The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1629: My way is prosperous, good and evil transform

"Is this the power of the lunar yin? It's no wonder that no one dared to provoke the antiquity back then." Yu Duxiu watched as she defeated Donghai Longjun with a single blow, retracted her fingers expressionlessly, and retracted her hands into her sleeves. , A pair of eyes looked at the East China Sea, a finger stretched out again, and went to the East China Sea to suppress the Jinlin: "Today, I took this opportunity to force the details of the Jinlin. I don’t know why, facing the Jinlin, There is always a sense of crisis if there is nothing." Eight? One Chinese Network =≈≤≥≥

"Three Designations and Four Elephants".

The four phenomena, or four phases, are four forces. The first four powers, earth, water, wind and fire, are called the four phenomena.

The force of this finger follows the earth, water, wind, and fire, the universe changes, and the four elephants cycle, ignoring the defeated Dragon Lord of the East Sea, one finger is directed towards Jinlin's suppression.

Looking at the cross-border finger, Jinlin's expression suddenly changed: "I was in trouble. I thought that Lunar reincarnation took the opportunity to seize the innate laurel, and then waited for the reincarnation of Lunar to return to make a deal. Unexpectedly, it hit the iron. Ban, I don't know who stole the laurel, so he can completely control the power of the innate laurel. This time it is really troublesome."

"Infinite Chaos".

Jinlin instantly transforms into the supreme body, a palm wrapped in the power of chaos, collapses the void, grasps wherever it passes, the water, wind and fire shake instantly between the world and the earth, the five elements of yin and yang collapse, the law is in chaos, facing that The power of the four elephants greeted him instantly.


The fingers and palms intersected, and they exploded in an instant.


A golden divine light flashed across the void, the scales did not hurt Yu Duxiu’s men, but were cut off by the punishment guillotine. A dragon's claw broke instantly and fell to the ground, turning into nourishment and nourishing the damaged party. Sentient beings.

"I still have important things to do with you today. I don’t have time to entangle with you. In the future, it’s up to you." Yu Duxiu slowly retracted his palms, looking at the endless void, and sneered at the corners of his mouth: "Tai Yuan Jiaozu, Could you please taste the attack of this seat."

"Fourth Formula---Five Elements Derivation".

This finger, the five elements looped intertwined, had no flaws, and seemed to be the most flawless law between heaven and earth. Facing this finger, the ancestor of Taiyuan was blank, and subconsciously suppressed it with the Five Elements Ball.


The five-element round beads flew instantly, and this finger fell on the Taiyuan Jiaozu's body, instantly exploding the Taiyuan Jiaozu.

"Five formulas---rules intertwined."

This finger stretched out and instantly penetrated the channel between Yin and Yang, and headed towards the starry sky.

"Taiyi teaches ancestors, you have to follow the path of deducing all the laws between the world and the earth, and everything returns to the ruins, then this seat will fulfill you and show you the power of the infinite laws" Yu Duxiu sneered under her black robe.

Amitabha pulled away in an instant, standing by, facing the rule, Tai Yi Jiaozu's expression was extremely solemn: "Destiny is king".



The long river of fate of Tai Yi Jiaozu collapsed in an instant, the tortoise shell in his hand clicked, and a slight crack appeared. His face was pale for a moment, and he looked at that finger in amazement.

"This is an absolute gap, absolutely invincible." Amitabha on the side expressed emotion.

At this moment, Yu Duxiu turned her head and retracted her gaze in the Yinsi Difu, and looked at the ghost master Yinsi on the opposite side: "You have been embarrassed with me many times and bad my plan. Leave this to you."

"The Sixth Form of Opening Up the World---The Law of Infinity".

The law of derivation will naturally derive infinite, unpredictable, tyrannical, and unchangeable. This is the law of infinity.

The law of infinity is also the realm that Yu Duxiu has understood the world at this time. As for the next realm, although Yu Duxiu has some guesses, he has not cracked the countless laws. I don’t know what the next realm is. .

It can be said that Yu Duxiu's tricks at this time are the realm pursued by the great powers after taking off. If you understand it, you can understand it, and if you don't understand it, you don't understand it.

