is a kingdom not far away, which is actually called Che Chi Country."

"Che Chiguo" Yu Duxiu heard the words chewing on the meaning of these three words.

In Chechi Country, the Prince Yinshan and the three Ninth Supreme Sect monks of Human Race who came were talking. Tomato Novel Network ○----``-``

"The ancestors sent a few people, presumably some of them are elites of the human race. We want to delay the progress of the Buddhist scriptures here. If it is appropriate, it is not bad to turn the monk into the elixir of immortality. , Let’s discuss how to hold the group of people.” Prince Yinshan said while holding a teacup.

After listening to the words of Prince Yinshan, the monk of Taiyi Tao said: "This matter has been severed by the ancestor of Taiyi, who ordered the three of me to become the national teacher of this country. Among the group of people who have learned the experience, apart from the explosive ape, the rest are just you, and we will definitely win."

"Taiyi teaches ancestors to calculate, I don't know how to fight?" Prince Yin Si said.

"I am too good at fate, so I gambled with that monk on fate." The monk of Taiyi was confident.

"I am too proficient in the real fire of the sun, but I have to compete with the monk in the art of deep-fried fire alchemy" Taiyi monk said.

"I am proficient in vitality control, how about trying to call the wind and rain?" The Taiyuan Dao monk said with a treacherous smile. `````-

"With my strengths and overcoming the enemy's shortcomings, there is no reason to win," Prince Yinsi sneered.

"In that case, let's call this country the Kingdom of Che Chi, it is difficult to enter the country, if you drag it for a year or a half, most of the energy of the road to the sky will be dissipated, and this grand plan to the sky will be considered a waste. "The monk who is too easy to learn chuckles.

"It's okay, it's okay, this matter must be arranged by Tai Yi Jiao Zu, so I listened to Tai Yi Jiao Zu's words," Yin Si Prince said.

"Nevertheless, I have to build a palace, worship my three ancestors, and ask my ancestors to bless me and wait for victory." Taiyuan Taoist monk Tao.

"Also, this matter is allowed, and everything is left to the judge."

Seeing the three cultivators leave, Bai Wuchang leaned in and said, "I'm afraid these three **** are uneasy and kind."

"I knew about this." The prince of Yin Si slowly took out his life and death plan: "It is nothing more than these three ancestors who want to take advantage of the opportunity to use their magical powers and seize the luck of the road to the sky, but they don't know this. If you have been prepared for a long time, this life and death is to reverse the world and seize luck."

"Prince wise" black and white impermanence all flattered. `````-

"This time, let's just have its auxiliary role. Ask these three monks to top the tank." The judge on the side gave a weird smile.

"Have you found the whereabouts of the other half of life and death?" The Yinsi prince narrowed his smile, and his expression was gloomy: "I don't know what magical power the **** displayed, and actually cut off the feelings of life and death."

"The world is very slim. Only by catching that Miaoxiu and searching for her soul can we ask about her birth and death." The judge's face was full of sadness.

After listening to the judge's words, the prince of Yinsi cautiously hid the life and death: "The search for life and death must be carried out. This matter cannot be delayed. The road to heaven is the best opportunity now."

East China Sea.

"Bang" the party of the inkstone hit the face of Prince Inspired, but he saw ink flying in the void. The head of Prince Long, like a watermelon, exploded in an instant, and then, as if the time flowed back, he immediately regrouped.

"Say, why did you join forces with the Buddhism to suppress the West Gale, why did you turn your back in the toilet before a major event?" Donghai Longjun's anger rose to the sky, the void was to be burned through, and the sea was boiling.

"Long Jun once said that my dragon clan is based on blood lineage, and that Xi Da Feng is just a humble bastard, and is worthy to join hands with me." The Prince of Inspiration faced Donghai Longjun's accusation, not only did not have the slightest regret, Instead, it is plausible.

"Asshole, asshole." The Donghai Longjun looked at the expression of Prince Inspired, almost not getting angry, raised his hand and scraped a big ear and pulled it over: "Asshole, don't know the general situation, don't know the general situation, you are called Ben How do you entrust the future of Donghai in your hands?".

"Bang" countless decorations shattered in an instant, and the inspired prince flew out: "Shooting the grass and scaring the snake, it's useless."

"Father, let his anger rest for the time being, the prince Inspiration is just a little arrogant. After this setback, I must have learned a lot of lessons. Why didn't my father give him a chance to redeem his merits" Ao Le stood up for the inspiration The prince speaks.

"How to redeem the merits?" Donghai Longjun said.

"My daughter heard that the nine supreme ancestors of the human race had set a calamity on the road to the sky, why not send my brother to help the nine supreme sects" Ao Ledao.

"Yes, please give me another chance, Mr. Long." The prince of inspiration immediately got up, and he was a salute to Mr. Long.

Donghai Longjun sat down when he heard the words and waved his sleeves: "Go away, let me see your performance."

"Master, three hundred miles ahead is the car late." Wukong pointed to the distance ~ ~ Yu Duxiu looked calm after hearing this: "Finally I met a human kingdom, walking this way, everything It's a barren mountain, and we should just exchange it."

Yu Duxiu looked into the distance: "The Yin Division is still not willing to give up. At the beginning, the ghost master forcibly moved to the land of the Central Territory, and descended on the road to the sky. It is necessary to see what tricks the Yin Division plays, and I must make your Yin Division pay. I lost my pants."

In fact, the road to the sky is a gambling. Yu Duxiu and his team have accumulated countless fortunes along the way. If someone sets up a catastrophe and really keeps the four masters and apprentices, they will definitely win the air. If the four masters and apprentices are left behind, they will suffer the backlash of the tribulation, and then become the nourishment of the tribulation. On the contrary, the air will be plundered by the road to the sky and blessed by the four masters and apprentices.

Yu Duxiu continued to refine the Xuanhuang Qi on the way, the original spirit was immersed in the endless information bred in the Xuanhuang Qi will, and with the refining of the Xuanhuang Qi, this combined Xuanhuangzhi Qi has undergone a mysterious transformation. It has become more and more unpredictable, unspeakable, and unimaginable. It is an unspeakable realm, unspeakable power, and the will in the mysterious yellow air is immature. , But it has the earth-shaking power, the power to reverse the universe, is the key to the power of the future catastrophe, a key to control the future. (To be continued.)

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