The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1616: Red dust

Red dust, love, hatred, and separation of life and death are all part of that sea of ​​suffering. ▽ Fan △ Jiafiction Net ▽```----

"Liu Sheng, do you really want to become a monk with Taoism, and refuse to marry me?" A woman dressed in white, with a beautiful face, full of holy spirits, tears in her eyes, and despair in her eyes "I came to your house when I was six years old and became a child bride-to-be. Now I am waiting for you to be twenty-five. I have passed the age of cardamom and become an old girl. Do you want to abandon me like this?"

The woman's voice was stern, like a cuckoo cuckooing blood.

Liu Sheng was like a dead old tree, standing there quietly, hearing nothing, no matter how the woman cried and pleaded, there was no response at all.

An elderly Taoist priest stood beside the man. The Taoist priest looked at the scene in front of him and sighed softly: "Xu Qing, there is no right or wrong in this matter. There is only a hundred years in the world in a hurry, but it is only between heaven and earth. It's just a passing-by, only through practice can you see for a long time, control the most powerful force in the world, and transcend life and death."

"Lao Niubi, you shut up to me, this matter is all because of you, you shut up to me, I only ask Liu Sheng, you really refuse to marry me, and you must follow this stinky Taoist priest to the mountain to cultivate Taoism" Xu Qing's pair His eyes were bloodshot and his face was pleading. ☆Tomato Novel Network---``--`---

"Hey" Liu Sheng finally spoke, sighed softly without saying much, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the village, disappearing into the village gradually, and the old Taoist also turned around and followed the young man away.

"Liu Sheng, I hate you, I hate you forever" Xu Qing spouted a mouthful of blood, and two lines of blood and tears crossed her eyes.

"Is it worth it?" Liu Sheng had walked with the old Taoist for a long time before scratching his hair in pain.

"Life is too short, why bother for decades and turn it into a batch of loess?" The old Taoist turned his head and looked at Liu Sheng.

Liu Sheng was silent when he heard this, and followed the old Taoist priest into a sect.

"Master" a beautiful girl greeted her with a mysterious body.

"Liu Yun, this is your younger brother Liu Sheng, you took him to find a place to live, and you will see your ancestor tomorrow, and you will teach all Liu Sheng's practice in the future," the old Taoist priest said.


Liu Yun looked at Liu Sheng, smiled lightly, showing his little white teeth: "Brother Liu Sheng, come with me."

Hurrying for hundreds of years, Liu Sheng deserves to be a genius who is valued by this old Taoist priest. He has survived the three plagues and achieved a wonderful state. ☆``----`-`-`-`

"Worship the world."

"Two worship Gaotang".

"Husband and wife worship."

Liuyun and Liu Sheng were married, but it was so natural, and it was natural that Liu Yun was responsible for teaching Liu Sheng to practice, and the two became in love with each other for a long time.

Time passed, and two hundred years passed in a hurry. At this time, Liu Sheng's cultivation had changed from a wonderful realm to an innate realm. In this realm, he was considered a master.

"Brother Sheng, you are out of the customs" Liu Yun looked at Liu Sheng with tenderness in his eyes, and his eyes seemed to drip.

Liu Sheng nodded, walked over to embrace the flowing cloud, turned and walked towards the bedroom.

Long-distance wins the newly married, the two sides are naturally lingering, a boy said: "Brother Liu Sheng, the teacher calls you."

Liu Sheng tidied his clothes, kissed Liuyun, and turned and walked towards the sect.

"I have seen Master" Liu Sheng respectfully saluted the old Taoist priest.

"Yes, yes, you are now in the innate realm. You are still one step away from the good fortune realm. In just two hundred years, you can raise your cultivation to this level. No matter where you are, you are a genius. Breakthrough in cultivation, condense for good fortune, and grow old as a teacher. The future of this sect should also be entrusted to your hands." Compared with a hundred years ago, the old Taoist priests are old and impeccable, surrounded by five decayed spirits. Tomato Novel Network ○----``-``

"Master" Liu Sheng knelt on the ground and began to snort.

"Don't be like this. You still have three hundred years to be a teacher. After three hundred years, if you can prove it, you will be happy and satisfied as a teacher." The old Taoist sighed slightly, and his old hand supported Liu Sheng.

"Brother Sheng, are you going to retreat again?" Liu Yun looked at Liu Sheng, his eyes flushed: "You and my husband only met once in a hundred years, but it was only three days. Why are you in such a hasty retreat?"

