The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1599: Fight

"Master, there seems to be something wrong with this car Chiguo." Wukong took the white horse and walked on the street. His eyes looked towards the direction of Che Chiguo's going to Beijing. The fire in his eyes was full of fire, but he stopped and turned to face him. Yu Duxiu said. ``-``--`-

"What's wrong?" Yu Duxiu said.

"This car Chi Guozhong seems to have a lifeless spirit rising into the sky. Although it is hidden in the immortal qi machine, it still can't hide the golden eyes of my old grandson." Wukong grinned, and a smug flash flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Yu Duxiu twisted the rosary: ​​"The road to heaven is a Buddhist plan, and it itself is full of countless calamities. It is natural that there will be many calamities on this road." Yu Duxiu drove the white horse and continued to move forward. : "Let's go, keep going, but see where the gods, ghosts, and monsters are blocking my way."

While speaking, the group continued to move forward, toward the imperial capital of the country.

"The Buddhist monk has come." Some land came out at this time, and paid respect to the monk who had changed his way.

The Taoist monk touched his beard: "Well, I just want it to come and go, go to Tongbing and the other fellow Taoists, prepare on time, and be sure to keep the Buddhist monks in this road to the sky." ☆``----`-`-`-`

"Master, the imperial city of Chechi is ahead," Wukong said.

"Who? Why trespass into the imperial capital?" Seeing the soldier guarding the palace gate step forward, he yelled.

"Don't panic, I'm a monk from Middle-Earth. If you want to go to the Pure Land of the Western Spirit Mountain and worship Buddha and ask for sutras, please also ask this general to pass on your majesty. I am here to replace the customs clearance document." Duxiu stopped Wu Kong, got off the white horse, and saluted the general unhurriedly.

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the general looked at Yu Duxiu up and down for a while, then looked at the three weird appearances behind him, as if they were ghost apprentices, and the blood in his heart was instantly wiped out.

"Wait, I'll go and preach for you." The general turned around and gave a wink at the guard guarding the gate, then turned around and walked towards the palace.

Not long after, I saw the general turning back and respectfully saluting Yu Duxiu's group: "The king said, I asked you to come and meet."

Looking at the palace from a distance, Yu Duxiu already knew the sordidness in the palace. Although the boundless spirit was hidden in the mighty dragon spirit of the palace, it could not hide from Yu Duxiu's eyes. -`````-`

"Devil" Yu Duxiu gritted his teeth and said silently, then the four masters and apprentices walked into the hall, only to see that the manchurian civil and martial arts all looked towards Yu Duxiu and the others. It was the one sitting in the high position. A man with Mianqi on his head and a black real dragon engraved all over his body. He couldn't see his face clearly. All his auras were covered by that Mianqi. Obviously, this Mianqi was a treasure.

On the left and right of that majesty, there were two ministers of civil and military affairs. It was the impermanence of black and white. The judge stood in front of the officials on the left, and the three monks of the nine supreme sects stood on the right.

"I have seen your Majesty" Yu Duxiu folded her hands and bowed, and glanced at the three heavenly prides of the Nine Great Sects without a trace.

"Hmph, monk bold, why don't you kneel down and salute when you see your majesty?" The monk who was too easy to do came out and yelled at the four masters and disciples.

"Amitabha, my Buddhist monk is a stranger, but I don't follow the common etiquette. Please don't blame your Majesty," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly. Tomato Novel Network ☆-``-`


Wukong grinned, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, making faces at the monk Tai Yi Dao, but bluffing the monk Tai Yi Dao dare not look at each other.

"Forget it, since I'm an outsider, this etiquette is exempted." The prince Yinsi who sits high on the throne waved his hand unhurriedly and refuted the words of the monk. It is not suitable to do this with the other party now. Without intending to fight, the key is to decide the victory or defeat in the fighting method, which delayed the progress of the road to heaven.

Yu Duxiu looked at the three human monks with a sneer: "It's really a master of life and death. Looking at the cultivation of these three people, the whole body is radiant and the aura of good fortune is perfect. It is obviously the nine supreme sects. The proud son of the door, the way of quasi-immortality is hopeful, and he does not know what Taiyi Jiaozu, Taiyuan Jiaozu, and Taiyi Jiaozu think.

