The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1637: God

The demon gods in the wild are actually quite curious in their hearts. The fox **** has always been shrewd and rational, and what has happened to him actually made this fox mad, screaming up to the sky, and dying of it to start with people.

However, all the truths of the heavens and myriad worlds, except for those involved, have been buried in time and space, and the truth can no longer be explored.

In the bottomless pit, Yu Duxiu suddenly smiled bitterly when he watched that Yu Yong sent someone to change his clothes. Recently, there are indeed a lot of rotten peach blossoms, which is extremely troublesome.

After Wukong soared through the clouds and rode in the fog, he finally discovered the existence of the bottomless pit, lowered the cloud head, but saw that his two juniors were recuperating, but they couldn't help.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba hummed and said, "Really, how could the fox god's servant suddenly appear in the daughter country and go crazy. If this woman becomes crazy, it will be terrifying. Fortunately, a senior brother was wearing it before. The fox god’s attack, otherwise our brothers are afraid that it will be over, and all of them will be slapped to death by the fox god."

After hearing the words of the ancestor Zhuba, Wukong's eyes flashed: "Don't worry about the fox god, the two juniors quickly rushed for me, and my old sun found the trace of the master."

"Where? The monster dared to take away the master, he was really impatient with his life. Our brother's nasty breath took the opportunity to vent," said Old Ancestor Zhu Ba angrily.

"The two brothers will come with me." Wukong drove the light to lead the way, and the three descended at the bottom of the bottomless cave, watching the black, impenetrable cave, the cold wind blowing, and the old ancestor Zhuba beat A trembling: "Brother Monkey, this cave is so deep, and I don't know how many monsters live in it. If you don't inquire about it, you will be wronged if you go down to give people food."

"You stay here, I'll be this monster for a while." Wukong held the golden cudgel in his hand and slammed the pestle to the ground. The mountain shook suddenly, and the voice rolled, spreading towards the depths of the bottomless pit: "Fairy , Come out quickly, come out quickly".

In the bottomless pit, Yu Yong was preparing to wait for Yu Duxiu to get married. Suddenly, he heard the shout from above, frowned, and floated up in the breeze: "Well, where are the monkeys, disturb my wife Qingxiu".

"It turns out to be a female monster" Wukong saw that Yu Yong only had the realm of good fortune, and he immediately relieved: "You monster, tell the family quickly. If my old grandson knows it, maybe he will leave you a way to survive. If you don't know it, don't blame it. My grandson beat you to death with a stick."

"Oh, you splash monkey, with such a big tone, you dare to say that you can kill your aunt and grandmother with a stick. The heavens and worlds can kill me with a stick. They haven't come out yet. Who are you and why come here? Auntie Dongfu called the formation." Yu Yong frowned, not timid to see that Wukong was the supreme power.

Wukong said: "I want you to know that my old grandson is the Monkey King who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago. If you know my old grandson's fame, you can quickly hand over my old master grandson, maybe you can keep you If you say nothing, you can kill it without burying it."

"It turned out to be the Ma Wen five hundred years ago. It was you who disturbed the flat peach club. The girl who caused me did not eat flat peaches. I happened to settle accounts with you today. But let's make it clear that there is no you here. "Master" Yu Yong raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

"Bi Ma Wen?" Wukong's complexion suddenly became gloomy, hitting people without slapped face, cursing people without revealing shortcomings, you slapped and exposed shortcomings, you can't play happily.

"Youkai, it depends on what you are capable of, dare to catch my master" Wukong burned with anger, carrying the stick and hitting the lady Yu Yong.

Yu Yong sneered when he heard the words: "Oh, you monkey, I have to tell you that your aunt and grandma are amazing today."

After speaking, he saw that Yu Yong was carrying the short sword and killing Wukong.

Knowing that Wukong's strength is strong, that short sword fought against the emptiness and avoiding the reality, and he was able to fight with that Wukong for a time. It is just that Wukong is the foundation of the supremely strong after all, and now he is the ape of surrender and touch According to the law, that Yuyong was a monk in the realm of good fortune, unable to reach this great sage, after more than thirty rounds, he was already lost.

"Monster, eat my old grandson with a stick." Wukong raised the stick, without any pity and pity, and instantly hit Madam Yu Yong under the stick.

