The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1609: Overturned

"Since the holy monk came from Middle-Earth, I don’t know how far this place is from Middle-Earth? Old man, do I have a chance to return to the prosperous Middle-earth world in this life." The old man was about 50 years old and heard that Yudu Xiu and the others came from Middle-Earth, with excitement on their faces, and even tears in their eyes. A pair of eyes looked at Yu Duxiu expectantly, for fear that Yu Duxiu would cut off her without a word. Miss. Ω small Δ says

After hearing the old man's words, Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "Don't worry, old man, let's speak slowly."

"This place is probably tens of millions of miles away from the Middle Territory. Even if the idle cultivator is waiting for the clouds to ride the fog, you can never reach the Middle Territory for three or five years, let alone you are an ordinary man like you." Yan murmured aside, although the voice was small, it was heard by Wukong.

Then Wukong reached out his hand and grabbed the ears of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, but saw Ba Jie grinned: "Don't pull it, don't pull it, it's really painful."

"Hmph, you idiot, telling you nonsense, telling you nonsense, but begging to beat" Wukong snorted.

The old man invited everyone into the room, but saw an old woman and a year-old boy in the room.

"This is a holy monk from Middle-earth" the old man introduced.

The woman and the child came forward to salute, and Yu Duxiu said, "I don't know what Lao Zhang's name is?".

"Old man, my surname is Liu. A few years ago, my son died in battle and my daughter-in-law remarried. Only this single seedling was left behind." The old man Liu was full of vicissitudes: "That's my Jingzhuo. If I have my surname, it will be the Liu family."

"It turned out to be Mrs. Liu, the poor monk is polite." Yu Duxiu saluted.

The old man said: "Suddenly the sky and the earth were dark a year ago, but the sky and the earth were shaking, and the universe shifted. After waking up, I heard people say that someone used their power and supernatural powers to move me away from my homeland. I have already left. Zhongyu, in this life, I don’t know if he can go back to Zhongyu again."

Yu Duxiu heard the words silently, and the Eight Jie Wukong on one side did not speak. Only the kind of supreme existence can do such a long distance to move mountains and reclaim the sea. The entire people of Che Chiguo are the nine supreme humans. The abandoned son abandoned by the ancestors, since being taken away by the ghost master, the birth and death are no longer in the blessing of the ancestors.

"Oh" Yu Duxiu sighed deeply when he heard the words. What can he say in this situation? Fortunately, here is the road to heaven, the road to the Scriptures, the monsters and ghosts have scruples, for fear that they will be eliminated by the masters and disciples of the Scriptures, otherwise this place has already become an empty city. It's like humans raise cattle and sheep and become food.

"In the future, I have to send Buddhist monks to save this place," Yu Duxiu thought silently in her heart.

"The old man, I don't know if the cold ground is freezing today, why the river is not frozen, how do you wait to cross the river on weekdays?" Wu Kong said on the side.

The old man shook his head when he heard the words: "The river is wide and the waves are overwhelming. How can I talk about crossing the river? I dare not leave the shore for dozens of miles. A hundred miles is the limit. If you go inside, you will get lost in the endless ocean. , Missed his life."

"As for icing, I have never seen the sea ice frozen since I came here, old man."

After hearing the old man’s words, the master and disciples of Yu Duxiu were silent, and the atmosphere was dull. The old man Liu sat there secretly hurting himself. After dinner in the evening, he suddenly saw snowflakes fluttering in the middle of the night. The next morning, he heard old man Liu running. I came in: "It's frozen, it's frozen, the river is frozen overnight, the holy monk is worthy of being a holy monk, and there is help from heaven and earth, and it is frozen."

Freeze? .

Wukong and Old Ancestor Zhu Ba jumped out, and the group led the white horse to the shore, but saw countless people skiing and hole fishing on the ice.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba jumped on the ice and bounced twice: "It's so cold that it's frozen, but I didn't kick the old pig away."

In the river, Jinlin sneered, a pair of eyes penetrated the ice to see the people on the shore clearly, and sneered after hearing the words: "This is my own practice. Isn't it the one who is the most powerful before you prove it? It can be broken."

