The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1628: Power of Lunar, Open Heaven 2 Form

"Good and evil? Good and evil will have their retribution." Yuan Shi Tianzun muttered to himself, looking at another strong man, who said: "You can call me fear."

Primitive Tianzun nodded, looking at the spirit treasures in the hands of the two supreme powerhouses, the light in his eyes flashed: "Well, let you see the power of this seat."

After speaking, I saw the chaotic clock in Yuanshi Tianzun’s hand swaying, and the next moment I saw the sun, moon and stars in the chaotic clock. The birds, beasts, insects and fish were all alive in an instant, bursting out in an instant, and countless demon gods roared and engulfed. With the air of chaos, they came to fight against the two supreme powers.

"So strong" The ghost master in the distance looked at Yuanshi Tianzun solemnly: "Your strength is not weaker than Amitabha and Taiyijiaozu."

"Thanks to the praise" Yuanshi Tianzun walked towards the ghost master blankly.

"I just want to destroy the river, but it is wishful thinking." The ghost master's body and power flowed, and the power of the six reincarnations brewed.

"Mechanism river water? Destroy the river water? No, you thought it too simple. Now I have changed my mind. I not only want the metaplasia river water and the demise river water, but also the two springs." The void is distorted, and it is extremely cold. The meaning spreads out, which is different from the chill of chills, but a force of the most yin, freezing everything.

If you talk about yin and yang in this world, the Yin Division is also within the scope of the power of Yin.

"Tai Yin?" The fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in the void filled the sky, and the ghost master looked at the black-robed man who was coming, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"Ghost Lord, give it to me, you go to seize the river water and destroy the river water" Yu Duxiu said blankly, covered in black robe.

"Good" Yuanshi Tianzun did not hesitate to hear this, and instantly changed direction.

Many celestial demons have been planted in Yuduxiu Yinsi. Although the waters of the Transformation River and the Melting River are hidden, they can't hide from the detection of billions of celestial demons.

"Stop him" the ghost master yelled violently, and the two supreme powerhouses shot together and rushed towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

"In front of my chaotic clock, there will be no chance for you to take action." Facing the two supreme powerhouses who rushed forward, Yuanshi Tianzun kept walking, but just flicked the chaotic clock with his fingers, and the two facing each other instantly The supremely strong man was frozen, then turned into ashes, and disappeared in the blink of a finger.

"So strong" all the people watching the battle from the heavens and all realms were taken aback.


The yin and yang passage broke open, but a bead exuding the real fire of the sun suddenly fell in the void, smashing towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Teacher Taiyi?" Yuanshi Tianzun paused, and his palm lightly flicked the chaotic clock: "In front of the chaotic clock, time has stopped, not to mention you, if it weren't for me, this chaotic clock is still the last step and there is no sacrifice. After the refining is completed, how can this seat lie dormant in the small Lingtai Fangcunshan".

Yuanshi Tianzun showed disdain, but the next moment he saw that the sun real fire bead stopped three feet in front of the chaotic clock, the void was distorted, and the time and space were frozen. The supernatural powers of the Taiyi ancestor can no longer fall.


Another bell rang, and the innate spirit treasure of the Taiyi Ancestor was instantly knocked into the air. The bells continued to sound, lingering along the sun's true fire beads and attacking the Taiyi Ancestor's body.


A muffled hum resounded in the heavens and ten thousand realms, and the primitive Tianzun kept walking, and soon came to the place where the river was.

"You are not too Yin, who are you?" The ghost master looked at the opposite figure solemnly.

"I am not too Yin?" Yu Duxiu said.

"The lunar reincarnation has been reincarnated. Although I can't find the trail of the lunar, I can feel that the lunar is still not awakened. You are not the lunar, who are you? You stole the power of the lunar fairy, and once the lunar fairy awakens, it will be you At the end of the day, if you give me that innate laurel, this seat will protect your life.” The ghost master looked at the osmanthus floating in the sky, and a flash of greed flashed in his eyes.

"is it?". Yu Duxiu smiled: "If you can beat me, this sweet-scented osmanthus tree is fine for you. If you can't win, all of this will not be mentioned."

"Six Paths of Reincarnation" The ghost master didn't say much, he started directly with his hands on his chest, and a dark whirlpool formed instantly, which continued to circulate.


A delicate palm stretched out from the sleeve, and instantly hit the ghost master's chest. Looking at the palm through the six reincarnations, the ghost master's eyes were full of disbelief.

