The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1602: Congenital Shenhuo Cooking Oil Pot

"Ba Jie, since this guy wants to try the technique of cutting the head with you, it's better to try it." Wukong looked at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba with a smile on his face. Tomato Little □Said▽net☆`-`

This Taiyuan Taoist disciple deserves to be an elite selected by the Taiyuan Sect ancestor. Even under the temptation of the demon, he has lost his reason, but after all, he is not incorrigible, and I dare not say that he will try to behead with Wukong. Surgery.

Wukong is already the quasi-superpower, and among the quasi-superpowers, what kind of person is the top one, and what use is his head? .

"I,,,,I,,,, I don't understand the technique of decapitation and regeneration, I can't compare, I can't compare," the old ancestor Zhu Ba hummed.

Yu Duxiu yelled aside: "Ba Jie, even if we lose, we can't lose. You play, even if your head is chopped off, I have countless treasures of the West, and I can definitely save you. The monks are not afraid of life and death, so don't let your teacher disappointed."

Without waiting for the ancestor Zhuba to speak, Wukong had skipped over and kicked the ancestor Zhuba into the field.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba sneered and said: "Well, if you want to bet against me and bet on the technique of cutting people's heads, my old pig will have a life to bet with you, but since you raised it first, then you should cut it first. Head". △◇△□---`

At this moment, the eyes of all the heavens and the great power of the world are all gathered here, Tai Yi Jiaozu smiled coldly: "Good good, good good, there is a way in the heavens, you don’t go, there is no way to hell, you cast yourself, and call you today. Knowing how powerful it is, this seater secretly took action, just to tell this ancestor Zhuba to die. As long as the ancestor Zhuba dared to cut off his head, he would inevitably be called one less person on the way to learn."

In the heavens and the world, countless great abilities secretly shot at this time. The game of the road to the sky is very complicated and the most difficult to deal with.

"Okay, come on, let's take a look at your methods" Yu Duxiu sneered: "Is it your powerful method, or the calamity of this seat, no one has escaped the calamity."

Thinking like this, but seeing that the calamity in the dark was pulled by Yu Duxiu and turned into the death of the tiger power immortal, it was instantly submerged in his body: "This alone is not enough to shock the heavens and the world, this seat wants Ask the heavens and the world to be convinced."

"Okay, I'll behead my head first," the great immortal Tiger Li smiled coldly, and instantly drew out the guard's long knife, wiped his neck, the next moment the blood splashed, but saw the countless blood spray out. The head soared up into the sky, but his body fell to the ground in an instant, and the head suddenly fell and rolled on the ground. It turned into a tiger with a white-fronted corpse. -`````-`

"This,,,,, how is this possible?" Tai Yi Jiaozu couldn't sit still at first, his eyes were full of astonishment: "Oh, it's a step too late. Since this fate has already formed a fixed number, even if I want to change it, it is "I can't count." Tai Yi Jiaozu’s eyes were full of consternation: "How can this be good? How can this be good? Who is it that shot in the dark, and quietly killed a good life. Humans turned into monsters, hiding from the eyes of countless powerhouses from the heavens, it is really incredible, who is actually doing it."

"Kacha" Taiyuan said, the wine glass in the hands of Taiyuan Jiaozu was instantly crushed, turned into powder, and dissipated in the void: "Who is making the calculation in the dark, Amitabha has already been watched, there should be no chance to make it, who is it? Calculating my Taiyuan Road in secret."

"This Xuanhuang Qi is really magical. I really don't know what level of mystery the forty-nine Xuanhuang Qi will be when the time comes." Yu Duxiu's eyes were full of intoxication. Fan ☆Ji novel network`

However, Yu Duxiu gently moved her palm, sat cross-legged, looking at the corpse in the distance, and shook her head with compassion: "Amitabha Buddha".

"This" looked at the scene in front of him, the prince of Yinsi suddenly changed his color, and he was so close to him that he didn't realize who was making the shot in secret. It was really incredible, it was a bit creepy.

The other two monks who were too Yidao and Tai looked at the monster beast whose body had been separated into white tigers, their eyes were full of consternation, and a heart palpitation slowly rose from their hearts.

The old ancestor Zhuba trembled even more, and said in a slanderous voice: "This guy has given his life to him. He turned out to be a tiger spirit, but he wanted to come to my human race to make trouble. But I won this round. There is no need to cut his head. Those who are alive are the winners."