After speaking, he said to the four Junlong Jundao beside him: "The Lord of the Bureau has already set up, and then it depends on how you perform. If you have the opportunity, don't keep your hands and eat the monk directly. ".

"Yes, I'll wait to abide by the decree of the Dragon King" the four quasi-long Jundao.

Jinlin smiled coldly, and disappeared into the void: "The road to the sky, what's the tricky thing, I will personally explore it in the dark."

"Master, this freezing is weird, I'm afraid there is something wrong with it" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba jumped twice, ran back to the shore, and said to Yu Duxiu.

"Last night, there was no trace of the wind and snow. My old grandson never noticed that someone was doing tricks and using such methods. Besides, it was frozen for tens of millions of miles, unless it was the supreme powerhouse. This is my Buddhist site. , Buddha is not blind, so how could there be traps to do things for others" Wukong was not convinced.

"You are a plague-stricken monkey, why do you always go against my old pig? If the master is caught by the monster, my old pig will never end with you." The ancestor Zhuba's nose started to smoke white.

Yu Duxiu dismounted when he heard the words, standing on the ice with her feet, looking at the ice with a pair of eyes, a round of jade-colored discs circulated in her eyes, and a dark yellow oval fetal egg was constantly rotating, standing on the jade Above the color disc.

"No one noticed the weirdness last night, but I couldn't hide it from this seat." Yu Duxiu slowly squatted down and touched the ice with both palms: "Jinlin! Is it you? I feel your breath here. The demon tell me, you have been here, is it you".

"Good thing, this is a good thing, this is the blessing of heaven and earth, maybe it was the Buddha who saw that I was not suitable for crossing the river, and he deliberately cast a spell to freeze the river." Yu Duxiu's face was full of joy: "Life is like a play, it depends on acting. It's a pity, hahaha, no matter what conspiracy and tricks are, just say hello, but you have to see what tricks you shameless villains have."

"Master, let's cross the river quickly while the river is freezing." Wukong raised his neck on one side, grabbed the rein in Ba Jie's hand, helped Yu Duxiu mount on his horse, and walked toward the river.

"Hey hey, you pestilent monkey, you stop for me, stop for me, you are going to kill the master" Old ancestor Zhu Ba jumped angrily in the back and chased him closely.


That Wukong drove the white dragon horse and galloped across the river. He just walked out for dozens of miles, but saw the ice of thousands of miles instantly turned into powder. The little white dragon screamed and burst open instantly, and the river was overwhelming before Wukong could react. Duxiu has disappeared, leaving behind a tumbling river.


The flesh and blood reorganized in the void, Xiao Bai turned into a figure, standing there with a gloomy expression.

That Wukong also lowered his cloud head, with murderous intent in his eyes rising to the sky: "Damn it, there are four quasi-superior powers who have all shot together."

"" the pig eight ancestor rushed over, his eyes full of anxiety: "Pi Ma Wen, this time things are a big deal, there are actually four quasi-superpowers. You can figure this out. The master fell into the devil's grasp this time, but it is really bad luck. In this battle, unless the Da Ming Bodhisattva himself takes the shot, I am afraid that the Buddha will not work."

Wukong's face was gloomy, the golden cudgel in his hand suddenly smashed down, and the river was overwhelmed in an instant, thousands of miles of ice instantly turned into powder, that Wukong stood proudly in the clouds, the golden cudgel became infinitely stretched and thicker, and passed the entire river in an instant , In an instant, the silt of the river was rolled up, the sand was flying, the whole wave was magnificent, and the big river covering tens of thousands of miles turned over.

"You give me out, give me out, you dare to shoot in front of my grandson, it's really bullying." Wukong was furious, and the golden cudgel in his hand continued to plow the river bed. In an instant, countless lives in the river died and the whole river changed. For the sea of ​​blood.

"This monkey is so fierce and hostile." In the sea, the four figures did not care that the countless shrimps, soldiers and crabs from the outside would turn into powder, and drifted away with the river, only to settle in the surrounding sea.

"Ao He, pull out the clothes of the Sanzang monk, throw it into the pill furnace, and open the furnace to make alchemy directly. We will refine the monk to death, and the tree is ready. Then even if the Buddha is furious, we can't help it." Jun Longjun looked fierce, and the smell of blood rose to the sky. (To be continued.)

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