The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1617: Angry Fox God

"Zhao Shu, I have already said that I am in love with the beauty pupils, why do you keep entangled so much" A handsome man looked at the holy woman in white, his face was full of impatient A charming woman in a red dress stood quietly beside her. Tomato△ novel△ net--`-`-``

"Chaoyang, you bastard, you dare to abandon me and find a new love, I'm fighting with you" Zhao Shu held a short sword in his hand and slew towards Chaoyang.


Chaoyang's martial arts was not weak, he instantly flew the long sword in Zhao Shu's hand, then turned around and hugged the woman in red, Tengyun left: "Junior Sister, we are over, so don't worry about it anymore." .

"Asshole, Chaoyang, you asshole, you swear to each other and loyal to me back then, have you all been eaten by dogs now?" Zhao Shu burst into tears as the Chaoyang left.

"Junior sister don't want to cry like this. Everyone is not a child, and fate matters are barely coming. Let's get together and get away." The voice of the beauty contact lenses came from afar.

"Ask what love in the world is, and teach you life and death. This is what you said. You lied to me, and you lied to me."

In the reincarnation time and time again, Yu Duxiu, the fox god, and the matchmaker are all immersed in the endless red dust. Scenes of love and hate are intertwined, and the right and wrong are right and wrong. It is really difficult to end the grievances of Hongchen. Tomato△ Novel □ Net ○--```-

"Big Brother Tianyi" was dressed in red, and the weak and charming women were wearing hijab, and their eyes were full of tenderness.

"Mei Niang".

The young man gently hugged the woman in his arms, fell on the bed, up and down his hands, being rolled over by the waves, so relentless.

After Tianyi married Mei Niang, there was a big fat boy soon, and the whole family was joyous and happy, but at this moment, an accident suddenly occurred, and Mei Niang’s parents died, and she was lonely. The only way is to take his sister over.

This younger sister is beautiful and holy. She looks so unloving. As the saying goes, there are a few bad guys. Meiniang gave Tianyi and her younger sister a chance when she had her second child. Dog men and women do not know how to mix together.

After Mei Niang knew it, she felt miserable in her heart, but she was helpless, she could only be silent, and the sisters served together.

At night, after the ridiculousness of the three of them was over, Mei Niang lay on the bed, feeling the energy of the two by the pillow, but her heart was upset: "But I can't help this bad breath." ◇Tomato Novel Network`

The more I thought about that Mei Niang's fire, the more irritable she became.

In Lingshan Pure Land, Amitabhas with a smile in his eyes: "If you don’t hurt others and yourself, if you don’t have to delay the journey of learning, you have to continue to sleep together, toss you two foxes, but you always secretly plan your seat. If I don’t give you a good look, I really think this seat is muddled.”

After speaking, thunder sounded from Amitabha's mouth, and thousands of karma vibrated in the red hydrangea in the dark. A powerful force in the matchmaker erupted. Instantly saw the red hydrangea split and turned into a ball of red light by the matchmaker. absorb.


Six senses broke free of the red hydrangea, Yu Duxiu suddenly opened her eyes, the jade-colored disc flickered, and countless times of karma reincarnation flowed through her mind. The six senses separated from the body and entered the rolling red dust, as if it were personal experience. Everything is real.

"Eight thousand nine hundred and forty-eight reincarnations, nearly ten thousand reincarnation entanglements" Yu Duxiu's eyes gradually became complete and clear with the help of the jade disc: "The world experience in this red hydrangea is all What happened in the real world, we are just the role of the six senses, and I have taken a big advantage, no loss, no loss." ▽ Fan △ Jiafiction Net ▽ ```----

"Master, your old man finally woke up. It has been three full hours. Even if the Bodhisattva came, there would be nothing to do. If it weren’t for the Buddha, the master would travel through the heavens and the world, and he would naturally wake up. , I’m really going to die.” Wukong saw Yu Duxiu opened his eyes and immediately leaned over.

Looking at the three of Wukong, Yu Duxiu's mouth smiled: "Yes, yes, this time I accidentally wandered through the heavens and the world, and many things worth remembering happened. It is indeed a chance."


In the wild, the fox **** crushed his teeth, and Hu Mei’s face was full of distortions: "It’s a big loss, Yu Duxiu, I want to kill you. I dare to ravage me like this in the dust. , Abandon me, I fight with you".

