The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1620: Man determines karma, fox **** sacrifices his life

"A few days ago, I met a monster on the way to learn from the scriptures, which made a gray pocket. The pocket was so mysterious. When I let it go, I saw the squally wind and calm waves. My old grandson tried to kill the demons several times, but it was all Don't let the monster's body, thanks to the instructions of the Buddha, come to Dafengzhou to find opportunities" Wukong said. Tomato △ ☆ Small △ Shuowang-`--`--````

After listening to Wukong's words, he said to the sky: "Brother Dao, how does this treasure sound like your windsock?".

Fu Yao was shocked when he touched his waist and instantly changed his color: "My treasure is gone."

After speaking, he looked around, and Fu Yao said: "Fufeng, have you ever seen a magic weapon for being a father?".

After the words fell, there was no response, Fuyao displayed his supernatural powers and said: "It must have been the rebel who stole my treasure and went to the lower realm to be a demon. I will then capture the rebel son with the Great Sage."

After speaking, Fu Yao got up and pulled the Great Sage, and then walked towards the lower realm.

Taishidao, Taishi taught the ancestors'Bah': "Shameless, shameless, too shameless, really shameless, how can there be such shameless people in the world".

"Isn’t the calamity of this westward road a joke? It easily took my nine supreme sects, reckless, and universal luck? If you don’t be a son of man, even if you want to cheat, you can’t go too far. , So conspicuous, even if it's acting, you should be more serious, and you can't deal with it like this." Tai Dou Jiaozu spit out. □▽○Tomato☆Small○Shuowang`---``---

"Buddhists don't want to be skinny at all," Tai Huang taught the ancestors.

Tai Yi Jiaozu played with the turtle shell, his eyes flashed with cold light: "Hmph, wait, it won't be long before you will die."

Unsurprisingly, Fufeng was taken away by Fuyao. After a reprimand, Wukong is not a fool, and he can probably see some clues from it.

"Too shameless" in the wild, the Fox God gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Matchmaker, you are in charge of the cause and fate, why don't you involve the little monk with the force of the cause and fate, which ruined the little monk's character, and learned from the great cause and turned into powder.

The matchmaker nodded when she heard the words: "The monk has an extraordinary background. It is not easy to fix his cause and fate, so he has broken the Dao Xin and changed the fixed number."

"It's not easy, but also try." Fox God gritted his teeth.

The matchmaker's palm stretched out, and in an instant countless illusory red threads intertwined in her hand, and they continued to rotate rapidly. Red threads continued to fly into the heavens and worlds, and then the red threads disappeared instantly and turned into nothingness. Fan▽Jiji Novel Network▽△`-````-

"Found it." The matchmaker chuckled: "If you want to hold on to the red line of cause, you have to wait for someone who is leisurely, and you have to ask your empress to condescend and step down."

"Huh?" Hearing the words of the matchmaker, the fox **** suddenly felt a hair, and a bad feeling arose.

But seeing the matchmaker chuckled: "I still need the mother to walk up and surrender the bastard."

"This,,,,, why didn't you walk around by yourself" Fox God stared at the matchmaker.

"The boy has to cast spells, besides, the boy is not charming enough, I am afraid that he can't keep the holy monk" the little fox said aggrieved.

"Well, for revenge, how can you condescend and condescend, this time I have to make this **** taste the power of this seat" The Fox God gritted his teeth, grabbed his palm in the void, but saw a red line instantly grabbed by him. Then slowly handed it over to the matchmaker: "It depends on whether your marriage avenue is powerful enough."

"Don't worry, grandma, with grandma's power, I want to cut off the red thread of cause and fate, but it's just between thoughts." The matchmaker suppressed the thread of marriage with a red hydrangea, and drew another red thread from the red hydrangea and tied it to together. Tomato Little ◇say ☆net `----`

The fox **** frowned, but didn't say anything. The little fox said: "If the empress wants to do something this time, she can't be as blatant as before. Now the Buddha has been stimulated by the empress and won't give any more. The opportunity for Niangniang to intervene on the road to heaven."

"What do you think?" The Fox God nodded thoughtfully.

"The mother might as well temporarily seal her memory and supernatural powers, how about coming down in person?" said the matchmaker.

"Is this a bit risky?" Fox God hesitated.

"What's so adventurous? As long as the empress encounters excitement, she will naturally rush to unlock the seal, restore her strength, and set things right." The matchmaker chuckled.