Today, the world has not been completely opened up by all the powerful people who have escaped from the realm. The first type of groundbreaking has not been completely completed. It is just a half-handed person. How can they understand the depth of the jade unique state.

At this time, Yu Duxiu's attack gave everyone a guide, a guide to the way forward.

"Zulong" Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered: "Although I don't know what you are calculating, as long as the supreme powers continue to break through and become stronger, this world will be more complete, and your will and conspiracy will not Succeeded".

This sixth infinite law instantly drove the ghost master into the deepest part of the Yin Division, and disappeared without a trace. After the six strokes were completed, the boundless heaven and earth luck fell.

To be a master of heaven and earth and the law of all beings naturally has infinite merits.

"That's it, that's how it is, after hearing the Tao, Xi can die." Taiyi taught the ancestors to slowly condense, and his eyes looked at Yinsi, revealing a fanatical color: "It turns out that the road ahead is not broken, but there is still It’s a great realm, but unfortunately, my cultivation level is limited now. I just watched the opening up, and I haven’t seen the rest of the tricks clearly. If the breeze blows, I’m not sure, but I finally know that the specific direction after this off is a good thing. ".

"The heavens are mighty, our generation is prosperous." Yuan Shi Tianzun in the Yin Division smashed the two Yin Division supreme powers with a blow, and the Chaos Clock suddenly cast a blindfold at the spring.

"Quickly stop him, this servant is going to uproot the water, and even move away with the spring." Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun's movements, the supreme powerhouses in the Yin Division were panicked and shot.

"It's useless, it's just a praying man's arm blocking the car." Yuan Shi Tianzun smiled disdainfully, swiping his palm, and the quasi-superior powers were instantly bounced off.

"Life and death are impermanent."

At this moment, the black and white impermanence's eyes flashed a killing intent, the black and white impermanence of the innate immortal aura actually condensed together in an instant, a black and white entangled chain actually ignored the world, ignore the defense of Yuanshi Tianzun, and instantly entangled Yuanshi Tianzun's body.

"How is it possible?" Looking at the chains on his body, Yuanshi Tianzun's expression changed: "I am always on the threshold of the present time and the past. How did these two supreme powers find the true body of this seat?"



This move is not Yuanshi Tianzun, but Yu Duxiu's body. I don't know what secret method was used by this black and white impermanence. It actually penetrated the long river of time in the dark, ignoring everything, and found his own according to cause and effect. Where you really are.

"Damn, ant-like things, dare to provoke this seat." The supreme strong without the innate spirit treasure, facing the quasi-superior, may not be able to take advantage of it. At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun’s chaotic clock charges Turning out the water, he was entangled by the impermanence of black and white for a while, unable to clone himself.


At this time, the void was distorted, and the little Tibetan monk walked out of the long river of time, and instantly came to the black and white impermanence, with his palms gently pressed against the black and white impermanence's chest.

This palm moves slowly, but I don't know why, but I can't dodge or make any defenses.


The black and white impermanence, the congenital immortal aura collapsed, and was instantly bounced out by the Ksitigarbha king.

"What a terrifying little monk" Black and white impermanence is really facing the Ksitigarbha only to know the horror of this little monk, why every time the ghost master needs to personally suppress it.

"Good and evil will be rewarded." At this time, the good and evil stood up, and the whole body showed good and evil circulation: "Your maliciousness to me will turn into goodwill, and your attack will turn into blessing. Good and evil are omnipotent. Good and evil are everywhere".


When Yuanshi Tianzun’s shot fell on the power of the supreme good and evil, it was obviously the power to kill, and it turned into a blessing. I saw that the power of the good and evil was actually increased in an instant.

"Faced with this kind of **** law, we can only suppress it by force, otherwise the other party is already invincible." Yu Duxiu showed no expression and stepped forward: "Leave it to me, this seat is in charge of the innate power and escapes from the world. , Do not stick to cause and effect".

While speaking, she saw Yu Duxiu's palm gleaming with blue light, and pressed it towards the strong man.

Facing the black robe Yu Duxiu, he dared not care about good and evil, and his eyes were full of dignity. The previous ghost master was a lesson from the past. Facing the black robe man who didn't know the details, the one who dared to careless. (To be continued.)

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