What a character the fox **** is. Although it is an illusory thing this time, the six senses are separated from the body, and everything in it seems to have happened to him. The impact on himself is simply unimaginable, thinking that he is blinding the spirit in reincarnation. Zhi, actually posted upside down, and even the sisters were serving a husband together, the Fox God was ashamed and eager to kill himself. Fan▽Jiji Novel Network▽△`-````-

The "matchmaker" fox **** gritted his teeth and came to the moon palace, watching the red light flashing between the matchmaker's eyebrows, angrily rose up: "This red hydrangea is really a ghost of red hydrangea. Retribution is here. To punish that predestined beast, I shouldn’t take advantage of it and steal the magic weapon of that predestined beast.”

Looking at the matchmaker who closed her eyes and felt the law, even if the fox **** was so angry, she had nowhere to vent, and could not interrupt the preaching of his descendants, but it was very uncomfortable if the fire did not vent.


A gust of wind swept across the road to the sky, and the next moment Yu Duxiu disappeared in the field.


"Bold fairy, don't let go of my master soon."

Wukong and Ba Jie yelled for a while, and they didn't wait to chase after them. They were gone.

"Amitabha, I don't know why the female donor took the monk over." Looking at the enchanting and vicious fox god, Yu Duxiu lowered his eyebrows and did not dare to look at it. This fox spirit is simply synonymous with the charm of the world, even if it is angry. , Is still extremely beautiful and charming.

At this time, Yu Duxiu was caught by the fox **** and tied it to the tree with a cane, but he saw that the fox **** broke the willow branches and looked at Yu Duxiu, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth. The next moment he pulled his head and covered his face with his mouth. In the middle there was a stern voice: "You bastard, telling you to abandon me, telling you to empathize, telling you to mess with flowers, telling you to abandon me, and humiliate me".

The fox **** smoked dozens of whips, stopped, looked at Yu Duxiu's tattered robes and **** skin, and leaned over and said, "Little monk, do you think I am beautiful?".

Yu Duxiu cried and laughed at this time, looking at the fox god, but didn't dare to do it. The countless powers of the heavens and the world were staring secretly, and if he moved a little, he would be spotted.

"Donor Mei Ye" looked at the evil spirit in the eyes of the fox god, and the hero did not suffer from the immediate loss, Yu Duxiu decisively threw the skin bag behind her head.




The willow branch was pulled down again: "I am beautiful and you still abandoned me. I am a husband and a child for you. You actually hooked up my sister. If you can't go out with this tone, you will be very aggrieved."

Fox God gritted his teeth, his voice was charming, but he acted mercilessly.

"What happened to the fox **** today, how can he speak nonsense?" Tai Yi said, and Tai Yi taught the ancestors to look at the angry fox **** revealed in the turtle shell, a little confused.

"The Fox God is really weird today. The Lingshan Pure Land is also silent, and won't come out to stand in the way of Miaoxiu." The power of the vague space in the emperor map in the hands of the Taiping ancestor is fluctuating, and it seems that there is a world-dimensional desire to be transformed.

Not only is it strange for the supreme human beings, but also the reckless monsters and gods are also confused, knowing the cause and effect.

"Don’t fight the female Don’t fight, you’re calling the wrong person. The poor monk comes from Middle-Earth. He has never been close to female sex, let alone married. How can you have a relationship with the donor? It's about it, the donor called the wrong person, and the wrong person" Yu Duxiu said immediately.

"Hmph, that's right, it was you little bald donkey that was hitting." The Fox God smashed the willow branch in his hand, folded a willow branch again, and started beating.

Looking at the angry fox god, Yu Duxiu was in pain on the surface, but his heart was filled with joy. For nearly 10,000 reincarnations, the fox **** and the little fox were not lightly harmed by themselves. If the sulky breath in their hearts is not vented, in the future The trouble is big.

"Don't fight, don't fight, it's really not a poor monk. How can a poor monk eat fast and reciting the Buddha on weekdays, how to be a man and woman with a female benefactor, let alone having a child?" Yu Duxiu cried.

"You said, you said" the palm of the fox **** originally wrote loosely and waved again, the willow branches were crackling, and the cassock turned into a beggar costume, and the blood slowly penetrated, so miserable.

"Don't fight, don't fight, if I recognize it, then if I recognize it," Yu Duxiu said.

Add more! After subscribing to keep up, I pushed Fox God! Roar! . (To be continued.)

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