The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1610: Supreme teaming up, Miaoxiu's death

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"Okay, the three elder brothers hold on. The power of this monkey is really too strong. This time I lost a lot in the world. I don’t know how many shrimps, soldiers and crabs will be turned into powder, and how much karma will be carried by our brothers. If there is no harvest, there will be no future. It’s a game of law." One of the quasi-long-jun smiled bitterly, turned around, and turned Yu Duxiu’s clothes into dust, drew a ball of water to wash it, and threw it directly into the cauldron behind him after three or two laps. In the middle, countless medicinal materials continued to fall into the pill furnace along with Yu Duxiu, and the dragon king added wood and fire, and instantly lit the pill furnace.

In the pill furnace, Yu Duxiu's face was green: "This **** is really murderous, otherwise he would not throw me into the pill furnace in such a haste to clean it. What a bunch of tortoise grandchildren. Want to eat Xiaoye".

Yu Duxiu suddenly became uncomfortable, she sat up abruptly, and passed through the pill furnace and spread to the outside world: "Bold demon, I didn’t quickly let go of the poor monk. You can’t burn me to death. The poor monk ate when he was young. A pill of immortality, with the body of the elixir of life, you can't kill me at all."

At this time, a golden halo formed around Yu Duxiu's body, and the immortal power of the Immortal Medicine firmly protected Yu Duxiu.

Outside the pill furnace, the four quasi-long monarchs looked through the hole to observe the situation in the pill furnace. After seeing the aperture of Yu Duxiu's body guard, they were taken aback:

"I haven't heard anyone say that the Immortal Elixir has such a magical effect, preventing the flame from burning" A quasi-longjun scratched his head.

"What do you do now?" Another Junlong Jundao.

"This matter can only be reported to Jinlin Longjun" another quasilongjundao.

When the words fell, I saw the void twisted for a while, Jinlin appeared in the field, a pair of eyes looked at the pill furnace, in the pill furnace, surrounded by countless medicinal juices, Yu Duxiu, who was alive and well, suddenly frowned: "It's really troublesome. If you want to refine these three Zangs to death, it will take seven days to break the power of the Immortal Medicine. I can't take it casually. Otherwise, once Amitabhas grasped the handle, it will not end. You will be here for the time being. It’s hidden here. Don’t go head-to-head with the explosive ape. As long as you can drag it through for seven days, even if you are unwilling to do so, you can only accept the plant. At that time, one of you will have the status of longevity. Immortal".

After hearing Jinlin's words, the four quasi-long monarchs suddenly looked bitter. Isn't this cheating? .

That blasting ape’s stick turned the whole river upside down, and it might smash it down at any time. How come you told me to stick to it for seven days? Let alone seven days, even if it lasts for three days, it is not easy.

If Jinlin were not for Longjun, I'm afraid these four quasi-longjun have turned their faces and rushed over.

Seeing the four quasi-long monarchs looking ugly, Jinlin said helplessly: "This is the end of the matter, there is no way out. If it succeeds, one of you can live forever. Think about it yourself."

After speaking, Jinlin disappeared.

"No, hurry up and use magical powers to move the cave, this monkey’s stick has been picked up." Feeling the flying sand and gravel river in the distance, a great great stick fell, bluffing the four quasi-long monarchs with fear. In an instant, he drove his magical powers to move out of the cave and transfer places.

"Huh?" Wukong's eyes lit up at this time: "Although the energy is fleeting, but my grandson caught you, you will die for me."

Too Yi Dao, Tai Yi taught the ancestor's eyes to shine, gently push out his hands, a handful of chaotic flames instantly fell in the turtle shell, and instantly the chaotic colors on the turtle shell began to derive countless lines.

"San Zang" Tai Yi Jiaozu sneered in his eyes: "The medicinal protective body of the eternal immortality medicine, I did not expect the eternal immortality medicine to have this effect, if it is so, then I will help you. One day later, your death will be ".

I have to say that the power of Taiyi Jiaozu is too weird, and the power of destiny is taboo. Even if it is as strong as Amitabha, it cannot capture the path of the Taiyi Jiazuzu's destiny. Unless Taiping Jiazuo takes the initiative to attack himself, otherwise Amitabha It is absolutely impossible to detect the Qi of Tai Yi Jiaozu.

