The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1601: Qiantian Jinzhi

On the second day, as soon as I entered the morning court, I saw that Yinshan Guizi looked at the group of four masters and apprentices standing in the main hall with a gloomy expression. A feeling of wanting to vomit suddenly rose from his stomach. Gushing out. □Tomato◇ Novel Network ``---`-`--``


The three major national teachers even glared at each other, and they were all thinking about killing.

However, he saw that Tiger Li Daxian gritted his teeth and walked out of the line, his eyes were like knives and scanned around the four masters and apprentices, and then gritted his teeth and said: "Fuck."

Ignoring the ridicule and grimace of the two living treasures, Wukong and Bajie, he saw Tiger Li Daxian said: "Your Majesty, now that the altar has been erected, please give your order. The minister will decide a winner with the monk. male and female".

"It's okay, it's okay, just as the master said, this matter has been accepted, but the people in the capital have been waiting for a long time. This matter should not be delayed. Please two go on the altar to do it." The prince Yinsi looked gloomy and said Cold, it seems that when he speaks, he smells of urine.

Then Wukong sneered: "Also, I will convince the one who loses."

After speaking, the group followed Wukong out of the main hall and boarded the altar. The Tiger Li Daxian, the monk of Taiyuan Dao, looked at the group of masters and disciples with cold eyes, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I want you to know how good I am. , I am now adhering to the decree of the ancestors, and all the members of the Storm, Rain, Thunder and Lightning Department in the heavenly court are all monks of my nine supreme sects. Let’s see how you hustle beat me." □Tomato novel □net ``-

"Do you start first, or I start first" Huli Daxian sneered coldly.

"You come first, you come first" Wukong chuckled lightly, his face nonchalantly.

"Hmph, when you lose, I will tell you that the hunk knows how good it is." Huli Daxian sneered, rose into the air and landed on the altar, first burned some schedules, and then took out a series of talisman seals, please The decree of the ancestors of the Taiyuan religion is placed on the altar.

In the void, the light in Yu Duxiu's eyes: "teaching the ancestor's decree".

After the decree was issued, the great immortal Tiger Li stretched out his palm and picked up the magic card on the altar: "Please help me rain, a card wind will rise."


The sky was full of violent winds, but seeing the storm and thunder and lightning in the court that day, the people of the storm and thunder and lightning were descending from the realm, and they continued to brew storms as the monk began to operate the priesthood.

"Okay, what a Taiyuan Dao. The manipulation of the vitality of the heavens and the earth is so vivid." Looking at the vitality tumbling in the sky, Yu Duxiu praised. Tomato Novel Network `-```-

After the words fell, the Great Immortal Tiger Li once again took out a token: "The fog is rising, the sea of ​​clouds is churning."

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and gusts of wind surging between the sky and the earth, obviously like a torrential rain.

At this time, Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered a little, and the black lotus in Wukong's eyes flickered, and suddenly a thought rose: "Blindly fighting and fighting courageously, didn't it fall in the wind? It was the work of a man. I have never heard of it. Qiantian is incompatible with the nine supreme teaching ancestors, why not use Qiantian to act in this matter, ruining the calculation of Taiyuan Dao".

Speaking like this, I saw Wukong's immortal body emerge from his body in an instant, and he descended into the clouds in an instant, and he had reached the heavenly palace in his breath.

"The Great Sage is not in the lower realm to protect the holy monk traveling westward, why did he come to my heavenly palace?" The Emperor smiled lightly and unhurriedly squeezed a grape in his hand.

Na Wukong hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the members of the Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning Department did not abide by the golden decree, colluded with the demons of the lower realm, and went against the wind and rain indiscriminately, against my Buddhist family, and please call your Majesty."

"Is there such a thing?" Gan Tian was stunned when he heard the words, his eyes turned, but he said: "The matter of learning from the scriptures is so important, how can you let the wind, rain and thunder and lightning be mixed up, the Great Sage should not worry, I am a **** Jin Zhi, promised that the storm and thunder and lightning tribe will go to the storm and thunder and lightning and follow the call of the great sage." Fan ☆Ji novel network`

While speaking, he saw the golden decree in Gantian’s hand, and then saw the qi of the void penalty guillotine come and be sealed in the golden decree: “The great sage took the golden decree, don’t forget to Buddhism, say a few words for me".

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, your majesty can rest assured." Wukong took the Jinzhi, and he was joyful and immediately descended on the sea of ​​clouds. Looking at the gods who were exerting their strength, the Jinzhi in his hands shook away: "Wind, rain, thunder, and lightning When it comes to rain, there must be rules and laws, and you must not act arbitrarily, and you should not quickly gain magical powers so as not to be punished and ruthless."

Seeing Wukong's sudden arrival, I felt the momentum of the punishment guillotine. Even if the gods were uncomfortable, they had to obey the will of the golden decree. You must know this punishment guillotine, even if the ancestors have to retreat. How can we fail to comply with the existence of.