It's not that Taiyi teaches the ancestors not to send the quasi-superior to the road to the sky, but there is really a reason to have to send the monks of the realm of good fortune.

You said that if you come directly to three monks in the quasi-superior realm, then count the prince of the yin and impermanence, this will add up to six quasi-superior powers, and the arrival of the six quasi-superior powers will definitely touch Amitabha. This road to heaven is the home of the Buddhist school. Except for Buddhist monks, any monk who comes here will be suppressed by a small amount. In that case, why not be a bachelor of Taiyi teach ancestors and send directly to the door. The elites of China are quasi-superior without a certificate, but they only have to come to the door. Coupled with special magical powers, if they really fight, they may not be able to get benefits from the super-powers, and they are only three. It's nothing more than a monk in the realm of good fortune. If the Buddhists want to bully the small with a big one, even three monks in the realm of good fortune are too ashamed to deal with it. Tomato☆Fiction Net`-`

Sending three elites to this place, even if the Amitabha was dissatisfied, he could only take it for life, letting the calculations of the nine supreme sects, and the monks who learned the scriptures deal with them.

"I haven't asked the name of the mage yet?" Yu Duxiu's eyes shifted from the devil's body, across the black and white impermanence, and landed on the three monks in the realm of good fortune.

"These three are the national teachers of our country, Luli Daxian, Huli Daxian, and Yangli Daxian" the king said and introduced them one by one.

Yu Duxiu was taken aback when she heard the words, and looked at the three great immortals, with a meaningful smile in her eyes: "The poor monk was fortunate to meet the three great immortals, but he was polite here."

"Poor monk is reasonable." Yu Duxiu saluted the three monks with a smile.

"Hmph" the three great immortals snorted coldly.

The prince of Yin Si looked down at the four masters and apprentices: "Since the master has already known the national master of Che Chiguo, I don’t know what the names of the four apprentices behind the master are? I see that the master’s apprentices look strange and extraordinary. The person must have extraordinary abilities."

Yu Duxiu heard the words and pointed to Wukong: "This is Sun Wukong, the big disciple of the poor monk, who can go up to the mountains and the sea, capture dragons and bind tigers, conquer demons and demons, and his power is immeasurable. ".

"This second person is the marshal of the hundred thousand water army in Tianhe, and he is called the marshal of Tianpeng."

"This third person is the guard in front of the Emperor of Heaven, the general of the curtain."

I was introducing, but suddenly I heard a sound of footsteps in the distance, but I heard the soldier rushing in and saying: "Your Majesty, it’s not good. Now there is a continuous drought in March and there is no rain. The people gather together in front of the palace and ask the king to come. The purpose is to ask three national teachers to pray for rain."

After hearing the words, the prince of Yinshan looked at the proud son of the nine supreme sects of the human race: "If things are dry today, please let the three masters rain, how about getting rain for the people?".

After hearing the words of the prince of Yinsi, the monk of Taiyidao stood up and looked at the four masters and apprentices with his eyes: "Your Majesty, this monk dared to speak wild words and brag about his apprentice's superb skills, but the minister was not convinced."

"How to refuse?" minister wants to compare with this monk the art of calling the wind and calling the rain," said Daxiandao.

"Well, well, I'm just about to see if it is the master's skill or the monk's skill. I don't know what the holy monk thinks?" The Prince Yinsi looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu did not answer, and Wukong on one side jumped out: "The four ghosts, the four little ghosts, try to compete. Is it possible that I am afraid that I will not succeed? Just say it, if I wait and win, I need to let your majesty let it go and bless this pass. dispatch".

"It's easy to talk and talk, as long as the master can convince my apprentice, everything is easy to talk about, and everything is easy to talk about, I am afraid that the master will not win, then I can't blame the king for delaying for a year and a half, but I can't blame me."

The Yinsi prince sneered for a while, and his voice was cold and stern: "If this is the case, let's give it a try. I don't know what the national teacher needs to prepare?".

The teacher of the country said: "Please also ask the king to send someone to build an altar and place the tribute. Everything else will be arranged by this seat."

"Okay, I don't know what the monk needs?". (To be continued.)

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