The Taiyuan Taoist monk on the other side sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Good means, good means, I didn't think about it, I really looked down on you and waited."

"Do you want to compete with me?" Wukong scratched his head. Tomato△ Novel □ Net ○--```-

"Naturally is going to test" Yang Li Daxiandao.

"Oh, what do you want to try?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba quickly changed the subject.

"Let's try to boil in water, what do you think?" Too monk sneered.

Such a declaration of war is more of a means. In this case, both sides have made secret moves, so there is no need to say more.

"Well, my old grandson naturally has no reason to disagree." Wukong looked at the old ancestor Zhu Ba with joy: "Ba Jie, please do well this time."

"Why, why is it me?" Looking at the murderous Yang Li Daxian in his eyes, the ancestor Zhuba shivered. It is hard to say who wins and who loses. With the fallen corpse of the Tiger Li Daxian, the loser is very likely to follow in the footsteps of the former.

"Don't say it, it's you, who told you to have thick skin and thick skin" Wukong grabbed Old Ancestor Zhu Ba by the ear, dragged him closer, and pushed him into the field.

The prince of Yinsi waved his hand with a gloomy expression: "On the pan".

It is foreseeable that an extremely tragic battle will begin soon, no matter who it is, if it really fails, it will be reduced to meatballs in the pan.

"The tiger power immortal is a tiger demon into a spirit, and a body of blood, flesh and blood is a great tonic. You wait for the soldiers to strengthen their strength and guard the palace, then eat this tiger power fairy." Wukong smiled to the distance Said the soldier.

"You,,,, Hohen, do you dare to,,,,,," The Great Immortal Yang Li and Great Immortal Lu Li suddenly became anxious.

"Too much deception" Taiyuan Jiaozu's eyes rose with anger, and the whole body was mobile.

Seeing the tiger demon, the soldiers were extremely excited, and instantly stepped forward to divide the white tiger and put them away.


Everyone in the field was pale, and Daxian Luli clenched his fists, Daxian Yangli stretched out his palm to block Daxian Luli, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "You fat pig, let Dao brother pay your life, come on, come on. Pan".

The words fell, but two oil pans were set up. The oil pan was hot, and Yang Li Daxian immediately jumped into the oil pan without hesitation: "You and I are trying, but to see whose breath is longer."

The words fell silent and remained silent.

The ancestor Zhuba looked at the hot oil pan, hesitated, Wukong stepped forward to grab the ancestor Zhuba and threw it in.

"Oh, you, a monkey who has suffered from the disease, didn't wait for my old pig to be ready, so you did it," the old ancestor Zhu Ba shouted angrily.

But when the ancestor Zhuba finished his cursing, he was taken aback: "It's not hot."

Yu Duxiu rolled his eyes in secret, not because it was not hot, but because he absorbed the calamity. Although this pan was hot, it was not harmful.

Seeing the ancestor Zhu Ba who was screaming pain in the frying but did not have the slightest pain, the great Yang Lixian was taken aback, and with a flick of his finger, a ray of the sun went into the pig without a trace Under the oil pan of the Eighth Patriarch, the oil pan boiled instantly.

"Old ancestor Zhuba, you are dead" Tai Yi said, and Tai Yi taught ancestors to toggle the fate number, and instantly nailed the fate number of Old ancestor Zhuba: "You are destined to die in a pan".

"It's so strong that I can hardly stand it." Yu Duxiu frowned, watching the real sun burning in the oil pan, and looking at Wukong, according to the situation in front of him, wanting Old Ancestor Zhu Ba If he survives, then only Yangli Daxian will die first, and the ancestor Zhu Ba will naturally survive.

Yu Duxiu exhaled, and fell into the oil pot of the Great Immortal Yangli without a trace, but saw Liu Ding Liujia divine fire concealed in the common fire along with the innate divine fire, instantly transpiring.

But seeing the calamity rolling, there was no wavering from the Great Immortal Yang Li.

"It's weird, why is this great sheep immortal still immortal?" Yu Duxiu's eyes were full of puzzlement.

Wukong opened his eyes with golden eyes, looked at the oil pan of the Great Immortal Yang Li, and then cursed: "Okay, I dare to cheat." (To be continued.)

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