The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1627: Goodbye hapless ghost

The blood demon is a person who knows the goods. After seeing the pure red lotus under his feet, his eyes suddenly shine. Fan▽□Jiaxiao☆Shuowang```--`-

As a supreme power, the blood demon knows where his weaknesses and shortcomings are, his own sins and causal entanglement are too great, if it were not for the help of Yu Duxiu, he has taken a tricky method, so much karma Under the entanglement, the blood demon has no way to prove the Dao, even if the strength reaches that point, it will be stuck by the law of heaven and earth because of the entanglement of causal karma.

Yu Duxiu directly cast two innate spirit treasures, Abi Yuantu, and helped the blood demon to ascend to the sky in one step, and the proof would be the highest road, otherwise the blood demon would be stuck in that realm for a lifetime.

"Hahaha, Gorefiend, your death date has come, and the sins on your body are too great to wait for your sins to be completely burned. This sinful fire will refine your innate spiritual treasures. You are sinful , Even your innate spirit treasure is a sin, gorefiend, accept your fate.” The supreme strong man in the Yin Division who holds the law of sin looked at the gorefiend in the fire of monstrous sin, and laughed wildly.

"Good baby, good baby" Seeing that the little black and red impurities in the red lotus were continuously being burnt out by the fire of sin, the blood demon's eyes lit up, and the two innate long swords instantly fell on the red lotus. The impurities in that karma red lotus are absorbed. ☆``----`-`-`-`

The impurities in the red lotus are highly toxic and useless to the red lotus, but to the blood demons on the filthy road, they are simply the supreme treasure.

The blood demon was dragged, and the supreme power among the two Yin Divisions stood in front of Yuanshi Tianzun. The ghost lord sat in front of the little monk, watching Yuanshi Tianzun coming, without any intention of doing anything.

"Oh, ghost lord, do you really want to go your own way and live with my Buddhist family?" The little Tibetan monk looked at the ghost lord with compassion.

The ghost master showed a gentle smile on his face: "It's not that I want to die with your Buddhists, but your Buddhists are born to fight against my yin. If you want to **** my yin, how would you choose? ".

"Naturally it is to kill all." The little monk lowered his eyebrows.

In the Sihailong Palace, Han Ling tapped his fingers lightly on the seat: "Even if this is the case, this seat is willing to help, but Sihailongjun is dragging it, I am afraid that it will not be able to move."

Recklessly, the eyes of the demon gods looked in all directions, and the divine light in the eyes of the tiger god: "The road to the sky is over, the Buddha's general trend is gone, and the road to the sky is over." □Tomato◇ Novel Network ``---`-`--``

Among the nine supreme sects, there are still strong ones who are quietly watching their changes, and have not done anything. Even if the Buddhists have reinforcements, they can't dream of achieving their great cause.

On the road to the sky, Yu Duxiu looked at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and Monk Sha: "Or they will give birth to heirs?".

Thinking of this, Yu Duxiu came up with some absurd ideas in her mind, and she shook her head to veto it. It’s okay for the ancestor Zhu Ba. After all, there is a ray of innate immortality in her body, which can slowly refine the power of the river water in her body. But Monk Sha didn't work anymore. If he couldn't find the water, this matter could only be forgotten.

"Calculate and count, but also to find the hapless ghost for help." Yu Duxiu frowned, but she thought of the hapless ghost. This guy has helped out the previous few times. Obviously, there is some power, as long as the hapless ghost can restrain It is not difficult for the Yinsi ghost master, Yuanshi Tianzun to suppress the other two Yinsi powerhouses with a chaotic clock, and this metamorphic water may not be impossible to retrieve.

Feeling the countless powerful gazes of the heavens and worlds, Yu Duxiu's body turned against the chaos: "This road to heaven has too many variables, it seems that I still have to go through it myself."

The current of the reverse chaos turned, leaving a fake body on the road to the sky, and Yu Duxiu was within walking distance of the world, and in a flash, he came to the cave where the unlucky ghost subdued. Fan△Ji novel network ```-``-`-`

"Jade ancestor" Yu Duxiu walked into the cave slowly, and looked at the jade ancestor who was fusing the meat Tai Sui. The meaning in his eyes was inexplicable. This fellow was actually the unlucky ghost who was powerful in the ancient times. Incredible.

"It turned out to be your kid, did you actually restore your memory?" Looking at Yu Duxiu, the ancestor of Jade instantly turned two eyes, and his eyes were full of consternation.