"Huh? What's the matter with this flame? It's not right! It's not the power of the flame, but a kind of power in the world that is constantly suppressing the avenue of disaster and calamity, and wants to weaken my avenue of disaster and calamity, so that I will be transformed into the flames. For ashes" Yu Duxiu's eyes showed a look of horror: "What kind of power is this? The invisible, unprepared, and unprepared is really weird, who is trying to calculate me?".

It’s like the first time Jinlin saw Yu Duxiu’s Yuanshen coming out of his body, and inadvertently communicated with the power of the catastrophe. Yu Duxiu’s first encounter with the real power of destiny was obviously incomprehensible. I don't know what power this is.

"The eighth rank of Huakai is too weak, this power is extremely powerful and insidious, unless I am the ninth rank of Huakai, completely immortal, I will not be afraid of the calculation of this calamity" Yu Duxiu frowned: "The road to the sky is the most critical. The moment finally came".

Looking at the calamity that continues to fall in the void, Yu Duxiu’s pupils shrink, and the calamity that comes is not large, but this is not much to compare with the previous tribulations. At this time, the calamity of Yu Duxiu is actually no less than that of Jinlin. The catastrophe of the dragon gate transformation.

"Who wants me to die?" Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, constantly resolving the calamity, delaying the accumulation and arrival of the calamity.

Lingshan, boundless pure land.

Yu Duxiu's body suffered disaster, and Amitabh suddenly felt: "The Four Seas Dragon Clan is really getting more and more assholes. Is it true that this seat is a mud bodhisattva? There is no fire."

After speaking, Amitabh stretched out his palm and was about to get rid of the chaos anyway. He had transformed the four quasi-long monarchs from all over the world, but saw that the void was distorted, and Taiyi taught the ancestor to come: "Amitabha, we have already transcended that realm. How about sitting here?" .

"Sit and talk? Okay!" Looking at Taiyi Jiaozu, Amitabhas sat back, retracted his palm, and his eyes were full of light.

"Dang" Lingtai Fangcunshan is a quaint big clock with a hazy air of chaos. It is about to descend through the void, but he sees the Dragon Lord of the Four Seas appearing in the void, and the four elephants are circulating, and instantly he has infinite magical powers. The Chaos Clock was blocked.

"Sihai Longjun, why hinder me?" Yuanshi Tianzun looked ugly. At this time, he was dragging the chaos clock and standing proudly in the field. The current Yuanshi Tianzun is truly the supreme power.

"Without him, please sit down and talk about Taoism," Donghai Longjun chuckled.

In the Yin Division, the Ksitigarbha King's complexion changed: "Not good."

The blood demon felt a little bit, and Abi Yuantu soared into the sky in an instant, but was instantly blocked by the four supreme powerhouses in the Yin Division.

At the same time, the figure of the ghost master appeared in the void and stood outside the Ksitigarbha’s dojo: "Little This seat is too lazy to bother with you, if you sit here at ease, I assume that nothing happened."

The magical power of the Ksitigarbha King is really against the sky, and no one in the Yin Division except the ghost master can stop the little monk in the long river of time.

Seeing the ghost lord, Ji Zang's white and tender face turned green, and his murderous eyes rose to the sky: "Ghost lord, let's not finish this matter."

"The hapless ghost said the same thing," the ghost master sneered.

"Blood demon, let's stay here for now." The four Yinsi powerhouses joined forces and blocked the blood sea: "The road to the sky is really against the sky. It has captured most of the vitality of the world. How can you tell the rest of the sentient beings to live."

"Humph" Dafengzhou, Fu Yao made a move instantly, and a gray windsock instantly fell from the void.

"Fuyao, stop." The Taiping Patriarch's picture slowly spread, blocking the way to the sky: "Today Sanzang must pass away."

"Really? It's not something you can tell." Chaotian instantly covered the sky with a palm of his hand to suppress Taiyi Jiaozu, and the white altar slowly lifted into the sky.

"Overturned, this seat will accompany you to play with you" Taiyi Jiaozu and Taihuang Jiaozu came together, showing their magical powers to block the palm of the sky.

"Damn it, it's all calculated by you" Tai Su Jiaozu changed color, and instantly crossed the void with a finger, accompanied by the plain white energy, and went to kill the river town.

"Let's stay, Miaoxiu's death has become a fixed number, no one can change it." Two more ancestors walked out of the void.

"It's impossible, actually joining hands together" Yu Duxiu's face in the furnace was green.

Dear friends, the exemption will start tomorrow, so please read the book.

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