The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1613: Dust in the palace

Looking at the tepid Amitabha Buddha, the five dragons from all over the world, including the East Sea Dragon King, looked green with murderous intent, and a pair of eyes stared at Amitabha Buddha, after all, after a long time, they heard the East Sea Dragon King say: "Go ". ▽◇Tomato☆novel☆net-```--

In a earth-shattering battle, the Sihailong clan that should have benefited, but lost his wife and broke down. There are too many black hands in the heavens and the world, and the script that has been designed has not been performed in accordance with the other party’s ideas. It is Yu Duxiu's technique of calculating that the heavens are unique in all worlds, and the road to the sky was designed. The road to the sky was not performed in accordance with the script of Yu Duxiu, let alone the kings of the four seas including the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Seeing the Dragon King of the Four Seas leaving, Amitabhad a tepid look at the nine supreme ancestors including the Taiping ancestor: "If the nine supreme sects of the human race will fight with the wild monster race in the future, don’t blame the monk. It's ruthless, and it's black."

"Amitabha, you,,,,, you and I are both human races, this land of nine states is the land of human races,,,,," Tai Yi Jiaozu heard Amitabha's words, his face suddenly turned green.

"Needless to say, this seat is not a kid. This Kyushu is just the Kyushu of your nine families. Regardless of this seat, I hope that your Kyushu and Ronghuang can always live together peacefully, otherwise you will not blame this seat for the dark hand in the future." Amitab sneered. Lian, turned around and left a back view of the nine supreme ancestors, turned around and looked at that Han Ling and said, "Thank you monk for your help. If there is a conflict between the Dragon Clan and the Dragon Clan in the future, you can just give it a command." ▽◇Tomato☆novel☆net-```--

"Buddha has the heart." Han Yan glanced at Amitabha, and the sky was full of cold air for a moment.

Seeing Han Ling going away, Amitabha looked at Chaotian and others in the distance, nodded, and turned back to Lingshan Pure Land without mentioning it.



The ancestor Zhu Ba and Sha Wujing ran over in a panic, weeping, and a rake in Ba Jie's hand went down, the pill furnace that had been destroyed by the explosive ape instantly shattered, revealing the embarrassed Yu Duxiu. At this time, Yu Duxiu Xiu Zhou's body was wrapped in various elixir, and the fragrance spread out.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba took a glimpse of Yu Duxiu's whole body, and his eyes lit up: "Good things, good things".

While speaking, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba stretched out his palm and wiped it on Yu Duxiu's body, stuffed it into his mouth, his eyes lit up, and he licked it with his tongue. ☆``----`-`-`-`

"Anyone, don't quickly get out of it." Yu Duxiu frowned, pushed away the ancestor Zhu Ba, then turned to look at Monk Sha: "Don't go and prepare clothes for the teacher."

Then Wukong landed on the cloud head and directly dragged Yu Duxiu into the river to wash it.

"Oh, hey, those are elixir, they are all rare treasures of genius, it is really a pity that it was so ruined, it is a pity," Zhu Ba said with a heartache.

The supreme powerhouses in the void dispersed one after another. There were only four masters and apprentices left in the field. After that Yu Duxiu washed and changed clothes, he felt lingering fear and said: "Fortunately, Wukong is reliable, otherwise he will be a teacher today. You must be practiced into a pill by that monster."

"The master is too worried. The master is the Buddha of the Buddhist school. With the blessing of the Buddha and the sacred guards of the heavens, there will be no catastrophes." Wukong chuckled.

The ancestor Zhu Ba on one side followed: "It is extremely, it is extremely, but this time it is quite dangerous. Those four loaches are really bold and dare to really want to refine the master into a pill. Fortunately, it will not last long. The death medicine has the magical effect of protecting the body, otherwise I am afraid that the master should be reincarnated." ☆Tomato Novel Network---``--`---

Sha Wujing on one side carried a burden and said: "It is true. This time it is too dangerous. So many supremely powerful people take the initiative to calculate the master. Fortunately, the master is the one who has the Tao. If you change one People, we have to explain today."

East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Donghai Longjun held the wine glass with a gloomy expression, drank it, and turned the wine glass into powder with a ‘pop’: "Deceptively too much."

"Brother, things are out of control this time, I'm afraid it's not that simple" Jin Lin frowned.

"The heavens and all realms can calculate things to such a degree, only Tai Yi is a bastard, and this matter must be too easy to push his hand behind." Xihai Longjun held the wine glass, his face cold.