That palm is directly inserted into the black hole of the six reincarnations, without any hindrance, just like the six reincarnations in the chest of the ghost master, just an illusion, nothing more.


The ghost master exploded and regrouped in the distance, looking at the black-robed figure with an ugly expression: "Innate power, the innate power that transcends all laws, just restrains my six reincarnations."

At this time, the face of the ghost master was extremely ugly, and the little monk on one side, the King of Tibet, instantly slapped the sinful strong man who was fighting with the blood demon with a palm.


The little monk stepped back three steps, expressionless, but the sin was shocked in his eyes: "Fortunately, the power of sin is like a shadow, or I will fall into the hands of your little pudding today."

"How is it, how does this blow taste like?" Yu Duxiu's voice couldn't distinguish between men and women. It was mysterious.

"Pretending to be a **** and making a ghost" the ghost master quickly replied calmly: "The six reincarnations are useless to you, then this seat will really compete with you for some magical powers, kill you, and take the innate laurel."

As he was talking, I saw the void split again, and a dragon claw grabbed Yu Duxiu: "Xiantian Laurel? My dragon needs it."

"Jinlin?" Looking at the captured dragon claw, Yu Duxiu's complexion remained unchanged, and a finger stretched out in an instant. This finger seemed to contain an infinite world, open the world, and endless powers were brewing in it.

"The first style of opening up the world-opening up the world".


The endless void seemed to explode in this finger, turning into endless void chaos, and at this moment, an incomparable mighty force instantly passed through the chaos, it seemed that the power that opened the world, penetrated towards a dragon claw of Jinlin .


Yin justice is distorted, and the will of heaven and earth is constantly roaring. Fortunately, Yu Duxiu's innate hibiscus is not affected by cause and effect, and is detached from the world, otherwise he will suffer the backlash of Yin justice.


One of Jinlin’s dragon claws was pierced by Yu Duxiu’s finger, and the dragon’s blood dripped like a waterfall, and instantly fell on the infinite Yin Division. At this time, the Yin Division seemed to undergo an inexplicable change, and the dragon blood was instantly absorbed. The Dragon Blood Qi machine changed slightly.

"The second way to open up the world-divide yin and yang."

This refers to the yin and yang of the world. In the chaos, the innate hibiscus tree and the innate laurel itself are responsible for suppressing yin and yang. Within one finger, the law of yin and yang between heaven and earth is instantly mobilized by it. In the middle, a finger is wrapped in the power of immeasurable Yin and Yang, turning the void into reality, and instantly penetrates the void, penetrates the Yang world from the Yin Division, and moves toward the suppression of the East Sea Dragon Palace.

"What a powerful blow." In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, both Jinlin and East China Dragon Lord changed their colors, but they did not dare to let this finger explode in the East China Sea. This finger was unmatched in power. If it was true It exploded in the East China Sea, I was afraid that there were countless deaths and injuries in the East China Sea, and facing the coldness of the world, there would be no counterattack.

"I'm here" Donghai Longjun instantly turned into the supreme real body, and the dragon ball spit out, banging against the delicate fingers.


The Dragon Ball was hit by a single finger, and Donghai Longjun's body instantly Is this the true innate power? No wonder that in the ancient times, the unlucky ghosts fought desperately to kill the innate beasts, for fear that the innate beasts would grow up. Faced with the growth of the innate power, I waited for millions of years of cultivation, but I still did not occupy the peak." Everyone in the world of heaven changed their colors, and suddenly remembered the unlucky ghost desperately killing the innate beasts millions of years ago.

"Unlucky ghosts really have foresight back then, this constellation is not as good as it is." In the starry sky, Tai Yi taught the ancestor with emotion: "But I heard that Taiyin fairy is older than the unlucky ghost, and it seems that it can be traced back to the same era of Zulong. , Is not the same as the innate animal, and I don’t know if it’s true.”

"I took advantage of this finger. Xiantian laurel itself is the representative of the yin. One finger mobilizes the power of the yin between heaven and the earth, and the power of the yang will follow the clouds and the shadows, defeating the East Sea Dragon by the yin and yang law of the great world. Jun, it is normal. After all, the law of yin and yang is one of the most powerful laws in the world." Yu Duxiu looked at her fingers and thought silently. Be serious, it's obviously the road to heaven is ending, not this book! At the end of this month, don’t forget the monthly pass! ╭(╯ε╰)╮. (To be continued.)

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-eight chapters of the power of the yin, open the sky:

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