The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1614: Big Flicker

"The old gentleman is with the thirty-third heaven, so the old gentleman has no life or death, no existence and no extinguishment, knows the major events of the world, understands the situation of the heavens, and since the old gentleman has a wonderful spirit, he does not know about it. Is it Lao Jun, or Lao Jun is Miaoxiu" Tai Yi teaches ancestors with a pair of eyes fixed on Tai Shang Lao Jun. Tomato Little □Said▽net☆`-`

Hearing this, the old gentleman shook his head slightly: "I thought you should know my origin, but I didn't expect you to still understand."

"Oh" Too Yi taught the ancestors without any hurries.

The old gentleman said with a smile: "I am the thirty-third heaven, a ray of original essence after Miaoxiu's death, a ray of will among the countless auras gathered from the heavens and all realms, Come out of form".

"There are births and deaths, there are causes and effects, why did Lao Jun be born?" Tai Yi taught the ancestor to sit opposite Tai Shang Lao Jun.

"Because of variables" Taishang Laojun smiled still.

"What variable?" Tai Yi Jiaozu forced.

"The magical medicine for immortality," the old gentleman said unhurriedly: "The magical medicine for immortality can make people live forever, but what is captured is the good fortune of the heavens and the earth, which is incompatible with the heavens and the earth. At birth, in addition to teaching ancestors, it must fall into reincarnation in the five decays of heaven and man, but there are variables." Tomato△ Novel □ Net ○--```-

Tai Yi Jiaozu's face changed when he heard the words, and he was about to explain, but saw the cold in the eyes of the Taishang Laojun: "Since you know this, it is cause and effect. You can't escape this matter."

"I'm making trouble for myself."

After a long time, Tai Yi taught his ancestors a wry smile.

Taishang Laojun shook his head: "Speak, what do you want to do when you come to me this time".

"I want to ask the old gentleman, ordinary people, how to break the immortal power of the immortal medicine" Taiyi taught the ancestors.

"If I knew how to break through the protection of the power of immortality, I would have refined the elixir of immortality long ago," the old gentleman blew his beard and stared.

Taiyi taught the ancestors when he was speechless: "Is there really no way?".

"Yes" Taishang Lao Jun said affirmatively.

"What way?" Tai Yi Jiaozu asked.

After "Zulong" Taishang Laojun finished speaking, he stopped speaking.

Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he said, "Can you tell me?" ☆△◇☆Fanqi Novel Network``

Seeing Taishang Laojun being silent, Taiyi taught the ancestors: "Laojun refused to say that he must be afraid of being contaminated with cause and effect. That is to say, I will change the question. Then the general trend of Buddhism can be reversed?".

After a long time, seeing Taishang still sitting upright, as if it were a sculpture, Tai Yi Jiaozu stood up with disappointment on his face, and was about to leave. Suddenly saw that Taishang Laojun opened his eyes: "The road to heaven is the evolution of cause and condition. "Heaven and earth, under the guise of the hand of Buddhism, is actually the force of heaven and earth. If there is any violation, the heaven and earth will suffer."

"Heaven and earth evolve? Could it be that the world is about to change again? After the emergence of the law of punishment, the law between heaven and earth has become more perfect and unfathomable. I don't know what the layout of the road to heaven is." Jealous said: "Amitabha is really the way of good luck. He was the first one to detach himself. He must have been ordered by the enlightenment of heaven before he walked out of the road to heaven. Why didn't this kind of thing fall on me?"

After Taiyi taught the ancestors, he hurriedly left: "Although it is God's will, it is not necessary to obey. I wait for the monks to go against the sky and transcend the world. This matter will go against the will of the world and seek the relics of the ancestor dragon. Breaking". ☆□Tomatoes☆○△Shuwang``-----

"Master, the boat is ready, let's cross the river." Old ancestor Zhu Ba laboriously pushed a simple wooden boat into the river, and then tied the little white dragon to the wooden boat to pull the boat.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly when he heard the words, feeling the Xuanhuang Qi newly incorporated into the body, the more stagnant Xuanhuang fetal eggs in the body, Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "This journey will lead to a long way to go. The poor monk does not know whether this trip can enter the pure land of Xitian bliss."

"Master, don't worry, there is my old grandson to protect you, no matter what the monsters are, they will be eliminated for you one by one, and they will kill you with a stick." Wukong helped Yu Duxiu on the boat.

