The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1632: Daughter Kingdom, Pink Jie

"Master, if it's not early today, let's go to the daughter country early, replace the paperwork, and go through Kansai quickly." Sha Wujing stood up at this time, and after finishing a bag, he looked at the sky. It was almost noon, but with the white dragon horse, it was only a long time to reach the daughter country.

Wukong, Yu Duxiu and others are not waiting to speak, but listen to the old husband on one side: "Several elders, the kingdom over there is replaced by the Xiliang kingdom. After you get there, don't talk about the daughter kingdom, otherwise you will be That countryman thinks that if you look down on women, you will inevitably besiege you.

"Thank you for the reminder, Lao Zhang," Yu Duxiu was stunned when he heard the words. It was like the names of the people in the past. Xiliang country is a big name, and daughter country is a nickname. You always call others a nickname but it is not good, unless you are familiar.

After the five masters and apprentices bid farewell to the coming fathers and villagers, they swayed towards the daughter's country trip.

It was only half a day's work, and it had reached the boundary of the daughter country.

The men of this daughter country have been sucked up by the snake demon and turned into corpses. At this time, in the city, there is not a single mature man except for some old, weak and sick men. It seems that the whole country is full of sorrows. The four masters and apprentices entered this daughter country, attracting countless women and ladies to look around. Nowadays, men are a scarce item, especially the lady who is waiting to be married in her boudoir. Suddenly Seeing this middle-aged man, even a monk, his heart was full of joy.

The four masters and apprentices looked at the countless pairs of ‘hungry’ gazes along the way, as if they had entered a pack of wolves and did not dare to stay for a long time, and went straight to the daughter’s national capital.

"Master, all the people in the city call this place as the country of their daughters, and the border land for people outside the city is called Xiliang Country here. It's really weird," Wukong said in surprise.

"It is extremely, it is extremely. There are no young men in this place, but it is really a place of bliss. I really want to stay here for a lifetime." The ancestor Zhu Ba saw countless graceful women on the road at this time, his eyes revealed The divine light and the greedy color of the eyes leaked out.

"You idiot, you are still my Buddhist disciple. My Buddhist disciple is pure and clean. You are so greedy and beautiful, but it's not good." Wukong turned around and reprimanded the pig sound, and looked at Yu Duxiu in return: "Master, I saw that this daughter had a demon-like stay in the middle school. I am afraid that there will be accidents. I still need to be careful."

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words, and looked at the tribulations that gathered again in the void, and the light in her eyes flashed: "I know, Wukong can rest assured that he knows the teacher."

"Enlighten the king, four monks from the middle domain have come outside the door, and want to ask to see the king and change the customs clearance document" someone outside the door called.

In the magnificent palace, there is a lady dressed as a man dressed as a man, and a lady dressed as a man sitting on the golden throne of the main hall, with endless joy in her eyes, charming all beings in the sky, where the gaze passes is full. Both the civil and military clubs are full of spring hearts, even if they are both women, when facing the eyes of the king, they cannot bear to burn.

"The monk from the middle domain? Come in, this king just happened to be free recently, and he has nothing to do. Ask the monk to come in," the king said.


Not long after, the four masters and apprentices of Yu Duxiu entered the hall, feeling the mighty calamity in the void. The pink color flowed in this calamity, but it was called Yu Duxiu. It was the first time I saw such a pink calamity. Over.

"I have seen your Majesty."

Don't look at any evil, Yu Duxiu and the others dared not look at it, bending over and performing a Buddhist ceremony.

There was only a gentle sound, which instantly made people feel angry. The ancestor Zhu Ba and Sha Wujing shivered and his pants got wet.


Wukong laughed secretly, Yu Duxiu pretended not to know, but also trembled, and almost lost Yuanyang.

"Holy monk flat body."

Just this sentence, how can there be a variety of styles, tenderness, charm and unparalleled charm, soul-stirring, and turbulent.

It seems that he did not see the gaffes of Old Patriarch Zhu and Monk Sha in his eyes. The king said: "The holy monk is a guest from afar, so let’s go and rest for a while, take a bath, and later this king will host a banquet to the holy monk and listen to it. The holy monk told me about the joys of Middle-Earth. I have stayed in this daughter country all my life, but I have never gone out."

