The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1621: Zimu River

With Wukong’s words, the ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly became unhappy: "Although my old pig is not as powerful as yours, but he is not a rice cooker. I do not have anything to do without this. You monkey is in addition to destroying demons and demons. Besides, what else is there?" □Tomato□○Fiction Net△□``---``---`

Hearing Zhu Ba’s rebuttal, Wukong laughed angrily: "You idiot, but you will be arrogant. In the future, there will be monsters to catch the master. You are the first to go up. I will wait for the master. ".

"Where is this place?" Prince Yinsi scanned the road to the sky with a pair of eyes, looked at the wild mountains, holding life and death in his hand.

"Prince, according to the statistics on the household registration of the yin division, there is a country here. Let's just ask a few souls to find out." Bai Wuchang said and jumped out, not long after turning back: "I checked the monsters here before. Soul, seven thousand three hundred miles to the north, there is a country, which is the Xiliang country."

"Xiliang country?" The prince of Yinsi turned over the life and death in a clatter, and after a while he said, "In this case, let's go and take a look."

When he reached the border of Xiliang country, Heiwuchang rushed out, grabbed a few souls, and then turned back: "Prince, this is not Xiliang country, it is a daughter country." □○◇Tomato Novel Network-`---`-``--``

"The country of daughters?" The prince of Yinsi looked at the life and death in his hands: "But there is no record of the country of daughters. What is the mystery of the country of daughters?".

"I don't know when it will start. In this country, all daughters are born. Gradually, the whole country has become a country of daughters. Men are rare." Hei Wuchang said, "It's weird. Heaven and earth cycle, yin and yang flow, why there is only yin here. It’s really weird not to see the sun."

After hearing the words of Heiwuchang, the prince of Yinsi put away his life and death, slapped his palm and praised: "Good place, good place".

"Why does the prince say so?" Bai Wuchang said.

"Since there are all daughters in this place, there are no men how to reproduce, just to complete this plan." Prince Yin Si climbed to the cloud head, looked at the veins, and found a surging river, the river constantly circling the whole daughter country, and the Prince Yin Si took it out. After the jade bottle, it must be thrown into the water.

"Prince no, no, no," Hei Wu on one side noticed the movements of the prince of Yin Si, and his voice changed with fright. Tomato△ novel△ net--`-`-``

The prince of Yinsi took a pause and looked at Heiwuchang, but he saw Heiwuchang and said: "Prince, this matter is not, absolutely must not be, you think about it, this metamorphic water does not distinguish between Yin and Yang, and does not distinguish between male and female, no matter what it is. If you drink something, you will get pregnant in September. If the female is enough, if the male drank the spring water, wouldn't he be suffocated alive? This thing reverses the yin and yang, and hurts the yin and yang the most. Yu Tianhe hurts. If the prince turns this The raw water is poured into the river. I am afraid that within a hundred years, it will not be able to dissolve the power of the river. At that time, within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it will become a female kingdom. If it is masculine, the yin and yang will be imbalanced, and the prince will be sinful."

"Hmph, as long as I can make Monk Sanzang suffocate, no matter how great the karma is, I am willing to bear it." The prince Yin Si shakes the palm of Heiwuchang Dao, and the jade bottle is instantly thrown into the river, turning to face one side. The black and white Wudao: "You two use magical powers to change the dreams of sentient beings. In the future, this river will be called the water of the son and mother river, and you will be informed one by one of the power of the son and mother river. If any creatures drink by mistake, it is no wonder that Up".

"If those creatures divulge the information of this river to the people who learn from the scriptures, wouldn't we be in vain and arrogantly forge such great karma" Bai Wuchang said with concern. Tomato△ Novel □ Net ○--```-

"The king is in charge of life and death, so I am naturally prepared for all this" The Crown Prince gave a faint look at the black and white impermanence: "I can't move quickly."


Black and White Impermanence responded, bowed, and began to work, secretly revising the memories of the sentient beings by the river.

Standing in front of the Zimu River, Prince Yinsi had a sneer in his eyes: "Okay, I'll wait for you to get the bait, but this matter needs to be greeted with Donghai Longjun and Gantian."

East China Sea Dragon Palace, East China Sea Dragon Lord looked at the Fu seal in his hand, frowning: "Weird."

"What's the matter" Jin Lin said on the side.

"There is a message from the Yinsi that the road to the sky will not rain, and it will be dry day and night" Donghai Longjun handed the letter in his hand to Jinlin.