As for preaching the decree of the ancestor, that’s fine. It is forgivable to violate the decree of the ancestor. Even if the ancestor condemned him, he is now on the list of gods, and the restraint of the ancestor is no longer valid. But the punishment is not. The same, once it falls, it's a really terrible event. Fan ○ Jia □ Novel Net`-

"I'll wait to follow the decree of the law." The gods had to curb their magical powers aggrievedly.

Too Yi Dao, Too Yi teaches the ancestors to look ugly. Before his own disciples drank urine, it was disgusting enough. Now Gantian dares to put eye drops on himself, which is simply unforgivable.

"I will write down this account for the time being, and wait until this seat's cultivation base is further stabilized, defeated Amitabha, suppressed the evil animals in the wild, and then found the list of conferred gods in the endless void, and concocted the two-sided three-sword villain." Yi Jiaozu clenched his fists, killing intent in his eyes.

"This **** is getting more and more lawless." Watching Qiantian's movements, the lungs of Taiyuan Jiao's ancestor Qi almost exploded.

"Forget it, now is not the time to care about the sky. In the future, there will be opportunities. First, we will seize the luck of the road to the sky, and the Buddha cannot really complete the road to the sky."

Che Chiguo, looking at the dark clouds that suddenly stopped in midair, everyone was stunned. The three Tianjiao were also stunned. It was already the prelude to the end, and the Great Immortal Tiger Li had already raised the rain order in his hand. The cards, but the rain did not fall, on the contrary, they disappeared in an instant, which was really weird.

"Rain, rain, why are they retreating?" Daxian Hu Li's eyes were full of astonishment. Turning his head to look at Wukong with a mocking look in the field, the Taiyuan Taoist monk sneered coldly: "Although I don't know why the wind, rain and lightning The gods do not follow the decree of the ancestors, but Taiyuandao’s ability to eat is to control the wind, rain and thunder of the world."

"Well, since the wind, rain, thunder, and lightning are not reliable, then I will only do it myself." The Taiyuan Taoist disciple instantly displayed his magical powers and began to operate the wind and rain call.

"Huh, it's useless, in front of my old grandson, how can you have a chance to use magical powers" Wukong grinned and sneered, and the next moment he saw Wukong's mouth blowing out a breath machine, the flow of immortal Qi machine, overwhelming the universe, the power of law Reverse reform, storm and lightning disappeared instantly.

"Haha, how?" Wukong teased the Taiyuan Taoist monk.

At this moment, countless heavenly demons flew out of Yu Duxiu's nostrils, and while the Taiyuan Taoist monk was upset and irritated, they instantly lurked into his heart, rooted in his heart, and constantly derives magical thoughts.

"Hmph, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning are not at home, it depends on your ability" Taiyuan Taoist monk sneered.

Wukong didn't say much, and directly took out the decree of Qiantian on the altar: "Wind and rain are coming."

With an order, even if the gods are reluctant in their hearts, they will have to use their magical powers to wind and rain.

Wukong sneered and sneered, watching the Taiyuan Taoist monk secretly display his supernatural powers, and wanted to disperse the heaven and earth vitality in the sky, he sneered coldly: "I don't have much skill."

When the wind and rain fell, the Taiyuan Taoist monk was in despair. He couldn't think of why he would lose, he had the decree to teach the ancestor, why he would lose.

"Majesty, the victory or defeat is divided, please sever your majesty." After Wu Kong dissipated the wind and rain in the void, he turned and said to Prince Yinsi.

"Trash" the prince of Yinsi secretly scolded The time and place are all on his side, and he actually asked others to turn over the dish. It was really useless.

"Wait, you have won this round. There is a magical power in this seat. You want to bet against you and split your head. Would you dare to bet against me?" In the eyes of the Taoist monk, the demon danced wildly, and one palm pointed to one side. Bajie.

"Dare to gamble with me." Knowing that Wukong is a stubborn stubborn stubborn, this tiger-powered immortal is not reconciled, and wants to pinch the eight precepts of soft persimmons to find his place.

"This is what's hindering my old pig again, it's really unlucky" Old Ancestor Zhu suddenly said with a bitter face.

Regarding the update issue: there will be a wave at the end of the month. I don’t have time now. I hope you will forgive me and ask for a subscription, because only if the subscription keeps up, it will be a big hit, otherwise you will lose your grades. It is not recommended.

There are still dozens of chapters on the road to the sky. The normal update can be finished next month, that's it! .

As for everyone talking about the Journey to the West, I can only say that I have worked hard to write it well. I say it is a Journey to the West. But in fact, it has nothing to do with Journey to the West. It is just a bit of a routine. It is forty-nine difficulties. In fact, there are only a dozen difficulties. Don't say anything. (To be continued.)

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