"Yes." The four of them bowed and left the palace, but they couldn't help but laugh when they heard Wukong's'poof'. That Sha Wujing and Zhu Ba's ancestors burned like fire, and they couldn't wait for a seam on the ground to get in. , So as not to be embarrassed.

"Master, your concentration is really extraordinary. Even Bajie and Wujing two brothers, as practitioners, have lost the Yuanyang and lost their attitude on the spot, but you are not moved. You are really hard-hearted. He has reached the realm of immobility." Wukong looked at Yu Duxiu, his eyes showing admiration.

The ancestor Zhu Ba looked ugly at this time, and kicked toward Wu Kong: "You monkey who suffered from plague, dare to tease my old pig to see if I will not fight you hard."

Then Wukong said: "You have lost your attitude, how can you be afraid of others? The king of the daughter country has a lot of styles, let alone you, even my grandson's heart ape almost overthrew the Five Elements Mountain again and lost control."

Wukong's eyes showed a look of wonder: "If it weren't for this woman's mortal womb, my grandson would really think it was the divine person who came to test my grandson."

After speaking, Wukong shook his head and his eyes were amazed: "If you ask a monk to meet such amorous feelings, you will have to bow down under the pomegranate skirt. If Miaoxiu and Gantian met this woman back then, they wouldn’t have Wen Yingji. , Wenrouxiang, Hero's Tomb, it's really song and tear."

Hearing what Wukong said, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba smiled, looked at Yu Duxiu vaguely, but saw that Yu Duxiu's eyes were gloomy in an instant, and waved his hand to Wukong: "You Hoho, don't arrange others behind you. All the great powers of the heavens and all realms have immeasurable magical powers, and holding names must have induction. If you cause trouble, see if I recite the Tightening Mantra dozens of times."

Wukong chuckles when he hears the words: "Master, don't worry about it. If it is an ordinary monk, my grandson can easily beat him. If it is the supreme strong, the Buddha will naturally be the master."

Talking and laughing, the four masters and apprentices, under the guidance of the waiter, began to take a bath to stop the evening, but they heard a maid say: "Please, please."

The four masters and apprentices got up and went to the dinner.

But seeing that in the banquet, there are all kinds of materials, the class is full of everything, all kinds of tricks are countless, no need to eat, just a glance at makes people intoxicated, Already feel full.

"I have seen your Majesty" Yu Duxiu saluted the queen, not daring to look at it. This woman is indeed intoxicating, and it is difficult to look away at a glance.

"A few elders, please sit down." The queen stretched out her hand, and it was like a magnet for a moment, attracting everyone's attention, so that both the Eight Precepts and Wujing were all looking at the nose, nose and heart. A pair of eyes looked at Zhaiyan.

"The elder is a guest from afar, I respect the elder a glass of vegetarian wine" the queen said.

Yu Duxiu couldn't refuse. After drinking the wine, he heard the queen say: "The elders watch my banquet. In order to welcome the arrival of several elders, I specially dispatched fifty royal cooks and invited famous masters in Beijing to make these 49 cakes. The dishes are all fine products. This rice noodle is the wild rice in the mountains. It has been refined by the sun and the moon. It is best for the human body to eat. This dish is all rare and wild game, cooked by the hand of a master. , Also invite a few elders to taste."

"Thank you for the hospitality, Your Majesty, my grandson is not welcome." Wukong grinned and started eating when he lifted his chopsticks.

"It's delicious, delicious, really delicious, such a banquet, even a banquet in the sky is not comparable to it, delicious, delicious, delicious." Old ancestor Zhu Ba did not dare to look at the queen, but he paid attention They were all put on the banquet.

The queen looked at Yu Duxiu with her eyes like waves, and smiled gently: "The elders, please have fast food."

"Come on, taste the eight treasures of this material, Mingzhen." The queen held a soup spoon, her delicate hands were so charming, she scooped a spoonful of juice for Yu Duxiu, and fell into the bowl in front of Yu Duxiu: "Please also the elders Taste, how is the craftsmanship in my country, you can reach Zhongyu".

ps: This time I really want to push the Fox God! (To be continued.) 8()

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