"What tricks does the ghost of Yinsi play?" Jinlin looked at the letter in his hand, showing doubts.

Then Donghai Longjun said: "I don't know, but Yinsi must have big moves."

Thirty-three heavens, Qiantian sat opposite the prince of Yinsi. ☆Tomato○ Novel Network-

"I don't know what instructions the prince has to come for this trip," Qian Tian said, sitting on the throne, expressionless.

"I don't have any instructions, I just hope that in the past few years, your Majesty will not rain in the valley of the road to the sky," Yin Si Prince said.

Qiantian frowned, "The road to heaven has already left the human race Kyushu and is not within my jurisdiction. In this matter, the prince should go to the wild to find the demon gods, not to mention that there are countless great magical powers in the heavens and the earth, and they are not bound by the world. , How can I be restrained by the wind and rain."

"It won't take your majesty to worry about this, as long as your majesty agrees," the Yin Si Prince said.

"I should do it," Qiantian said without urgency.

"In that case, I bid farewell. I hope that your majesty's imperial avenue will condense the Tao fruit and become a law as soon as possible. From then on, it will not die and will not die. It will fight against the ancestors, control the longitudes and latitudes of the heavens and ten thousand realms, transcend the world, immortal and immortal." .

"Tuo Prince Jiyan" watched the prince of Yinsi go away, and said unhurriedly.

"Hehe, husband, this yin Secretary doesn't know what kind of flower intestines he is going to play with" Xi He slowly walked out of the side hall.

"It's nothing more than trying to embarrass the Buddhism on the road to the sky." Gan Tian tapped on the case.

"Oh, didn't your majesty plan to take refuge in Buddhism? Why did you agree to the request of the prince of Yin Si" Xihe asked in confusion.

"The Yin Division is embarrassed with the Buddhism. I will sell it well. If the Yin Division does not act, how can I sell the Buddhism well? The Yin Division is creating opportunities for me." Qian Tian took Xihe into his arms, up and down his hands, and walked towards the palace.

Yu Duxiu and his group stopped and stopped along the way. About a year later, there were no monsters blocking the way during this year. It was really weird. It seemed to be the tranquility before the storm, and it was terrifying.

"Master, isn't it too peaceful on this road? The calm old grandson has no bottom in his heart" Wukong grinned, his eyes full of weird colors: "It is really sad that no one has come here to be embarrassed along the way." .

"You Hohen, it's not a good thing to be embarrassed by no monsters, don't you think you want your master to be eaten by the monsters?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba hummed and retorted.

"You idiot, always deliberately misinterpreted what my old grandson said. My old grandson said that this road is obviously abnormal." Wukong glared at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

"The weather is too hot. It hasn't rained for a year. If things are abnormal, it is a demon," Sha Wujing interrupted.

Wukong waved his hand when he heard the words: "It's only a year, it's nothing. The geology is rich in this wild wilderness, and the water flow is sufficient. Isn't it a year? Even if it doesn't rain for ten or eight years, it's not a big deal, but this The hot weather and the scorching sun have suffered countless ordinary sentient beings."

"Amitabha Buddha" Yu Duxiu twirled the rosary in his hand and made a noisy Buddha's name.

The ancestor Zhu Ba heard that he was and turned to look at the Drifting Monk: "Junior Brother Sha, why did you bring down the mortal world?"

Monk Sha lowered his head when he heard the words, and said with no expression: "I missed and smashed the glass cup of His Majesty the Emperor. It's also to blame for the big brother. If it weren't for the big brother's riot in the heavenly palace, how could it be This kind of thing happened".

Monk Sha looked at Wukong reproachfully.

Wukong laughed at the words: "At that time, my grandson didn't know how to etiquette, but was ridiculed. The seven female immortals in Yaochi talked badly. My grandson thought that Tiangong never issued invitations to banquet my grandson. At that time, Xin Yuan never surrendered, so he was so angry that he did such ridiculous things. It really should not have caused such a mess."

Wukong replied at this time, naturally knowing that he had been conspired in Yaochi, Queen Mother Pan Taoyan did not entertain him, but he did not figure it out.

Among them, who was in the dark, even swept away countless flat peaches, causing himself to carry a **** pot, Wukong never figured out.

Add more! After subscribing to keep up, I pushed Fox God! Roar! (The road to heaven is about to end). (To be continued.)

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