The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1631: The dust settles

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"Want to run?" The ghost master sneered, his eyes crazily looked at Yu Duxiu and the successive ribbons, the murderous intent flashed crazily in his eyes, and two reincarnations came towards Yu Duxiu's suppression in an instant.

Feeling the crazy attraction in the underworld, Yu Duxiu's complexion was gloomy, no wonder that the unlucky ghost had to flee back then, because of the crazy power of this ghost master, that one can stand it.

"There is no way, it seems that the natural laurel wood body can still be used" Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with icy blue crystals, but the next moment a crystal clear statue appeared in her hand, as if it was a crystal, and it suddenly moved downwards The ghost master brushed over.


The pull of the power of reincarnation was interrupted by Yu Duxiu with a blow from the innate hibiscus tree, and the dry branches in the hands of Amitabh above also broke out at this time, instantly piercing the Yin-Yang channel and suppressing it toward this place.


The void trembled, and the Great Thousand World trembled for a while, the silk wrapped around Yu Duxiu's waist, took the opportunity to escape from the Yin and Yang channel, and returned to the world of Yang.

"Horrible" At this time, Yu Duxiu wore a black robe, and a thrilling color appeared in his eyes: "The ghost master is crazy."

"It's really crazy. Ghosts don't have this kind of madness. In the ancient times, it was difficult to escape the evil hands of the unlucky ghosts. It is not the ghost master who occupy the Yin Division, but the unlucky ghost." .

It is also fortunate that this silk is the innate spiritual treasure of Taisu's ancestor, and it is extremely strong. If it is exchanged for a treasure, it will inevitably be broken by the violent pulling force in the Yin Division.

Seeing the yin and yang channel slowly closing, with the scarlet eyes at the other end of the Yin Division, Amitabh smashed his mouth: "Looking at the crazy look of the ghost master, how do you feel that we are passively responding to the enemy, but now we are the perpetrators. ".

"Don't say so much, the three masters and apprentices on the side of the daughter country are about to be unable to support them, so they quickly told them to drink the water." Yuanshi Tianzun flicked his finger, but saw two winding rivers flashing out towards Amitabha floated over: "This thing is for you. This metamorphic water and dissolving water are incredible treasures for the Yin Division. If I hold it in my hand, I will not be at peace in the future. I don’t want to suffer from unreasonable disasters, which involve your cause and effect.”

"You are too careful." Amitabha shook his head, the Pure Land World opened up, included the two rivers, and turned around and bowed to everyone: "Thank you all the fellow Taoists for their help, not much to say, the monks have no retribution. If there is anything, just say hello."

Chaotian and the others nodded and turned to their own territory.

To be honest, if Yu Duxiu had not sent a letter to herself at that time, saying that she would help the Buddhists, the people would not be okay to look for trouble and wade through this muddy water.

In the Zimuhe, the master and disciples drank the extinguishing water, all collapsed to the ground, showing the color of the rest of their lives, Yu Duxiu turned quietly at this time, and a mysterious yellow gas entered the body. Shi You Yu Duxiu said with lingering fear: "A big man gives birth to a child, this river is too evil, Wukong, can there be a way to purify this river so as not to poison all beings".

Wukong smiled lightly when he heard the words, and leaned over: "There is no need to worry about the master, the Buddha has already taken action to purify the river water. In the future, the river water will no longer have this effect, and it is no different from ordinary river water."

"Amitabha Buddha, good and good" Yu Duxiu silently chanted the Buddha's name.

But seeing that Wukong turned around and looked at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and Sha Wujing, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba chuckled: "Fortunately, fortunately, my old pig escaped."

Sha Wujing also had a lingering fear: "Who would have thought that the heavens and all realms actually have such evil things, it is really incredible."

"Master, there is still a lot of river water in our pot at that time. If the master is looted by the goblin in the future, just drain the metamorphic water in, and keep the goblin asking for grandpa, and the one who told grandma will send the master out." The ancestor Zhu Ba turned his eyes and instantly grabbed a bag of water sacs, displayed his magical powers, and hid him: "Good thing, good thing, if this thing is used well, it is a big killer."

"Several elders Hong De Qitian, I didn't expect to avoid this catastrophe." The old man sighed: "In the past few years, many people have died in the river valley of my Zimu River. I will also lose my life."