"In that case, it's up to you to say, I personally go to the road to the sky." The Fox God stood up and instantly turned into a streamer and went away.

Looking at the red hydrangea in his hand, the little fox chuckled, gritted his teeth and said, "Miaoxiu, see if you are not dead this time."

The road to the sky, but said that the fox **** quietly sneaked into the road to the sky, walking along the road to the sky, and it didn't take long to meet a kingdom, indeed a kingdom, a kingdom of mankind. ▽◇``

This country should be a country raised by monsters. The fox **** quietly displayed his magical powers upside down and enveloped the whole country. In an instant, everyone was caught by the fox god's magical powers, and the kingdom changed hands in an instant.

"It's strange, there are few men in this transition, and most of them are women." The fox **** patrolled the surrounding world with a surprised thought, and then he was taken aback: "It turns out that this snake monster is acting as a monster, and actually stealing from this kingdom. Yuanyang, all the men were sucked by the snake demon."

The power of the fox **** came, and the snake demon shivered: "I have seen a mother."

"I borrowed this kingdom for a while, don't you have any comments?" Fox God's voice sounded in the void.

"No comments, no comments, this country is just for the empress, just begging the empress for mercy and spare my life" The snake demon continued to beg for mercy on her knees.

The Fox God snorted coldly when he heard the words, the pressure disappeared, and the memory of the people in the kingdom changed in his breath: "Since the middle school is full of women, then change to the country of daughters."

In Yinsi, the ghost master and the prince of Yinsi stand opposite each other.

"Father God, the boy has already figured out a way to deal with the Westwalkers" Yin Si Prince said.

"What can you do?" The ghost master carried his hands.

"Encourage God Father, isn't there a metamorphic river in my Yin Division?" Prince Yin Division gave a wicked smile.

"Mechanism River?" The ghost master was taken aback, and a glimpse of astonishment flashed in his eyes: "This is too vicious, right".

"Father God, if you want to calculate the monk, you want to be silent, but there is only one way, otherwise it will alarm Lingshan," Prince Yin Si said.

"This method is good or not, but it is too vicious. If it is not done well, I don't know how much karma will be created" the ghost master hesitated.

"Karma is nothing, my Yin Division is in charge of reincarnation, and my merits are boundless, so why be afraid of karma? What's more, the Buddhist school is growing day by day. Does the Father God endure seeing the Buddha school grow and conquer my Yin Division?" Prince Yin Division said.

"Well, you go and do this quietly, don't attract people's attention, if anyone finds out, just push it out," the ghost master said.

"Father God is waiting for my good news." The prince Yinsi turned and walked out of the yamen, and said to the black and white impermanence: "Please also ask the two venerables to walk with me."

The black and white impermanence did not dare to violate, as the prince of Yinsi came to the hidden place of Yinshan, he saw a stream flowing slowly, and a spring appeared from a crack in the rock. The water was clear and sweet, revealing a strong vitality.

"This is Huasheng River. I don't know what the prince is going to do here?" Bai Wuchang said.

The Yin Si prince sneered, took out a jade bottle, put it in the spring eye, and soon saw the jade bottle filled: "Of course I came here to get spring water."

Heiwuchang said: "What is the use of this river water, except that those strong ghosts in the past cannot give birth to children, and it is used to help, it is no different from ordinary ordinary water."

"Hmph, you'll know in a while, follow me to the Yang world and turn around." Prince Yin Si sneered, and in a flash opened the barrier between the two worlds of Yin and Yang, and entered the world of I don’t know why, I always think There is a kind of inexplicable anxiety." Yu Duxiu was riding on the white horse, with a trace of weird in her eyes: "It's really weird, weird."

"Master, why are you so restless?" Wukong leaned over.

Ten days have passed since I left the cave house transformed by Fufeng. The five masters and apprentices have been among the mountains and no one can be seen.

Yu Duxiu shook her head when she heard the words: "Suddenly I feel uneasy and don't know what happened."

"Master, don't worry, all of this will be taken care of by my grandson, so it will definitely not cause an accident to Master" Wukong patted Yu Duxiu's palm, comforting.

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words, and was about to speak, when the ancestor Zhu Ba came over and said, "Master, don't worry, even if you don't have Brother Monkey, I can protect you well."

"Go, go, what else can you do besides being lazy."

Add more! After subscribing to keep up, I pushed Fox God! Roar! (The road to heaven is about to end). (To be continued.)

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