The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1611: Unlucky spoiler

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"It's a big deal."

On the Thirty-three Heavens, Qian Tianduan sat on the emperor's chair, with a pair of eyes, he could see the battle in the lower realm clearly.

"In order to deal with these Sanzang monks, the ancestors of the netherworld, dragons, and human races have joined forces. Today, the Sanzang monk must die. This lineup is even more outstanding in the past. I remember the first time all of them were supremely strong. They joined forces to deal with the unlucky ghost, and the second time they joined forces, it was to kill the San Zang," Gan Tian said with emotion.

As for the previous treatment of Yu Duxiu, it was only an internal decision by the human ancestors. The attraction of the elixir of immortality was too great, and the rest of the people just followed behind to fight the autumn wind.

"It's so calculating." Amitabha's face turned green in the spirit mountain.

"Fortunately, this is the result of God's will. Now your hole cards have been used up, I don't know how to come back." Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at Amitabha calmly.

"Let's make this Liangzi." Amitabha's face that has been motionless like a mountain rose to the sky with murderous intent, with one palm wrapped in the palm of the Buddha, and he came to suppress Taiyi Jiaozu.


A shocking battle was detonated. At this time, Amitabhas murderous intent rose to the sky. If the deity is really refined, all these plans will be turned into nothingness and dream bubbles.


Wukong waved the golden cudgel in his hand, and instantly exploded the river water, stirring it into a pot of porridge.

"Hmph, Buddha, don't panic, I'll help you.

However, I saw an extremely cold air rising into the sky in the Kunlun Mountains in the four seas, and everything I passed by was frozen and turned into lifelike ice sculptures.

Han Gang has made a move. Han Gang has had a deal with Yu Duxiu, and he has certain guesses and understanding of Yu Duxiu’s plans. Even in Han Gang’s guess, this Sanzang mage is very likely to be the reincarnation of Yu Duxiu. Body, how can Han Yan stand by.

"Hanyan, are you going to be an enemy of my human race?" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked ugly, pointed out, and went to kill Hanyan Town.

"Jiaozu fights with me, dare you distract him?" Amitabha's expression instantly eased, and his palm exploded Taiyi Jiaozu's body, only the chaotic-colored turtle shell was suspended in the void.

"Ten Thousand Buddha Dynasty Sect".

However, seeing the countless Buddhist powers in Amitabha’s hand instantly suppressed, trapping the power of Taiyi Jiaozu, the vitality of the world around the turtle shell was distorted, and he wanted to condense the true body of Taiyi Jiaozu, but he was instantly caught Amitab exploded the unformed physical body of Tai Yi Jiao ancestor, and at the same time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was instantly transformed into the Buddha.

Yes, you are not mistaken. Under the power of the Amitabha dynasty, the vitality of heaven and earth is instantly transformed by Amitabha. That Taiyijiao ancestor has become a rootless source, and there is no power of heaven and earth to borrow, only destiny The force of strength continued to rise up to resist.

At this time, the Taiyi Jiaozu was temporarily suppressed, Amitabha looked around, but saw that the Human Race once again had four Jiaozu stepping out and stopped in front of Han Yan.

"Too Yi, you old guy is wrong. This seat is not an enemy of the human race, but an enemy of the four seas. Anything that the dragons of the four seas do will destroy this seat. This is because of the dragons and the Buddha. And now, your human race is just an aid person. How can this seat be your enemy? Your old thing is too domineering." The cold voice was cold, and an ice cone shot out from his hand, towards that The four ancestors on the opposite side left.

"Chuck, I didn’t expect it to be so lively, such a lively thing, how could my monster clan be missing?" Fox God’s coquettish face sounded with a smile in the void, but a white and tender palm of Fox God was broken. Opening the void, the power of a world is vaguely blessed on it, and instantly rushes towards the river.

"Fox God, my dragon is good with Manghuang, why do you want to ruin my dragon plan?" Donghai Longjun fought with the Yuanshi Tianzun at this time, and the powerful energy attack rolled up storms.