"Today this scourge is wiped out, you must remember that I am waiting for the merits" Wukong laughed.

"That is, that is, the elders don't worry, the elders don't worry," the old man said.

"This time, you have sold a great favor from the Buddhist school. In the future, as long as you don't die by yourself, the Buddhist school will surely protect you." Xi He looked at Qiantian, playing with a grinding rock with his fingers, his eyes seemed to be talking. In general, it keeps turning around.

Gan Tian chuckled softly when he heard the words: "Naturally, but this time I am afraid that I can't hide the eyes of the Yin Division, and I am afraid that there will be a break between the Yin Division and the Yin Division. In this catastrophe, the Yin Division has lost the metamorphic water and the disappeared water. Part of this account must be kept on my head."

"What's wrong with that, here is the Yangshi, your majesty has the blessing of the enshrined gods, immortality is immortal, and now your majesty's imperial avenue is about to cross that threshold, the Yin Division can't turn over any waves, and your majesty is already invincible." Xihe came over, with a weird look in his eyes: "The concubine is really curious. Why does your majesty know that there is metamorphic water and destructive water in the Yin Division? Such secrets are not waiting for the quasi-superior. know".

Qian Tian chuckled lightly when he heard the words, without changing his face: "I sit in the heavens and control the longitudes and latitudes of the heavens. There is infinite power and the things of the great world. I can't escape my induction. Yin and Yang are in harmony, but they are opposed to each other. Knowing the yang, naturally knowing the yin, these things are not difficult for me, not difficult."


In the Yin Division, the hall of the ghost master was in a mess.

"Diantian" the ghost master yelled to the sky, his voice was filled with endless killing intent: "I want you to die, I want you to die".

"Father God" Prince Yin Si called from one side.

"What are you doing?" The ghost master stopped screaming, and looked at the prince of Yin Si with scarlet eyes.

Seeing the mess, the prince Yin Si sighed softly: "Why is this the father God? Since the matter has become a foregone conclusion, let this matter be written down for the time being, there will be retribution in the future."

"Retribution? As long as the Human Race's enshrined gods list is immortal, Qiantian will be immortal, and the life span is endless. How can we retribute?" In the eyes of the ghost master, murderous arrays: "That Miaoxiu is really a malignant tumor in the heavens and thousands of worlds, actually creating this This kind of thing that goes against yin and yang is really an improper son of man, and we should have taken advantage of its lack of success in the past to get rid of it early."

"The vicissitudes of life, only my Yin Division will live forever" The Yin Division Prince chuckled slowly helped the ghost master to his feet, picked up countless pens, inks, paper and inkstones, and a sly flash in his eyes: "There are many gods and fathers. Worrying about it, now the race war is about to break out, and the storm is about to come. After that race war, whether the human race wins or loses, the gods will be knocked down by the ancestors of the human race, and it will not be left to my Yinsi."

"Now that there is a penalty guillotine, the ancestors may not be able to gain the dry sky in no way." The ghost master recovered his tolerance, and the whole body was tranquil as if it were an abyss, sitting on the case table.

"Father God must not worry too much. The penalty guillotine is not the punishment guillotine of the sky, but the law between heaven and earth. There has not been a violation of the law. How can the punishment guillotine fall? Only if someone breaks the law, can the sky be able to command the punishment guillotine." Sneered: "Qian Tian has now completely taken refuge in Buddhism. These nine supreme sects and Buddhism still have a long battle. In fact, the result of the race war between recklessness and human race is already foreseeable. The human race will be defeated. The nine supreme sects will not give the nine supreme sects a chance to develop".

Hearing what the devil said, the ghost master's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and after a while he said: "What do you say over the world?"

"Han's strength is getting stronger and stronger. It would be good if the four seas can protect themselves." Prince Yin Si sighed helplessly.

"Trying to find a way to find the trace of the unlucky ghost, the unlucky ghost must have returned against the sky now, but I don't know how much strength has recovered." The ghost master rubbed his chin.

"Does the Father God want to do something to the unlucky ghost?" The Crown Prince was taken aback.

"It's not against the unlucky ghost, but to help the unlucky ghost recover its strength. If the unlucky ghost recovers, these heavens and worlds will be even more enthusiastic, and it will be necessary to settle the old accounts at that time," the ghost master gloated.

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