"Master's deadline is approaching, no delay is allowed." Liu Sheng kept walking towards the closed stone room: "I must break through the realm and achieve good luck before the master sits."

"Kang Dang".

The door closed, and Liuyun stared at the door, speechless for a long time.

Two hundred years later, Liu Sheng left the pass and successfully broke through the realm of good fortune and broke the record of the spiritual world. He was commended by the old Taoist priest and took over the position of the sect leader. Fan▽□Jiaxiao☆Shuowang```--`-

"Master, rest assured, I will definitely carry forward the sect," Liu Sheng said solemnly.

"Now that you have grown up, I can finally go with peace of mind." The old Taoist priest looked at Liu Sheng, smiled lightly, and instantly turned into a sitting state.

"Master" Liu Sheng wailed sternly, and the whole house was crying in a moment.

"Oh, let go of my dead ghost" a woman said with a smile: "Then Liu Sheng has left the customs, it will be no good to be discovered by him."

"Senior Sister, don't worry, that Liu Sheng is guarding the spirit of the head teacher, and he must not leave until Qiqiqi has passed. I want to kill you these days. Let me be affectionate."

Outside the door, Liu Sheng was holding a long sword with a pale face, his fingers were white and his lips were pressed together tightly.

"Unexpectedly, if it weren't for the fact that I suddenly remembered that the master's favorite Zhuyeqing hadn't been commemorated, I'm afraid I would never want to discover this green hat in my life." Liu Sheng voiced coldly.

The gasp in the room stopped abruptly, followed by a rush of dressing. The furniture in the room crackled and was knocked over. After a long time, the door opened, but Liuyun, who was pale, and a man walked tremblingly. Came out.

"Junior Brother, listen to me." Liu Yun's voice was hoarse, and his body kept trembling.

"No need to explain." Liu Sheng waved his hand and interrupted Liu Yun's words: "I will leave a letter with you today, and you and I will have no problems in the future."

After he finished speaking, Liu Sheng pens the dragon and snake, condenses a letter of divorce out of thin air, and with a flick of his finger, the letter instantly falls into Liu Yun's hands.

Liu Sheng looked at the monk beside Liuyun with a pair of eyes, and stood there blankly.

"Brother forgive me, brother forgive me, I am also confused for a while" the monk kowtow in a hurry.


A handful of blood splattered, big heads soared into the sky, and the three souls and seven souls that were about to wander were instantly restrained by Liu Sheng: "This seat will light your three souls and seven souls on the sky lantern until your soul is completely gone."

"Liu Sheng, I was wrong, I was really wrong, you forgive me, you forgive me" Liu Yun rushed over.

"Oh" Liu Sheng gave his big sleeve a hand, but saw that the flowing cloud had already flown out: "The fate is gathered and the fate is scattered, and this is something to be mentioned."

"Liu Sheng, you really are so unrelenting. I am now unable to advance my cultivation base. I only have a life span of several decades. Once you retreat, it will last a few hundred years. Do you tell me to be a widow? Or tell me to wait for you until I die." Liu Yun suddenly Angry, he tore up the divorce book abruptly, and wanted to chase him over.


Liu Sheng sighed softly, and in an instant the flowing clouds flew out: "If I don't kill you, it's already a relationship between husband and wife. Don't entangle you."

"Liu Sheng, I hate you, hate you forever" Liu Yun said sternly.

Liu Sheng was speechless and continued to leave.

Seventy years later, Liuyun Tianren died of five declines.

"Dead" Liu Sheng held the wine glass and sat there blankly, his eyes dumbfounded, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly that Liu Sheng suddenly stood up, and instantly drove the cloud head to the small village of the year.

"I heard the old people in the village say that hundreds of years ago, there was a beautiful woman in this village who had a baby kiss since she was a child. Later, she practiced on the mountain in Nafu's family. The woman was lonely and asked for a living. She lived and died. At the age of eighty, the night was covered with heavy snow. The woman called Liu Sheng’s name in the snow, and then she froze to death. It’s really pitiful.” A gray-haired old man at the entrance of the village was surrounded by a group of children. tell a story.

Listening to the old man's words, Liu Shengru was struck by lightning and came to the village's dirt bag blankly. Even though he had died, there was still a woman's aura.

"You are finally here" The soul of a woman in white in the void was flying lightly, with a pair of eyes softly looking at the Taoist priest: "Although you left and left me behind, I don't hate you, I only blame the unfair destiny. Now I finally won, I won, I am gone".

After speaking, the female ghost flew away.

"Xu Qing" Liu Sheng's voice was stern, just like Xu Qing back then.

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