"What can I do if I know that it is too easy to make a calculation? Now that I have completely fallen out with the Buddhism, if I am offending the ancestor of Taiyi, there is no place for my dragon in the heavens and the world." Nanhai Longjun sighed and was reckless. Abandoned, hated by the Buddhists, and even more dreadful, the relationship with the nine supreme ancestors of the human race is not very good, and the dragon race is in great trouble this time. Tomato Novel Network ○----``-``

"How to break the game?" The Dragon King of East China Sea looked at his wise brothers.

Jinlin was expressionless, and after a while, he said: "If you want to break the game, it is as difficult as reaching the sky. Unless the human race and the demon race are both defeated, and the Buddha and the Yinsi are destroyed together, then there will be a chance for my dragon to rise. The chance for the Dragons to break the game can only be pinned on Yinsi."

"The ghost master of the Yinsi is a rough man, and it is not trivial. If it is sold by him, it is normal." Speaking of this, the Nanhai Dragon King said: "Cooperating with the Yinsi is equivalent to seeking skin with a tiger. It is very dangerous."

"I don't have a choice. I think Han Yan will order his soldiers day and night, I'm afraid he will take the lead in the war." Donghai Longjun sighed helplessly.

"Brother, why not tell Le'er to go and make peace with this matter" Beihai Longjun said.

Donghai Longjun shook his head: "In the face of racial justice, family affection, friendship, husband and wife, and everything are all trails. When thrown aside, they are very decisive and will not be dragged down by the love of their children."

"Big brother, the monk Sanzang is always a big trouble, this matter can't be delayed" Beihai Longjun said: "In this case, the Sanzang will not die. This has to bear the amount of energy in the world."

"We don't need to worry about this matter. In today's battle, countless powerful people in the heavens and all realms are obvious to all, and they will definitely rack their brains to get rid of Sanzang."

Thirty-three layers of heaven, Gantian and Xihe looked at each other.

"The power of this Buddhist school is too great." A divine light flashed in Xi He's eyes: "Your Majesty's opportunity seems to have come."

"Also please Aifei to give pointers." Gan Tian stretched out his palm, grabbed Xihe's fingers, and played with him for a while.

Xihe rolled his eyes and cast a blank look at the sky: "Please look at your husband, now the human race in the Yang world is fighting against the wild, and the dragon race in the four seas are opposed to the cold. They are all like water and fire, and they are endless. Soar into the sky and insert a cylinder horizontally."

Speaking of this, Xihe took back his slender fingers and said: "Amitabha, Bodhi, Chaotian, Blood Demon, Fuyao, Taisu, these are the five supreme powers, and the human race is now only eight supreme powers. , And now the Buddhist forces have planted nails in the Yinsi. In addition to recklessness, they have endless hatred with all forces."

Qiantian nodded: "What Aifei said is quite true. This Buddhist school is simply a wonderful work. It has become a shit-scraper in the overall situation. Every force wants to get rid of the Buddhist school, but the Buddhist school is not weak. Now the Buddhism has vaguely constrained the situation of the heavens and all realms. In the future, all races will be controlled by the Buddhism. It is wonderful that the situation of the heavens and all realms has actually formed a strange balance."

"This is your majesty's Now that the nine supreme ancestors have completely torn their faces with the Buddhists, your majesty's opportunity is here, and the Buddhists will become the most solid backing of your majesty" Xi Hedao .

"Yes, I have to find a way to plant the power of the Buddhist school in the heavenly court." Gan Tian turned his head and said.

"San Zang" Taiyi taught his ancestor to hold the chaotic-colored tortoise shell in his palm, with a look of doubt in his eyes. It seems that he has encountered some inexplicable question: "If the San Zang wants to be removed, the protection of the elixir of eternal life needs to be broken."

After speaking, he saw that Taiyijiao ancestor's figure disappeared in an instant, and he arrived at the 33rd Heavenly Dusit Palace.

"I have seen Laojun" Tai Yi taught ancestors a salute.

The Taishang Laojun sat on the court and shook his fan unhurriedly. He didn't even look at Taiyi Jiaozu. He looked at Dan Lu intently and said, "I don't know why Jiaozu came here."

Taiyi taught ancestors walked into the hall, looked at the burning pill furnace with a pair of eyes, and then looked at Laojun Taishang. After a long time, he said, "Laojun is the essence of Miaoxiu and the source of the 33rd Heaven. Born by fusion, from a certain point of view, the old gentleman should be the will of the 33rd heaven, or the will of the heavens." (To be continued.)

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