The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1630: Collect spring eyes, berserk ghost master

"boom". ?

Although the law of good and evil has already operated its own laws, it is still not guarded. Yu Duxiu's imperial envoy is the power of the lunar yin, born in the chaos, before the world, not subject to the laws of heaven and earth, the law of good and evil is simply impossible. However, in an instant, Na Shan deteriorated into ice sculptures, and then exploded in his breath, turning into ice ballast everywhere, all flesh and blood were frozen, and it was wishful thinking to regain his true body in a short time.

"What a terrifying supernatural power, what a terrifying innate power, is this Dacheng's innate power? There is no cause and effect at all." Yu Duxiu frowned, and a deep worry rose in her heart: "I can Do this, can Zulong do the same."

Thinking like this, Yuanshi Tianzun on one side had already come to the end of the collection of the water.

"Get up for me" Yuanshi Tianzun shouted angrily, but saw that the entire river that melted the water and the source was instantly wrapped in the chaotic clock, the chaotic air intertwined and uprooted.


There was a roar from the depths of Yinsi, and then he saw a giant hand hitting Yuanshi Tianzun, covering the sky and sun.


The six reincarnations in the void revolved in an instant, Yuanshi Tianzun held the chaos clock, retreated in an instant, and let Jade Duxiu out.

"I'm going to collect the metamorphic water, the ghost lord will leave it to you."

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Six reincarnations overlap four."

The ghost master of Yin Si roared, but saw that the six reincarnations began to overlap, and the whole reincarnation instantly turned into two holes.


Yu Duxiu's blow was completely absorbed by the six reincarnations. The two holes seemed to be a great mill, constantly rotating, obliterating Yu Duxiu's power.

"Yes, not bad power" Yu Duxiu clapped her hands in praise, a vigilance flashed in her eyes.

Last time, the ghost master was still the third of the six reincarnations. Unexpectedly, it has already begun to reincarnate in four layers. It should be able to break away from the world and reach the realm of the Taiyi Cultivation Ancestor, even far away from the Taiyi Cultivation Ancestor.

Yu Duxiu's face was solemn, and the light in her eyes flashed: "Terror, a terrifying power, four layers of reincarnation, even my innate strength, can't be easily shaken."

When Yuanshi Tianzun collected the water, the confrontation between the supreme powers had ceased, and even when Yuanshi Tianzun collected part of the water, the intrigue of the Yinsi had been broken.


Amituo pushed away Taiyi Jiaozu with a palm, and instantly penetrated the Yin and Yang fellows, descended into the Yin Division, stood side by side with Yu Duxiu, staring at the endless nether land.


The earth exploded, but the ghost master walked out blankly with a black robe.

This is the first time that Yu Duxiu has seen the true face of the ghost lord. He is very handsome, with a deep charm that is unique to the Yinsi. If a woman in the ordinary world sees it, she will definitely suffer from lovesickness.

At this time, the ghost master looked at the two supreme powers who came, and a trace of reincarnation in his eyes: "Leave the source of metamorphic water and vanquished water, these two kinds of river water are at your disposal."

"You said to stay and stay. Why should we listen to you? You old guy is toasting and not eating fine wine. You really don’t know how high the price is. At that time, you wanted to get some water in the yin. You don’t agree. Now The idea of ​​this seat has changed, not only to take away the source of metamorphic water, but also to take away the source of metamorphic water, and cut off these two harmful things." Yu Duxiu sneered in the black robe.

"Asshole, this is the Yin Division, not a place where you can go wild. If you don't leave the two source of water, even if this seat is eroded by heaven, you will have to pay the price." The ghost master's eyes flashed coldly.


The void vibrated in the distance, but saw the Yuanshi Tianzun chaotic clock shrouded, instantly covering the source of the metamorphic water, and the entire river of metaplastic water flowed back, surging into the chaotic clock.

"Well, well, you, how big the power of the Buddhist school, are the three powerful people who are out of realm bullying me?" The ghost master was anxious at this time.

"Yes, it's just to bully your yin division. If your yin division is capable, you can just fight back." Amitabhas said unhurriedly, almost choking the ghost master to death.

"Looking for Death" the ghost master's face was distorted, but the next moment saw the void shaking, a trace of energy escaped from the ghost master's body, and it was instantly integrated into the void, the next moment the ghost master showed a painful color, and the surrounding world law instantly Rage, like a chain reaction, the two of Yu Duxiu have been enveloped in the breath.