"Compared with the friendship with your dragons, this seat is more optimistic about the Buddhist school, or the Buddhist school is more at ease. Your dragons are just shameless and capricious villains who take all benefits from left to right. Since then, this seat has had enough of you." The Fox God's words are sharp, and without hesitation, he broke with the Sihailong Clan and instantly kicked the Sihailong Clan from the chariot.

In the hands of the Desolate Demon Race, since the moment Han Yan was born, the Four Seas Dragon Race has no value worthy of being wooed and has been completely abandoned.

Hearing Han Yan's words, the East Sea Dragon Lord suddenly paled, and the dragon race and the human race have broken apart. If they are now abandoned by the demon race, it is conceivable that in the future in the heavens and the world, it will be difficult.

"Fox God, since it is a matter of the Dragon and Buddhism, why should we take this trip into the muddy waters?" The Tiger God and Lion God sighed lightly, reaching out their palms to stop the Fox God.

"You also want to stop me? You must know that the Explosive Ape has not recovered its strength. If the Sanzang monk dies, the road to the Explosive Ape's return will be indefinitely and will be lost." The Fox God took his hand back and looked at the opposite Tiger God With lion gods.

The tiger **** heard the words and sighed softly: "This Buddhist school’s path to heaven is to capture 90% of the fortune in the world. It is to step on my reckless and human corpse to reach the altar. If the Buddhist school is prosperous, I Manghuang and Human Race will inevitably decline. There is a certain number of auras between heaven and earth, and there are only so many. Buddhism is prospering and rising, and my manghuang is now waiting for the opportunity of great controversy, the opportunity to rise, it will be cut in half."

Hearing what the Tiger God said, what could the Fox God say, his eyes turned towards the road to the sky, and he sighed slightly: "You kid ask for a lot of blessings. It's a big deal to reincarnate again in the next life."

"Okay, okay, okay" Amitabha gritted his teeth angrily, but didn't know what to say.

"It's so lively, it's so lively" A vague and obscure aura spread out in the void, a hoarse speech sounded, and a gray aura spread across the sky instantly.

"Unlucky ghost".

Feeling the aura, all the supreme powerhouses present were all horrified and uttered in amazement. The tortoise shell that had been suppressed in the Buddha's light had been calm at this moment and the power of chaos rolled, trying to break free from the shackles of the Buddha kingdom. But it was still unable to get what he wanted.

On the side of the "unlucky ghost" Taiping Jiaozu, Sihai Longjun and others trembled.

"Mother, it's really this old immortal, this old guy has really returned against the sky" In the Yin Division, the ghost master's body shivered in the black robe: "This time it's troublesome, no matter what it is. Things, once this old guy is messed up, good things will turn into bad things. It's really a scumbag."

"Hahaha, hahaha, it scares you guys, ancestors, I have not yet come back from the, I just saw you in such a big battle to kill a little monk who hadn’t become a fairy. No shame in my heart, I deliberately came here to join in the fun" An obscure aura spread out in the void.


Looking at the gray energy, whether it was the supreme strong or the quasi-superior, they scattered one after another, not daring to provoke them.

In the river water, countless gray qi qi was seen, falling into the river water in an instant, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, invading towards the nine supreme ancestors of the human race, the dragon king of the four seas, and the wild demon gods.

"Quickly get out of the way" Tai Yi Jiaozu's voice resounded like a muffled thunder, resounding through the audience, spreading through the Buddha's light.

But it was too late, and the obscure energy disappeared without a trace. At this time, there was an inexplicable atmosphere in the field.

"Bang" but saw Haibo rolling, the quasi-long-jun of the four seas was smashed into the river by a stick by the blasting ape, and the pill furnace was cracked in the stick.

"His mother, I've clearly avoided it, why the ancestor was so unlucky that he happened to run under this stick, and he was not a son of man" but saw the four dragons of the quasi-longjun flying in the void, wanting to regroup.

"Want to come back to life? You all die for me." Burst Ape's heart was agitated, unparalleled power burst out, and the illusory dragon ball was smashed by a stick by Burst Ape.

"go to hell".

"The Great Sage keeps his hand" at this moment, a palm was stretched out in the void, and this palm turned into everything, infinitely inclusive, and endless divine might brewing in it.

"Want to stop me? Looking for death." Looking at the palm, Wukong's eyes became blood red, and a black lotus flower appeared.

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