"Hmph, I originally wanted to take this road to the sky, but I didn’t want to make trouble. There are always troublesome people. Now that there are variables in the road to the sky, I still need to try to correct the chaos by myself. It’s just that I don’t have enough manpower. Do you want to help" Yu Duxiu came to the front of the unlucky ghost, looking at the unlucky ghost that is constantly merging, frowning: "This fusion of flesh and blood, I can help the ancestor."

"I don't need you, I'll get better by myself. This physical fusion is not the same as leisure, but a process of familiarity and control. I understand the mystery of good fortune, and I must not use external force." At this point, the jade ancestor has a pair of eyes dripping. Looking at Yu Duxiu, he said, "I feel a terrifying power in you, why don't you do it yourself". Tomato△ Novel □ Net ○--```-

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "You have good eyesight, but my big plan is unsuccessful. I am afraid that it will not be worth the loss, but it will completely ruin the big plan of the road to the sky."

"The road to heaven, what are you planning?" The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

Yu Duxiu was silent when she heard the words, and after a while, she said, "You don't need to know, I just ask if you would help me." Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor with a pair of eyes, and the jade color was flowing.

"Why do I need to do this, you can do it yourself" Jade Ancestor curled his lips.

"Me?" Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back.

"You are afraid of exposing yourself, but you can use the power of the lunar yin, and that lunar entrusts its own body to you. With your current cultivation base, it is enough to use the innate laurel that controls the lunar yin. Back then, the lunar yin was already horizontal in the ancient times. Push invincible, although the power of the ghost master is strong, and the six reincarnations are powerful, but the Taiyin belongs to the innate, immortal, immortal, detached from the world, not in the laws of heaven and earth, just restrain the ghost master, it is really one thing to drop one thing" jade The ancestor sneered.

"Well, I didn't think of this layer." Yu Duxiu's rebellious energy wove a black robe to cover her body, and the divine light of innate laurel instantly enveloped her body and walked towards the outside world.

"Hey, hey, you guys can't get cheap and forget the ancestor me, leave me a bit of rebellion." Watching Yu Duxiu walk away, the jade ancestor shouted.


A cloud of rebellious air came, and the jade ancestor turned into two big hands to catch the rebellious air, hehe smirked: "Good thing, this is a good thing, even the laws of heaven and earth can be blinded, ancestor me There are also fewer twists and turns in smelting the body."

In the Yin Division, Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the two supreme powers opposite, and the whole body was hazy: "I just need to destroy the river."

"If you want to destroy the river, you have to ask our brothers. It is said that the Bodhi Taoist friends are earth-shattering. My brothers want to ask for advice. I don't know if your Excellency is willing to give them advice?" Hehe sneered.

As the Supreme Dharmakaya, Amitabha has already transcended, and there was no reason for the Dharmakaya Yuanshi Tianzun not to transcend.

Not to mention these two supreme powers, it is the ghost master, Yuanshi Tianzun can fight, but here is the Yinsi, the opponent’s home court, and the ghost master is watching him. At this time, he is not really showing his strength. time.

"Enlighten me?" Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the two supreme powerhouses opposite, with a weird smile, the next moment the chaotic clock in his hand became bigger, turning into the size of a watermelon, suspended in front of his chest, that Yuanshi Tianzun's hand gently stretched out, where The chaos clock stroked, and a sound wave subverted the universe, reversed the yin and yang, and suppressed the supreme power among the two yin divisions.



It was just a blow but the void was solidified, and the two supreme powerhouses had no time to react at all, and they had instantly turned into powder.

Yuanshi Tianzun walked forward with no expression, but the next moment he saw the supreme power among the two yin divisions instantly resurrected, and two magic weapons in his hand floated out: "What a powerful Bodhi, worthy of being the top supreme. One of the strong, we were not prepared before, and today’s battle has just begun."

"Really?" Yuanshi Tianzun paused, looking at the two monks, a faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: "I don't know how they are called?"

"This seat is in charge of good and evil, you can directly call me good and evil," said the supreme strong man.

Regarding the progress of the book, there are still thirty to forty chapters, only about five or six calamities. Of course, it is impossible to write thirty chapters in these five or six calamities, and important plots will be interspersed. I hope you can understand more. Many people talk about water, but this There are a lot of plots to be interspersed, it is not easy to change, I will try my best, I hope you can understand, thank you for your support, I will try my best! Again, if you don’t like to watch it, go to pirate it. It’s not too late to come back after you like it. It’s okay, as long as you don’t delay the plot and jump and watch it. Those who are familiar with Jiu Ming should know that the following plot may be pushed a bit Come on, I'm afraid everyone won't understand it. For those who talk about water, I can only say something sorry! . (To be continued.)

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