Looking at Wukong, Yu Duxiu nodded and stepped onto the boat and said, "Let's go."

The waves rolled up, and the four masters and apprentices rolled up waves and moved towards the other side of the river.

"This road to the sky is not easy. No wonder Miaoxiu asks us to set up a catastrophe before leaving. If it wasn't for the unlucky spoiler this time, Miaoxiu would explain this here." Chaotian stood on the top of the mountain. With his hands on his back, his face was full of emotion. Tomato Novel Network `-```-

"Fu Feng" Fu Yao said to Fu Feng not far behind.

"What's your father's order?" Fu Feng said.

"You go to the road to the sky, help your uncle, turn it into a disaster, stop him," Fu Yao said.

"Yes, my child obeyed" Fufeng rose into the sky instantly after hearing this, and disappeared.

"This time, the road to the sky, I almost failed. If it weren't for the unlucky ghost to take action, I will explain here this time. The power of Tai Yi teaches the ancestors. It is unpredictable and unpredictable. The road of destiny is infinite. It's dangerous. Fortunately, I have some friendship with that unlucky ghost, and this fellow is still very upbeat." Yu Duxiu looked at the retrograde wave and throbbed in her heart.


Just when Yu Duxiu was grateful for the hapless ghost, he saw that the jade ancestor was constantly devouring the flesh of Tai Sui, and a bright light flashed in his eyes: "This Sanzang monk on the road to the sky must be the kid Miaoxiu, this kid. What a powerful method, I can hide it from others, but I can’t hide it from me. Back then, I didn’t know how many innate mythical beasts I swallowed, how many innate mythical beasts’ bloodlines, and the power of innate mythical beasts were acquired, so I could only be among the heavens and all realms. Invincible, but also entangled in karma, it is simply a **** mold for eight lifetimes. My ancestor, I was going to walk three thousand avenues to merge and become the number one person in the world, but who would have thought of my ancestor my karma It’s too big, bad luck again and again, and I actually understood the law of bad luck. From then on, it was out of control. The balance of the law was broken by this law of bad luck, and the power of the law of bad luck was actually condensed in the final proving. This is too cheating. Up".

"If it wasn't for the luck of the Miaoxiu kid, this time the ancestor I just recovered a little strength, I'm afraid this kid will explain." The jade ancestor looked at the road to the sky with big eyes: "This road to the sky has a kind of horror. The power is gradually condensing, but I don’t know where the power of this terrible origin is. I can’t see through this ancestor of the road to the sky. Miaoxiu’s nine reincarnations are not small. There is only Miaoxiu who is like me."

Speaking of this, the ancestor of Jade rolled his eyes: "This law of bad luck is really annoying. It has been five thousand years, and it has been five thousand years. The ancestor I swallowed and merged was just half completed, and I was always failing. However, this damned law of bad luck, not only is bad luck for others, but he is also bad luck and improper son of man."

Speaking of this, the ancestor of Jade rolled his eyes: "It’s a fruit of the heavens. It’s a bit interesting. If the ancestor I was born, I would have to slice the heavens for research. There is also the blood demon, who actually made a magic weapon by myself. and then reverse the innateness and reach the sky in one step. The blood demon will also have to slice and study it, but the most curious thing is Miaoxiu, what is in this kid's head?".

Fortunately, the ancestor of jade did not think about the meaning of slicing the jade ancestor. It is not that the ancestor of jade does not want to study, but that this kid is too evil. Even the jade ancestor who has always been lawless, faces the jade ancestor. Always scrupulous.

On the road to the sky, Yu Duxiu suddenly shuddered, and looked at the void with a pair of puzzled eyes: "Which **** wants to calculate me".

"Why suddenly feel a chill rise in my heart? Could it be that the ghost master is going to play any new tricks?" The blood demon slowly floated out of the sea of ​​blood, a pair of eyes cautiously looked around, and then again Silently sank into the water: "God of Blood, continue to devour it for me, ancestor, I must completely refine this sea of ​​blood. Then I will be the first ancestor of the heavens and ten thousand realms. I was filthy and fell into the mortal world, the ancestor I was the first person in the heavens and the world.


On the edge of the sea of ​​blood, countless monsters and the army of ghost tribes fought together. The countless monsters of the blood sea had strange faces, but they were infinitely powerful and immortal. It was really difficult to deal with, and countless ghosts were instantly torn and swallowed. (To be continued.)

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