Only when Wu Kong lifted the stick, he saw Mrs. Yu Yong's shadow. Only an embroidered shoe was left, and Mrs. Yu Yong was nowhere to be found.

"This monster, such an evil spell, can actually claim his life under the rule of my grandson. It's really powerful. He has some ability. I don't know that it is from that family. It is not like a mountain monster. After death, family members will come to seek revenge in the future. My old Sun Ping Bai erects the enemy.” Wukong picked up the embroidered shoes, and the old ancestor Zhu and Monk Sha also approached.

"You actually told this monster to get out of it," said the ancestor Zhu Ba.

"This monster is capable of getting rid of under the hands of senior brother," Monk Sha said.

"This monster must have ran back to the cave. The two juniors should be safe and restless. My grandson sneaked into the cave to find the trace of the master." After Wukong finished speaking, he instantly turned into a mosquito and fell into the bottomless cave. in.

This bottomless hole is bottomless. Even Wukong has flown for three hours before falling to the bottom, but seeing this cave mansion is an underground world, without a cave, orchids and grass, countless.

"It's really a good place, so full of aura, even if it's Huaguoshan, which is better than my old grandson, it won't let it go." Wukong turned into a mosquito, shuttled through the cave, showing admiration.

Back then, it was the place where the congenital flat peach trees shed their roots. It has congenital attributes. How can it be described as extraordinary? It is better than Huaguoshan.

That Wukong turned into a mosquito, just when Yu Yong forced Yu Duxiu to marry him, Wukong smiled secretly: "My master is so Yanfu, since there is no life-threatening, it is better to be safe."

Seeing this, Wukong turned to the ground, and Old Ancestor Zhu Ba leaned over and said: "How about it, have you ever seen the master?"

"I saw it, it’s just that Madam Yuyong is not an easy one. Wanting to take it forcibly, but it’s unrealistic. This Madam Yuyong’s single-handed method of death is the most difficult thing. Even if it is my grandson, he wants to kill. Weakness, I don't know how this monster has such powerful supernatural powers." Wu Kong sighed slightly.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba tugged his ears, and the sand monk on one side said, "If you are interested, you might as well go to Yaochi."

"What's the explanation for Junior Brother Sha's words?" Wukong said.

"This monster said earlier that five hundred years ago, because of the senior brother, the flat peach feast was broken, and those who did not eat the flat peaches, and those who can enter the palace must not be the general ones. They must be listed in the Yaochi, and the brothers will know when they go to the Yaochi. The heels of this monster" Drifting said.

Wukong nodded when he heard the words, and glanced at Monk Sha: "In that case, the two juniors will wait again later, and my grandson will come as soon as I go."

After speaking, he saw Wukong instantly rising through the clouds and driving the fog, disappearing without a trace, no trace of it.

At the Thirty-three Heavenly Jade Pool, Wukong rushed all the way to the front of the Jade Lake Hall, stopped, and said to the general that day: "Please tell the army to pass it on for me, and say that my grandson asks to see the Queen Mother."

"The Niang Niang had ordered, the Great Sage came here, even if you go in," the maid at Yaochi came over and said Thank you, thank you."

Wukong bowed a salute, walked into the Yaochi, and looked at the phoenix-enhanced Queen Mother, her heart trembled. She was indeed a man of the lower realm back then.

"You splash monkey, this palace didn't bother you, what are you doing here?" Miaoyu scolded Wukong as he watched Wukong enter.

Wukong sneered: "The empress joked, my grandson encountered a big trouble in the lower realm, but he encountered a fairy who has magical powers to protect the body and is very powerful for death. I heard that he had entered the sky to participate in Pantao five hundred years ago. Banquet, so I specially invited the empress to check the foundation of the fairy."

Miaoyu nodded when he heard the words, and a roster appeared in his hand. He slowly flipped through it, and after a while, he said: "It is actually Lady Yuyong."

"Niangniang knows this monster?" Wukong was immediately overjoyed when he saw it.

"The origin of this jade yong is rarely known in the heavens and all realms, but I am one of them. Fortunately, you are not reckless. If you kill Yuyong, but a major event has happened, the Buddha cannot save you. "Miaoyu glanced at Wu Kong lightly. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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