"No, the ghost master is mad, and if he provokes the Yin justice, he will resonate, and he is not afraid of being transformed by the Yin justice."

In response to the turbulent laws in the Yin Division, Yu Duxiu suddenly changed her color, and without hesitation, he and Amitabet together penetrated the void and fled out embarrassed.


The Yin Judiciary retorted, and Amitabha spouted a mouthful of golden blood, his face like golden paper.

"Huh? My Innate Laurel seems to be unaffected by the laws of heaven and earth." Yu Duxiu walked out of the Yin Division, feeling the violent rules in the Yin Division, and under the protection of the Yin Division, she didn't have any harm.

"Well, if you are not affected by the Yin Judicial Law, then you will completely collect the metamorphic river water." Yu Duxiu's eyes showed ecstasy. The next moment he penetrated the Yin and Yang channel with a palm, and saw the precarious Yuanshi Tianzun in the Yinsi's violent law .

"Leave it to me, you go back first."

When the deity of Yu Duxiu came, Yuan Shi Tianzun's mouth spewed out a chaotic blood, and fled along the channel opened by Yu Duxiu.

"Come for me."

Yu Duxiu controlled the Chaos Clock, and the light in his eyes flashed. At this time, the Yin Judiciary was violent. The supreme powers of the Yin Division all came to Yu Duxiu, and the blood demon in the distance had already jumped into the blood. , Mingzhe protects himself and throws Yu Duxiu here.


A pierced branch appeared in Yu Duxiu's hand. Watching the four supreme powers killed by Qi Qi, Yu Duxiu's right hand stretched out in an instant, her crystal clear fingers flicked against the chaotic clock, and the bell rang instantly. Sweeping the Yinsi, the turbulent laws of heaven and earth are instantly solidified.


The branches of the Innate Hibiscus tree were fiercely pulled down, and the four supreme experts burst open instantly.

"Die for me" The ghost master controlled the six reincarnations and came towards Yuduxiu Town to kill.

Looking at the ghost master, Yu Duxiu looked helpless: "It's really a **** trick. This trick is too dangerous. I rely on the innate support of the mulberry tree. If it is broken and protected by the ghost master, my life will be explained. I'm here now, I can't take this risk."

Thinking of this, the power of Yu Duxiu's innate hibiscus suddenly poured into the Chaos Clock, but saw that the Chaos Clock's power instantly increased, and the entire metamorphic spring water was instantly sucked in.

"Run away".

When Yu Duxiu sees it well, he closes and immediately retreats, following the yin and yang channel, running out like joy.

"If you want to run, leave it to me."

At this time, the state of the ghost master is obviously abnormal, and the justice of the underworld is affected by it. Countless powers are blessed in the six reincarnations, but they see that the six reincarnations turn into two manic vortexes, an unmatched suction sweeping towards Yu Duxiu. Come.

"not good".

Feeling the stagnation of the figure, the sinking of the movement, the whole person wants to fall towards the six reincarnations, Yu Duxiu suddenly lost her color, she is not really the supreme power, if this falls into the Yinsi, the ghost master and others are now State, even with the support of innate laurel, there is no way to survive.

"There is no way, I can't stop the ghost master's trick. I finally know that the unlucky ghost faced the Yinsi ghost master and had to retreat in the Yinsi." Looking at the red-faced ghost master, Yu Duxiu's heart suddenly rose. There was a trace of regret, it seemed that I was a little too greedy this time.


A silver-white horse came from above the Yinsi channel, and the voice of Tai Su taught ancestor: "Grab."

The Yinsi channel cannot withstand the fight of the supreme power. The prerequisite for a fight is to spend a lot of strength to fix the Yinsi channel. It is obvious that the injured Amitabha and Yuanshi Tianzun are not strong enough. If it is in the Yang world, it would be better to say that now Yu Duxiu has just Stepping on the Yin Division channel, the whole person is still in the Yin Division, even if the opponent is as strong as Amitabha, it is too late to make a move, and he is powerless.

Fortunately, the innate spirit treasure of Taisu's ancestor was indeed good. Yu Duxiu grasped the innate spirit treasure without hesitation, and was instantly dragged by the innate spirit treasure.

"What a heavy power" At the other end of the Yinsi channel, Yuanshi Tianzun, Amitabha and Taisu. Chaotian and Fuyao grabbed the ribbon together and kept dragging Yu Duxiu. 8

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